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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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with excellent quality, it means that it is transforming it from a lamp that wants to heat a room to a large power plant. this happened in the country . this work is being done. the knowledge bases can do the work. we can do it in this direction. if we move in this direction, you we can really succeed in the clean air law debate, or in the university, in the debate that i just presented to you . those steps of petropoliation should be done in the discussion of car exhaust one day, there was a discussion in the government, and the gentlemen of the government said to me, mr. selajqi, you can't put a filter in the exhaust of cars, so this can be done. i raised this issue with my colleagues at tehran university. one of the honorable professors came and called me after a few months. i brought these filters to the government. i showed them that this filter, which is placed in the exhaust of the car, costs a thousand tomans . pay attention, at least 6 to 9 months of life. it is useful
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, it does not reduce the power of the engine, the percentage of reduction in emissions and its output is excellent, we have come to announce fortunately, it is now on the agenda , it is being supported to reach the production of anbu , it is doing its work in different places, well, this is a capacity , if it happens, even with this fuel that we have now, it is still not in a good condition in terms of euro and quality, it is a great achievement. it's good, but how many percent do you think can implement the clean air law? look at this discussion. if you are talking about the car, i have said many times that there is enough fuel in the container. we should have the same. good and comprehensive progressive core, but some the progressive nature of our law is based on perceptions from other countries. we did not write a law based on our own territorial situation. this law must be implemented in this country. you mention euro 6 gasoline as one of the goals of the clean air law and i must monitor the system. the ministry of petroleum should do its job. from onor
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, we produce a quality car. if we pour this high-quality gasoline into this container, i quickly apologize. if we pour it like water into an oxidized container , it will be completely destroyed. the container will also be destroyed. conditions for gasoline we will see, but from onor, in the discussion of car production , the car production is not of suitable quality. i will say the same. in this part, if i emphasize again, technology should be introduced to use the knowledge-based capacities of our own youth in a favorable way.
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even i had planned this recent trip, two or three weeks ago, to serve the noble people of the central province and the city of iraq, where mr. martyr dr. raisi, during his first trip from the entrance to the city of iraq to the exit , only raised the issue of the environment, air pollution, and the achievements there. it was decided that we are now the clean air headquarters of the country just to discuss the air iraq should be formed, because the issue of elections is discussed , after the elections, this was put on the serious agenda of the ministry of interior. if this happens , i apologize to the ministry of petroleum, 3 million liters per day, in fact 3 million cubic meters , to supply gas to the shazand power plant, so that this incident can be reduced in any way, see that the whole chain is doing its job. this government has started almost all the works, well it has moved forward and this belief has really been created in the government men. we hope, mr. doctor, we hope that all of this, whether it is about the budget or about technology, will go as soon as possible to
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in any case, clean air is one of the natural rights of all our citizens, so let's go a little faster and move forward in the discussion of waste management, tell us what you did and what actions you took in the two years and 9 months that your excellency was the head of the environmental organization , the meetings we know about. it was held regularly , what was the result, where did we get to, fortunately , when our meetings are held, we set a basic approach, that was separation from the origin, in this separation from the origin because. in terms of pricing, an unusual cycle has formed in the country, unfortunately in this part, because well, we have done a very good job. separation from the source, we did a good job , we did a project called map in the north of the country , the villages under the account under this umbrella, this discussion of separation from the source was placed, the necessary training was done, fortunately, this is being done as a model in the rest of my country, with all the actions you took. in these two years and 9 months, how many
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countries have left us, for example , we have always announced 100 countries, the waste of saravan, mr. president of rona, has a special emphasis on this issue, even the governor of the province has come to a place where the dust has been completely covered, and the gas issue is entering the cycle. methane gas produced there the leachate that is being produced there has been isolated in such a way that it has been hydrologically removed so that this leachate does not enter the aquifer in other parts of my country. in the last meeting that we had, two of the provinces of the country were asked to prepare a community plan, that is, the municipalities are obliged to prepare community plans in several provinces of the country, which
