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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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we are talking about the transit issue, the point where iran is located and can play a role as one of the four roads of the world, it is natural that it has both political issues and security issues. what benefits we can get from this issue is an approach of the 13th government, well, it started and shahid raisi emphasized a lot. diversification was part of international cooperation, especially in the economic field. well, we could see that they had various trips to countries in the region and african countries. and the discussion of cooperation with the member countries of the shayin cooperation organization was also on the agenda and for that reason it was important .
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we should have more exploitation or more benefit from the benefits of the achievements of the shanghai cooperation organization in the economic sector and the future. now, let me give an example . among the 5 countries to which we had an increase in exports last year, we are ranked pakistan, and when we look at it , we had a 40 increase in exports, or russia. looking let's say we had a 30% increase in exports. now, the total of our cooperation with the countries of different cooperation organizations
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, let's see approximately the volume of my trade. which i will mention in the next part of my speech, mr. bahmel , what were the main political and security issues on which the shankar cooperation organization was established now and how much have these approaches changed since the establishment of these approaches. in fact, these changes are in line with the changes in the region and the arena in the beginning , the shanghai cooperation organization was more of a security and defense organization. issues such as the fight against terrorism, the fight against separatism, drug trafficking, or human trafficking were actually among the central issues that caused the formation of this organization in the beginning, but now from this distant topics, not these topics are actually still on the agenda of the organization. there are many who
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organize various military or security maneuvers for the members of the organization every year, but gradually according to the capacities of the member countries in the shanghai cooperation organization, of course, initially especially countries like russia and china, and later with the joining of countries like india, pakistan and iran , these capacities expanded to this organization. if we want to evaluate the international structures, we are transitioning from the old order in the international sphere and in the global space and to a new order , today we can say that the shanka cooperation organization is one of those institutions that is actually speeding up. it forgives and is effective, especially in multifaceted internationally, today, the point
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that is of concern to all member countries is the attention to international multilateralism, to distance itself from the unilateralisms that america has tried to put on its agenda in the past decades in its foreign policy. in fact, multilateralism has become a main agenda in the shanghai cooperation organization . now a part of this multilateralism is in the security field, a part is in the defense field, and a part of it is in the economic field. even some parts of it are in the social fields cultural and human interactions between the member countries of this organization are actually there, so today we can say that the shanghai cooperation organization has found a new position at the level of the international system. but we
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are actually a multilateral organization that seeks multilateralism at the level of the international system . join them or apply for membership today, we see that not only the countries that have had problems with the order that the americans wanted in the past years, but also some of the traditional allies of the united states and the west are participating as observer members or even applying for membership , countries like in any case, the uae or turkey are countries that traditionally member states and countries close and allied to the west were known, but today they express their desire to be present as observer members, and their observer membership will be upgraded , in fact, to permanent membership, and this issue itself shows that, in fact, this process by the organization
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shanghai, which started today, is attracting attention and different countries are willing to join this organization and actually follow this process. i want to talk about free and preferential trade , i want to talk to you about basic commodities like wheat or we can discuss issues like corridors and the transportation sector, but before that, we had the 23rd summit , we made a series of plans and defined a series of routes. how far have we progressed in the economic field based on what achievements have been made for the country, obviously if we want. tell us which one by giving an example you are referring to your presence in the field of economics and business in the past year. now , sometimes this issue is raised about its economic achievements. well, it is natural that we are talking about an organization that is newly
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activating and developing these economic mechanisms. it is natural that this is a process of its own time for countries that have different interests. after all, many of these countries are neighbors and have multiple interests.
