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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 12:00am-12:31am IRST

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less than 8 hours until the start of the process of electing the 9th president of iran, one of the two candidates, mr. masoud mezikian or saeed jalili , will become the president with even one more vote than his rival, and will take over the executive administration of the country for the next 4 years. i think that i have to build my country by myself and this building starts from these votings under this system.
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we stand up and come to the polls with all our strength . because i want to prove my country's authority in the world , i want to vote. i myself will be the first to go. i will take the hands of women and children. let it be more and more stable, one vote is one vote, because this one vote will shape the fate of more than one million people in the supervisory executive boards organizing the elections. preparing about 60,000 branches for people to vote throughout the country, the first appearance of the islamic republic of iran as an official member of the shanghai cooperation organization at the summit with the memory of president shahid raisi . .
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the world's largest saline lake is fuller and sweeter than previous years , the second phase of the water transfer project to lake urmia opened. currently, the water volume of the lake has quadrupled and the area of ​​the lake has tripled. in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, may the peace and blessings of muhammad and the family of muhammad be speedy , dear viewers, hello, less than 8 hours until the start of the election of the ninth president, today people across the country will go to the polls to choose one of the two candidates to replace president shahid raisi. to choose and
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leave the executive affairs of the country in his hands for the next 4 years. iranians are voting today. even some of them who did not participate in the first round of the elections talked to our reporters about their decision to go they said at the polls. today, religious democracy will once again display the will of the people under the flag of the islamic republic. today, every single vote is so important for the election of the ninth president that each of the candidates will win the election and become the president of the whole nation with even one more vote than the opponent. second stage voting. the 14th round
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of presidential elections will begin at 8:00 a.m. on friday in 5,864 branches inside the country and 34 branches abroad. according to the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters, the identity of the voters is verified with the national identity card. the security device is there he puts the national card on a box and it is read and it is clear that the person has it. are there conditions for voting or does it prevent duplicate voting? if he has voted in another branch, and in the case of the birth certificate, the reading and the picture of the birth certificate will be taken, as well as the national code, as well as the date of birth and the series that is on the birth certificate. the device is registered to confirm that this birth certificate and this person are eligible to vote. mr. eslami also said that
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the candidates' representatives are present in the branches from the beginning of the voting until the end of the counting process. two honorable candidates we introduced about 61,000 representatives for these 59,000 branches, that is, about 31,30,000 , 31,000. we issued cards to them, and these people will be our guests from tomorrow morning in special branches with the card that was issued. as the governor has issued your card , they can come to the branch, according to the law, they must settle in the branch without interfering in the implementation or supervision. the guard
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, as well as the representative of the governor, please note, my colleagues these people will cooperate and manage the matter anyway. they are there until the seal of the boxes is opened, the counting of votes will begin and they will closely witness the counting process . he does elections. this election, if the good participation of the people is seen in him, this is the pride of the islamic republic. iranians
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are preparing to participate in another election. this is the fourth election in the last five months will be held. do you know what's happening on friday? yes, the second round of the nuclear presidential election. it is the day of rigiri for the election of the president. on election day, people should
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it's like praying for me, i know the destiny of my country is obligatory for me, and i have to take the fate of my country with my own hands and my own participation in this path . how many people are you bringing with you in this national celebration? they must be present at the polling station along with their families
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. how do you invite people to this national celebration? i said that the first thing is that not giving up their right to vote is valuable to each and every vote . sometimes even one vote may change the destiny . as far as there is room, i will definitely advise my colleagues, friends and relatives to participate. one of the most important components of the national authority is the presence of the people at the polls. on friday, the people face another big test. farshid daru of sed and cima news agency. the authorities invited the people to build a strong iran, acting president and head of the judiciary in separate messages to the people to participate in the second phase of the presidential election. they invited the republic. the necessity of the authority of the system of participation
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to the people in their own destiny, presence at the ballot boxes and people should know. every vote that is cast is a vote for the system. we hope , god willing, the people will do their duty towards destiny with an epic presence as always. they should establish a system for a better future. if anyone wants to determine the destiny of himself and his country. if anyone wants to, there are probably problems . he should play a role in solving these problems. he should play a role in the advancement of the country . he should play a role in the development of the country. we hope to participate god willing, our dear people
