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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. the country's election headquarters announced in its announcement number 4: each candidate can have one representative as an observer in the executive boards, cities, divisions and fixed and mobile polling stations. these representatives are introduced by the relevant candidate or his representative in the city from among the volunteers and can vote until the end of the counting and adjustment.
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to attend the meetings without interfering in the executive matters of supervision in the mentioned places. also, in order to make the election process as transparent as possible for the election headquarters of the host country, representatives of the central headquarters of the candidates of the stage the second is on the day of voting. less than 45 hours left until the holding of the second round of the presidential election of the nation that is on the verge of. there is a fateful choice. today, our colleague talked to the people about the need to participate in the second phase of the kep elections . sir let's go can i say tell me his name. yes, an athlete with good knowledge. the second half of the presidential election is coming. the half that is very
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sensitive. we are talking to you about the sensitivity and importance of attending this half today. did you vote in the first phase of the election? yes, the second step? in the second stage , god willing, yes, we will go on the 5th. why this do you work we love him for defending our homeland. we want our problems to be solved. i did not vote in the first phase, but this friday , god willing, i want to vote. why? because. between the two people, i want to vote for the person that i chose now, i feel that i am more armed and vote for him, so in this second round, it will be clear who is the president, and that is why it is more important, yes, it is more important, one vote, one vote has an impact. it has an effect on the fate of your daughter. yes , the effect is that at least we can choose the right person with one vote and one more vote. with one more vote
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from one person who has not voted before , we will take 60% of those who did not vote and bring it with us to the cash register . let's vote. is there anyone close to you? don't vote. first round. yes, my father is a selfish word . tell him, dear father, please vote this term for a better future for the youth. i invite you to come on friday. when is the election ? hassan, sir , listen, we definitely have a very good choice , dear neighbor, i want you to vote your neighbor didn't vote this time , so we invite them, but yes, mr. javad habib
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, please come and vote this time . where are you? these are my brothers, gentlemen, listen to his brother's words. yes, god willing, you must come and vote , you will win. at the polls this time, with you at the polls, god willing , i will surely satisfy them, i will convince them, mr. farzad, vote for me, sir , i will vote with you, oh no, he says another farzad , we told him a long time ago, it doesn't matter what he didn't come, i will force mashashtba jan this week. be sure to participate in the voting, i think it's very good it is important that they like you, mr. engineer sohrabi, my dear friend, please participate. be sure in this election, it is for the good of the country, mr. ali mohammadi, i am asking you to participate in the elections for the sake of the future of our children , and i know that they will definitely participate. what is their relationship with you? you are our son-in
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- law. what is your country willing to do? you are dying for so much sweat. i am dying for seyyed ali khamenei. and the second national conference of university technology managers was held. the second national conference of information technology managers of universities in the university of zahra. hold it was a conference, the most important focus of which was the intelligentization and digital transformation of higher education, and its applications in the three main areas of governance, application and infrastructure are of interest. we believe that intelligentization in the country's higher education system can
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be implemented and implemented at several levels. at the highest level in the field of governance, we need a smart governance in the higher education system , in the sense that our policies in the higher education system should. be based on open data and data that can help us make accurate decisions. iran in the fields of neural networks and robotics among the countries of the region it ranks first and second. in the field of neural networks of the islamic republic, the first rank, robotics, the second islamic republic. among all the universities of the country in the field of artificial intelligence, tehran, tabriz and amirkabir universities are ranked between 1st and 3rd. practical use of intelligence. artificial in all fields , especially higher education, was a topic mentioned by the minister of science, research and technology. artificial intelligence helps you to
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make optimal use of the available capacities and talents in the academic society. the advantages of artificial intelligence are the use of data and creation the service is new. researchers who really want to go into his research field. in fact, the circle should complete their own information in that field and then they can conduct a new research at the edge of science or produce a technology that can lead to a product later. artificial intelligence is a new topic in the field of technology, according to officials , steps are being taken to create an organization in this field. in our country, the subject of the national organization of artificial intelligence, which is responsible for the field and generalization of this capability. the conquest of society and the elite centers of our university is also formed in this conference the winners of the information technology field of the universities were appreciated. in the second national conference of information technology managers, the impact of intelligentization on higher education was investigated. faruzaneh hasanpour
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of radio and television news agency. the next part of hour 2: hello, dear and respected viewers of the half-day conversation, as i told you , we want to talk about the energy saving certificate , especially the energy saving certificate in the field of natural gas, the first certificate of which has been issued. let's talk, if you remember , large steel companies, petrochemical companies, in the cold season of winter,
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they have definitely discussed gas in the past years. either they have restrictions, or the rates are an issue for them, and in any case , they have a concern about their gas supply. one of the things that are done in other countries is going to be done in our country. we want to discuss the same issue, which is that these companies. can you give me a certificate of appreciation for your presence ? how are they going to invest? for example, in the field of reducing gas consumption in the household sector, like the discussion that we discussed in the economy table, if you remember , the discussion was about those a-b energy class heaters that you are talking about. we decided to go to that area of ​​investment they save money from the place of saving, they can get more gas or have no restrictions , this can also happen between consumers.
