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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and hasten their fate. greetings to you , respected viewers of the news segment at 13:00. you came. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters said that people who did not vote in the first phase of the election can vote in the second phase. according to mr. eslami, the number of certificates printed across the country is equal to the number of qualified people plus one percent more for caution. according to article 19 of the presidential election law, two identity documents are accepted. my colleagues in the branches will have
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birth certificates and national cards, which are either cards anyway national id or birth certificate, regarding the old birth certificates , they must keep the national code or provide a document that shows what their national code is so that my colleagues can do their work. the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters added that each candidate will have one representative in each branch and 3 representatives in the country's election headquarters. as soon as the end of the election is announced by the head of the ministry of interior, the election headquarters of the country , our colleagues in the branches will count the votes in the presence of the supervisors, the representative of the governor, and they will record them in a report of the meeting, which we already explained, and give that report. open the meeting they register the system of verification system that is in the branch itself, and then the consolidation is done in the branches of each district of the governorate and then through. the system
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will be sent to the election headquarters of the country as soon as this consolidation is done, the election headquarters of the country will gradually announce it through the media . vote yourself. voting with birth certificate or card. national smart two elections based on the announcement of the election headquarters of the country , both for the participation of fellow citizens in the 14th term the presidential election has been prepared, of course , our advice is that friends and loved ones who have national cards should use their national cards , it will be faster to vote. 60 four-star star. 90 square, when they enter this command code
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, they will know whether their national card has been issued or not, and then they can go and continue through the same command code. receive the head of civil registration organization with it was announced that last week 85% of compatriots participated in the elections using national cards. he said: even people who do not have a smart national card or a new birth certificate can participate in the elections with the same old birth certificates. these must have their national number or national code with them, i emphasize that they do not need a national card , just having their national number or national code with them is enough. but on friday this week, the first vote of those born on what date can they participate in the elections. from july 15, 2018, they have 5 birthdays before
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they can participate in the elections. mr. kargar with announcing that all offices of the civil registration organization are ready to serve the people, he said: those compatriots who have lost both their birth certificate and national card can get their birth certificate on thursday and friday this week by visiting one thousand civil registration branches. do behnaz qudsi of radio and television news agency. in separate messages, ayat azam, makarem shirazi, nouri hamdani and sobhani invited the general public to participate in the second round of the presidential election. in his message, ayatollah makarem shirazi invited the honorable people of iran to all those who have the necessary conditions with enthusiastic participation and choosing a person who is faithful, trustworthy and worthy of the important position of the presidency of the islamic republic of iran, they will complete all the work and
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fulfill their religious and social duty in determining the fate and future of the society. in his message, ayatollah nouri hamadani thanked all those who came to vote in the first phase of the 14th presidency and said: considering the special internal and external conditions, as well as to solve the economic and livelihood problems of the people and increase the power of the country. in the international arena and the manifestation of unity and empathy in the country, all the dear ones, especially those who could not participate in the elections in the first stage, with strong will and steady step on friday attendance. found and by choosing fard aslah once again to display the glory and greatness of islamic iran. ayatollah javadi ameli has considered all people as the main axis of islam and in his message
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, the officials should move further in the direction of organizing the economic and social situation while appreciating this effort and self-sacrifice of the people. today we are obliged to preserve. unity in the elections that bring independence, security, greatness and glory of the country, let us have an active presence. if we are really interested that the country is on the path of progress and continue on this path give, we have to participate like in the previous course. there is no difference between the first period and the second period. as we participated in the first round, we should do the same here. let's participate if we are interested in this development to evolve and the so-called believers to be happy and the enemies to fail. we should not be satisfied only with the first round . the same duty that was for us in the first round
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is the same national and sharia duty in the second round, god willing, everyone will participate. say, the higher the participation, the happier the friends and the happier the enemies. according to the law of relative majority, each of the two candidates of the second stage of the presidential election who won even one more vote kend can be announced as the winner of the election , based on this, every potential iranian has the possibility that the next president will be elected with his vote. the importance of the second stage is definitely more. be elected, do you know anything
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about the law of the relative majority of votes? i am going to dress up the candidates one by one and count the votes they are going to get, because one rhyme can have an effect in the end. be it change everything and turn the page in favor of someone who can decide the fate of iran in these 4 years . well, your candidate was between these two people. yes, your candidate made it from the first round to the second round. to cast my vote and really participate in the destiny of my country , we must finish the half-finished work , god willing, we will complete it on friday , my love. i want to be effective and this person is considered to be elected. yes, in the last five months , our country has had four elections, that is, the first round of the parliament , the second round of the parliament, the first round of the presidency, and the second round. this is a democracy. now you have the freedom to choose. as a citizen , i feel that it is my right to participate in this election
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. the condition is really good, if the name if you weren't between these two people, would you participate again? yes, of course, well, finally , we are making a decision for our country, just as we decided in previous years, i would come again. how important is the president with high votes when more votes he earns, which means that he becomes a hope for the president for the next years, during his service , he feels that he has more in front of the people who come to vote for him. solve the problems, i vote for that side to come up, but the side that comes up should do my request or not, definitely based on what
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he promised us, he should try his best, and god willing, it will come true, we hope that the situation will improve god willing, this period will be the period we want for the second phase of the presidential election friday this week. it is held while according to the law, one more vote can appoint the president of iran for the next 4 years. mehdi anari, radio and television news agency. the election headquarters of the country announced in the announcement number 5 that the id of the candidates who went to the second stage of the 14th presidential term is unchanged as in the first round of the election. accordingly, the id of mr. masoud mezikian is 22 and the id of mr. saeed jalili is 44. also, based on article 17 of the constitution and the interpretation of the guardian council, in the second phase of the presidential election , the selection criteria is to obtain a relative majority of votes.
