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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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the important thing is that what measures have you taken for alternative cultivations, horticulture and proper irrigation, transition from traditional agriculture to mechanization and that dear farmers can accompany you in these software projects? as mentioned, according to the completion of the hardware plans , the first priority of the headquarters of urmia lake restoration from 1403 onwards, god willing, is to focus on the specified implementation, which must be followed with the focus of the ministry of jihad and agriculture, god willing. first of all , i would like to express my special appreciation and thanks to mr. minister mr. mehrabian and his colleagues for their hard work in the past three years , we have had success in completing half-finished projects. after many years of suspension in this government, these projects were opened once every three months, and today, with its effects and blessings, we are also in
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the current state and conditions of lake urmia with the transfer of water. we observe what has been done. as you mentioned, the issue of changing the farming pattern is one of the most important priorities and programs of the ministry of agricultural jihad. fortunately, we formulated plans and carried out a pilot project outside the urmia watershed by the private sector. it was mentioned that 58 thousand hectares only in the province. the western part of rojan is apple orchards, where most of the water is 18 acres and 70,000 hectares of alfalfa is cultivated next to me, which means that a total of 50 percent of the water produced in the province is in the production of apple alfalfa, which complements each other . it can be delayed, well, it is built, god willing, considering the success of the project in the north of the province.
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it has been done to show that the reduction of water consumption is effective, at least less than 30%, less than 50% , in fact, it will reduce water consumption, and it has more added value than apples, that is, it has 12 times more added value than apples. it happened and we planned, god willing, at the provincial level by carrying out promotion measures that are carried out at the daryachi catchment level, as well as strengthening the rural service centers, which today, unfortunately , are very weak at the regional level. promotions and actions that we take can push people towards changing the pattern . an important point is that we follow any behavior change in the cultivation of crops. god willing, it will increase
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people's income, add more value and create employment be a region it was an emphasis that our martyred president hazrat ayatollah raisi had. dear mr. dr. mokhbar, who is the head of the rehabilitation headquarters, has repeatedly emphasized that any program that is carried out by the organization must pay serious attention to the livelihood of our dear people in the region , god willing. it has been determined that with the cooperation of the ministry of energy, they can actually make this clause operational. god willing , we are looking for the implementation of this. unfortunately , this did not happen. we hope that we can do it in
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the coming months with detailed planning and coordination between the ministry of energy and the ministry of roads. it is done my discussion will be operational and effective, god willing , mr. motamedian. another important point that can be mentioned in addition to your orders is the modification of the cultivation pattern. he insisted to find an alternative crop and not to plant alfalfa. but in any case, the apple trees, which must have passed many years of their life, should go towards alternative plans for irrigation. has there been any action in this working group so that the farmers' efforts of these years are not wasted? any other model, these loved ones can continue their agriculture . in the province
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, they are more than 30 years old, which means that in terms of productivity, you can see that we are one third of the half a million tons of apples produced in the province every year. it is actually thrown away in the form of tree apples and it is an industrial apple that is sold at a minimum price, so there is a need for a replacement. in the first stage, we prepared the plan. and in the discussion of help in the field it is impossible to buy nahal, god willing, we will have government aid so that our dear people, our dear gardeners , will be encouraged to promote this crop. in the current situation, our first proposal is about walnuts and pistachios, and the detailed studies that have been done have the ability to be implemented in our region , and inshallah it can replace apples in the region . mr. motamedian
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, what is the level of the ecological balance of lake rumieh now? how much has it increased compared to last year? how many cubic millimeters of water that has been loaded and poured into the lake has increased? statistics do you have an accuracy, if zand is present , i think it is 127 56, it means that compared to the same period last year, we had an increase of 26 cm in terms of volume, almost two and a half, that is, two. the volume of water is 2 billion and 500 cubic millimeters, and in terms of area , it is about 1 billion and 900, in fact , the area of ​​urumi lake is 1,900 square kilometers, as mr. minister also reported about the water year, which
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is mehr last year, almost in terms of water volume. 4 times and it has tripled in terms of area. very well, mr. mah, how much of this. very good rains have been provided by almighty god, i wanted these rains i would like to ask, please tell me what is the percentage of rainfall from this added amount, because you can see that we should pay attention to the fact that this year may be a more suitable water year than the previous years, should we predict that if a year there was little rain and there was a drought. what alternative plans do you have so that we don't go back to common sense? yes, look at us. last year, in the headquarters of eya , haqaba lake, which we determined , was approximately 1 billion and 20 million cubic meters.
