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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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bismillah rahman raheem salam, acting president when he arrived in tehran after participating in the summit of the heads of states of the cooperation organization. while referring to the bilateral meetings with the presidents of china and russia and the review of the development process of economic and international trade cooperation, mr. mokhbar said: the important issue of zionist crimes in the occupied territories was discussed with other members of this meeting. different discussions related to international security, international interactions . fighting unilateralism and issues
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such as and other issues related to economic issues between member countries members of shanghai, what happened, in the morning meeting of the heads of shanghai, we raised various issues , we made various proposals, including a common bank , including the use of a common currency and the removal of the dollar, the discussion of the tragedies that are happening in gaza, the issue of transit, the issue of gas, and various other issues. which were related to industrial and agricultural issues, these were reviewed together and it was decided to follow these issues with more seriousness on the sidelines of the meeting. leaders
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, we had a good meeting with the honorable president of china, where the issues between iran and china were discussed, and in the morning and afternoon, some of the heads of the countries even their speech expressed their regret for our martyred president . we also thanked them for their presence in iran and their messages. the third increase and equality of clinical guidelines for prescription and treatment in the 13th government. the deputy director of the ministry of health said that in the last 3 years, 570 clinical guidelines have been compiled and issued in the country. which can play an effective role in correcting the drug consumption pattern. the continuous story of additional drugs , patients ask for so many drugs, or the doctor writes, "definitely no, patients who don't have a specialty, now , especially in our case, because of this specialty."
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we definitely do not have an opinion about the amount of medicine they usually write a lot of medicines in the prescription, for example, or repeated tests are due to the cost. they themselves know how many photo tests your patient can take per year. it depends on the person, maybe i can tell you seven or eight in a year maybe more than seven or eight times a week, at least experimental tests, this is all there is to end this costly story of two decades ago in all health policies. a letter called clinical guidelines was designed and written, the purpose of which was to prevent these unnecessary prescriptions, but we are lagging behind in compiling clinical guidelines, this gap is too much. it has happened that, for example, in the use of insulin medicine, more than the need of diabetic patients, insulin itself has been prescribed , based on clinical findings, at least we have 30-40% more than this population and this weight and these people who are diabetic.
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in order to prevent the wastage of the country's health resources , in the last 3 years, an attempt has been made to review clinical guidelines for prescriptions . i have notified 570 clinical guidelines and service standards . from one third of the standards and clinical guidelines that are in the entire ministry of home affairs from the beginning it has been from the beginning of the revolution until now, it belongs to this government for 3 years. now there is talk of clinical guidelines being provided to the insurance companies so that they can cover these guidelines for patients. there has been an increase of about 27 in the field of services. it has also increased in some medicines. in total, it has at least reached a level that has reached two and a half to three times the initial line and until now about 1,400 clinical guidelines have been compiled in the country, the correct implementation of which can save 40 days for the health system. tayyab
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kargar of sed and sima news agency should accompany it. the next part of the news at 3 o'clock in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to jahan today, the first case of tonight's program is dedicated to the analysis and review of the leaked conversation between the us president and the prime minister of the zionist regime on the morning of iran's response under the title of "sadiq's promise to the zionist regime ". welcome to the world. today
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i offer my courtesy and respect to you. i am very happy to be your guest once again . thank you. a long conversation between what happened to biden and netanyahu, let's see that report first, then let's talk about it. i am quoting the news of york times, the title of excuse me, york times, exactly 10 minutes ago , in this language, as someone who really was very senior in the dialogue with the americans, especially on security issues . iran will attack israel with many missiles and rockets that night in april, bayden said to netanyahu during the night, if israel responds to iran's ballistic attack, i am out. if he repeats himself during the conversation one more time, let me be clear , prime minister, if you open a big attack on
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iran, אתה לבד, אתה אלבדישת מהממשרעת, אה, הטיקת פצצצה אותה כאנש, אתה ניעלת אתה מאוד שחשה א' with the army, the people of the american army, the people. it is very important, it is important for everyone, and it has a great advantage . with the americans on your side, they are really active, but it is known that it is not only the democrats, the democrats, the republicans also have a policy of not interfering and being careful, not turning it into what they call