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all people who have iranian citizenship and their age at least 18 years old, that means those born on july 15, 2005 and before that can participate in tomorrow's elections in the country by presenting the original birth certificate or national smart card. while the opportunity for presidential candidates to campaign ended at 8 am today, the candidates and their supporters put their last efforts to win the votes and trust of the people. compliance with electoral ethics is one of the propositions that people consider when choosing a weapon. recording a lasting sports memory in 2003. the iran-denmark game, after a sahvi move from the iranian player, sarmaravi calls his player and
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after this penalty, from the whole four-way game , this lasting scene was nicknamed the game of chivalry, chivalry, but it is rooted in morals , piety, which we have not seen many examples of , for example, this is the basis of the work of the field men to help people preserve their dignity. people, the issue that becomes more important in days like now, when we are at the height of the competition for the election of the executive head of the country, is political piety, it is a profession that ensures the national interests of the country. there is no competition with this order elections are permanent. you are in god's presence before anyone else. i talk to people honestly. why do you talk to people like this? then why do you insult the candidates? the piety
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that in the blind political games, before me and you people, it is the officials who must observe it . this is the leader's expectation. piety, piety, piety, giving no field to unruly feelings, concentrating all the power and energy to solve the problems of the people and the problems of the country. this is our expectation. it is with this hand that a man in the field of politics becomes a political devotee. do not put personal feelings or feelings of faction or absolutely emotions overcome logic. political piety. it means that humans have slippages that the enemy can use. avoid it and of course political piety will spread. and allied politicians. the fans will be more ethical to their fans if the officials are strict. if
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the candidates of our elections observe islamic ethics in their debates and interviews in which they can be asked questions and answers , this will spill over into the society, people will learn and observe moral considerations, and in the end we will win. be the scene. the competition that is ahead of it is to serve the people instead of playing power. don't put the election on the scene of a power struggle. don't look at what is common in america and some european countries, insulting behavior. kausar mehrzad of sed and cima news agency. let's see a report about the election celebration, the celebration that takes place after important choices in life. i hope you have made the best choice of your life. they came
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to celebrate one of the most important choices in their lives together. choices that are sometimes hard and sometimes easy. was choosing a wife difficult or easy? the choice was very easy for me. but it was a difficult path. very hard, but i thank god for this my wife did my part. it was very easy. it was very good. thank god, it was easy to get an excellent choice . what did you say?
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let's create our future president. make sure to care about joona, that just as we cared about them when we went to the polls, they will care about us in terms of politics, economy and other aspects. it is good that
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he should serve the society, care for his people, and be able to make the right decisions for these young couples . motahara mehrabi, the acting president of our country, met with the president of russia on the sidelines of the shanghai summit. mr. mokhbar said in this meeting: the members of shanghai should use various capacities such as energy, transportation, agriculture, customs, telecommunications, as well as the development of technology in the field of artificial intelligence for the benefit of the nation's well-being and the establishment of sustainable peace. establishing a network of joint free zones, establishing economic agreements such as preferential and
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free trade agreements, establishing the shanghai joint bank and increasing the use of latitudes. national was one of mr. mokhbar's suggestions to the leaders of shanghai. one year anniversary of iran's membership in the shanghai cooperation organization is a eurasian and intergovernmental organization to strengthen multilateral economic, security and political cooperation with the aim of creating a balance against the intervention and illegal actions of the united states and nato in the region, whose approaches are in line with the policies of the islamic republic of iran. shankai organization is a very important organization of four countries. atomi and 2 member countries of the united nations security council are members of this organization. the member countries of the shanghai organization have 43% of the world's population, 25% of the gross product, 20% of the exports, 20% of the world's imports and about 23% of the world economy. the islamic republic's membership in the
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shanghai cooperation organization is for the benefit of the people and on the way. it is aimed at connecting the islamic republic of iran with asian economic infrastructure. the special capacity and capabilities of the islamic republic of iran, including the huge reserves of oil and gas, being located in a unique geography as a transit crossroads in the most strategic route of the east-west and south-north corridor, as well as the region's superior defense power, are among the points. which all members of the shanghai cooperation organization are well aware of. iran's participation in this organization and the brics cooperation mechanism to play a greater role in cooperation between internationalization helps to strengthen global power and improve the structure of global governance. the accession of iran undoubtedly adds to the international authority of the shanghai treaty because this country plays an important role in asia. now the acting president
