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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 11:00am-11:30am IRST

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to all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful, he greets us with the news section at 11 o'clock. the election headquarters of the country announced in announcement number 5 that the id of the candidates who qualified for the second round of the 14th presidential term is unchanged, as in the first round of the election. accordingly, the id of mr. masoud bizikian is 22 and the id of mr. saeed jalili is 44. also, based on article 17 of the constitution, in the second phase of the presidential election, the selection criterion is to obtain a relative majority of votes. all people who
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have iranian citizenship and are at least 18 years old, that is people born on july 15, 2005 and before that can participate in tomorrow's elections by presenting the original birth certificate or national smart card . what are you saying? ? to judge no, i did not vote this series , but i will probably vote this term. these two people are different because they are now presidential candidates. yes, they are very different. look, i would like someone to come to work who has a high level of thinking, knowledge, and knowledge . people are very different for you because their plans are yes.
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but i have my objection to the current situation , don't think that i am a weak class, but due to this country itself has become weak, the country of knowledgeable people wants people who go to research and study. see why
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the conditions of the country are like this, they say to god , they are talking in our corner, sir, let them see, i am begging you, you are our compatriots, please come once in three months and sit here, sir, are you satisfied with your vote, sir? are you satisfied with the choice you made? one year from now , anyone who wants to express their opinion on the street should ask people's opinion. sir, this president is doing well. either people say it is good or not first. above all , the officials and the higher-ups should not fight with each other and make the people quarrel. i am asking the president who wants to come to work to really see the pain of the people. as every iranian who loves our security, we love your authority, i want the whole story. you take my words too hard , let's make my enemy happy, the second time the vote is yes, the great verses of makarem shirazi, nouri hamdani and sobhani, in
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separate messages , invited the public to participate as much as possible in the second round of the presidential election. sharif of iran in his message , it is necessary for all the eligible people to complete the half-finished work and fulfill their religious and social duty in determining the destiny and future of the society with enthusiastic participation and electing a trustworthy person who is worthy of the important position of the presidency. in his message, ayatollah nouri hamadani thanked all those who came to the polls in the first phase of the 14th presidency and said: considering the special internal and external conditions, as well as to solve the economic and livelihood problems of the people and increase the power of the country in international arenas and the manifestation of unity and empathy in the country of all dear ones, especially those who in the first stage they couldn't participate in the elections , they showed up on friday with a strong will and a firm step, and once again showed the glory and greatness of islamic iran by electing a man of arms. ayatollah javadi
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amoli also considered all the people as the main axis of islam and in his message, the authorities should appreciate this effort and selflessness of the people. move in the direction of organizing the economic and social situation before the past. today, we are obliged to have an active presence by maintaining unity in the elections that bring independence, security, greatness and glory of the country . if we are really interested in the country there is a path of progress and it will continue on this path, we must participate as in the previous course. does not differ. between the first round and the second round, just as we participated in the first round, we must also participate here if we are interested in this development to evolve and the so-called believers to be happy and their enemies to fail
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. it was in the first round, the same national and islamic duty is in the second round, god willing, everyone. participate . as long as the participation is high, friends are happy and enemies are disappointed. thank you for sending the pictures of the first round of the presidential election, the narrator of your presence at the polls there were votes. now in
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we must write a new season, hand in hand, hand in hand, hand in hand, hand in hand, iran and iranians together. the minister of sports and youth , during his trip to mazandaran, inaugurated several projects and visited the sports facilities of this province . . a well-known trip of the first man of iran's sports to the most sports province of iran, the minister of sports paid his respects to shamakh martyrs upon his arrival in maten duran. later, he went to the opening of the sports hall in kiabe village, which
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was completed after years of waiting. amounting to five billion tomans for this hall of fame was established by mafaruj akari project as a historical sports project. mazen was also on the agenda. i don't know that announcing this thing, that announcing 90 billion tomans is about the allocation of credits for this project. i personally follow up. the equipping of the wrestling hall of hasan yazdani , the captain of iran's freestyle wrestling in the paris olympics, was the final program of the first day of hashemi's trip to mazandaran. it has only three beds with mattresses and lacks fitness equipment. we don't want anything for ourselves, sir. yazdini doesn't want anything for himself, he says , bring the facilities and the next generations will use them, promise i agreed to visit and i will definitely help. of course , the minister of sports also had good news for the textile players on the sidelines of these visits. this deep-rooted