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offer in the energy exchange the amount you saved get the equivalent of the amount you spent on your consumption. here in nimrozi conversation studio, mr. naqvi, ceo of the iran energy exchange, is present . the energy exchange will explain to you, as well as mr. kashfi, the manager. iran national gas company's energy and carbon , which is about how to save gas consumption and make money from it, or the companies that need gas will explain how they will supply gas in this way with less restrictions. greetings and god bless both guests of the program, but i would like permission before discussing and let's start the conversation together and let 's go to the details of an introductory report that my colleagues in the energy group worked hard to prepare for you . 70% of the country's energy is provided by gas, the most dependence in
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our country is on one field and that is pressure drop its production will start in the coming years. this was the opinion of experts about the country's gas situation. major gas consumers are hesitant to invest to save. that we can return the power plants to the combined cycle and reduce their consumption to lower efficiency. we are going to invest, but someone should come and give us a commitment that if you come and do this , you can save the saved gas . it was a profitable solution for you. as an iranian , for example, if i chose a grade a heater, i bought one some gas can be saved, this amount of savings is mine, mine is iranian. i can sell it to petrochemicals, i can sell it to steel, now this solution has been implemented and the supply of the first
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gas saving certificate in the energy exchange has started. today, in fact , 25 million cubic meters of gas were supplied in the peak symbol in the morning. how does this certificate work? every investment in every sector, domestic, transportation , power plant industries has done a plan , mr. mr. mendes, his chinese colleagues give him gas, the remittance of gas goes to the energy exchange , he can sell it at the highest price or he can sell it himself in every sometime the winter courier will decide, sir, i want 5 million cubic meters of gas today, and what happened in practice was that we got a license for 125 million cubic meters of gas from the planning organization so that we can offer it in the stock market, and the details of the first step of this certificate are to replace the heaters in the door. it is highly efficient with low-cost heaters, which we predict
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will create a demand of about 9 billion cubic meters over the next 55 years . one of the projects is actually the conversion of hoffman bags into tunnels in the brick industry. iramshahr in farhangian residential area of ​​dawood tehran nemati, sda news agency, yes , we saw and heard dawood nemati's report together, mr. naqvi , let me start with the question of what is the energy saving certificate that we are talking about, how is it issued, and how is it reviewed? well, one of the challenges we have in our country is the issue of energy imbalance, which, as it was in my report, the industry and different parts of the country are involved in in different seasons. one of the policies that can be implemented is the policies it is priceless. it is in this framework that the certificate of energy saving belongs it applies to those who
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invest in energy-saving projects, this is actually an energy-saving measure, a financial tool that was approved by the supreme council of the stock exchange in march 2019, and after that, the subsequent works with the help of the company's program organization. gas and power company were done and we had the acceptance certificate in march of last year. through the gas company, the general framework is that an investor invests in a project , an independent auditor, which is a measurement and measurement company , measures the savings, so called a certificate of realized expenditure. the gas company informs us and we issue a certificate. in the next step, all natural and legal persons can purchase certificates through the mechanism of the energy exchange, and according to the rules posted on the energy exchange website , the industry and subscribers who need
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gas delivery during the peak period can proceed accordingly. the mechanism informs the gas company of their request and it is delivered through the purchase market . we are talking about energy consumption certificate. now we are talking about gas, but it seems that this can be more than gas, right? yes, we have allocated the certificate for electricity as well, but because the tavani company did not provide us with the instructions for its delivery and settlement , we stopped the acceptance transaction for other energy carriers. you say. i have in my mind, for example, gasoline, there are also similar plans that whoever saves does not use his gasoline, for example , if he comes later in a market, he can get the equivalent in cash, this can be traded in such a market, and such a certificate will be issued to him. for example, gasoil last year in regarding the exchange of used cars, it
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was suggested to some of the following organizations that in exchange for scrapping a car for a certain period of time, the fuel of that car will be given to them in the form of a fuel consumption certificate and exchanged in the market. thank you for gasville, these are also possible . thank you very much mr. kashfi, please tell me that in the field of natural gas, which is our discussion today, the first certificate has been issued, clearly, what will happen , especially for petrochemicals and steels, for these , which are in great need of your presence, medical gas . in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, peace and blessings hello, i am at your service. dear viewers of the half-day conversation, i would like to inform you that , as mr. naqvi said, the savings certificates that he wants to issue in the gas sector are similar to other certificates that are issued in the energy sector. we have actually created two definitions for savings certificates. the certificates of the peak period are part of these and the certificates of the non-peak period. we mean
