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tv   [untitled]    July 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm IRST

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he is not ready to return to it and we want to revive the jcpoa based on that discourse, so that the revival of the jcpoa will remove the shadow of jango from our heads, so that we can stand against trump. in my opinion, these talks are really useless and, unfortunately, they can even be dangerous. the same decree that we took now to weaken the sanctions and to communicate with the aligned countries and find our own interests in other places, if we can expand this, it will definitely be stopped by trump. it will fail. thank you, mr. bazargan, for your presence in today's world and the diverse range of international issues that we were able to cover. thank you. the russian president considered the free trade agreement between iran and the eurasian union to further strengthen the economic relations between moscow and tehran. putin said that russia supports tehran's request to become an observer in this union.
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france's national rally party may fail to win an absolute majority in the parliamentary elections. polls show. this party, which
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is against immigrants, won 190 to 220 seats , which is far from the 289 seats needed to have an absolute majority. the new popular front will have 159 to 183 seats and the ruling party of france will have 110 to 135 seats. european union for electric vehicles china imposes up to 37 import taxes or tariffs. the reason for this action is the concern that the streets of europe will be filled with electric and cheap chinese cars have been announced. france, italy and spain agree with the new tax and definition for imported cars. the spokesman of the philippine military announced that it will soon return the american medium-range missile that was deployed in manila for joint military exercises. this exercise was held near disputed areas in the south china sea and taiwan. china's defense minister said that the deployment of missiles in the philippines would provide security and regional stability. seriously weakens on
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as a result of the explosion in one of the factories of the general dynamics arms company, one person was injured and two people were missing. the company has not announced the details of the damages. general dynamics is one of the largest american arms companies. japan plans to use robots to maintain railway tracks. the robot user can move them on the rail. check the train's direction with their eyes. if necessary, make the necessary repairs . well, now the second case of tonight's program is to hold national elections to determine the representatives of the house of commons and the next government of england. the results of the polls from the defeat of the conservative ruling party in this election indicates that the national election to determine 650 members of the house of commons and accordingly the next government
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of england was held while the results of all polls indicate the historic defeat of the conservative ruling party, a right-wing party that has been in power for 14 years. until now, he has been in power in this country and has changed the leader of this party five times, the prime minister of this country, the last of which is the root of senak. of course , i understand that there have been difficulties for me in recent years. i think that the economy should be returned to the main path and the health crisis should be addressed. yes, but both parties showed that they have no promising plans in this regard. the official reports of think tanks and parties in england showed that the next government will inherit crises, some of which, according to them, have reached the limit of warning number. patients
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waiting for treatment in british public hospitals have exceeded 7 and a half million people, the increase in crimes and poverty has also registered the highest number. now the situation of the country is like after the second world war, everything is messed up and everyone is looking for a fundamental change instead of the government reducing people's taxes, corporate taxes and the closeness of the views of the major british parties in supporting the israeli regime, despite widespread popular opposition , has made a large number of people turn away from them. the leaders of the main british parties give political and military support to israel, and this is contrary to the will of the majority of the people and is anti -democratic. based on the british parliamentary system, any party that can win the most seats in the house of commons of this country
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will be appointed to form the new government of this country. based on the results of all polls, the conservative ruling party will suffer a heavy defeat in this election, and today england is experiencing early elections. there is a parliament to get the latest details about holding direct elections. we are going to london to talk with our reporter mr. mojtaba qasimzadeh . hello mr. qasimzadeh. it's you, mr. qasimzadeh , tell us about the election, when and how it started, and whether
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it is still going on or has ended. 9:30 iran time in 40,000 polling stations in 650 constituencies the election of the 4 regions of this country, namely england, scotland, wales and northern ireland, has started and continues until 10 pm, and it was announced that about 47 million people out of the country's population of more than 68 million people are eligible to vote. well, we are probably in an hour or two until the end of voting. from the preliminary results or speculations based on the final comments. there is a problem, please share it with us. yes, see, as i said , the voting continues until 10:00 p.m., that is, 30 minutes on friday morning, and after that , the counting of votes will begin immediately, and the result will be announced gradually.