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team will strengthen us. the second day of the sports minister's visit to mazandaran will be a news-filled day, the inauguration of many projects, of which mahmoud and abad sports complex is one of them. ayub rizvani, mazandaran radio and television news agency , nima hashemzadeh's emergency center was opened, this emergency center was built by a good family to receive information. i talk more with the minister health care and medical education who attended this ceremony, mr. ainullah, if you have my voice , you are not connected, i am sure, ainullah, in the following news, if we are connected, we will definitely have a conversation about the details of the opening of this emergency center. but bashir biazar, an independent artist and journalist who was arrested in france for supporting the islamic republic of iran and the oppressed people of gaza , was released and returned to his homeland. bashir biazar
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was summoned and arrested by the french police on the 15th of khordad due to his anti-zionist activities on social networks. this media activist in exposing against persian language media also played an effective role . laws and rights were not respected at all, and even the answer. our lawyers were not given a simple answer, which is the duty of a judicial system to give a positive or negative answer to the lawyer. at least there was no cooperation. we were in complete ignorance for 30 days. we did not know what was going to happen. giving and well , alhamdulillah, last night they visited without prior notice at 3:30 in the morning and said that they would gather quickly. we have to go to the place where i took the things i had in the cell, so this shows that the zionist regime is wrong
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the french red line, the european red line, and the western red line , well, in my opinion, we should use these experiences in our interactions with them and know that when they come to the interests of the zionist regime, there is no discussion of human rights, no discussion of their reputation, no discussion of history. they themselves have nothing to do with them. thank you very much for your company. have a nice day, god bless you.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the honorable mr. dukayev, the honorable president of kazakhstan, the honorable presidents of the member countries of the cooperation organization, your honors, at the beginning of the speech, the memory of the martyred president, the honorable dr. ebrahim raisi, and the minister of foreign affairs of the martyr. excellency i honor dr. hossein amir abdalayayan and his effective role in advancing the multilateral diplomacy of the islamic republic of iran in the last 3 years, especially his membership in the shanghai cooperation organization brics , and i express my sympathy by sending a message and sending representatives of the member countries to participate in the ceremony. great it is
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appropriate to thank the efforts made by mr. dekayev, the honorable president of kazakhstan, and the government of this country during the past one year and during his presidency of the shanghai cooperation organization . they also wish the president the full membership of the republic of belarus in the organization. respected and congratulations to the people of the republic of belarus. i offer my condolences to the government of the russian nation for the recent terrorist incidents in the makhleah border and express my sympathy to us and the survivors of this incident. dear khazar, unfortunately, during the past 9 months and against all international standards, in any way. morality and human behavior
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. we are witnessing a widespread wave of genocide, war crimes, and the killing of innocent women and children in gaza by the zionist regime. excellent, gentlemen. the continuation of the brutal and organized crimes of the zionist regime with the support of the united states against the oppressed and resistant people of gaza, which has left the human society in awe we strongly condemn the international movement into inaction. we emphasize the need for effective measures by countries, especially by the members of their cooperation organization, to immediately stop the war crimes of the regime and the need to send sufficient and unhindered humanitarian aid to all of gaza. excellencies
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, there are many opportunities and capacities in the territory of the member countries of the shanghai cooperation organization in the fields of trade, production, energy, transportation, agriculture, customs, telecommunications, as well as the development of technology in the field of artificial intelligence, for interaction , which should be used for the benefit of prosperity. nation and stability. sustainable peace and inclusive development in shanhai region used all over the world. activation of transduction corridors plays a key role. it plays a role in facilitating trade as well as in economic development and as a result the political stability of the member countries. we believe that the members of the shanghai cooperation organization can trade goods
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with the countries of the world through the north-south corridor and through the southern ports of iran at a lower cost and faster. it seems to be active. transitional and commercial situations are considered complementary to each other. the organization of the islamic republic of iran strongly opposes the use of political tools. in particular, unilateral sanctions are cruel in the field of energy, and as a major producer of energy resources, especially oil and gas, it has always followed the policy of multilateralism in the field of energy and actively participated in the drafting of the energy cooperation strategy document of the shanghai cooperation organization. and
