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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 8:00am-8:30am IRST

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hello, good morning, the end of advertising opportunities. in the second phase of the presidential election, in 24 hours, people will go to the polls to elect the ninth president. i am determined to cast my vote and really be right in the fate of my country. that is, the first round of the parliament, the second round of the parliament, the first round of the presidency, the second round of these democracies, now you have the freedom to choose as one. as a citizen
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, i feel that it is my right to participate in this election . i would like to be one of those votes 86 audience members were satisfied with the last two debates of the two final presidential candidates of the national media research center. more than 35 million people watched the two debates of the second phase of the election. iran's presence as an official member of the shanghai cooperation organization summit, the head of the executive branch today at the summit shanghai gives a speech and meets with the heads of countries on the sidelines, and the return of artist and independent journalist from france, bashir was arrested in france because of his support for the islamic republic of iran and the oppressed people of gaza. in the name of allah, the most
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merciful, the most merciful hello, welcome to the news section at 8 am . in 24 hours, the second phase of the presidential election will be held. minutes ago, the legal deadline for election campaigns for the candidates who made it to the second round ended. in the past week, these two candidates had several election trips to the province, as well as several meetings with different strata and elites. in the past 3 days and after the frank and serious debates of the two candidates in the national media, the enthusiasm for the election has increased. a part of the people whose candidate they approved from the 8th of july to the 15th of july election has gone to different ways of campaigning for their candidate. a number of people who
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did not participate in the first round told our reporters that the debate and clarification of the difference in the views of the two candidates led them to use their right to vote at the polls tomorrow. surely the attendance of the people will increase during the presidential election , will there be a change in the number of voting branches and definitions, in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful . dear viewers, dear colleagues
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, well, the number of vote definitions is the same as the first stage, that is according to the number of vehicles of this standard and an additional percentage as a precaution or reservation, in fact, our branches are the same branches that were established in the first stage, and therefore we may have a very limited number of increased branches, so that the executive boards of the cities sometimes they suggest and. the governor should make a decision in this regard, but as you mentioned , there is a lot of indescribable enthusiasm and excitement in the country for the second phase of the election. 19 presidential election law republic of two identity documents accepted by my colleagues in branches will be birth certificate and national card.
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in any case, either the national card or birth certificate, regarding the old birth certificates, they must keep the national code or provide a document that shows what their national code is so that my colleagues can do their work accordingly. according to the law, each candidate can have a representative at the polling stations. what are the conditions for the candidates' representatives to be present at the polling stations? thank you for explaining the counting process to us. this course is also in the honorable candidates branch has a representative in the country's election headquarters. 3 people are present in the country's election headquarters from the candidates' area . the country's elections have been announced, our colleagues in the branches
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count the votes in the presence of the supervisors, the representative of the governor, the branch attendants, and record them in a meeting report that we have already explained, and put that meeting report in the system of the verification system in the branch itself. yes, they register it and then it is decorated the number of branches of each district of the governorate will be sent through the system to the election headquarters of the country. as soon as this consolidation is done, the election headquarters of the country will gradually announce it through the media . anyway, this process that you witnessed in the first stage, we are in at 11 o'clock , we had the final announcement of the result of the first stage. god willing , the same will be done in the second stage. thank you very much , considering the experience we have in fact, because we have announced the end of the voting and then the counting, if our colleagues in the branches are on time. in fact, the work is done by the body, counting and the body is done by the body
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we will try to announce the results at the same time as the first phase on saturday. thank you very much for a couple of points. i would like to point out that anyone who did not participate in the first phase of the election can participate now . we do not have any restrictions in this field. he participated in the first stage abroad or in one city, now he is in another city, there is no problem , he can participate anywhere in iran or abroad, where we have a branch, and this is not a restriction in the presidential elections, 4/15/2015 the basis of birth is the condition that we are in this we are facing elections and therefore, those who were born on 4/15/1385 can participate in these elections. thank you very much, mr. eslami , the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters, and special thanks to my fellow viewers. thank you. you, who by sending