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it will also be announced, but the final result should be known and announced by saturday morning, but based on according to several polls, the ruling conservative party will get about 20% of the votes cast by the voters in this election period, while the other labor party, maslat party , will get about 40% of the votes in this country, thus the conservative ruling party. by bearing one of
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the next government on behalf of the king will be in the case of actually fulfilling these things that serve you. mr. ghasemzadeh, since the election started at 7:00 a.m. london time, so far, there has been a special point about holding the election the issues that make this election period different from the previous ones is the issue of palestine. well , different groups of people from different religions and nationalities have been expressing their anger and disgust with the zionist regime every week in london and other british cities for the past 9 months. and the supporters of this regime expressed and repeatedly asked the british government to
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stop supporting the zionist regime through political, military, military, and financial support, in addition to demonstrations, but the party. the conservative party, which is the ruling party in this country , actually demands this from the majority of the people, according to civil institutions rejected and angered the same people, and the people announced that they will take revenge at the voting booths against the conservative ruling party and other representatives who supported israel and ignored the rights of the palestinian people. muslims also created a campaign for this issue. based on those people. vote for the representatives and candidates who support the rights of the palestinians. thank you
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mr. ghasemzadeh for the information you gave us about the british elections. well, in the future, we will be in the studio of khabar network. we are mr. mustafa kamrani, an expert in english studies. the next british election will be held in late december 2024 or early january, then rishi sunak will be the first. the minister and leader of the ruling conservative party decided to hold early elections, and now it seems as if he is giving a gift to the labor party earlier , what will happen to this defeat that is likely to happen? sunak decided to hold early elections in the name of god. hello, to you and the viewers, maybe we should go back a bit when we want to follow this discussion from the very beginning when the conservative party took power in 2010, the crises now, some of them are caused by him, and
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some of them are due to the events that are happening in the world. it happens that they raise the issue of idioms, even if it is held in the form of a referendum, but what happens in the end is that the conservative party can continue its power. one of the things that happens in the following years is that the conservative party decides that by raising the debate brexit and leaving the european union actually cover some of those domestic and economic debates , and in the continuation of that debate, it can actually lead the society in a direction that distracts them from the economic issues in reality. the continuation of these stories will end in various issues, including the brexit debate, but two fundamental events will
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actually happen in britain that will lead to this decrease in the popularity of the conservative party. the first issue, yes , the first issue was the covid crisis that began in 2019 , and britain the time led by mr. johnson is one of the weakest in the field of management he had a corona virus in western europe. and the second case was the issue of the skyrocketing inflation that happened in the united kingdom along with the energy crisis after the ukraine war. there are many criticisms in life. thank you for the news. he talked about the fact that the defeat of the conservative party is not
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only certain, but it will be their heaviest defeat in the last 200 years. taking this issue into account , what do you think rishi sunak got from the gamble he made? what happened to sunak? his goal was that by doing this, he might be able to transfer his power. he considered that he might be able to return this power again in a short period of time. he did not want to cause a shock . in fact, in the elections in britain, we know that the elections are held in such a way that in the new law, elections must be held once every five years, unless the prime minister's request to dissolve the parliament is what happened just recently. rishi senak's opinion in this regard was that probably with the presence of the labor party and with the problems that this party actually faced in various debates, including the discussion of the increase in the cost of living and the discussion of inflation in the uk and the discussion of energy cannot continue , it is possible that another early election
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may be held even before the next 5 years, and then the labor party can recover itself and recover. thank you very much, and my short final question , how do you see the political future of england with this path? before this , it was a party that tried to achieve its own goals put the truth of his party manifesto on the basis that he can get different votes from among the ethnic groups and in truth. different minorities, including muslims , but the performance of this party during the 7th of october and the attacks of the zionist regime , and the support it did not provide to palestine , led to the fact that the base of the vote, which is among some muslims were losing , so what could happen is
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that we will see another parliamentary election again in the uk in a short time. thank you. for your presence in the world today, we want to again let's go to london this time to talk with mr. ranjit brar, a political expert in the uk. mr. brar , the ipsos center recently published the results of its poll on the 5 main issues in which british citizens feel at risk: health issue 41 economic concerns 33 immigration concerns 30 inflation 29 housing 17 as the first question, why has the health issue become such a challenge for the british people? thank you. i am a doctor in the uk nhs.
