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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm IRST

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then he won against the host team and went to the final match, but in this stage , he lost two results to china and stood on the podium of the runner-up. previously, both the iranian men's and women's teams have won the championship in the team section. they were. the second world field federation announced the ranking of the athletes of this field for participation in the 2024 olympics in paris, according to which farzane fasihi and hassan taftian are injured runners. our country won the right to participate in these games. 39 plus one that was actually finalized yesterday, 40 quotas for the republic we have islamic iran in the form of 13 sports. in the opinion of karvan kamieh, these two disciplines are not quantitatively compared to before. as expected, karate has been eliminated from the paris olympics. practically we with this crowd. 40 people with 13 sports federations and
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with 75 technical staff and 10 media staff , practically a crowd of about 123 four people with the supervisory staff, god willing, we will be able to have two news for paris from the world football in the continuation of the 18th round of the national cup. the netherlands defeated romania with 3 goals in euro 2024 last night and joined the top eight teams. donin mallen twice and cody khakpo scored once for the netherlands in this match. the last match of the round of 18 was held last night between turkey and austria, and this match ended with the result 2-1 in favor of turkey. merik demiral scored both goals for the white team and michael grigorish scored the single goal for the red team. with
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the completion of 8 profitable teams to the quarter-finals , the matches of this stage will begin on friday, july 15th , on this day, germany will meet spain and france will meet portugal. on saturday, july 16th, england will play switzerland and the netherlands will play turkey. in the soccer cup of america and in the last games of the stage a group this morning in group d, brazil and colombia tied with one, rafinha for brazil and córdoba for colombia scored in this game. in the other game of group d, costa rica passed two out of one hundred paraguay in this way, colombia with 7 points and brazil with five points on the way to the quarter finals , and costa rica with four and paraguay with no points in the tournament round. they withdrew according to the schedule in
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the quarter-finals of the copa america, argentina will meet with ecuador, venezuela with canada, uruguay with brazil and colombia with panama. thank you for your support today, wednesday, july 13th 6th of dhul-hijjah, 3rd of july. in tehran, the sunset will be at 19.4 minutes, maghrib call to prayer will be at 19.45 minutes, and sharia midnight will be at 23.16 minutes. respected and dear viewers, while saying goodbye , i invite you to be a viewer of nimrozi conversation with the performance of my colleague, mr. bozornasab . in the name of god, greetings. mr.
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sadeghi, greetings, courtesy and respect to all the dear viewers of nimrozi talk , as i told you, we want to talk about the energy saving certificate, especially the energy saving certificate in the field of natural gas, which is the first certificate. it has also been issued, we want to talk, if you remember, big steel companies, petrochemical companies, in the cold season of winter, they obviously had the issue of gas supply in the past years, or if they have restrictions or rates. it was a point for them and they have a concern about their gas supply. one of the things that is done in other countries is also going to be done in our country . we want to discuss the same issue. expressing the certificate, i would like to buy savings in your presence. if you remember , we discussed it in the economy table
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, we were talking about the heaters with energy class a and b, they go to invest in that area, save money , they can receive more gas or have no restrictions, this happens. not you. the guests of the program will tell you more details, if you save on your gas consumption, you can get a savings certificate and present it on the energy exchange. get the equivalent here in the half-day conversation studio, mr. naqvi , the managing director of the iran energy exchange, is present. he will explain the details of the mechanism and offer these certificates in the energy exchange. it is possible to save gas consumption and make money through it, or the companies that need gas
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will explain in this way that they will supply gas with less restrictions. greetings and god bless both the guests of the program, but i would like permission first. to start the discussion together and go to let's see the details of an introductory report that my colleagues in the energy group are working hard. i have prepared it for you, we will see it together, we will come back, we will continue the conversation with the guests of the program, 70 % of the country's energy is supplied by gas, the most dependence in our country is on one field, and the drop in pressure and production will start in the coming years, this opinion the experts were about the country's gas situation , the major gas consumers are hesitant to invest in order to save, that we can return the power plants to the combined cycle , lower their consumption, increase their efficiency, we invest. but someone should come and give us a promise that if you come and do this, the saved gas will be saved for you. the solution was to make it profitable to save. some people say that i
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should have a certain amount of gas, for example, as an iranian , if i chose, for example, an e-grade heater, i bought it. some gas can be saved, this amount of savings is mine. mine is iranian, i can sell it to petrochemical, i can sell it to foulad. now this solution has been implemented and the first gas saving certificate has been launched in the energy exchange. today, in fact, 25 million cubic meters of gas in the peak symbol it was released in the morning. how does this certificate work? every investment in any sector, household, transportation, industry, power plant has done a plan, the savings have been achieved. mr. mendes, his chinese colleagues give him gas, the gas remittance goes to the energy exchange, he can sell it at the highest price, or he can sell it himself at any time. the winter courier wants, sir, i want 5 million cubic meters of gas today, and what