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the receipt means that approximately 950 million cubic meters more road construction was done. the second point was that this year we started road construction operations with help from the end of december. that the ministry of energy has done at the regional level, this is the first time that it has actually happened, and considering that releases are made in non-agricultural seasons , there is actually very little possibility of harvesting. it is done in the way of unauthorized withdrawals , so it leads to some social problems with the plan that was done with a lot of cooperation. the good thing that was done at the level of the region. this process has been done since the end of december. it is definitely a successful experience that, god willing, will be followed this year too, so that we can actually allocate more land to the lake. and alhamdulillah, with
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the very good cooperation of the ministry of energy, in the last two years, we have allocated 90 million cubic meters of water to the wetlands. opposite was assigned to the satellites of lake urmia or lake urmia park, which witnessed the revival of 11 halls in the province of west azerbaijan. alhamdulillah, it also created good vitality and freshness in the region, the presence of migratory birds that appeared in this region after many years of prosperity , some of these birds may have been there for more than 25 years, which was done with good management. with the very good cooperation of the ministry of energy and the environment organization , we have witnessed the revival of 11 water bodies at the level of satellite parks, in fact, the lakes of mr. milan, the water rights of these water bodies have been paid in full in the
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current water year. yes, yes, more than more than more than the need that we have until now has been allocated by the regional water of the province. very very thank you to mr. motamedian, the secretary of the urmia lake national rescue working group, mr. bozorzad , we have a few questions for your excellency, let's first go back to the discussion of his legal duties. volume delivery of water that mr. motamedian also mentioned, please tell me what is your plan for this legal task. if you allow me to complete the given statistics a bit, then look at your question. 18 apples, mr. governor, said that it is only in their own province. 57 our water consumption , our agricultural water is reserved for the three responsibles of apple, alfalfa, and sugar beet, none of which are strategic products, that is, they are not food according to the national document. food security really needs to be addressed, mr.
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doctor, every year, our colleagues send us pictures of piles of apple products along the streets and highways of that area, which eventually goes to factories and has no quality . of course, it should. the farmer also understood that an alternative job should be considered for him, and an alternative livelihood should be considered. now, finally, the sovereign government has invested 16 thousand billion tomans for this system, no matter how much you have water supply, but in the management of consumption and demand management , the necessary movement should not be created. they don't take the region, that's why those hardware projects, i request that our colleagues in the ministry of jihad give a report to you and the people. but i would like to say a little about the statistics. last year
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, about 850 million came from the western and eastern rivers, and this year , 1.830 billion more came, of course , we added 317 more from the same system , totaling 1.100 billion from the surface. we added to it inside and outside the area, now it is about 2 billion and 450 million in volume . over 70 million at the same time last year it is added that the forgiveness belongs to the rains. i forgive the actions of the ministry of energy that you have this percentage , what are the percentages for these sectors, because i think this year's water year and the rains helped a lot. therefore, it is really difficult to separate it. this is the release from the hundreds .
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there are 19 surrounding ponds that were targeted in the roman lake, the valuable ponds. they have very important native habitats that, as mr. standar said, some of them had not seen water for 25 years, and this year we have allocated about 90 million of water to them. a positive thing happened from the point of view of local life in it , which you can see about volume delivery, about 600,000 hectares, more than 600,000 hectares, now there is a smart level in three provinces in the whole urumi lake, about 171,000 hectares are networked. these networks, well, all of them actually have important volume delivery, the volume delivery of madan networks. and our semi-modern, right now, this ready actually exists and with
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in fact, we are operating the traditional networks, those from wells , and in the case of lake urmia, all our wells are now equipped with monitoring and measuring systems using the water and energy management plan. either through self-delivery of a volume through a meter or electricity meters, that is, we can establish a mathematical relationship between the power consumption of the well bed and the amount of water in them . we can also do this control through electricity. underground water, thank god we now have a good opinion about the surface water resources of the network we said that this happened in our modern 171,000 hectares. in the case of the traditional ones , we announce that whenever the
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honorable ministry of jihad agriculture takes action to actually introduce the organizations, we will do this immediately because we have to hand over these monitoring and measurement networks to the organizations for the operation and protection of these networks are not automatic , they are installed like this, and therefore, in that part, the ministry of energy is ready to quickly fulfill a large part of its duties, and the rest are in service with the help of organizations. mr. doctor, in the discussion of the kani sip water channel, there is also there apparently, a more careful supervision and monitoring is necessary so that arbitrary withdrawals do not take place. how much supervision do you have there, khanisi? in fact , your question is referring to the final 11 kilometers that goes from inside stanor. the system that is being opened today, which is completely under his control , is not accessible at all from the 36 km underground system. when it comes to the final 11 kilometers, there are concerns that
