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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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as mr. naqbi said , there is a serious challenge, and the serious challenge is that the investment they are making will not be returned on time, and this will cause investors to not be interested in this field. this will help the return of investment to happen . we have another task to do with the planning deputy of the ministry of petroleum. these certificates are called posterior certificates, which means that the investor must come first. he should implement the saving and optimization plan , after realizing the savings, we will give him a certificate we are currently drafting a guideline for providing preliminary certificates, which means that a plan, when it is approved, before its implementation , corresponds to the expected savings. the seller should bring the resources that are obtained and go with them to implement the project in return of course for receiving bank guarantees. at the end
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, at the end of the investment period, if savings are realized, that is, if more savings are realized , surplus certificates will be presented to them, and if for any reason the project is not successful or not implemented, that the guarantees that have been received will make the government not suffer any harm in this regard. these previous certificates, which we hope to be able to give you in the next month, god willing, will give you more information about how to invest, yes, precisely because many of these knowledge-based companies that now power the gas was released under the symbol of ojbar, which was very well received, and even one or two of the industries that
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were buyers requested to buy the entire volume of supply at once, that is , they requested to purchase the entire volume of 100 million cubic meters. now considering that we wanted to shape the market in the following days, other senators will also be allowed to speak because some of them are not aware and let's observe the principle of fairness . on the first day, only 25 million cubic meters were offered for purchase. this electricity is actually gas, which will be used during the peak season. the price is based on the same as i told you , the price was found to be 7,000 tomans per cubic meter. well, the following days, how much was the base price? in fact, you can say 5,000 tomans. the reason is that the price of petrochemical feedstock in our country is 5 thousand tomans and this is the first price it was discovered because we are based on this market.
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there is a very important point, i would like to explain here from the perspective of the people and shareholders of the capital market. well, one of the main challenges we faced in the capital market in the last couple of years was the effect of energy imbalance on the income of companies because well , we had restrictions in different seasons of the year, in fact, the companies' production was reduced, and this tool helps the companies a lot by buying it and removing their restrictions, their production will not decrease, they will not have the benefit of the lack of production , and they can even have an increase in production. so be it we will realize the slogan of the year in a sense , in line with the jump in production, the profitability of the companies that are on the stock market and are the major part of our industry will not be affected in any way, and they can have their income, and god willing, it will have a positive effect on the capital market. next step. when will the supply be
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, how many details do you have or do you say yes? see, starting today, every day from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, the supplies will be made continuously. the colleagues of the gas company and other investors will make the supply. how much power do they have, up to the ceiling of 125? the million cubic meters that are now in the market can be supplied. according to the resolution of the supreme energy council, the total release limit for gas is 10 billion cubic meters, that is, we have up to 10 billion cubic meters . 125 million cubic meters of which has now entered the market, mr. kashfi, what is your expansion plan for this 125 million or more, see for 125 million that we are supplying according to the conditions that occur in the market and according to the consultations we receive from the market participants. we do it to be able to maintain that competitive condition. one of the designs
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which is being followed very seriously in the national gas company, in the introduction of your excellency's discussion , there was also the discussion of replacing high-efficiency heaters with low-efficiency heaters. yesterday, at the end of the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was signed between iran gas trading company and one of the companies that are actually investors for a plan to replace one million heaters, and this helps because the certificates for the heater replacement plan are issued once every three months. we can get permission to publish these certificates on a continuous basis, god willing, and predict how much can be saved from this place. that is, how much is predicted. according to the plan of the heaters, according to the approval of the economic council, 4 million , 4,100,000 heaters should be replaced within 5 years , the expected savings of 9 billion cubic meters per heater is 10 billion cubic meters per year. let me tell you that for
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every heater that is replaced with an energy category a label instead of low-efficiency heaters , the national gas company costs 46 cubic meters in 5 years. and to issue 46,466 cubic meters of certificates every year, which in total will be 9 billion cubic meters within 5 years . forming an assembly and consortium and announcing their readiness to participate in this boiler replacement plan, the planning that they have done and the understandings that they have concluded with the heating companies for the capacity of 250,000 heaters for this year, they have announced their readiness, which we hope let 's get to the stage of signing the contract. now , you have signed the agreement for one million amulets . it is true that it is supposed to be done in one year, and where else, if not, that thing is actually for 5 years, one million . of course, because it has to be built and in fact