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happened in practice was that we got a license for 125 million cubic meters of gas from the planning organization so that we can sell it in the stock market. we supply and detail the first step of this certificate to replace the heaters with really efficient heaters kambaze, which we predict will generate about 9 billion cubic meters of demand over the course of 5 years. one of the projects is actually converting the hoffman bags into tunnels in the brick industry . dawood nemati , sedav sima news agency, yes , we saw and heard dawood nemati's report together, mr. naqvi, let me start with you and the question, basically , what is this energy saving certificate that we are talking about , how is it issued, and how is it reviewed? in the name of allah , the merciful, the merciful, i request your presence. well, one of the challenges
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what we have in our country is the issue of energy imbalance, which, as it was in my report, is the industry and different parts of the country in different seasons. one of the policies that can be implemented is non-price policies, in this framework energy saving certificates are awarded to those who invest in energy saving projects. a financial tool that was approved by the supreme council of the stock exchange in march 2019, and after that , the next works were done with the help of the program organization of gas company and tovanir company. and we accepted the certificate in march of last year, through the gas company , the general framework is that an investor invests in a project, an independent auditor, which is a measuring and measuring company, measures the saving
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, so called a certificate of saving. he informs us about the gas company and we issue him a certificate . in the next step, all natural and legal persons can go through the mechanism. energy exchange should purchase certificates and according to the rules posted on the energy exchange website, industries and customers who need gas during the peak period should proceed with gas delivery. according to that mechanism , they announce their request to the gas company, and they deliver the gas that is purchased through the market . we are talking about energy consumption certificates. now we are talking about gas , but it seems that this can be more than just gas, right? yes, we have allocated the certificate for electricity, but because the tovani company did not provide us with the instructions for its delivery and settlement , we stopped the acceptance transaction for other energy carriers. you say that in my mind, for example, gasoline
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comes to my mind, and there are plans similar to those of anyone he saved his gasoline and didn't use it. for example , if he comes later, he can get the cash equivalent in a market. this can be traded in such a market. a similar certificate will be issued to him. some organizations were given permission to scrap a car for a certain period of time , to provide fuel for that car in the form of a fuel certificate and exchange it in the market. thank you for your discovery, which is the first certificate in the field of natural gas that we are discussing today it has been issued. it is clear what is going to happen, especially for petrochemicals and steels. for these, which need your presence very much, it is medical gas. of course , before you answer, i invite all the viewers to stay with us until the end of this discussion and the answer. take their questions and follow us on the khabar network. please, thank you
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for being with nimrozi's conversation, mr. kashfi . let's hear your answer, please, in the name of allah, the most merciful. i would like to say hello and good day to your excellency and all the viewers of the half-day conversation. they said that the savings certificates that are to be issued in the gas sector are similar to other certificates that are issued in the energy sector. we actually created two definitions for the savings certificates, one is the peak period certificates, and some of these are the non-peak period certificates. from the peak period , it is a positive period. it reaches its highest point that according to the agreement and understanding we had with the energy exchange
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, we considered the peak period from the beginning of november to the end of march of that year and the non-peak period is actually from the beginning of april to the end of october each year. the year of the process of issuing me to this it seems that any investment that can be made from a large industry such as petrochemical industry, steel industry, metal industry, ceramic tile industry, or investors who are active in the financial fields, among the projects in one field in one industry in one part of our types of expenses that this sector can be the household sector or other sectors such as transportation, such as the sector related to the brick industry or other industries, they define their project and give this to the market secretariat, which in the gas sector is actually the fuel consumption optimization company . he is responsible for the plan there. energy
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when approved and communicated to the investor he goes, he actually implements the project and implements that plan. i would like to give an example to make it more clear, suppose that in this area , high efficiency heaters are replaced by low efficiency heaters. a steel company or a petrochemical company can come and use this capacity and potential that has been created . in fact, according to the mechanism that has been defined, veer will conclude a contract with the national gas company. and sign a contract with the heating company, that heating company will produce the heaters the subscriber's house is moved and after this verification is done, the gas company
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pays the savings certificate to the investor, i.e. the steel company or the petrochemical company or any other investor who can actually be one of the financial providers. at what price, at a creative definition price, that is, if it is saved in the domestic field with the average domestic tariff, if in the field of brick industry, with the tariff of the brick industry, then they can be traded in the stock market , or in maturities which is located at the end of the course, that is the gas they spent receive and use for themselves. it means , for example, the steel workers who have been complaining about gas cuts or restrictions imposed on them in the past years. they can make an investment, get a certificate from that place, and when , for example, the national gas company imposes a restriction , say that i have a certificate and this restriction will not be considered for me. the ministry of energy approved the approval of the presidency to deliver