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the period when the consumption reaches its highest level, which according to the agreement and understanding we had with the energy exchange, from the beginning of november every year until the end of march of that year. considered as the peak period in fact, from the beginning of april to the end of october every year, the issuance process is as follows: any investment that can be made , from large industries such as petrochemical industries , steel industry, metal industry, ceramic tiles, or investors who are in the financial fields. are active between the design in one area, in one industry, in one part of our types of uses, which can be the domestic part or other parts such as transportation, such as the part related to the field of brick industry or other industries , they define this for their project. maiden to the market secretariat, which is actually an optimization company in the field of gas the fuel consumption is responsible for this task, the plan
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is examined there, the validation method. and the measurement is the same as saying that the company known as m&d companies and m&d's method is determined there, and then in the energy spending commission , when it is approved and notified, the investor goes, he actually implements the project and that plan. takes off i want to give an example to make it more clear, let's assume that in this area , a steel company or a petrochemical company can design high-efficiency heaters instead of low-efficiency heaters. it comes from this the capacity and potential that has been created will be used. in fact, based on the mechanism that has been defined , tafa will conclude a contract with the national gas company. the manufacturer produces the heaters , moves them to the customers' homes, and after this
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verification is done, the gas company sells them to the investor , i.e. the steel company or the petrochemical company. or any other investor who can actually be one of the financiers actually pays the savings certificate which is priced at the price. the definition of origin means that if it is spent in the domestic field with the average domestic tariff, if it is spent in the brick industry with the brick industry tariff, then it can be traded in the stock market, or in the maturities at the end of the period, it is gas. receive savings. and bring it to their own consumption. that means, for example, the steel workers who have been complaining about gas cuts or restrictions imposed on them in the past years can make an investment. get a certificate from that place, and when it is decided that, for example, national gas company will create a restriction, say that i have a certificate. and this restriction will not be taken into account for me. yes , you are exactly right. based on the resolution
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passed by the supreme energy council in november of last year, the energy savings certificates are exempted from the limits of the winter season. have a desire even in the period of peak consumption, national gas company is obliged to deliver this gas and it guarantees that it will deliver this gas. mr. naqvi, please tell me that considering that all this process that we are talking about is being done in the stock market , this is a guarantee that maybe a percentage of the investor don't worry that tomorrow, when the season turns cold , the national gas company or the government will decide to give priority to, for example, the household sector. apply restrictions and don't deliver the gas . how will you enter in the middle and how will you guarantee this deal? you see, basically, the stock exchanges have formed their guarantees for this discussion, and the transparency and
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competition that is happening in this area, well , it was discussed from several perspectives, the resolution that was originally energy, according to that resolution, crimes have been seen, the highest penalty rate compared to the price that the person certified he is buying it from makal gas company. the word pay it there is a fine. the organization of the budget program is designed in its structure to request a fine from the treasury by announcing the stock exchange to the treasurer. in fact, we had a successful experience last year and this year in the framework of the establishment of the green electricity hall. niro gave a guarantee and complied, and many industries were able to get rid of the peak electricity consumption due to this reason. the exchange will be transparent, it will be possible to receive the delivery and receive
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the price . based on the market mechanism, the applicants set prices and the transactions were registered. what was the price of the first transaction? more than the highest price for petrochemicals now , mr. kashfi, please tell me that now we are talking about big companies, steel companies , petrochemicals, those in the tile and ceramic sector, all those who are big consumers, but if people want to express their opinion, they can enter and if there is a subscriber who has spent less due to your presence compared to the previous period, how will it be for them? they can also use this certificate to benefit from this reduction in their gas consumption. take the money , you see, one of the important advantages of this platform that has been created is that projects such as the popularization
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of coughing can be developed in the country. let's take a moment to read the expenses of subscribers, especially in the area of ​​sub-subscribers . there are intermediary companies that we are an example of we implemented a pilot and sample plan last year in yazd province, and these companies have actually obtained the data from the average consumption of each subscriber in the previous 3 years and calculate the consumption of each subscriber on a daily basis according to the temperature changes that it takes place and on the other hand , they have memorandums and agreements with companies that are outside of this group, for example, like the company. steel or petrochemical companies last year, because the market had not been formed, we pursued the issue as an agreement and understanding between these two sectors, but this year, this capability has been created in the form of a savings certificate.