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if it is replaced, it will actually find a slope in the first years, it will be less and in the following years , god willing, it will increase. it is already one million. how much gas is saved by their amulet heater , how much certificate is issued, we can say it as we want , look, for each heater, approximately 250 cubic meters in total are actually exported, in this way, it will be something close to two and a half billion cubic meters, which will be done in 5 years. and the fact that the contract is now a memorandum of understanding is a contract . one of the clauses of the memorandum was that within a month , god willing, it will lead to a contract of 250,000. as for the consortium that you mentioned, they are actually following up on the contract and the memorandum of understanding of our colleagues in khorasan razavi gas company . we hope that they will reach a contract within the next month. it is necessary to contract the construction of a heater and
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do a series of contract discussions and administrative work . which cities and provinces is the one million heater for? it is an investment that it produces itself and actually installs the range. after actually reaching the construction stage, national gas company with the priority of the cold regions and other priorities that are included in the economic council's resolution, including the subscribers that are covered by the aid committee, the institutions are actually like the organization for livelihood, the military institutions, and the priority is with them, which will be done, god willing , the priority means prioritizing where what quality should i replace them with, according to your opinion, sir. naqvi, there is one point, now we are talking about the lack of gas and restrictions and crossing these restrictions, and when it comes to saving money, the question may arise that this is only unique to our country , where we have these certificates. do we export or do a similar thing in other countries for their low-consumption and high-consumption products
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? they issue these certificates. yes, this experience can be repeated in other countries . can you name the country? you see , there are various policies and mechanisms in order to eliminate dissatisfaction or in fact reduce bad consumption. of the countries of the world, someone who is more than a model he is consuming, he is consuming, he must go to gowan. to buy from the market from those who consume less than the consumption pattern, which of course also has this issue , that is, the government is on the side of the government, the government is completely on the side. who
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are consuming more than the consumption pattern in our country, they have to be obliged to state the truth and prepare these certificates . low consumption and high consumption makes the non-governmental sector and the private sector attractive to invest in the field of optimization it increases the demand side of the market. you see , one of the important missions we have is to justify investment in the field of saving. anyway, if we want to build a new power plant in our country now , due to the lack of hydrocarbon resources that we have or develop a new gas refinery , developing a new gasoline refinery is a very high investment and disrupts the export . if not, then the inevitable solution for the investor in the field of optimization is to diversify the methods of optimization and from that side
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if we actually strengthen the demand side, it will lead to a better situation at the macro level of the macro economy and the country's economy will increase. your next step is to be accepted in the energy exchange and to issue energy certificates from these, because you mentioned electricity , which is a series of recipes are needed for other products. and we also talked about energy carriers , the next step that we can talk about with planning, what is your plan, what is energy? as soon as tawanir company informs us of the instructions for the purification of these certificates and sends them, we will have the commercialization of electricity. at several electricity projects have already been completed and are in the measurement and verification stage. one or two of the projects we have allocated the certificates for are about the gas certificate. one or two other projects led to the conclusion of the contract, just as chegni
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announced yesterday about the discussion of brick kilns, it seems that we have them on our agenda to implement , and according to the conversation we had with the honorable minister of oil yesterday. and in their speeches, they also mentioned with the help of the deputy program of the ministry of oil for other energy carriers such as gasoil and gasoline in terms of our infrastructure and regulations in the stock market. this we have the capacity . we have started negotiations with the ministry of energy for a water consumption certificate. well , this has been seen in the 7th plan, and as i told you , in article 24 of the infrastructure financing law , this is allowed under a framework, in fact, a cost-effectiveness certificate. we have seen the development of the optimization and environment market as one of the modern missions and the main program of the energy exchange in the next two years. there is news from the ministry of energy and power that when will these instructions be issued
