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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, peace be upon you. we , the respected viewers, are at your service with the 12 o'clock news section. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters announced the increase in the limited number of voting booths in the second phase of the elections in some regions of the country and said that these booths will be added upon the request of the executive boards of the cities. according to mr. eslami, the necessary documents for voters include the national card , and the holders of old birth certificates
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must present their national code when voting. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said that the process of holding elections with the presence of a representative of the candidates in all branches will be held and each of the candidates will have 3 representatives in the country's election headquarters. according to mr. eslami, the election results will be announced on saturday. as soon as the elections are over , the head of the ministry of interior. the country's election has been announced, our colleagues in the branches count the votes in the presence of the supervisors, the representative of the governor, the branch attendants, and they record them in a meeting report that we already explained, and that meeting report is entered into the verification system of the branch itself. yes , they register, and then aggregation is done in the branches of each district of the governorate, and then through the system the election headquarters of the country will arrive as soon as this consolidation takes place. the election headquarters
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will gradually announce the results of the country's elections through the media . anyway, this process that you witnessed in the first stage , we almost had the final announcement of the first stage results at 11 o'clock, god willing. in the second stage , it will be done in the same way. the opportunity to advertise the candidates for the presidential election ended at 8 am today. according to the law of relative majority, each of the two candidates of the second stage of the presidential election can be announced as the winner of the election, even if he gets one more vote. potential iranians have the possibility that the next president will be elected with his vote. the importance of the second stage is definitely more . do you know the relative majority of votes?
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the law of the relative majority of votes. i have no information about it. plus one? it can be effective. whoever has an even more vote. how effective do you think your vote is in this election period? now i think that i will prepare the candidates one by one and count the votes they are going to get. because a rhyme can finally have an effect . change everything. returns in favor someone can decide the fate of the country of iran in these 4 years. well, your candidate was between these two people. yes , your candidate made it from the first round to the second round . yes, you will still vote. to be honest, we have to finish the half-finished work . god willing, we will complete it on friday . i would like to be influential and the person i am considering
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to be elected. yes, in the last 5 months, our country has had four elections, that is, the first round of the parliament, the second round of the parliament, the first round of the presidency. the second round of the republic, this democracy makes people good now, but freedom you are choosing, as a citizen, i feel that it is my right to participate in this election . i would like to be one of those two votes that the original person will go up and how does he feel? it feels really good if your candidate is between these two people. not with yes, of course, well, finally , we are making a decision for our country, just like we decided in previous years, i will come again. it is important when he gets more votes, that means one for the president it is hoped that in the years to come, during his service , he will feel that he has a greater obligation towards the people who came. if you vote for him, he will
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go up , he will stick to work more, he will look for people's pain to solve problems. he should make himself so that, god willing, it will come true. we hope that the situation will improve. god willing, this course will be the course we want. the second phase of the presidential election will be held on friday this week, while according to the law, one vote can be more the president should determine iran for the next 4 years. mehdi anari, sed and cima news agency. the 24th summit of the shanghai cooperation organization began with the presence of iran as an official member in kazakhstan . the acting president said in this meeting: the members of shanghai should
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use diverse capacities such as energy, transportation, agriculture, customs, telecommunications, as well as the development of technology in the field of artificial intelligence, for the benefit of the nation's welfare and the establishment of sustainable peace. mr. mokhbar added that the members of the shanghai cooperation organization can travel through the north-south route and from the southern ports of iran at a lower cost and faster. trade exchanges with different countries. considering that trade and trade activities are complementary to each other, we suggest to create a network of common free zones and establish preferential and free trade agreements at the organization level . establishing economic agreements such as preferential and free trade agreement, increasing the use of national latitudes and establishing the
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shanghai joint bank were among the suggestions of mr. mokhbar to the leaders of shanghai. according to the experience gained against the union. in our opinion, the establishment of the shanghai joint bank can increase the level of cooperation their countries are hot in the financial and economic spheres. thank you very much for being with us. in the name of god, the light, in the name of god , the light, in the name of god, light on the light, in
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the name of god, light on the light, on the name of god, light on the slave, in the name of god , who is the master of things, in the name of god, who created the light, praise be to god who created the light, i am the light. in the name of allah, who created the light from the light, and sent down the light to the almighty, and sent down the light to the righteous in the book of al-maskhur at the time of publication in the book of masfur at the time of publication allah
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is great, god is great. allah is great, god is great, i testify that there is no god but god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the
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messenger of god.