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supports its implementation. fortunately , the issue of using national funds and increasing their share in the settlement of trade funds between the countries of the basin has been seriously placed on the organization's agenda. islamic republic of iran from the continuation of negotiations of specialized working groups in this field until achieving the final goal, which is to reduce or remove the dollar from multilateral exchanges. support. according to the experience gained during the organization's banking union, in our opinion, the establishment of the shanghai joint bank can increase the level of cooperation between countries in need in the financial and economic fields . also, the islamic republic of iran is fully prepared
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to implement the operational plan of scientific and technological cooperation. among member countries of the organization in priority areas, especially in the field of the latest medical technologies, biotechnology and artificial intelligence announces your excellency, the islamic republic of iran from the documents and understandings made in the shanghai organization, including the comprehensive and long-term cooperation development strategy document of the organization. other related documents support. in the end, while congratulating the people's republic of china, as the next president of the shanghai organization , i would like to thank the nation-friendly and brotherly government of the republic of kazakhstan for their worthy hosting and warm hospitality. i am sure, the decisions and agreements that
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will be made following the results of today's meeting. in increasing the level of coordination to jointly deal with common and emerging threats and challenges, as well as raising the level the cooperation of member countries in various economic , political, scientific and cultural fields will play a significant role . thank you for your attention.
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as long as the name of the persian gulf remains, we will rise wave after wave, we will not sell the results of our ideals cheaply to anyone. this is the meaning of patriotism. we re-created those who picked stars from the depths of the earth in the absence of the sun. we are mirrors facing each other, this view is not the end, we
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are from two tribes, we are one qibla towards love, it is enough to give our hometown a new reputation. with wit , you can watch the dawns on the way to the night, a friend, when it comes to hope, the star dust
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it is possible to sew because the mountain is always on its feet, like the wind is always passing. in the memory of the entire history, we are the conquerors of the peaks of dourim, to give our hometown a new reputation, in the expanse of the iranian sky, we shine like stars.
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these people will never surrender to these super criminal acts. because really , since they were young , they left their families and everything, so that we could live comfortably. the martyrs were 100% imam hosseini. if it wasn't for imam hossein , they wouldn't have come to this path. they wouldn't have come to the help of mr. imam hossein . it's been a long time since those days. the imam hosseini are still there. are you imam hosseini? yes, can anyone be there? may iran live without imam hossein, my love, my soul, imam hossein. if it was the afternoon of ashura or the iran-iraq war, would you have participated in the war? yes
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, i would have participated. wherever the battlefield is with the enemy, they always show up . did you participate in the elections? yes, i participated. in order for my country to progress, every school needs a teacher and a moderator. a manager wants to visit karbala , well, we were great, friends said that i said, "sir, how should we vote?" i said, "sir, we have to vote anyway, and thank god, the way was opened and we voted with our passports. no, will you participate in the second round ? yes, i will participate because the one who we want to be the president should be at least the same." as long as i'm alive, i'll vote again on friday , may god bless the house. let's tell everyone , god willing, come to the polls. the vote of the nation and the system will remain stable, god willing, what we can do today is to go vote and show that we are behind our country like the martyrs. zahra hosseini, head of sada news agency
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sima the world has sad days as well as good and sweet days. yes, our elders are right. life has ups and downs, life has ups and downs, don't get tired. let the life of these hardships be short
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. believe that we can. very good days are on the way. look at the smiling sun . say hello to tomorrow. hello to am. future, look at the smiling sun, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future.
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first, it is iran's gossip that says our face has become old, then the revolution of the new people, the cat of our plan has become a lion, the cat of our plan has become a lion. together with one flag , we tied the heart to the homeland, there is no opponent in the world until now that we are together, death in america, death to america.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, dear viewers, hello , have a good time. you are a viewer of the economy and market news section of the khabar network. the 2nd sco summit started with the presence of iran as an official member in kazakhstan. the acting president said in this meeting: the members of the shanghai cooperation organization can trade with the countries of the world through the north-south corridor and through the southern ports of iran at a lower cost and faster . the informant added that shanghai members should of capacity.


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