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tv   [untitled]    July 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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the countdown to the elections and the appointment of 650 members of the british house of commons and the next government of this country is coming to an end, while the party leaders' efforts to win more votes have reached a peak. the results of the latest polls indicate the resounding defeat of the conservative ruling party led by rishi senak. a party that has been in power since 14 years ago, and public dissatisfaction and internal differences caused it to change five prime ministers and party leaders in the last 8 years, and now it has to taste defeat. according to brind, several polls in the upcoming elections, the conservative ruling party has twenty and a half percent support it is achieved while the labor party, its main rival, will take more than 411.
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i asked the people why. because the labor party did not work well, the country suffered a great crisis and many sectors suffered a crisis. the labor party does not have a promising plan to improve the situation. the results of several polls in england showed that for 52% of people, solving economic problems is the most important thing, for 50% of people , solving the health crisis
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is a terrible situation in our country. i live outside the uk and only come here in the summers. but i see the state of the people and the country every year worse than last year. the national elections to determine the representatives of parliament and the next british government will be held on thursday, july 14th, and the number of people eligible to vote in this election is about 47 million out of the country's population of about 68 million. it was mentioned that the early elections of the british parliament will be held tomorrow according to the conservatives headed by rishisonak, the british prime minister has been in power in this country since 14 years ago. the polls show that in tomorrow's elections the ruling party will suffer a heavy defeat and will only get about 20 votes.
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i would like to discuss the british elections further let me speak with dr. reza bagheri, an expert on english issues, mr. dr. bagheli. greetings to you. an hour before the start of the election, the media and some british personalities questioned the results of the polls and said that tomorrow's election may have different results . what do you think? allah, the merciful, the most merciful, my servant is at your service and all the viewers. let me tell you, usually we have not seen something like this in the uk, where the so-called polls conducted by reputable institutions and organizations face very large differences, for example, the percentages of changes in forecasts are very low, so i doubt it. that we will
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see so-called changes in tomorrow's elections to such an extent that, for example, the labor party will not win and the conservative party will still be able to remain in power, unless , for example, it is said that the labor party has lost more than 300 seats in the british parliament, for example if the conservative party can get seats, for example, about 100, so far, maybe it will be 100, for example, 110 to 120, but if it can get the majority, it means with a margin of, for example, 20 seats, and we want to witness this. i don't think this will happen. the term is a series of advertising moves which the conservative party is trying to launch in the society in order to be able to bring some people's opinion back to itself, because many people and the so-called
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activists of the political arena of different parties almost all came to the conclusion that the labor party will be the ultimate winner in tomorrow's elections. . it will be in various debates that took place in britain, in various media , all parties except the conservative party itself, which claims that it may win, openly or indirectly accept that the winning movement in the elections will be the labor party. now we have to find out which current is the competitor's current be fine mr. doctor, please tell me how these polls have been in england in the past
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, and how close the polls are to the reality. for example , in the elections of 2019, let me tell you that in the elections before that, we almost witnessed the issue that the polls are usually correct , that is because people vote according to party , that is, in britain, people have a party commitment and usually from that there is a reason for a stability in behavior there is evidence of these, based on this , almost reliable surveys and predictions can be made. of course, there is one point here that i think might change the predictions to some extent, that is, in the labor party, many people leave the party as so-called political activists and want
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to independent candidates should take part in the elections, it's enough for the british muslims to participate in the traditional way. for some periods, they supported the labor party because of the palestine and gaza issue. they are very upset with the leaders of the labor party. we may see some changes in their voting traditions, but this happened in two or three local elections , there were people like george callery. it will not be realized and many people question it, but you say that polls are usually close to reality, now i don't know what your analysis is, yes, in
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different experiences that we witnessed in different years in the uk in different elections , especially in the debate. general election means election in the uk, many of the results obtained are not far from the so-called reliable polls. why was there a period, for example , the brexit referendum? the opposition is in favor of brexit. various parties were formed with the presence of a social movement that made everyone wonder why they came to vote, for example, for britain's exit from the european union, but in political debates that are based on party debates and
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people based on party commitments that they are voting for us we rarely saw that the so-called polls. we can and should think about investigating the causes of our own failure and addressing the dissatisfaction with the performance of this party that made us feel defeated. now
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, what do you think is the reason for the british turning away from the ruling party? ms. braverman also pointed out that yes, there are different groups that now fully accept failure. well, mr. sunak, as the current leader of the party, is running this rome campaign , so he wants to inject some hope into the front. the advertisement says we are still we hope that we will be able to win the elections, but the body of the conservative party has formed several factions. there were even talks of calling for a coup against the parliamentary coup, that is, calling for a vote of no confidence in mr. sunak, so to speak, to remove him and let someone else come to the elections. to be the so-called leader, but these events did not happen and mr. sunak still. he is trying to
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get a victory in the upcoming elections, but i said that many activists and so-called people who work on the issue of elections , even the leaders of other parties, accept this. in the debates that were held on different channels such as bbc ayiti, the leaders of the party who had competition made me the leaders. we have a shadow government as a so-called official and accepted position, it has responsibilities, it has tasks, it has powers, they are trying to find out which party can get that position, which makes various criticisms of the ruling party , mr. dr. bagheri, we are in in england, we see that in
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the traditional way, the power shifts between two parties, the labor party and the conservative party. will alone be able to form the future government of england, or do you think the government may be a coalition? yes, according to the latest polls that you have obtained and several institutions jointly , so to speak, reaching these results is almost a historic victory. that means, even from the very significant results obtained by tony blair in 1997, the labor party will win the election , if this happens.