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a global war, etc. possible let it be clear to them, they always say, don't deceive us, the way you don't deceive americans, they say to them لب, in this situation, we are alone, they won't understand it, request to translate it into english, amen, i am sorry, but there are enough words to say it in english, pay attention, if you are not on this front, which is important by the way, for the whole world. imagine for yourself in the current situation that iran was nuclear and threatened to use its nuclear power, what would the entire campaign look like? what you saw
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was a broadcast report and a conversation on the zionist regime's channel 14, which, according to the new york times, revealed that after iran's response in the epic he had with benjamin netanyahu in the morning, the president of the united states had announced that if israel wanted take action against iran, america will not accompany them and israel will be alone. mr. bazargan, during the past few decades, it was often advertised that americans and israelis are looking to attack iran, even their plans are ready, their fighters are ready, their targets are ready to where some also announce according to these advertisements. that the enemy has a war plan, we can do anything , commit terrorism somewhere, take action, we should not show a reaction , don't complete their puzzle, then we had two historical events in the last few years, one was iran's response in ain al-aswad. at that time, i remember trump saying that if iran wants to give the smallest response to the assassination
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of general soleimani , it will target 52 vital points of iran right away . he didn't show any reaction , contrary to the threat he had made, the same thing happened in the story of the honest promise, that is, they threatened that if iran shows a reaction, they will attack iran more heavily. in the morning, the president of the united states will come and tell the prime minister of israel that if you want to do something, we are not on your side, and then again , the zionist regime cannot do anything . for years, for example, it was followed under the title of the shadow of war, which should be removed from the country, and we should not fall into the trap of it , and this shadow of war was brought up, and now let's put this aside from what was revealed in the talks between biden and netanyahu. in 1403, on a day like this, it is not in the imagination of the enemy
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to take action against iran, nor is it even in the mind of any iranian, and the story of the shadow of war has been completely erased. dear natives, to complete your question , let me remind you that even after the embassy hitting iran in damascus reached its peak and they warned that if you did not react to this trap of war, you would not react and withdraw from these actions, or many people repeated many times saying that because the shadow of war we must move out of the country, come out from under chapter 7 , do goodwill and negotiate under the shadow of war and move away from the country . this is not an exception, this is the reality of the american international system. let
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me remind you that the late askkhani always said this himself. there is an example, the americans say, if you go after someone, if the other party stops, don't follow him again, if he runs away, go after him faster. this is the logic of war, the logic of cost benefit . he was definitely going to do this , he will have nothing to do with your good intentions , but if he feels that he wants to attack you and you give him a heavy answer, he will definitely reach the point where he will not see this in his cost-benefit calculations , just like us. we saw iraq during saddam's time. when america wanted to attack iraq, did it go to season 7? united nations resolution. not in the calculation of the cost benefit, he easily saw that he can go
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to iraq for a month, so there is no need for a resolution and diplomacy, and not for you to think that he will come out from under chapter seven. well, what is the difference here ? anyway, iraq, libya and some countries are experiences. that sometimes there was a fear in our country that we would not be like them. what was the difference in iran that distinguished us from those countries ? to have a cross-border military , to have the ability of asymmetric wars, all the things that may have been criticized for these few years , you saw that in the sadiq operation, it happened to be used at its crucial moment.
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he had bought the world, gaddafi didn't have these, but he had bought the most expensive weapons in the world , none of them helped him, but you saw this self-constructed ability of the islamic republic of iran, which happens to be the military answer that removes the shadow of war, not negotiation and resolution, thank you very much. at the same time, we are in the middle of a big international tension. it has been almost 9 months since the israeli genocide. in gaza, the dimensions between the international community has found many regional issues. one
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of its important issues is the possibility of an attack by the zionist regime on lebanon. it has been raised many times in the last few months, but it is more serious than in the past few weeks, to the point where we had an assassination in the last case, one of the commanders. arshad hezbollah was assassinated by the zionist regime. i want regional discussions in politics about how to manage the lebanon issue. i would like to talk to you, but before that , let's see a report from this lebanon and a terrorist attack, then we will continue the conversation, partners.