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hail ali khair al-alam hail al-khair al-alam allah akbar allah o sit on the first page o sit on the first page the row of sacrifices
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is over there on the other side of the fence, see the joy of meeting there is this sitting on the first page stand up to justice what is left on your shoulders , lift up the burden of trust front page the first line of service is the line of humanity, your stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you, on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in your eyes , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good times to you, dear and respected viewers, welcome to another program on the front page of omid. that have time and plan so that we can be at your service in this program.
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throughout history, various approvals have been designed to consciously protect the human environment, and just as a healthy environment is the right of all humans, they all have duties to maintain it. in our country, iran, there are different laws to benefit from the environment. the healthy life and clean air depicted are actually natural resources of all people, and people should be diligent in maintaining the management of medical resources while using natural resources. based on this, the environmental protection organization with the slogan of the environment the life of the people based on the guidance of the martyr president took important steps in this direction and with the unique programs of opening environmental houses or issuing permits for nature projects in dolab shadgan and
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ashura island, it moved towards public protection. the first page program hosts the vice president and the head of the environmental protection organization of our country to talk a little more about this issue . first of all , we will see the report prepared by my colleagues in the editorial office of mehit zeit news agency. we will be in any province in the country we have an explicit order from the president to liberate the beaches, exactly 6 months after accepting the responsibility , the beach should be occupied by administrative and government agencies, contrary to the regulations. seth should be released quickly, for the benefit of the people
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, we feel that we have ownership. god , how sweet it is for a person to have something. we also feel that we have the sea. the environment for the people. the approach that was followed in the mian calais peninsula, by preserving the environment, living regulations an environment should be made so that people can use this space, that there should be space in it and only if it wants, for example , to have a use, but it is not like that. with the same point of view of the nature tourism project of ashurade island and the dewatering of the roads connected to gorgan bay after a year , the necessity of this work needs a reason to stop here at all, and 21 months later, the implementation of these two projects came to a conclusion and
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the people of bandar turkmen benefited from it before this ruby ​​layer and this situation has improved a lot. we have been looking for the revival of this island for 20 years . thank you very much. please pray for mr. raisi . last year , he was also concerned about removing the environmental obstacles. let's do that too we can protect the environment. let's open the way for the tourism economy. this talib is a very good place for tourism work. now it has been announced that a year has passed since the order of the president, the tourism document of this talib has been prepared and entered into the implementation stage, and in the last provincial visit of the government, solving environmental issues is still on the agenda. he was the president. here in
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nowshahr, one of the works that was locked here was the industrial town. an environmental problem caused a problem to last here for years, and people have been waiting for this problem to be solved since the 70s. this was also a problem that could be solved. this lock is thanks to god has opened and this problem is solved, no, it can be solved, it is solved, the issue of the industrial town is over, and this can activate the production centers here. it is a non-transparent process. and the time taken for environmental permits for the implementation of tourism, production and industrial service projects was one of the complaints of the people and investors that the president insisted on solving during his provincial trips. we have bombast, but i certainly don't have enough. the environmental organization must find a solution. we must respect the environment. the law also
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says to respect. but it is important that the manager finds a solution. it is very easy to say no the evaluation of the environmental effects of the projects must be documented, transparent and convincing. this is the recommendation of the martyred president. follow up on this too, god willing, it will be followed up. the environment is very important. hossein qutani baaf, radio and television news agency. well, greetings to you , dear and respected viewers of the first page, the first page is at the service of mr. we are selajkeh, the head of the environmental organization, mr. selajkeh, greetings and good times, and welcome to your service . in the name of allah, the most merciful, i greet you, your excellency, your respected colleagues, the noble people of my country. peace be upon you, mr. selajkeh. we are in the last days of the 13th government.
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how would you rate the performance of this organization in the government of the martyred president? first of all, please allow me to honor the memory of our beloved president, dr. raisi, mr. dr. amir abdullahian, my dear brother, and all the respected members who joined the supreme kingdom in this incident. well, their place is empty, really, as a small servant in the government of the noble martyr dr. raisi, i hope i can do the right thing in the context of the report i am giving to his nation. he had opened up on many fronts, including the country's environment , what happened and what grade he gave it is possible that people will judge, god willing, but because of the approach of this noble martyr to
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the environmental issue, i am referring to some of his famous sayings. they said that please pay attention in the years when the economy was the main priority of the country and the first priority of the country, they said that development is dependent on the environment, that is , the environment is the main thing. they said that no construction project should be started without an environmental permit. these principles were completely respected by the national covenants that happened in the government of the honorable shaheed raisi , and we all adhered to them. in this government, well, with an approach he explained that we had many firsts, the first times happened in this government in this short period of time, 800,000 hectares were added to the four environmental zones of the country in the form of four meetings of the supreme council of environment, which you have no record of. the meetings
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of the supreme council of the environment of the country in this government , considering that the 5th article of the constitution leaves the issue of environmental protection to the people , the popularization of the environment took place operationally , more than 2 thousand environmental houses were set up in the country. there were about 30 environmental technology houses in it was the first time in the country that the country started the life . it was the first time that the houses of environmental technology were launched for the first time in the country . please pay attention to this part. in fact, if we want to be the first ones who are serious about plastic, it was the first law to reduce plastic. under 25 microns of the country, it was announced in the government board that the discussion plan for nature tourism regulation in this government was announced. it was announced that the discussion of environmental diplomacy was announced. the international environmental diplomacy in this government was very active , that is, it was a solution that really continued all the correct thinking of the relationship with the world that mr. dr.