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savings certificates from the limits of the cold season. are, that is, if someone is just a certificate even during the peak consumption period , national gas company is obliged to deliver this gas and it guarantees that it will deliver this gas. the stock exchange is being carried out. this guarantee may worry a percentage of investors. supposedly tomorrow , when the season turns cold, the national gas company or the government will decide to continue to give priority to, for example , the domestic sector, and will not deliver the gas to you. here's how to get in and how to secure this deal basically, the stock exchanges have formed their guarantees for this discussion , and the transparency and competition that is happening
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in this field, well, it was discussed from several perspectives. he is buying it from the gas company , he is obliged to pay that fine. the organization of the budget program is designed in its structure to request the fine from the treasury by announcing the stock exchange, which in fact is this, while we had a successful experience last year and this year. we had the same discussion with the ministry in the framework of setting up the green electricity hall niro gave a guarantee and complied, and many of the industries were able to avoid peak electricity consumption. to find freedom, for this reason, the necessary guarantees have been taken, and within the transparent framework of the stock exchange, it will be possible for the delivery to receive the acceptance. on the day of the launch, according to the mechanism of the market, the applicants set the price and the transactions were recorded. how much was the
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price of the first transaction ? it was 1000 tomans, which is about 40% higher than the highest rate available now petrochemicals is being paid, mr. kashfi , please tell me that now we are talking about big companies, steel, petrochemicals , those in the field of tiles and ceramics, all those who are big consumers, but if people want to express , they can enter and there is a subscriber that i am interested in. if your presence has consumed less than the previous period , how will it be for them ? can they also use this certificate to benefit from this reduction in gas consumption, that is, get the money ? that plans such as popularization they can be developed in the country. if i want to explain, you can see that our gas meters are not smart at the moment and we cannot read the consumption of subscribers on a daily and momentary basis
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, especially in the area of ​​sub-subscribers, although the mechanisms of the national gas company are closed. intelligentization is following, but currently there are intermediary companies that we have implemented as a pilot project last year in yazd province, and these companies actually have their data between the average expenses of each subscriber in the previous 3 years. given to them, they calculate as the daily consumption of each subscriber according to the changes in temperature, and on the other hand , they have memorandums and agreements with companies that are outside of this group, for example, such as steel companies or petrochemical companies, because the market was not formed last year. we followed the issue as an agreement and understanding between these two departments, but this year, this feature has been created that in the form of a savings certificate , the company that is a knowledge-based intermediary
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calculates the average savings of subscribers other than domestic subscribers, and the number he pays, and on the other hand, he brings the certificate to the energy exchange to. it is sold that now different industries can benefit from it. it has a great advantage, the first advantage is that in line with the realization of the slogan of the year and the discussion of popularization and participation of the people, the most important advantage is that we can actually receive the gas saved in the non-productive sector of the economy with this mechanism that has been designed. in fact, in the energy exchange, the productive part of the economy is at the disposal of the economy. increased employment and other things that can be investigated in this field. the next question was exactly the same as for you what benefit does the gas supplier have with this change that is taking place? how much can the established mechanism be helpful for the stable supply of gas for all people and industry? in this model , the model that i just explained to you, the point that
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exists is that the role of the government and governance is only regulatory, that is, the people themselves and our company, and on the other hand, the companies that buy certificates from the energy exchange. are the parties to the transaction. the good thing that it has for the government and sovereignty is that it can evaluate the gas it has in the future. blood is sold at the disposal of the industry let's say that in fact they have to pay a higher price for gas and other things such as the supply that happens to the economy, let 's be more specific, for example, the average of 100 tomans 200 tomans that is selling gas for the household sector now can not do this there, for example now, yesterday you said that 70 tomans will be 7 thousand tomans, here it will be a very long period of 6 thousand tomans , mr. naqvi, please continue this discussion. we are talking about the people, if people save money , how will they get their money, of course, i will correct it, it will benefit the people, not the government. because 6,000 tomans
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are given to this same consumer, from the point of view of the government sector, in fact, the discrepancy that exists is managed, and you can see the presentation sections and other cases. as announced. the industry of the country can buy these certificates and receive the gas on the due date and according to the framework of the exchange , when electricity is supplied, gas is actually supplied two days later, the money is deposited into that person's account. seventh and also seen in the budget is an account for energy and energy the energy optimization fund that is actually formed will have to pay a series of resources from the ministry of energy and the ministry of energy, because this fund will be only to guarantee the purchase of certificates in the market, so that all people can be sure that if
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someone buys in one day it was not these certificates that the government has seen from a series of resources that it has , it will take action on the marketing and purchase of these certificates. . kenyan scholars, mr. kashfi, also mentioned the connection i don't have it, i can make savings myself, then i will come to the energy exchange and i would like to receive the difference in your presence, not now, but its legal capacity is seen in article 46 of the law of the seventh plan . to implement using gavi sarfijoi tools , what is now will be more for large industries and companies. investors invest in important projects and with the resources they invest from their own side , for example, a person comes and these connections