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has traveled to kazakhstan to participate in the 24th summit of the shanghai cooperation organization. in iran's first official appearance, he asked the member countries to put the activation of transit corridors on the agenda to facilitate the countries' trade. members of the shanghai cooperation organization can travel through the north-south corridor and through the southern ports of iran at a lower cost deal more quickly with trade materials with the countries of the world. mr. mokhbar also talked about iran's readiness for implementation. he announced scientific and technological action plans among the member countries of the organization and emphasized the continuation of negotiations of specialized working groups to eliminate or reduce the use of dollars in commercial interactions . according to the announcement of the hajj and pilgrimage organization, to participate
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in the arbaeen walk, pilgrims must be registered in the sama system with the sign of when registering in the system, pilgrims choose the date of their return, the type of vehicle for the size of the border, the exit border and the entry border, and all pilgrims they must be covered by insurance and pay the amount of 20 thousand tomans in order to compensate the costs of providing medical services to the red crescent society. pilgrims' insurance is in the form of three packages with different financial coverages, including per capita medical services for the al-ahmar population, with prices ranging from 80, 90 and 100,000 tomans, according to the announcement of the hajj organization, leaving the borders of iran for the arba'in pilgrimage is subject to having a valid passport. is. the deputy
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minister of roads and urban development said that the banks are obliged to pay 20% of their facility financial resources to the housing sector annually, and in case of violation, they will be fined. mr. abbasi also announced the increase in the national housing development facility. he informed the central bank and said: after the notification of the central bank to 27 public and private operating banks, this education will be available to the applicants. the loan of 800 million tomans , which was approved by the housing council , was notified by mr. dr. mokhbar, head of the presidential institution, to the central bank and went one step further. in this ebraqiyyah, it is stated that the installments should be in such a way that the first two years of the installments should be arranged.
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tejarat said that since the beginning of this year, nearly 7,800 imported cars have been cleared and given to applicants is delivered mehdi zighmi informed that there are more than 16 thousand cars in the country's customs. which are undergoing the clearance process. the import car supply system is supposed to be opened next week and this is the last supply that the registrants of 1401 have priority to choose . do bashir biazar, an independent artist and journalist, who was arrested in france for supporting the islamic republic of iran and the oppressed people of gaza , was released and returned to his homeland. bashir bizar the 15th
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khordad was summoned and arrested by the french police for his anti-zionist activities on social networks. this media activist had also played an effective role in exposing against persian-language zionist media. laws and rights were not respected at all, and even our lawyers were not answered . the simple answer is that it is the duty of a judicial system to give the lawyer a positive or negative answer. at least there was no cooperation. we were completely without news for 30 days. bifete benas, what decision has been made because they don't answer anyone and well, alhamdulillah, he visited last night. without announcement before at 3:00 am and saying to pack quickly and we have to go where i took the things i had in the cell, well, this shows that the
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zionist regime has a french red line, a european red line, and a western red line, and i think these are your experiences. we should use it in our interactions with them and know when they are good. the interests of the zionist regime come in the middle, not discussing human rights, not discussing their own reputation , not discussing their own history, nothing matters to them . thank you very much for being with us.
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hello and have a good time. your presence , dear viewers of the khabar channel, is currently in the atmosphere of our country we are expecting calm, we expect this stability of the weather to continue in the country until friday, only for the next few hours, it will sometimes increase in the central alborz heights, and rain will occur during saturday to monday, and the waves will move from the northern parts of our country to the north. monsoon rains are predicted in the west and the slopes along with it in these areas, but due to the fact that the weather is calm, for the next two days , we have a trend of temperature increase in the country, especially this temperature increase will happen in the west and southwest of the country. we request you to make the necessary savings in electricity consumption during this period
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it's an important point. strong winds are blowing in the eastern parts of our country, especially for the north of sistan province and balchestan, south khorasan, south of khorasan province. these areas also exist for the center of alborz slopes in the west and southwest of our country . sometimes the wind speed will increase . we will have strong winds in these areas for a few hours. the persian gulf is also rough during this period, so we expect for today and tomorrow the height will increase we have the wave in parts of the persian gulf , an orange marine warning has been issued , there is a possibility of damage to the vessels, we request that marine activities be carried out with restrictions for tehran as well
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, as we predict a clear to slightly cloudy sky in the coming hours, but for there is an increase in the northern regions and the altitude of the province, and there is a possibility of scattered rains, strong winds will occur in the western and southern regions of stangahi , in the next two days , we will also see an increase in temperature in tehran. thank you and may god protect you, islamic republic. enemy is one of the things that make the islamic republic active against its enemies. if the good participation of the people is observed in this election, this is the pride of the islamic republic.
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the world has sad days and good and sweet days . yes, they say that our old people are right. life has ups and downs. life has ups and downs. don't get tired. the life of these hardships is short. believe that we can. very good days are on your way. look at the sun. nar is smiling. say hello to tomorrow. hello to
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the future. look at the sun that is laughing. say hello to tomorrow.


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