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unfortunately, we have had successive policies from conservative and labor governments. the english worker who caused the british health system to first of all, the cost to the budget of this system has been weakened, and in addition to that , they have taken measures that have caused the poverty of the english health system , they have handed over parts of it to the private sector and so on. the problem is that many people find it difficult to get money to access services. well, there are many budgets that are actually allocated, but they are not allocated to the right place. there is a lot of money, for example , it is given to pharmaceutical companies and that function
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it doesn't do what it needs to do every year. every year in winter and when the cold disease increases and it reaches its peak. we see that the whole system and the whole hospital are going into crisis. well, we see it in hospitals sometimes and in fact in large numbers. many times we see there are elderly people in hospitals. there is no one to accompany them because of the costs. there are those that have an accompanying fee. it is probably heavy, and now the working class of england faces problems when they face health problems, which means they cannot get the services they need properly . thank you for your explanation in that list of challenges and concerns of british people after the situation
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health system, economy, migration, inflation and housing. we do, and england is probably the oldest imperialist system in the world, which has been using its pensions for a long time, i mean , it has been using the income they had . even though england is an imperialist system and cooperates with the united states, it still has a problem, and their problem is that their goal is not to raise the standard of living and put service to the people as their priority. in fact, we now
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have a situation where the largest, in fact, the majority of the british people they live in poverty. we have students who go to school hungry every day. we have a large number of people who are unemployed and we do not have enough jobs. therefore, the people and the working class are in poverty in the largest and oldest imperialist system in the world. they have no work and their government is trying to in fact, what he does is in such a way that he takes money from people and takes money out of their pockets, the costs of energy bills and water bills and so on. there are too many, in fact , it imposes a heavy burden on people, and when we
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live in this system, a system whose leaders have no plan. they don't have the people to help the common people and the common class of men. well, these things happen. now we have a banking crisis in this country, and we see that there is always a crisis after a crisis in england. i want to tell their leaders and rulers that your problems with the rest of the world are not our problems, if you have problems with anywhere
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, you have problems with another country, you have internal problems , you should solve this problem yourself, not let us pay for it. badim and we now have many minorities in england, pakistani indian minorities and the rest of them and the british authorities instead of a we have less than two minutes until the end of our program . i have a final question for you. as an observer
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in england, how much difference do you see in practice between the two main parties, labor and conservative, who have held power between them for decades, and there is almost no change. no, this is my answer. i was once in the socialist party and i was talking to politicians. at that time, in fact , this politician told me that you cannot make any difference between these and these, where you stand, you cannot even with a piece of paper. separate them so that they are close to each other it meant that they have close and similar positions and the things they do.
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the real crisis is that now there are fewer and fewer people who actually participate. they hope for the future of their country and they are actually the people who want the leaders to reduce the pressure on the people and think more about humanity and raising the standard of living of the people. mr. brar, thank you for being in this conversation. thank you for inviting me. well, we come to the end of today's world program. good night, god bless you.
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the islamic republic has an enemy. one of the things that makes the islamic republic overcome its enemies election in this election, if the good participation of the people is seen in him, this is the pride of the islamic republic.
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the world has sad days as well as good and sweet days. yes, our old people are right. life has ups and downs. life has ups and downs. we are tired. don't bear the fact that the life of these hardships is short , believe that we can have very good days on your way , look at the smiling sun, say hello to
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tomorrow. hello to the future, look at the smiling sun, hello to tomorrow, hello to the future. first, it is iran's gossip that says our face has become old, then the people's revolution is a new cat, our plan has turned into a cat
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map. we have become lions, together with one flag , we tied the heart to the homeland, our opponent is not the world, as long as we are together, death in america, death in america. dear mrs. golchin, you were supposed to drink tea for the second time. sir, this cup smells very bad.
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sir, did you wash this dish sitting down, but it is clean when you sit down, you are not old , i don't want to take a shower, don't worry, you washed it with it, the dishwashing liquid in it contains baking soda, it removes the bad smell of dishes and bacteria, it is better than any place where we are going to buy dishes. pay attention to these points . what does the remaining cash consumer price mean to you now? i say let's assume the consumer price of this car
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. in the name of allah, rahman, raheem. hello, good time . welcome to the football magazine program . we will start the program with some news from iran's football on friday. central asia's kaffa season starts tomorrow, friday, and according to the schedule, afghanistan will meet kyrgyzstan in group a, and uzbekistan will meet turkmenistan in group b.


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