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aziz camp will become more powerful. the zionist protectors are aware of the difficult conditions in the northern front without announcing the amount of casualties caused by hezbollah's attacks. hezbollah has so far attacked the military and security centers of the zionist regime in northern palestine with more than 300 missiles and attack drones. the operation to respond to the assassination of this hezbollah commander is still going on. seyyed mohammad hosseini, sada and radio agency, southern suburbs of beirut , we are still with you in the world today with mr. abolfazl bazargan
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. to attack lebanon, along with that , they are also following the policy of terror, that is, as a they are pursuing plan b or an alternative solution. how should you look at the lebanon issue in foreign policy? we have been here many times in the service of his highness, and we have talked about the gaza war, and we have predicted many times, and we have also been criticized that israel will not achieve anything. in gaza , as you can see, 9 months have passed since the war in gaza, and hamas still has a foreign presence. it is still working and it has a political existence and a military existence, and practically israel has not achieved anything in terms of the threats that they say , from their point of view, if we look at the threats that on the part of lebanon's hezbollah in the northern borders, they see an issue that they cannot ignore, in
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simple words, it is the belief that the situation in gaza would be relatively stable whenever there was a war in gaza. after that, the operation against lebanon's hezbollah will begin in the northern borders, because they believe that in any case , we should move lebanon's hezbollah away from its northern borders and retreat, so now you see that the war gaza remains useless because of america's pressure on israel and biden personally. i apologize for the coming of war american elections, biden's personal pressure on israel has increased tremendously, so stop the seemingly so much killing and at least reduce the killing, don't pressure me in the elections, and on the other hand , you can see that lebanon's hezbollah is also powerful and ready at the borders. it is located in the north, israel
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is in a security puzzle, it cannot imagine. it is easy for him to attack hezbollah because he has not yet recovered from gaza. it is not easy for him to enter into two wars at the same time and at the same time he cannot be unconcerned about his northern borders. israel's war with lebanon's hezbollah may take place with an additional spark. now, what does this have to do with the diplomacy and foreign policy of the islamic republic of iran? the importance of lebanon's hezbollah , regardless of the fact that i have repeatedly said that they are our allies in the region, lebanon 's hezbollah has a direct relationship with iran's national security . this
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is so valuable from a strategic point of view for our national security. that the same issue of the ability to fight outside the border is the ability that you can defeat your enemy when, god forbid, you want to go to war with them, don't come to your own border , limit it on the third border, let us control it on the third border, and that we want to be coordinated in our foreign policy, so to speak, in that field and diplomacy, in the axis of resistance and our neighboring countries. be a region this means that both our armed forces must be coordinated with these resistance axis countries and our diplomacy and the ministry of foreign affairs. alhamdulillah, in the last 3 years during the foreign ministry of martyr amir abdullahian, this was its peak, that is, the unity of the field and diplomacy. yes, and it is very important that from this
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let this process continue and god forbid that anyone should expect the field to be sacrificed again against diplomacy , violence, resignation, etc. it is a very important time in terms of iran's national security in the next few months, what position will the islamic republic of iran have in relation to the possibility expansion the war in gaza is very important in the region, which means that one of the successes of the scene that we have seen in the last 10 months in the region is that our foreign policy apparatus and our field have a bond and a unity that protects the country from the challenges. and they were able to save the crises and keep the zionist regime in it keep the hardship that was after october 7th , peace be upon you, it is exactly the same. you have seen this minister before. it was reserved for the armed forces, the quds force and our other agencies, unfortunately, it was not the same and protested why you raised the mahan plane
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, why i don't know why you didn't sacrifice the field, why you fired the missiles , but in the last three years, the ministry of foreign affairs was aligned, thank god and coordinated. together and this peak of coordination, you saw how coordinated the ministry of foreign affairs was in the sadiq operation, instead of coming to say that i did not know. it means, in fact, two pillars that can increase the power of the islamic republic at the same time iran is coordinating the field and diplomacy with everyone, and we have seen this in the last 3 years, now in the tense situation of the region, which is perhaps the most inflammatory time in the region , currently in the past decades, it is of double importance that this trend continues in the calculations of the enemy. i think it affects 100 100 the enemy's calculations, we are the enemy, it is god's grace that this coordination will fall apart, a power vacuum will be created and he wants to abuse it and advance his goals, thank you very much, i have another discussion to discuss with you we