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this precious water will be tampered with and god forbid, spending extra money on it... but finally, people should really help. complicated water issues, if people don't help, we can't do anything, mr. doctors, the people you have mentioned that most of them are dear and hardworking farmers , they also need training. you are present in this working group , how far did you go in order to educate these dear ones , to teach them how to modify the farming pattern, and to make the resistance that has been doing that traditional agriculture for years and decades go away and come to reforming the model in these sectors that has to do with culture and social issues there is work no matter how much work is done, so
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there is really a lot of work to be done by us, the ministry of energy, and our other colleagues. colleagues of our staff , the respected farmer should be justified if it is explained to him that if he tampers with this precious water and valuable water that should be used for the revival of lake rumieh, he will go to the production of sugar beet , in fact, he will go to the apple or anything else, well that lake when it dries up, it loses its ecological values, and by the way, it can be limited in terms of the place of occurrence and the dust of lung diseases. our head is in leadership and the ministry of energy, the ministry of jihad and the work of your media, which you are doing right now, and you are doing this important thing of informing, these things must be done, mr. doctor, due to the increase in temperature and the heat of the air. and the evaporation and transpiration that the lake water
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will have, in any case, it is possible that the lake water will decrease. what are our plans for this issue ? see, evaporation is part of the climate and its nature . nothing special can be done because the surface of the lake is also very large. currently, the surface of the lake is 1900 square kilometers. now we say that we will cover it in a way and remove it from exposure to direct sunlight , this cannot be done. currently, we are dealing with an area of ​​1,900 square kilometers. in terms of evaporation , we do not have a solution for it . the other thing we have to do is to
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accept this evaporation as a physical reality in belam and the water balance of urmia lake. and from that side. let's manage other expenses until now with this total evaporation is added together and one side of the consumption equation is actually formed more than the water supply equation in a natural way and with the actions of the ministry of energy. we must accept this fact and work based on this scientific and physical fact. may you evaporate and sweat in the hot weather in the coming months , it is in the lake. you can see that the evaporation varies from month to month, but what is certain is that we must reduce our agricultural expenses by 40% , in addition to these measures of the ministry of energy, by 40%. let's reduce the agricultural expenses until the evaporation from
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this side is equal to the water supply from this side. this means a huge action that should be on the agenda so that we can all be happy with the breathing of rumiya lake and the flight of migratory birds . those beautiful scenes that belong to the people of three provinces, mr. motamedian, can you point to the payment of the water rights of the other taliban, which you mentioned 12, in what state is their water rights paid now? it means that there is only the ministry of energy to provide these things we have done and will provide again. they have very high emotional values, these are very high in terms of animal species. and the birds and plant species have very high values, and the top of our attention is going to be the condition of the rest
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of our water plants in our country. what is the condition of the water rights? let me tell you that this year's average rainfall in the country is about 245 mm , which is high compared to the average. but this average amount should not deceive us, anyway, the rain that we have in the province we had sistan baluchistan in its southern regions, what is the use of tehran, what is the use of alborz, so what is the use of, for example, ghazvin, so we have to look at regional scales. ghazvin, khorasan , razavi, semnan, alborz and hormozgan , we are still behind the average values, where in fact we still have to pay attention to consumption management, both in the agricultural sector and
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in the drinking sector, so that, god willing, we can meet the needs of the body for various purposes. our water bodies, whether rivers or lakes, are in a better condition god willing, thank you very much to mr. dr. eisa bozorgzadeh, the spokesperson of the water industry of our dear country, and also to mr. mohammad sadiq motamedian, the secretary of the urmia lake national working group, and our special thanks to you , dear viewers, who stayed with us until the end of this conversation. may god bless you.
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the islamic republic has enemies. one of the things that makes the islamic republic victorious over its enemies is the election. elections, if the good participation of the people is seen in him, this is the pride of the islamic republic. as long as the name of the persian gulf is true, we
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will roar with wave after wave we do not sell, we mean patriotism. we have created again, we are the ones who picked stars from the depths of the earth in the absence of the sun, we are mirrors facing each other, this view is not the end, we are from two tribes, we are from the same qibla towards him, love is enough to give our hometown a new reputation in the depths of
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our iranian sky. we shine like stars. with wit, the dawns on the way to the night can be stitched to the idea when it comes to hope on the soil of the stars. you can be a friend like a mountain always standing still like a rock always crossing. in the memory of the whole history, we
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are the conquerors of the peaks of dourim, who sang our hometown let's forgive, in the expanse of iranian sky, we shine like stars.
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1:58 am
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2:00 am
bismillah rahman al rahim salam, the acting president of the presidency, when he arrived in tehran after participating in the shanghai cooperation organization summit , explained the results and objectives of this meeting. mr. m while referring to the bilateral meetings with the presidents china and russia and examining the development process of economic and international trade cooperation, he said: with other members of this meeting, the important issue of zionist crimes in the occupied territories was discussed. different discussions related to international security, international interactions , struggle.


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