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they prepare it and deliver it to you, which means negotiations we were able to imagine a date for it. yes, the ministry of energy followed up on it. in fact , it accepted it earlier than the gas company, but for it to become tradable, some issues remain in the administrative bureaucracy of the tovan company. . we hope to receive it within the next month. what will it look like if you are going to issue a certificate from there? it is similar to the same thing in the field of electricity, because we have an incident in the field of electricity, again with the priority of large companies and manufacturers and our large industry. this is the season grams are limited and have outages, and there should be a management with tovanil for them , something similar to the supreme energy council's decision, which was repealed in november last year , covers both electricity and gas in the area of ​​consumption restrictions and in electricity, we have both the peak load certificate and the peak
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load, both normal and critical point. now there is a project in one of the country's hospitals to reduce consumption. well, according to the friends of the company, they have a critical hour in electricity , which is a ram certificate. it will be allocated in a special way and it will work. i hope we can do it soon sanaye, we have implemented it since last year . how about the conditions you are referring to for gasoline or diesel? now you mentioned worn out cars. and in qeshm , we saw that, for example, whoever has a national code , his gasoline quota should be based on the national code and he should trade in a market. is the market we are talking about different or not ? look
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, there is a difference for gasoline and diesel or liquid fuels. we are in gas and electricity. we have liquidation because we have the transmission and distribution network of gas and electricity and all subscribers are specific to gasoline and diesel. well , we have the issue of export markets, and the delivery of this important issue is the commitment of the country's refining company or refinery to the delivery of gasoline and diesel. the suggestions we had were, in fact, that these should be consolidated in one course and certified in the form of export currencies , if the ministry of individuals and the national refining company are ready. we are fully prepared in the energy exchange in terms of regulations and technical infrastructure . there is an area in which they plan to deliver gasoline and gas, they will definitely deliver because it is the country's fuel basket anyway . they have considerations in certain periods of the year. if friends require coordination and cooperation, we at the energy exchange
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are fully prepared for this. we are wondering what the consumers will get from this savings, for example, in the field of gasoline that we are talking about. it has always been a hot topic , you see, in the area of, for example, cars, the government was supposed to give loans to the owners of worn-out cars , and due to the limitations of financial resources, it was not possible to get an education, and if you want an education, you have to get it from the bank. give it to a center. well, there will be inflation debates, but here we assume that a person wants to use his car for another 2 years, and now it is worn out and it will be scrapped. and in certain periods, sanah can also offer it in the market so that there is no problem with the issue of deliverability. in fact, the government does not give loans, and by saving fuel, it removes a worn-out car from the market and puts a low-consumption car into the market. in general, it reduces the country's fuel consumption intensity, both for diesel cars and cars
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haya shahri in gasoline, why what you say was not done , of course, the colleagues of falshu company answered in this field, the challenge was to deliver or supply it or something else, because in two years, according to you, for example , it would have been used, that quota must have been burned, and all the consumption is high and so on. it should be done, that is, the government should have spent that subsidized gasoline from its own pocket . yes, you see, i will tell you my experience, which is the end of my discussion. well, anyway, we are facing a lot of government beneficiaries in the field of energy. the concerns that exist, the correction of financial relations that exist, the effect of these energies for the people of each of them these have created a lot of complications . the relations between the national refinery and the refining are spread in gasoline and gas, which has an effect on the targeting of the subsidies. these complications really made the work very long, and i must thank the
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planning management organization of our colleagues in the company. melli gas and the ministry of energy have changed. yes, i said it yesterday , and today i must say that we should really be indebted to mr. raisi, the martyred president , for his efforts in the supreme energy council to form this market, which was included in the government's transformation program , the very good results that we have achieved in shawwal in the past 3 years. we had energy, it accelerated a lot, and these state-owned companies now, in other words, scared the bureaucrats in this direction because. there is a problem, in the pursuit of saving, you leave the government aside , a relationship is established between the spending environment and the investment agent, now i consume electricity, a bill is issued, the money goes to the account of your ability to save, this will not happen anymore, i save. they give me a certificate , a factory buys this certificate, the money is transferred from the factory's account to joe's spending account
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, there is no cyclical money in tawanir's account, cyclical in the account of national gas company or targetmandi. no, then the government's share decreases, this is a fundamental challenge that existed in this field. well, i would like to tell you that in your opinion, from the point of view of an expert in the field of energy exchange, you also think that this withdrawal from the financial cycle that maybe a little bit will cause concern as you said. in these companies, it is more beneficial for you to be present or from companies like tavanir or any other company that is doing this work or if it can manage it. he should manage that cycle in optimization, see that the cycle is in optimization again, because if he does not do this, the consumption will increase it is found that they are obliged to invest from their own resources in the creation of power plants , transmission lines and new explanations. well, this takes very high capital costs and they are facing limited resources, but when we make the people participate in saving, the people themselves will their own resources