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let's follow up with these member countries. this can increase up to 5 to 10 billion dollars in the medium term to add to the volume of our trade with these countries. the thing that is very important about business, i
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would like to give an example that you should find a mentality, for example, suppose you are in the field of medical equipment and medicine when you want to export these products to different countries. we have started to do something methodically. now , it is a pity that the same issues have already been discussed in the organization . iran itself has put forward some initiatives there , that is, in the industrial fields, in the trade fields, and it is following up. in the energy field, now iran's activists have a proposal, and naturally in the meeting. there are various issues that
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are brought up, these other issues are now fully implemented, that is, we also the mechanism of the organization in one year, we have known, naturally, in the coming years , we should be an active member. and take initiative to play a role. one of the issues that we must follow and is on the organization's agenda is the issue of preference definitions. well, we are talking about consent right now in the last two to three years. we followed up on the infamous experimental trade with indonesia, we also followed up on the discussion of free trade with eurasia, the issue of cheyenne is also on the agenda to be added and the discussion of the base of preferred parties between these countries will reach an agreement and the so-called approval of these countries and we will be able to implement this. these are the topics that follow i have already said the importance of regional standards . they are important to us in times when we cannot go. now , due to sanctions issues and cases like this , regional standards
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will help us a lot and open the way for us to do business, except for the case you mentioned , i also mentioned one thing about the transportation sector corridor. which we are definitely talking about, some measures have been taken and some measures are on the agenda mr. dr. bahman, we first mentioned that based on the political and security objectives, you named the departments there are different countries that are members of the organization. apart from these cases, now they are experiencing political and security challenges as they pass through the time . how much of their capacity and potential are they using to advance political and security goals and solve these problems and challenges? first of all, i would like to say something about the economic issue. you see, before we became a member of the shanghai cooperation organization , we had economic relations with all the member countries present in this organization, so our economic relations were not zero, as you might
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imagine. these relationships should be at once find a significant leap or change at all , no, these relations have existed before, as a rule, our membership in this organization helps to strengthen , facilitate and help multilateralism, in fact, these relations, as a result, sometimes, as in the media we have an expectation that sometimes appears. i can imagine that, for example, by joining the shankar cooperation organization, we should suddenly have economic relations, in fact, a significant leap in our economic relations with these countries, which is actually not true with the situation we had before joining. and this perception and this the impression is wrong, but anyway, today the process of global developments has gained a significant speed and we actually have various issues in the global developments, and these various issues
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have been on the agenda of the shanghai cooperation organization in the past summits, for example, an issue like the screen war. or even the war in gaza or other developments that are actually going on at the international level have always been among the issues that have been considered and mentioned in the shankai cooperation organization, or even the developments that we have in recent years in afghanistan. we witnessed the transformation in the political system of this country, these are all part of it the common concerns of the countries that are actually members of the shanghai cooperation organization are a series of regional issues, that is, in the surrounding areas of shanghai , we have a series of issues that require a regional approach to solve them, such as this case or problem in fact. afghanistan, well, recently , the summit. in fact , it was held in tehran with the presence of most of these member countries in the shankai cooperation organization, and it actually
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contributes significantly to the progress of the afghanistan issue. the world exists and it is necessary for the shankai cooperation organization to come to them and take effective measures . there is going to be a review and review of the process of the shanghai cooperation organization and a new perspective will be drawn considering the developments that we are witnessing at the international level today. it is from this point of view, because it can be used to make decisions for the future trends in the shankai cooperation organization, as well as the future directions of the organization regarding many issues. make the international more transparent, let's go to the transport sector and the corridors, the negotiations that
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have taken place to facilitate them, where are we now , where are the plans going for the future , one of the main proposals and initiatives that the islamic republic you can follow the discussion in the cooperation organization, the creation of the corridor and the more important issue of the investment of other countries is in this discussion. when it comes to investing in other countries, it means that we are here to discuss both creation and investment other countries invest here. open investment was held at iran's suggestion and hosted by iran . in tehran, it was exactly the same approach, introducing capacities that have the ability to invest
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, and we also saw corridor discussions. we are okay, that is, if we are about. we are talking about the port of chabahar and the issue we have with india, the issue of the addition of the organization can help here and we can have company so that we can use these opportunities, the issue of the joint financing fund. currently, downstream and upstream petrochemical projects are the largest energy producers in the organization and they are the largest consumers of mine in the organization. there may be another opportunity for us in the discussion of petrochemical products . now, if appropriate investment happens here, naturally, we can take the necessary interest in the business field. let's take a little distance is that we have to increase our trade in the