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had the summit of the member states of the shanghai cooperation organization, which was one the anniversary of iran's membership is there. we have a report . mr. mokhbar participated in that meeting on behalf of our country. after our conversation, iran's presence is for the first time. as an official member of the shanghai summit hosted by kazakhstan, islamic iran, mohammad moghbar , acting president of our country , gave a speech in the morning and evening at this summit and the efforts of their effective role in advancing the multilateral diplomacy of the islamic republic of iran, mr. mokhbar mentioned at the beginning of his speech. the memory of martyr raisi and martyr amir abdullahian. and referring to the crimes committed by the zionist regime against qadha, he said: i want everyone to be condemned
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we demand the countries to stop the crimes and also to stop sending weapons to this regime. the members of the shanghai cooperation organization can trade materials with the countries of the world through the north-south corridor and through the southern ports of iran at a lower cost and faster. eliminating the dollar and establishing the shanghai joint bank to promote economic projects, supporting the energy cooperation strategy document of the shanghai cooperation organization and creating a transit network were among iran's proposals to this summit. we suggest to create a network of common free zones and establish economic agreements such as trade agreements preferred and free. at the level of the organization , the acting president also said in the evening meeting that the development of the use of national widths or common widths
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based on new technologies in transactions between members of the organization should be given more attention. mr. mokhbar considered the provision of energy security and the deepening of cooperation among member countries as requiring special attention. in the continuation of this meeting, 20 documents of colleagues. was also signed. also, mr. mokhbar met and talked with mr. putin, the president of russia. the need to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries and regional and international issues were among the axes of this conversation. we hope that in the path of realizing the achievements that were established and created in the government of ayatollah raisi, we can actually pursue policies in the progressive period and in the fourteenth government that these policies can achieve achievements for the islamic republic of iran and the people of iran. more objective and tangible from
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these mechanisms. the presence of various media from foreign countries to cover the news and take a group photo of the leaders is also considered as one of the side effects of this summit, and the periodic chairmanship of the shanghai cooperation organization was transferred from kazakhstan to china for one year. khadim jafari is a correspondent astana radio and television news agency of kazakhstan. it is still with you in today's world. here we are, mr. bazargan, this anniversary of iran's membership in shanghai has a positive aspect, and that is that iran's presence has been established, and it has a bitter aspect, that shahid raisi has taken an action for the country , but it is not him. we had this in brics as well. how do you see iran's placement in the new international military system that is just being formed and is finding itself, especially since, for example
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, today we see that the membership has expanded, belarus has also been added, and the organization is being completed geographically. from onor, for example, brics says that now we have to strengthen brics and for the time being , it will not allow other countries to be added. he saved the world.
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many people are saying that, well, now you have become a member of brics, you have become a member of shanghai, what now, see, the first time that iran, not the islamic republic of iran, the first time in its history that iran has become a member of an agreement of an important regional and international organization, is the islamic republic of iran. it is always surrounded by countries that are members your promises are important from here. turkey, which was a member of nato, and the south of the country, which are all members of the persian gulf cooperation council with the united states, and numerous treaties that the countries are members of, and the islamic republic , unfortunately, was not a member of any of them, or if it was, it was a very weak treaty, for example, like eco and this is the time of many treaties. he was not active, that is , we were not around any table that formed the center of power in the world , no, unfortunately, we really weren't, and first of all, the first time
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in these 33 years , you will see a member of important organizations, not a list of important organizations. 5 pieces of luggage nuclear power has two powers as a permanent member of the security council. let me tell you that important countries are growing in it, and the islamic republic of iran has become a member of such an organization. it is very important for us. look at onur, the world is talking about how brics will determine the international regulatory situation in the future and the eurasian union, which has great opportunities for economic cooperation with the islamic republic of iran. this is a very big achievement. it is very great that shahid raisi personally worked hard for him. i remember thinking that the wish of some presidents and those who he
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also for tela country. it had been years, years , maybe i think shanghai had applied for its membership for two decades , so did bricso, but i remember shahid raisi personally , days before the brics summit was supposed to be held, there was speculation as to whether they would introduce iran. or not , now i was following up with a series of reporters, i remember shahid raisi calling the leaders of the brics countries, china, russia, on the phone many times. india, in particular, was very careful to insist that iran's membership be confirmed. well, in my opinion, this is a great achievement, which may be the result of a series of foreign media and at that time, before this membership was announced, the persian language said, "no, this will not happen. yes , after it happened, it doesn't matter. if the world is enough, you can search on google the importance of brics in the new international order."


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