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he changes the gas meters that are in the houses with high consumption, without the government spending money and reduces this consumption, and this gas belongs to the investor himself and he will sell it in the market, god willing, according to the law of the 7th plan and also the law of subsidized financing, which approved the legal regulations above, with the help of the national gas company or the power company, we can directly enter the people into this secret place, but it is not necessary that it is infrastructure like smart meters. like the help of knowledge-based companies that will be in the next steps he worked on it, that is, the infrastructure is available in the energy exchange, but the technical logistics infrastructure that should be done by the national gas company or, for example, tavanir, of course , you can put in a listening control mode, which is a step ahead and more done than gas. you have something to do in this field, mr. kashfi. you see, in order for
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khan himself to be able to benefit from this benefit independently or not, they must be intermediary companies that people can use. currently, there is no other choice but to be a series of intermediary companies that can make this work intelligently. do it , but in line with the discussion of intelligentizing the meter. gas subscribers, especially subscribers of the domestic sector , very good studies have been done in the national gas company. in fact, the initial documents have been prepared and even it was supposed that a series of pilot projects would be carried out in several regions of the country, and after their results were examined, they would be implemented nationwide in all provinces as a program project. it is planned that we will move the work forward, but this discussion. according to the importance and necessity and component.
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due to the fact that this was one of the most important plans for the transformation of the government's transformation document , it has been placed on the agenda of the national gas company and its steps are being taken, but i want to say that we did not stop the work on this issue, from the capacity of the knowledge-based companies that were used both last year and this year, we believe that this development will take place, and the issue of people expressing themselves directly participating in the optimization and reduction of consumption is on its terms. we are providing people who are saving in this area , how should they know these knowledge-based companies or make sure that a connection will be formed through your presence, so that they can work together and gain benefits. what has been designed is that those knowledge-based companies they have to design a system that, for example , the example i mentioned last year, well, the system has been designed , then they themselves go for marketing and in fact according to the limits that are available to them
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. now, there may be one or more provinces , they communicate with the subscribers, in fact, those subscribers register in that system, even in the project that is in the study phase for this year, and god willing, we hope that it will be approved by the market secretariat before the start of the cold season. some of the items that can help sustainable savings are also exposed on their site a common vision is to allow a common person, for example, to choose a heater. 3 million to prepare the higher figures and pay a part of the cost for the savings that he is doing and at the same time receive part of it in the form of cash. now , how was this first certificate that was issued, how much was its volume ? can you tell me a little more about which industry it was in, how it was supposed to be economical, how was it supposed to be , the first certificate that was actually economical was issued according to the plan for the improvement of engine houses.
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happend. we were able to get the necessary permits in order to export 125 million cubic meters of natural gas , let's issue the certificate and receive the 125 million cubic meters you have, you say in parentheses. the volume that we are talking about now is not a very large volume because we wanted to follow our own internal mechanisms along with this issue. and in fact, let's implement , almost the average consumption of our subscribers in the domestic sector in the cold season is something close to that of course in the provinces it varies between 12 and 15 cubic meters, of course, in some of our colder provinces , it reaches almost 20 cubic meters. the important point is that during the cold season, every subscriber consumes 10 times the daily consumption of the subscriber during the season. . sarma
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is approximately 120,120 million. yes, the thing that is happening now is that 25 million was for the non-peak period, and 100 million of this saving was realized in the peak period, and according to the supply that took place, now mr. naqvi is present and they can sign this article that i am presenting, maybe in half an hour less than i think the volume that we offered yesterday, for example 25 million for the peak, was sold, and this shows that our industry sector is really interested in this field, and we hope to prove that we guarantee to deliver the gas during the peak period, and this we will prove it in practice this year, god willing , it will cause a serious leap in this field , because optimization projects, as mr. naqbi said, have a
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serious challenge. what they have making his return does not happen on time and that's it it makes us not have interest from investors in this field. this helps the return on investment. we have another work in rome , we are moving forward with the deputy planning of the ministry of petroleum. these certificates are so-called posterior certificates, which means that first the investor must come to implement the saving and optimization plan , after realizing the saving, we will give him a certificate. we are developing a guideline for providing previous certificates. what does it mean? it means that when a plan is approved, before its implementation , the saving that is expected will be realized. in fact, we let's issue him a certificate. he can sell them on the energy exchange and take the resources he gets to implement his project. in exchange for receiving the thesis.


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