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shanghai cooperation organization with strong traders with countries in fact strong business partners like russia and china are on the side , so we must strengthen our own dimensions and not take small business partners lightly. solutions are one of the characteristics of the shanghai cooperation organization and even the brics group, and it actually distinguishes them from western structures. or western institutions and organizations is that the members have a completely equal position in the structure of these organizations, they have equal votes and in fact have equal power of influence. this is while we do not see such a thing in western structures, for example, in nato, there are americans in the european union, the most important decisions are made by countries like germany and france, but
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there is no such thing in the shankar cooperation organization, because this organization is basically based on mutual respect and equality , we need a macro strategy. we should have macro strategies and in this field we should definitely focus on investing in our infrastructure and construction projects in the field of road construction so that we can expand our economic relations with the countries of the region. let's learn that, well, we are with many of these member countries shankai organization
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, we had significant relations in the past and we had many good relations with many of these countries in the field of civilization and... in the past years , so we have the capacity to develop our economic relations with each of the countries in the region , but only on the condition that we can use the capacity do we use our own internal resources or how much does this 24th summit mutually strengthen and activate these capacities ? this summit is definitely effective because of what i mentioned. he intends to revise the organization's visions , but the most important issue is the use of our own internal capacities than the shanghai organization summit. that we must activate these capacities in some areas, as a last minute and the way forward, considering the 24th summit in the economic area, i think that in the economic and
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commercial area, what can be done in the years now, at least in the short term, it will open the way for us. okay, the organization has decisions, and now, as explained by mr. doctor , especially in this meeting, it is going to be reviewed or decisions will be made in the discussions of strategies, we will try to strengthen our bilateral cooperation under the organization, that is, with the members apart from the multilateral issue, the organization and multilateral cooperation on bilateral issues in the short term against the goals of the organization. let's do it and the rest of the members should rejoin those goals or join those mechanisms, because at least we sometimes see conflicts in the field of business and economy, and as a result, it is possible
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that i won't do it . let's take a minute of your time
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. today, we are going to talk to you about a half-finished job, about the presidential election, which will be held on friday . it is finished. now the work is half finished. the country seems to have another election in the second round did you vote in the first phase of the election? yes , you will participate in the second phase . why should everyone go for their own opinion? vote for that person with a gun. we will participate . my country, my country, for the future. because we don't want the enemy to be happy, it is our national duty, naturally, it is my duty. i will participate. it is definitely a half-finished job that the nation must finish. the work must be finished. everyone must state
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that the second stage is more important than the first stage. because i say that the exact result will be determined in the second stage, because the role of our president is not yet clear. the work must be finished, well, the more makeup , the more people accept this person, and he does what he wants to do more easily, he knows that he has the support of the people for the future of my country, my future, the future of our children, we should definitely participate in this. we are living in a country, we either have to make the decision of our own country or leave it to someone else to decide for us now. i want to do my duty and convince those people who did not vote in my family to take me
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to vote together, god willing, i will go to the polls on friday. see you, god bless you.
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o bright land, you are the light of my eyes, the soil of the martyrs of iran, my countryman, pray with me. as long as the language of my soul, fill my heart with words , fill this chest with enthusiasm, see the light rain with your companions. pas and ghashor came, see the blackness of the evening, the garment was fastened, the dawn came, see the day
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of presence. the water and fasting of the resurrection of our state is in the hands of dear iran, my compatriot, sing with me , let the tongue growl, my dear iran, light up my heart , fill this chest with enthusiasm, my comrades, my dear iran.
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dear and respected retirees, we are going to tell us here in two hours that everything is possible here the purchase installment is correct. yes, it is with the floor price. as i said, i don't have a check. i will go in the car until you come, why are you going? saying that he doesn't want a check
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, he doesn't want it, he doesn't want it, so give me five coins, i'll go see if you have a coin in my hand, i want to pay in advance, he doesn't want advance payment, sir, sir, this is a guarantor, he doesn't want a guarantor here, he doesn't want a guarantor at all, we didn't go to my bank, gentlemen. not to the bank, a special purchase for dear retirees of social security. purchase installments from the city of household appliances without checks, without guarantors, without advance payments, without the need to go to the bank. city of household appliances, specialized reference home appliances. after azadi square, in front of tehran sar.
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6:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. this morning, the acting president will deliver a speech at the 24th summit of the shanghai cooperation organization in astana, kazakhstan. mr. mokhbar arrived in astana, the capital of kazakhstan last night, and was welcomed by the deputy prime minister and the deputy minister of foreign affairs of kazakhstan at the airport of this city. in addition to his speech at the shanghai summit, the acting president is supposed to meet and talk with some of the heads of member states of this organization. 2. the fourth set of heads of the shanghai cooperation organization is sitting on the threshold of kazakhstan will be held.


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