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pictures of the first round of the presidential election narrated your presence at the ballot box, now in the second round of the election , we are waiting to send your pictures from the cities and villages of the country. to the number 0912 147
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based on a new survey by the research center of sedah organization sima 56 of the compatriots over the age of 18 watched the two debates of the second phase of the elections. in this way , the audience of televised debates of the 14th presidential election cycle increased compared to the 13th cycle in 14006. the report of the polls of the radio and television research center in the previous period shows that the audience for the televised debates of the 13th presidential election in the field survey of the radio and television research center, which was held on the 12th and 13th of july, also shows 85 and 80 percent. audiences of debate programs
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, the performance of radio and television in holding these debates they evaluated the verses of azam makarem shirazi nouri hamdani and sobhani as good and relatively good. in separate messages , they invited the public to participate as much as possible in the second round of the presidential elections. ayatollah makarem shirazi, inviting the honorable people of iran in his message, may god bless all those who have the necessary conditions, with enthusiastic participation and the election of a faithful and trustworthy person who is worthy of the important position of the presidency of the islamic republic of iran . the fate and future of the society . in his message, ayatollah nouri hamadani thanked all those who participated in the first stage the 14th presidency came to the polls and said that due to the special internal and external conditions, as well as to solve the economic and livelihood problems of the people and increase the power of the country in the international arena and to manifest
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unity and empathy in the country, all the dear ones, especially those who in the first stage they couldn't participate in the elections , they showed up on friday with a strong will and a firm step, and by electing fard aslah, they once again showed the glory and greatness of islamic iran . and in your message , the officials should express their gratitude for this effort self-sacrifice of the people to move in the direction of organizing the economic and social situation more than in the past. today , we are obliged to have an active presence by maintaining unity in the elections that bring independence, security, greatness and glory to the country. if we are really interested that the country is on the path of progress and continue on this path. we must participate as in the previous course . there is no difference between the first period and the
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second period. as we participated in the first round, we must participate here as well. if we are interested in this development to evolve and the so-called believers to be happy, then the enemies should not be alone let's settle the first round, the same task that was for us in the first round. the same national and islamic duty is in the second round. inshallah everyone will participate. as long as the participation is high, friends are happy and enemies are disappointed. but according to the law of relative majority, any of the two candidates of the second stage of the presidential election can be announced as the winner even if they get one more vote. based on this, every potential iranian has this possibility. the future president will be elected by his vote. the importance of the second stage, well,
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i definitely have to come more to be selected. do you know anything about the law of the relative majority of votes? law i don't know about the relative majority of people. we 50 plus one can be effective. whoever has an even more vote. how effective do you think your vote is in this election period? now. i think that i will prepare the candidates one by one and count the votes they are going to get , because one rhyme can finally have an effect , change everything, turn the page in one's favor , it can decide the fate of the country of iran in these 4 years, so your candidate it was between these two people. yes , your candidate made it from the first round to the second round . yes, you still vote. yes, i agree. give me your vote and really share in the destiny of my country . we have to finish the half-finished work
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. god willing, we will complete it on friday. i would like to be influential and the person i am considering to be elected. yes, in the last 5 months, our country has had four elections, which means round the first round of the parliament, the second round of the parliament , the first round of the presidency, the second round, this is democracy . now you have the freedom to choose. as a citizen, i feel that it is my right to participate in this election, my friend. the feeling is really good. if your fiancé was not between these two people, would you participate again? yes, definitely well, finally, we are making a decision for our country , just like we decided in previous years , i will come again, yes, because of, well, since the beginning of the revolution , everything was voting and i participated. it means that it becomes a hope for the president for the next years
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, during his service , he feels that he has more numbers in front of the people who come to vote for him. he should solve his problems . i vote for that side to come up, but he the party that comes up should do my request or not, definitely based on what he promised us , he should try his best, god willing. we hope that the situation will improve, god willing, that this period will be the period that we want. the second phase of the presidential election will be held on friday this week, while according to the law , the candidates and their supporters are making their last efforts to win the votes and trust of the people. they used efforts that from now until the election tomorrow