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are willing to invest, you can see the difference of 100 to 200 tomans. every cubic meter of domestic gas costs 5 to 7 thousand tomans in the industry, which means that if i turn off the heating in my house in a few hours and put on warm clothes, i can reduce my consumption to about 5 to 6 thousand tomans per cubic meter. if the benefits return to me, then people will definitely enter this process, for example, for this gas , we can expect something like 600 tomans, one million tomans, one and a half million in a month . let's have a financial id with a very simple savings. now we can provide the same in the field of gasoline, diesel and other energy carriers. there is almost two minutes left in the program. i have two short questions for mr. i want to discover that the supplies we have now, in which 25 million cubic meters were made yesterday and are going to be made every day, how long will this last? your planning is how continuous it should be, that is
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, 25 million cubic meters every day , so that the companies that have demand and want to participate can express more easily and have more information , as well as on which day and how much. i told you that we will definitely measure the market situation and make the whole supply. the initial discussions we had with some experts in the field of capital market is the best situation for this market to gain depth and only two or three small transactions are left . million to 3 million depends on the market conditions, because as a rule, how much depends on the season. if we get closer, this market will become more attractive and attractive. as a rule, we will measure the market conditions, and this 75 million cubic meters is not suitable for the market conditions. if
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you supply, for example, three more, 25, and you want to finish it, it will take a part of the market. no, the rule is that we supply this in smaller packages , while this helps small companies to compete in this market. now , for example, the 25 million cubic meters that one of the steel companies mentioned bought, how much is your consumption? that is, in order to know how the supply and demand is formed, it depends on the type of consumption and the type of production that they do , the production volume that they consumed last year, for example , this purchase that they made for, i think, for almost 3 weeks. cover their production for that particular company. yes, it is feasible. for example, suppose you are in another industry like the brick industry . if we are to
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do each of these packages in the form of, for example, four or five packages, it will take about a month, a month and a half, thank you very much, mr. kashfi. you, mr. naqvi, from all the good viewers of today's conversation, who have accompanied us for 52.15 minutes, may god protect you, ali. really, we should be able to have our own share in the space. if we don't have it, there are highways that others create , then we have to drive on these highways as they want, which means we don't have a role in planning and regulation.
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basic knowledge work. the huge basic technology that is taking place today in the space industry strengthens the country. the government's determination to strengthen the space industry in the country.
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your movement with the throws that have been made is also sanctioned he also defeated the plan to isolate the islamic republic . the number of launches should
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increase. accelerating to be at a higher altitude and in a very important geo, the development of the country's space infrastructure should be followed. one of the important points is to commercialize the works and services that exist now, this can turn into wealth in its own place. there is a lot of work to be done for the development of the country.
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boy. i can't believe it. yes, it was a while ago if you wanted to buy something, you had to spend a lot of time go look around, then you will reach the bazaar, the bazaar is one-sided. i said that here all the specialized markets near me are good . we came to serai
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amaziye. without advance payment in the big iranian house in the cities of qom, isfahan and the only tehran branch in the dear and respected retired officers' house , our appointment was here in two hours. telling us that everything here can be bought in installments. it's true? yes. that too with a low price. as i said, i don't have a check. i will go in the car so you can come too. why are you going to say hey? he doesn't want a check, he doesn't want it, he doesn't want it, so give me five coins, i'll go see if you have a toman in my hand , give me one, i want to give you an advance payment , he does n't want an advance payment. the bank is not a special purchase
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for retirees. dear social security from shahreh household appliances, purchase installments without check, without time, without advance payment, without the need to go to the bank. in the name of god, the most merciful , the most merciful. hello dear viewers, at 16:00 we are at your service with some news. today, on the last day of its advertising opportunity, the presidency will present its latest programs to the people from the national media. based on this , mr. saeed jalili from 19:00 to 19:15 and mr.


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