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the noble chief of drawing said that being in this extremely valuable part answered. we welcome iran as an official member. congratulations to the honorable president of the republic of iran. his excellency mr. ebrahim raisi has become the 9th permanent member of this organization at the 23rd meeting of members of shanghai for the official membership of the islamic republic. martyr ayatollah raisi says that the presence of our country in this organization is a necessary platform to ensure collective security and sustainable development. in the region, based on the experience of the past decades, it is now quite evident that , along with militarism, what is the foundation of the western domination system has been dominated by the dollar. and therefore, any attempt to shape a fair international system
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requires the removal of this tool of domination in intra -regional relations. the subject emphasized by shahid raisi means fighting against various dimensions of one-sidedness and sustainable economic growth, one of the main goals of the members, among others. high goals that are consistent with the internal capacities of the shanghai organization. 25% of the earth's land, 42% of the population and one third of the world's gross product belong to the members of the shanghai cooperation organization. defining a single currency between members to reduce the effects of western sanctions and development of the crossing commercial including the program. it is that the focus of this institution is transit, one of the most important axes of attention and the meeting point of the members of shanghai. iran's membership in shanghai
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has helped the members so that the landlocked countries can benefit from the significant situation of the islamic republic of iran in the field of transit and access to waterways. use international free focus on. balanced diplomacy at the very beginning of the 13th government's work, the acceptance of iran among the member countries of shanghai caused the value of tehran's foreign trade with other member capitals to reach 39 billion dollars by february 1401. and an increase of 18% compared to the same period in 1400 . now the high officials of our country in the absence of the president and the minister of foreign affairs.
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they will attend the first meeting after iran's official membership was announced in astana, kazakhstan. the 3-year policy of the islamic republic of iran and the realistic approach of martyr raisi aziz led to the main problem of the united nations system. iran will become a member of the most important agreement, which it was not possible to join due to its western approach and disregard for the basic directions of the united nations system. it's not just that if they smile or frown , we can block all the destiny of the country with
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their smile or frown. the ambassador of the islamic republic of iran in turkey said that the government of shahid raisi pushed the strategic policy of the neighborhood with all his might by the foreign minister of shahid and today we are witnessing the improvement of indicators in the shadow of the development of cooperation. he used every opportunity to develop close relations with his neighbors . strengthen and develop. transportation is also on the agenda in the framework of the neighborhood policy is. construction of roads, railways, energy transmission, environment, agriculture, electricity exchange, trade, etc. are followed with seriousness and interest within the framework of this policy. members of parliament, members of political parties and people of turkish culture, including the head of the iran-turkey parliamentary friendship group, the deputy of the saadat party,
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the deputy of the watan party, etc. , fully understand the nation and government of iran and turkey and the will of the late iranian president in this policy. we did. he wrote this book.
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he brought us the policy of supporting the palestinian people and the palestinian resistance groups, and the policy of the martyr raisi government was based on the policy of imam khomeini in the issue of palestine was stable. at the neighborhood policy meeting of martyr raisi's government, the book describing his life and services under the title of martyr president was unveiled in istanbul turkish and was made available to turkish media and culture people. it was translated into seven languages , including istanbul turkish, considering that there are deep connections between the islamic republic of iran and turkey, it was decided that this book would be translated into turkish and explained in this country . by reciting the fatiha and listening to verses from the holy quran , the memory of the martyred president of iran, the foreign minister the martyrs and their companions honored the martyrs, the speakers of this conference emphasized martyr raisi and martyr amir
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abdullahian they brought the policy of all-out resistance against the zionist regime and support for the palestinian people to the islamic countries of the region . this election, if the good participation of the people is seen in him, this is the pride of the islamic republic.
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when you know you can, you will untie every knot, no matter how it is, you will break the cage and fly away tired you don't come to us. tiredness has no meaning. if the eyes don't flow, there's no way to the sea. go higher, the valleys are higher. today, wherever we are, we'll be higher tomorrow. that sweet heart that turns is the quality of our hearts wherever


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