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there was a period when the liberal democratic party was able to gain a certain amount of power, which is now estimated to be able to return to power, and another party that was very interesting was able to regain power. in the united kingdom, the scottish national party won , which is in favor of the so-called exit of britain, the exit of scotland from the united kingdom. well, in the previous elections, they became the third party in the british parliament, which is a lot. it was a so-called surprise for many
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british political activists, but it seems that this process of power exchange between the conservative party and the labor party will continue. mr. dr. bagheri, i have two or three more questions for your excellency , please answer very briefly. you mentioned the issue of scotland. well, the issue of separatism in scotland has been faced by england for years also. the discussion of brexit and separation from the european union , which has caused opposition within england , how much do you think the defeat of the conservative party will affect these issues ? two are almost against the scottish referendum, and on this so-called issue. emphasis on their advertising campaigns. regarding the election debate
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, mr. jeremy corwin, who was in the labor party in 2019, said that we can return at all, that is, a referendum. let's put a new one and britain will return to the european union. but mr. starmer has been a very conservative leader in this period, so-called leader of the labor party after mr. corbyn. he takes on these issues that can create challenges in his society. therefore , it seems that he is very protective in these matters . there is nothing special in these areas and it is taking the same path of the conservative government. again, i would like to say something that was brought up a lot in the british election debates , that other parties strongly attack these two parties. they did and they say that because the labor party, which is a traditional leftist party, in different periods, especially during
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tony blair's era, it has moved to the right, i.e. to the conservative side, many of its policies. it has become similar to the right-wing and conservative governments. well, in these debates, they often attack that there is not much difference between the conservative government and the labor government. i have said that in these few cases that you have said that the policies of the labor government are not much different from the government. the protector doesn't work and we may not want any special changes. very well, mr. doctor. now, based on the opinions, if now. to be true to you whether it is close or not, we will see what the view of the labor party is about the war in ukraine and gaza.
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being a supporter of the labor party, many of them have become supporters of palestine and socialism . they have justice-seeking views, so they are extremely upset with the labor party . there is a second body that is the so-called parliamentarians and the so-called second-rate members of the labor party. this is the second level we have witnessed we were many parliamentarians. writing a letter to mr. starmer and expressing his displeasure with the party's positions on the gaza and palestine issue , but unfortunately, the first-class leaders of the labor party, especially mr. starmer, who is the leader of this party ,
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were not very different from the positions held by mr. sunak, the british prime minister, for example. and almost the way the so-called party. the ruler and the ruling power in britain follow that they are under the influence of the so-called zionist pressures to support the people of gaza . they do not have practical support for the people of gaza. unfortunately , very well, mr. doctor. my final question is do you think the result of the british election will have an effect on the relations between this country and iran? there is not much difference between the policies of the conservatives and the labor party. the field of foreign policy is an area where the discussion of britain's special relationship with the united states is decisive in their policies, so i know later that by choosing a person like mr. skarmer
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as leader of this party, we can see a certain difference in the positions of this country towards iran . the paths that america follows the confrontation with iran will continue with the so-called following of america. very well, thank you , dr. reza bagheri, an expert on british issues, and the us minister of defense announced the allocation of 2.3 billion dollars in military aid to ukraine. austin said the new package includes anti-tank weapons and anti-aircraft missiles. this military aid was allocated after the meeting between the defense ministers of the united states and ukraine . a number of japanese people protested against the sexual harassment of their countrymen by the us military in tokyo following the increase in violent sexual assaults against five japanese women who never
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there was no report about it. hundreds of protesters came to the streets and demanded justice for the aggressors of the us military base in okinawa in southern japan. the new york court has postponed the sentencing of donald trump in the case of paying the actress of immoral films a hush fee. trump's sentence was supposed to be announced in a week, but with the decision of the court, the announcement of the sentence was extended for another 3 months. two months ago , the new york jury indicted trump in the case of payment of the right to silence to art. found guilty the postponement of trump's sentencing was announced after that the us supreme court voted to acquit trump of prosecution. 218 members of the french parliament from democratic and left-wing parties withdrew from the second round of the election, withdrawing these people in favor of other