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will participate in the elections more often than in the past and even in the first phase with a sense of national religious responsibility. the secretary of the guardian council and the president and members of the council of leadership experts invited all the people of iran to participate in the election as much as possible. taqlid authorities' invitation to the enthusiastic participation of the people in the second phase of the presidential elections , ayat, makarem shirazi, nouri hamdani, javadi ameli and sobhani, in separate messages, called on the people of iran to have a large and hostile presence in the second phase of the presidential elections. ayatollah makarem shirazi asked everyone to choose individually believing and worthy of the important position of the presidency , the half-finished work is completed and the religious and social duty is completed. to play a role in determining the fate of the society. ayatollah
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nouri hamadani also invited all the people, especially those who could not participate in the first phase of the elections, to once again show the glory of islamic iran by electing a person in arms. ayatollah javadi amoli also emphasized: we all have a duty to have an active presence in the elections that bring independence, security, greatness and glory to the country by maintaining unity. ayatollah sobhani also said: participation in the second round of presidential elections as in the first round, it is a national and islamic duty. if i am interested in this development , the so-called believers will be happy, and the enemies will fail. i don't think we should settle for the first round. the same duty
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that was for us in the first round is the same national and islamic duty in the second round, god willing, everyone will participate. the higher the participation, the friends are happy and the enemies are unsuccessful. iran invited to participate in the presidential elections, these families asked people to come to the polls on friday to make iran proud. enemies say they are trying that we should not go to the voting booths, but on the contrary, we should be for our own future . to participate in the elections widely and individually
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. god willing, we will have an enthusiastic presence in the second round of elections. we should all come to the coffers of iran's authority, god willing, with hadakari's presence, we can prove to the enemy that our people are martyrs under the system, under the orders of the leadership and leaders. we want to invite people to participate in this election and support our leadership . today's jihad is for the families of the martyrs and all dear people of the country, as their leaders, it is to participate in the elections, other than to raise the peaceful component now, god willing , we should choose the best for our country, more important is the election of the president, we should carefully
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choose the person with the weapon, with the help of the almighty god. a flood of active people will participate in the presidential election, god willing, we will all see the promise on friday , july 15, on behalf of all the martyrs, god willing, we will see it more clearly from next saturday. you know, i have nothing to do with lines and boundaries, i have nothing to do with my line, but here, here , there are no lines and lines, this is the religion according to all the fanatics. the revolution is what is important in the elections, the presence of the people in the election stage is like a handful
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of the enemies of the revolution, one of the honors of the holy system of the islamic republic is that our system was based on the people's vote and the formation of all institutions in this country is based on the vote. and the will of the people is one of the honors of the islamic republic. others pretend to be a democracy and talk about the people's vote, but the system of the islamic republic of iran works. the atmosphere of our country is a very playful atmosphere . recognize, but what of all these are more important than our participation, we should have millions of participation in the elections. sunni scholars also invited the people to participate in the second round of the 14th presidential election. they
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called voting the absolute right and duty of every iranian and asked the people. in order to prove allegiance to the ideals of the revolution and the passionate leadership , they should be present at the polls on friday, july 15. it is necessary for all of us to participate in this saga as a religious duty and as a national duty. inshallah, everyone should participate in the voting booth and vote for their own destiny body. in the hearts of these people, you should know that they have never been our grief eaters and they are not our grief eaters. if the elections had no effect, our enemies would not advertise today that we should not participate in the elections. participating in the elections proves the existence of the islamic republic. let's remember that the president
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can manage and manage many political, social, and economic relationships and can influence many of our daily issues. voting means participating in the country's management. the work of this country is done by our country that we can really do let's prove our will to the world. his message to our friends is that we are always united, always together, always together. johnny khomean, malik khomean , in the world of angels, is a message to the people of iran that they are always willing
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to sell khomein countries. secondly, which is very important and more important, and in order to be a prison-breaking answer for the enemies of islam and global arrogance, with your wide and active presence , call the enemies of islam disappointed forever. they are inciting the people against the system, against the revolution, against this election . be sure that these are the puppets of the enemy. they want to throw water in the mill of the enemy. unfortunately, the enemies of islam and the revolution have been spraying until the people are pale. and at the voting booths , we will be present at the voting booths with reluctance or faint expression of all the qualified people, and
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we will have a public and enthusiastic presence, god willing, the village. and nomadic areas produce more than 80% of agricultural products. more than 25% of the country's population who want to participate in the second round of the presidential election they have a special passion. all noble people of iran are requested to participate enthusiastically. the development progress of any society depends on the participation of all ethnic groups and strata in determining the most important executive officer of the country . our way is one thing. we cannot be indifferent in the eyes of our enemies. we vote at the ballot box . i am voting for the sake of preserving the independence and security of my country. because i want to decide for myself and my country's future. because the voting body represents the people, the villagers and nomads of the country are also present at the polls to elect a person with a gun as the president.