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that company, which is a knowledge-based intermediary , calculates the average savings of subscribers other than domestic subscribers, pays the figure, and on the other hand, takes that certificate and sells it on the energy exchange, which now can be used in different industries . it has two great advantages. the first advantage is that in line with the realization of the slogan of the year and the discussion of popularization and participation of the people, the most important advantage is that we can actually receive the gas saved in the non-productive sector of the economy with this mechanism that has been designed. in fact, the energy exchange should be available to the productive sector of the economy, which is now its position another characteristic of the fact that production can take place is the added value of employment and other things that can be investigated in this field. the next question was exactly what is the benefit for you as a gas supplier, this change that is taking place , this mechanism that has been created. how much can
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it be helpful for the sustainable supply of gas for all people and the industry in this model, the model that i have just explained to you, the point that exists is that the role of the government and governance is purely regulatory, that is, the people themselves with the company of scientists and the company on the other side. the ones that come from the energy exchange, the certificates they buy, they are trading partners. the good thing for the government and the government is that it can price the gas that is being sold in the domestic sector , at the disposal of the industry. let's assume that in fact they have to pay a higher tariff for gas and other things such as the supply that is happening to the economy, that is, let's be more precise, for example , the average of 100 tomans 200 tomans that is selling gas for the household sector now can do this there. for example, you said yesterday that 70 tomans will be 7 thousand tomans, here it will be a very long period of 67 thousand tomans, the government's profit will be your mr. naqvi. please let us continue this discussion with the people that we
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are talking about. if the people are saving, how can you see how the people who are entitled to the certificate will offer the certificate according to the mechanism of the stock exchange, and as it was announced, the country's industry can buy these certificates. . and deliver the gas on the due date and according to the framework of the stock market, when electricity is supplied, in fact, gas is supplied two days later , the money is deposited into that person's account. energy creation and energy optimization fund that actually forms a series of resources the ministry of defense and the ministry of energy should
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disclose that this fund will only be used to guarantee the purchase of certificates in the market, that all persons should be assured that if there were no buyers of these certificates in one day, which is very unlikely, the government will receive from a series of sources. who is going to market and buy these certificates from that account. now, as a regular gas customer, i have not dealt with the energy exchange, for example, until now, with the danesh baniyari company that mr. kashfi mentioned. i have no connection , i can save myself and then come to the energy exchange i would like to refer to your presence and let me understand the difference, not now, but its legal capacity is seen in article 46 of the seventh plan law, which allows the executive body to implement savings mechanisms at the household level using savings tools. what is now will be more for industry and big companies , investors among you will invest in important projects
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. they do and with the resources they invest from their own side, for example, a person comes and changes the connections of the gas meters that are in the houses and have high consumption. without the government spending money and reducing this waste, this gas belongs to the investor himself and will sell it in the market , god willing, according to the law of the 7th plan as well as the financing law. sah, which has approved the legal regulations, with the help of the national gas company or the tovani company, we can directly enter the people into this goa. it worked, which means that the infrastructure is available in the energy exchange , but the technical and logistics infrastructure that should be a national company do gas or, for example, tawanir, of course tawanir.
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in this field, mr. kashfi, you are doing something so that the households themselves can benefit from this profit independently, or not , should there be only intermediate companies that people are currently using? there is no other choice but to have a series of intermediary companies that can actually do this intelligent work, but in line with the discussion of intelligentizing the gas meter of the subscribers, especially the subscribers of the household sector. very good studies have been done in national gas company. primary documents in fact, it was prepared and it was even supposed that a series of pilot projects would be carried out in several regions of the country, and after their results were examined , a nationwide project would be planned in all the provinces. document the work


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