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candidates of their party, in order to prevent the scattering of votes and the victory of the national community party . in the first round of the french parliamentary elections, the anti- immigration party of the national assembly won most of this vote. next sunday, in the second round, the candidates who won more than one-eighth of the votes will compete. storms and floods affect the lives of one million residents of china's anhui province laid chinese media announced that more than 240,000 people left their homes. the water of the yangtze , china's longest river , has exceeded the warning level in anhui and continues to rise. silas rainfall also increased the water level of 20 rivers and 6 other lakes in this province. the warning level has reached. the melting of alaska's natural glaciers continues at a very fast pace. this region of america has more than 1000 natural glaciers, which studies
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have shown are shrinking at a rate 5 times faster than in the 1980s. the history of the melting of alaskan glaciers dates back to 185 ad. russian representative in united nations to the regime. the zionist warned that the possible supply of military equipment to ukraine will have a definite consequence. vassily nebenzia said that these weapons will be destroyed regardless of the sender, just like the western and american weapons that were destroyed. the financial times reported last week that the united states, israel and ukraine are talking. they are about the delivery of 8 used patriot air defense systems from tel aviv to kyiv. in this way
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, we have reached the end of the world today, the 13th of july. together with all my hardworking colleagues, i will leave your presence. good night and god bless you. we are on the verge of a big event, enemies. when they saw those divine funerals , they became silent, realizing that the iranian nation
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is not fooled by the aliens , it responds honorably to all the psychological operations of the enemy , it defends its national dignity, but last week, the level of participation of the people in the popular elections, which is always we used to solve the problems of the system with their help. unfortunately, this level of participation was not favorable. the enemy thought that it was over and induced that these people who did not participate in the elections had turned away from the system . i like to openly hurt you. anyone
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who hears my voice knows this fact. this its system of achievements is the product of the blood of hundreds of thousands of young people of this society. no one should think. those young people who were martyrs hated the world. not having a wish in this world. they were more interested in their family than us. they also had big dreams. but what happened when they left their home? moving towards the most difficult field of life . they abandoned all their wishes , left their young wives and young children alone , hoping that you, the dear nation, would be their refuge.
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pay attention, we are subject to a global judgment, the enemies will be happy if you stand at the polls don't come, let them be happy , enlighten the heart of our imam , put a smile of satisfaction on our leader, create hope for the dear families of our martyrs , hurry to the polls, this is our today's jihad, it is not a difficult task, we do not want the enemy to be happy, there is still time left, think completely accurately and correctly. act if a nation does not act right and makes a mistake in historical moments.
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he will accept problems. we want a strong iran. in the light of a strong iran, our problems will be solved. iran is a strong iranian people who are sympathetic and united in a bastion to bring this country to greatness this country is united by the influence of the will of foreigners. we are a zealous people. we live with our hearts. we all have one heart, one soul, one desire, one ideal. we want respect. if you want respect, make the enemy sit at home, turn off his voices. don't let him judge you badly. he is the mistake of the iranian nation. he knows
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how to deal with the enemy. the art of the iranian people has been crushing the dreams of the enemy. we have beaten him everywhere. this time you will defeat him with god's permission.
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the birth of two men. birthday, she is sleeping, look at her hair , mom, i wish you were here and baking me a cake i will give you a request to bring a passenger, brother, now come and make your name known. from two people to 32 people , install the video call with the yes yes application . be in touch easily by sending a message to 1008 82. yes, it will open now. i am tired, kashmeh. i told you , lavaz city, i told you, i said it's open, it 's open, it's open, let's go in 10 minutes, we'll get to home appliances , let's go, let's go, well, i said let's go . dear friends, it has been placed
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with a dedicated parking space. convenient for shopping all week long in the first largest home appliance city facing cold tehran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello , have a good time. welcome to the football magazine program. we will start the program with some news from iranian football.


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