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is fortunately moving forward step by step, and the ministry of interior is in this the good part is that it really helps i will repeat again, with all the measures taken, how many percent do you think we were able to produce our waste from the original source? you see, this is the main task of the municipality of the ministry of interior. in normal waste, in special and dangerous waste, fortunately , good things have been done. indeed, both the hospitals , the hospital complex and the industry have done very good work in this area. we are satisfied with this area. dear viewers, today is world plastic free day. our country, like many countries in the world, is facing the challenge of plastic waste, and some global statistics of our country the score of the first 20 countries in the world in the production of plastic tabs inspired me to prepare a report on this occasion. let's see together. let's come back to continue the conversation. we are at your service. from the street to
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the plain, the desert, and the sea , it forms a large part of the earth's pollution. break it down. it takes hundreds of years. plastic has destroyed the face of our cities and caused problems with water resources. plastic bags, which are produced in high volume and often explained for free , leave irreparable harmful environmental effects to the extent that they are known as the scourge of the planet. over time when they turn into microplastics, they enter the food chain. every year more than billions of plastic bags are used in the world. it is used that this abundance has made it difficult to recycle. to protect the earth from this type of waste, 94 countries have announced bans on the use of plastic bags. although for several years in iran, a culture
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has started to use less plastic bags. there are also rules in this field. according to article 3 of the law on reducing the use of plastic bags, free distribution of plastic bags in the store. it is forbidden to bake you have to pay for the bags you go to , this will happen in chain stores and other stores as well. this regulation, which was approved in the fall of 1401 , was implemented on a trial basis in chain stores in april this year and during the clean earth week, and it was intended to be continued. we have no complaints with any device, this device, this executive regulation is approved by the government board. it is in force and must be enforced, but what we see in the city and in the stores, there is still no news of the implementation of this law. this one is here, one two is 3 to 4. every iranian uses an average of three plastic bags per day, and the average life of each bag is only 12 minutes, and then
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it is thrown away, but the question is, when you can buy several times with a plastic basket or cloth bag, why? don't we do this? saeed hajizadeh of sed and vasima news agency, i would like to thank my colleagues in the editorial office of mehit zeit of sed and vasima news agency, it was a very good and important report, mr. doctor, the challenge of plastic waste. in may square we see that we do not see anything in the stores , why? it was approved that plastics under 25 microns will be removed from the cycle within a period of 5 years. we
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have a problem that we had in the headquarters meetings. can plastic bags be used? they were placed in a 20-year-old game. this should be removed. so, take action . national waste of the country, which was the head of the organization and was formed every the month was forming, we discussed the alternative of this plastic, what should be the alternative if it is biodegradable. we did not have scientific experience in this field in the country and foreign sources were also used . fortunately, in a short time game , our country's standards organization, the country's environment organization and the use of scientific capacities inside the country were able to actually produce the manual instead of these or bags. let's announce the biodegradable. well, this was the time. this was a time game that took at least a year. as a result, it was approved in 1402 at the end of 1402. fortunately, since the beginning of 1403, we have had a detailed meeting especially my colleagues and
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the waste management office of our organization with the main companies in this field , such as citizens, cities, etc. in two years, which is supposed to decrease by 400, the discussion went in this direction that in the third year, at least 60% , i even think that with all our approvals , there is a need for the cooperation of the people themselves, that is , until this culture building is done. and people will not cooperate, maybe too much, because of any culture building if it is difficult to implement, then we don't have much time. last friday , you participated in the 10th meeting of the ministers of environment of the brics countries in russia . tell me some of the results of the achievements of this meeting , the environmental capacities of the member countries of the group.