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will be a measuring standard for observing ethics and political piety among different people and parties was. a lasting sports memory of the year 2003 , iran-denmark game, after a sahvi move by an iranian player, sarmaravi calls his player, and after this penalty, from the whole four-way game, this lasting scene was nicknamed the young manly game of chivalry, but it is rooted in morals. in piety, piety, which we have not seen a few examples of , for example, this framework is useful. the men in the field to help the people to preserve the dignity of the people, the issue that becomes more important in days like now, when we are at the height of the competition for the election of the country's executive president, is political piety. a professional who provides national interests, good state of the country. this is what the imam of the revolution said, o taqwa. if it is done everywhere,
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there will be no differences. with this order, the election contests will be permanent. you are in the presence of god before everyone else, then i talk to the people honestly, why do you talk to the people like this, then why do you insult the candidates ? they should follow it, this is the leader's expectation, piety, piety, piety , not giving field to unruly feelings, concentrating all power and energy. to solve the problems of the people and the problems of the country this is our expectation. it is with this hand that a man in the field of politics becomes a political devotee. do not let personal feelings or partisan feelings or emotions at all overrule logic. political piety. it means
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that humans have slippages that the enemy can use. avoid and of course. political piety spreads from pious politicians to their supporters. fans also act more morally if the officials are loyal. if the candidates of our elections observe islamic ethics in their debates and interviews in which they can be asked and answered , this will spill over into the society of the people. they learn ethics and compliance. he does and in the end he wins, the competitive scene in front of which is to serve the people instead of the power play , don't put the election on the stage of the power struggle, don't look at what is common in america and some european countries, which took away their dignity, insulting behavior kosar mehrzad of sedav and sima news agency, the head
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of civil registration organization, said that fellow citizens can vote with their new or old birth certificates in addition to the national smart card to participate in the elections. voting with birth certificate or smart national card. the two elections, based on the announcement of the country's election headquarters, both for compatriots' participation in the 14th presidential election period is provided. of course, we recommend that friends and loved ones who have national cards use their national cards. it will be faster to get votes. now that voting with the national card is the priority of the compatriots who have not received their national card yet, what should they do? star 4 stars 60 90 square. when they enter this command code , they will find out whether their national card has been issued or not, and they can go and continue. through the same
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command code, it will tell them where to go and the counter or office. check the status of the card get their nationality. the head of the civil registration organization announced that last week 85% of the countrymen participated in the elections using national id cards and said: even people who do not have smart national id cards or new id cards can participate in the elections with the same old id cards. these must have their national number or the same national code with them. i emphasize that they do not need a national card . it is enough to have the national number or national code with them . but on friday this week, the first vote of those born on what date can they participate in the elections. their birthdays are from july 15, 2018 to may they can participate in the elections. mr. kargar announced that all the offices of the civil registration organization
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are ready to serve the people and said: those compatriots who have lost both their birth certificates and national cards can visit thousands of civil registration branches on thursday and friday this week. get a birth certificate. behnaz qudsi of radio and television news agency. iran's presence as an official member at the summit of the shanxi cooperation organization the acting president arrived in astana, the capital of kazakhstan, last night to attend the 24th summit of the shanxi cooperation organization. mr. khabar today this summit will give speeches and meet and talk with some of the heads of countries on the sidelines. in july 1402, iran officially
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joined the main members of the organization in the 23rd summit of the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization hosted by india, which was held virtually. china, russia, india, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan, pakistan and uzbekistan are other members of this organization. we welcome iran as an official member, we sincerely congratulate the honorable president of the republic of iran. i would like to congratulate mr. ebrahim raisi for the welcome at the twenty-third meeting of the members of shanghai for the official membership of the islamic republic. iran is in this organization, now that after 18 years of waiting, iran has become the ninth permanent member of this organization , martyr ayatollah raisi says, based on the experience of the past claims, it is now quite evident that along with militarism, what has become the bedrock of the western domination system. the dominance of the dollar has been and therefore any attempt to form a fair international system requires the removal of this instrument of dominance in intra