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my martyred president, we have come with full funds, god willing, i request all the people of iran to expect from the people present at the polls tomorrow that they will definitely participate. i will participate in the 100th election. let's choose the final result as the product of our work in the second period . from the poet, we follow imam's words until the last moment, the promise of all the people of iran.
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traveling to different cities reached one of the cities around the capital at the last stop. the azad electoral tribune went to quds city this time, where people have been waiting for this program for hours. here is the azad tribune for the elections of my people. they were preparing the position of the azad tribune, jamal mohammad salawat.
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i am a truck driver, why should i? i, who own the economy of this country, will buy a pair of tires worth 65 million, the one that works, mr. president, with 10 million tomans, you can spin your fish, we want the president to solve the problems of the whole country, we want you as the president if this country has a plan for jovana, we want a president who doesn't sit behind the table
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. as the discussion continued, it became more heated and various opinions were raised about participating in the second phase of the presidential election. i think that i have to build my own country and this building starts from voting. i vote because i have roots in this soil, because i love my country. i vote because i am iranian.
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after two hours of the program and nightfall, people are still eager to express their opinions about the people's elections, so you can vote. it is important that the whole world is watching us, so in iran you can decide the fate of the whole country with one vote
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. they insulted the voters residing in other countries as much as they could, and of course they still did not stop, although this behavior is not new and the historical memory of our people is working well , they are cursing my name, defend yourself, every insult is one less vote , what is this movie for? it has been circulating in cyberspace for a week because of the support of the islamic republic.
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look at the videos that show 12 people just cursing, they want to overthrow the monarchy and the subversives don't miss even one vote. you came to vote, even though there was no effective version . nearly 98,000 iranians living abroad exercised their right to vote. you are fighting for freedom, but this man is filming me because he wants to. he doesn't want me to vote. this cyberspace activist, who introduced himself as a student of international relations, wrote in a note: cursing iranian monarchists is actually the same thing as beating a cane on the ground and calling another a burnt father in the era of rezashahi. what is your stigma? historians consider these efforts to get the right to vote from the people as a familiar thought. dirt on the head with
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he used his own elected people in the list of elected members of the fifth parliament and established the pahlavi dynasty. the documents that are left now show that reza khan had appointed people in various places in iran, and it was decided that they would find their way to the parliament, which actually happened. some representatives protested because they were few. he used to say that if they talk too much, i will shut them up in this way. reza khan even addressed the people who were elected by him in this way. a number of people were written in front of their names , for example, he wrote against the fool, in favor of ahmad, the fool, against the crazy young man, in favor of dividing the people like this. and from the 7th majlis to the 13th majlis,
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they were elected absolutely according to the order of reza shah. we let him escape. don't vote in front of the embassy . cyberspace users say that the royalists stepped on reza khan's feet to reduce even one vote.


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