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clean rivers and a sustainable urban environment , for which a network was designed for the protection of biodiversity and the cooperation of the member countries , the formation of the union for the protection of big cats, which was discussed a lot in our country, was a quick opposition to obstacles. created. for trade from developed countries and the commitment of the members was that it was a business discussion. in this part , the climate change and sustainable development working group was discussed . in this topic , there was also the creation of a climate research platform to develop the information exchange of experts in this field, and the sixth session was dedicated to the protection of it was the forests of the forests that was held on the sidelines of the meeting , people are now questioning its benefits for the country.
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it is clear that we have a main meeting and a few side meetings that are happy. this exchange of information and the use of our capacity, considering the conditions of our embargo , is very good. it is opening so that we can use the technological capacities of the countries. our information should be done. in this area, we sometimes have emerging phenomena that some of them are not. for example, we have dust, but russia does not have such a discussion at all, although we can hope for our membership in organizations such as shanghai, the brics organization and these are the achievements and interests of the country.
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thank you very much. let's go to the micro dusts . during your presidency in the environmental protection organization, you have also organized regional meetings with your counterparts in neighboring countries to control dust and dust storms. we have heard different news about this environmental diplomacy of yours and the ministry of foreign affairs . what was the achievement for our country? really, it should be seen in this phenomenon and the dust of many countries is not their main priority at all. those countries that are even harvesting sites, their priority is not at all
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the source of harvesting issues. they are small-minded , it is not their priority at all, other phenomena, other issues are their priority, but fortunately for us, the government was able to create this convergence in this game in a short time. meeting we are having ambassadors on the anniversary. on the 23rd of july , we are having a meeting of ambassadors, god willing. part of this capacity, we have now reached the point where bilateral cooperation with the country of iraq, with the country of syria, with the country of saudi arabia will take place. the province in iraq should conduct a field operation, we hope that the people will see the tangible results . there was also a discussion of various laws and approvals in order to reach it. in
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the end, what happened in these two years and 9 months of your achievement? in dealing with this crisis and challenge. there is a reduction in rainfall resources , there is a discussion of indiscriminate exploitation, and in this part, we really have to pay attention to the issue of agriculture. the largest amount of water in the country , the country's water resources are in the agricultural sector, unfortunately , it is wasted. in this part, our agriculture should become a modern agriculture. it was a part of us, we followed up the issue of treatment plants in an excellent way , we persuaded many of the big industry of the country to start the treatment plant. it should be done in a good way. in this part of my service, i told you about one of the other covenants of the 13th government the noble martyr government of dr. raisi was that every industry that wants to be formed should first be launched in the image of the khan. well, it was a very big achievement for us to use this capacity, but the issue of land subsidence is a phenomenon that during the years of exploitation this
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phenomenon has happened many times and its return requires multi-faceted measures. be sure to look at the discussion of aquifer injection. it should be done properly . this is either caused by precipitation or the sewage capacity, which we can talk about in many places. let me be one in this part another diplomatic achievement of the honorable government of the honorable martyr, i would like to mention the issue of the tehran convention , the seventh meeting of which, god willing , will probably be held in the islamic republic of iran in november, which was a great achievement for the preservation of the environment of the caspian sea, which after 7 years in the islamic republic of iran iran, with the great consultations we had in baku and geneva, we had great achievements in the south of the country. the convention was held in kuwait, which had been closed for 6 years. fortunately, this is the sixth meeting. in fact, i will pay tribute to the meeting . majeez persian gulf and oman sea are great achievements . i think it was very great. thank you very much, mr. doctor . we talked about the environment in different dimensions in this conversation, but the fact is that
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many of these actions that are being carried out by our dear environmentalists who from here , we would like to express our greetings, respect, and thanks to the service of these loved ones. in any case, a lot of work is being done by these loved ones, and we always talk to them closely. to support the most important actions in this you did the course for these loved ones. if you can mention it and you have good news for these loved ones, thank you. i am sending my greetings to the martyrs of our dear environmentalists and the dear veterans of this sector. our dear environmentalists are also at the front of the fire. they must put out the fire. all of their journeys are the targets of being shot by criminals and skeptics . fortunately, these dear ones are with us. pay attention to the fact that we really believed that these dignitaries