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-regional relations. fighting against various dimensions of unilateralism and sustainable economic growth is one of the main goals of the members. high goals that are consistent with the internal capacities of the shanghai organization. 25% of land korea 42% of the population and one-third of the world's gross domestic product belong to the members of the shanghai cooperation organization. the definition of a single currency between the members to reduce the effects of western sanctions and the development of commercial crossings are among the programs that have been in the focus of this organization . it has helped the landlocked countries to be able to
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take advantage of the significant situation of the islamic republic of iran in the field of transit and access to international freeways . now the high officials of our country are in the absence of the president president and minister of foreign affairs martyred in the 24th meeting of the shanghai cooperation organization, the first meeting after the announcement of iran's official membership in as. the seeds of gaza are present, what was the feeling in the countries that suddenly felt that this government does not only look at four countries , that if they smile or frown, we can block all the destiny of the country . independent journalist and artist bashir beyazar, who was arrested in france for supporting the islamic republic of iran and the oppressed people of gaza, was released and later on. the return of bashir biazar on the 15th of khordad
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was summoned and arrested by the french police due to his anti-zionist activities on social networks . according to the forecasts of the national meteorological organization, the last days of this week will be relatively warm and calm. for more details, we will go with mohammad asghari , a meteorologist, mr. asghari. greetings to you for today and tomorrow, even for the heights of alborz. it was not issued. this means that people are worried they can easily go to the north, that's right. greetings to you, ahmad reza. well, preferably as always. we say that if you are going to go to the north, it should be done before noon, when the weather is relatively calmer, but you are right, we did not believe that
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we should issue a warning even for the slopes of alborz , if there are people, they will see our activities. there is no problem with climbing, as you can see in the satellite images , it is due to the relatively strong butts in the upper layers, but if there are people who want to walk in the big and industrial cities , exercise, please, if you are in the provinces. they are like tehran, isfahan, kerman, south khorasan, sisistan, baluchistan. be aware that the air is polluted and the conditions are not favorable, especially in the hours before noon , especially for people who are vulnerable, but we have windy weather. there are 120-day monsoons . if you are a gardener, do poison or foliar spraying, it is better to do this in the hour before dawn, the guardian for the seedlings, don't forget the waters of the persian gulf are also rough with marine activities and... a certain
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amount should be limited in the afternoon in the provinces and in tehran. in the south of tehran , the wind speed is significant, if you have a greenhouse, that is the cover be aware of the plastic so that you can be sure of its strength, as well as the temperature, as ahmed reza mentioned , we will see the temperature rise in most places, the rate of temperature rise in the southwest of the country is significant, and god willing, we need to manage the energy consumption of ahmad reza. . thank you very much and special thanks to our good viewers. in the name of god, have a good morning. the championship weightlifting competitions of the country ended with the introduction of the best in isfahan. in this competition, which
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was held in 10 weights. milad rezaei, reza baghi, pouria , akbari, hossein soltani, alireza moini, reza esmi jahormi mehdi karmi and alireza yousefi became the champions. also , alireza yusuffi became the strongest weightlifter in iran, and alireza moini was also named the phenomenon of the tournament. in the team division, zanjan won with 6 gold medals. iran's young separatists will face their rivals in the competitions of the asian free society from today. the tournament will be hosted by almaty, kazakhstan. amir abbas rahimi and mateen ebadi fight against the representatives of uzbekistan in the first round. in addition to 90 kilos , alireza nik sarsht and mohammad mehdi mazloum will go to the distance of their rivals. the youth team of our country to participate in these competitions , he is going to germany today, and there is also news about wimbledon tennis with saud. and
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siner was followed to the third round. in the continuation of these competitions, which will be hosted by london, in the most important matches, the world's number one tennis player defeated his compatriot 31 vertini. spain's carles, the number 3 tennis player in the world, beat australia's vukic 3-0 and russia's daniil medvedev beat france's alexandre muller 3-1. a trip. the 14th of july falls on dhu hijjah and the 4th of july, the midday call to prayer will be at 12:00 and the maghrib call to prayer will be at 19:45. thank you very much. have a nice day goodbye.
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as long as the name of the persian gulf remains, we will rise wave after wave.


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