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are at the forefront of protecting the country's environment. if you ask them, i think they will confirm that we are equipped. single none we don't have any problem, that is, we have a ranger, fortunately , the equipment is of very good quality in various aspects , even sometimes the use of armor that should be worn, for example, in this area, in the villages of different cities, we have prepared even for fellow rangers, we are all actually villagers. we have equipped it with fire fighting equipment and environmental protection equipment. if something happens , necessary trainings have been given. in this section, i am sharing this with you. for the first time in the history of our country, we are our environmental protection officers . an environmentalist who can train we have trained all of them in an excellent way . it was legal, that is, now you confirm that there is no problem or shortage in terms of personal equipment and work equipment. among the discussions was their education and awareness. with the military debates
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, their physical debates, they did an excellent job from a legal point of view . fortunately, in this field , please be careful now. ask me. on the first day when the government was formed, the average salary received by the entire environmental body of the country was one of the 25th of the devices , that is. it was from the 5th rank device onwards now fortunately, we are one of the five devices. thank you for waiting for 30 seconds and for your advice to the future president . i hope that the future president, god willing , will include climate change as a principle in this debate. i told you that it was done as a foundation. follow up to make sure it happens in this part and fuel as a main source that we should be based on in the discussion of reducing fuel pollution, this process of fuel quality and improvement. and on the other hand, the discussion of turning off oil and gas burners should be on the agenda this part and the issue of managing water resources of the country, which is the main issue, god willing
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, we have done good things in the discussion of wildlife , we have prepared a very good bill in the discussion of cooperative conservation. really, in this part , if this discussion is done, god willing, the popularization of ma'id will be done in the desired way. and i hope that good things will happen for the country in the future governments, god willing . we would like to thank you and all your colleagues here. we ask god for strength and we hope that the future government will witness the growing process of development and, in any case, the improvement of the environment of our country. again, we thank you for your participation and explanations. we thank you very much for your cooperation. we hope that this discussion in the field of environment has been of good use to you. peace be upon you and god bless you.
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since you did not allow other countries to be involved in your country, this means freedom sir, allow me to come and talk later, i voted in the first round , i will vote in the second round with strength, why do i prepare the fate of my own country? second, do you want to vote, because
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we object to the existing conditions, but are the conditions? the existing one should remain silent or change . it should be in 1400 when mr. rouhani's government will change it was handed over to the government of shahid raeesi. what changes did the people feel? siadi implemented the check law for all the markets or the water canals that he built to provide water to deprived areas . he did many useful things, but we don't see the good in people. look, gentlemen
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, it doesn't matter to me whether we have external or internal cohesion, it doesn't matter to me whether it is this gentleman or that gentleman. as a social activist, we have the right to this fate let's make a change ourselves. i'm not saying don't vote. i say, if you know him, you know that you are sure to vote in the affirmative , let the people's demand be stable, we were looking for the hunger of the weaker people to get their right, in this country talking is not very important, the main thing is to perform, we have to come and vote on the stage. anyone come to an election, a free election went to the second round, come and vote for any candidate and candidate you want , let's vote
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. my country is iran, baharestan, i am the good king of iran, iran is a bright land, you are the light of my eyes , the soil of the martyrs of iran, my countryman, read with me until be word iran is the language of my heart fill this chest with excitement with
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sidekicks. the rain came, the light came, see it came with enthusiasm, see the blackness of the evening , the clothes closed, the dawn came, see the day of our presence and the day of the earth.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, i say hello , dear viewer, at 20:30. it is on tehran time , afghanistan is waiting for connection to the ocean waters , the deputy coordinator of civil affairs of sistan baluchistan governorate said that iran's zahedan railway in chabahar city , with the efforts of the 13th government, has achieved 70% physical progress. mr. mansour bijar said that with the completion of this railway line, the countries of central asia and afghanistan will complete it.


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