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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 6:30am-7:00am IRST

6:30 am
in the name of god. look at the sun. who is laughing, say hello to tomorrow, hello to the future, look at the sun on the pilgrimage day of agha imam reza, peace be upon him. endhari's messengers laugh at work.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, in the name of god, the good, the merciful, the merciful. good morning. welcome . hello, today's reporter. may god bless you wherever you are. i invite you to join us with today's program, because the peace of the rain has come to my life because of you.
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i believe in the sacrifice of your head and your messianic breaths, even if i don't have one. i take a breath from your breath, my life and my life, and the calm of the rain on the stormy shore of my soul, you know my pain, and you are the cure for my condition, and the end of my wandering and my soul.
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i gave my head to you so that i don't give my heart to anyone . he said, "only your hand, like life and life, calmness of rain, and i'm a stormy beach , you know my life, you know my pain, and you know my condition, cure and end of wandering, and your life is life, and peace of rain, and i'm a stormy beach, or my life, you know my pain. " i am healing and the end of wandering, and
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my life is the peace of the rain, and i am the stormy sea. in the next hour, the second phase of the 14th presidential election will begin, and we will witness the final vote from our compatriots starting at 8:00 this morning on the salam program.
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we will examine the occasion of the fourteenth presidential election and the second phase of the election in different formats. stay with us. the islamic republic has an enemy. one of the things that makes the islamic republic victorious over its enemies is the election of this election . at the end of people's speech is the title of a report prepared by my journalist colleagues at the sada and sima news agency going to the people and talking to them about the presidential elections that we see together.
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the story of this tribune is going to be a little different from the rest of the election tribunes. and it is supposed to be only for baano. only for women. now it's the lady's turn. hello, can i speak? i don't vote because our voice was never heard. i am the first vote. whoever wants to become president now, must reach each and every one of his people. i want to vote in order to prove the authority of our country in the world . because it's not just my vote. if i can vote myself, i can persuade the rest of rome.
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our lack of presence is a problem. our lack of presence is also not good . we should reform and fix the country, and i will vote for these people who are always in the people's court, who always show themselves. these are the officials who should show what to do. come on friday morning, i myself
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will be the first. when i go, i will take the hands of the wife and the children . as someone who has visited most of the countries , i swear to god, the part that you have here is owed to them. good morning, dear viewers , stay with us, and we will see you in a few moments. hello, today's reporter. . in the name of god, greetings and good morning to you , dear and respected viewers of the mood of the sports section today's reporter's greetings program is an election, where the athletes of our country are going
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to participate in the fate of themselves and their country by participating in the ballot boxes in the next hour , shahid stadium in tehran. as in the past, shirovi will host the sports and this place is also one of the places where votes are taken . i will talk to my colleague amir rafti . today is a fateful day, the next 4 years of the country's executive will be determined by choosing one from these two dignitaries who reached the second stage , sports is not an exception to this rule, who will be the helmsman of our country's sports ministry in the next 4 years can have its own effects. as we know, today we are supposed to place a fund for the athletes to express their vote and
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decide their own destiny for the next 4 years. well , as you know , we have different issues in the field of sports, whether it is in the championship aspect or in the infrastructure aspect, such as choosing a president. a good president and finally choosing a suitable sports minister can do a lot to help with many issues, we saw yesterday that 1923 semi-complete sports plans were opened. during these 3 years that we actually witnessed and it was actually reviewed yesterday, it was a big project that was opened in the field of sports and there are 3428 other unfinished sports projects that we hope with the presence of the new minister of sports and the funds that the parliament and the government is considering that they can be provided so that the sports per capita of our country will increase. well , we have important games ahead of us in the next 4 years . we have the paris olympics
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and the asian games. choose a door in fact, a good president and choosing a suitable minister of sports can help a lot , especially in the field of sports, so that we can have the social vitality of various championships and many other issues. recently, with their various messages , they invited people to attend iranian fundraisers. yes , i saw many of our heroes, world champions, olympic champions, such as mr. alfati. that for the first time we were able to finally take part in the olympics in the field of gymnastics
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, he sent a message that actually invited all people, especially athletes come to the voting booths, many football players, athletes, heroes invited the people to come to the voting booths today and finally finish the half-finished work of last week this week. you mentioned last week . i remember the first pictures before the voting started. giri came out, there was a sports caravan of veterans and disabled people at shahid chiroudi stadium. being present and waiting for 8 o'clock and casting their votes into the ballot box was a special passion and it was well received. it was the beginning of the voting in the hangzhou asian games. melanie's sports veterans were actually very capable of achieving very good results in the asian games , achieving a record in the field of medals and the results that they achieved at the ballot box, as well as winning championship results at the ballot box. the vote of being able to repeat their own championship in a different way. thank you for the full explanation from amir rafti. a report on this matter is ready. let's see it together
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. hello, be a reporter. love you , make the world beautiful. iran, tomorrow, the stories that are worried about the future, they are worried about your fate. elections can be very decisive and this election affects every member of the society. let's all our dear compatriots be together , let's sympathize and go to the polls and, god willing , let's make the best choice. every dear person who is placed in this position and accepts this heavy responsibility , i hope that he will take care of people's problems and pay special attention to people's livelihood, especially especially for housing and jobs again with the cry of iran , set up another light, stand up. that we are responsible for this country and with our colorful presence we will make a decision for our country
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, i ask all the parents of my age to vote for the second round are you participating? yes, i will participate and i will choose the most suitable person and i invite our great comrades to participate in the second round, especially from all the people of the nation. i invite the sports community to participate in the elections on friday, the 15th of may . voting for fard aslah is another epic for our dear country. it is my duty to vote with the people. ray's funds cause pride and dignity.
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good morning, dear viewers , as you mentioned , voting is taking place in different countries today due to the time difference. it has been over night. at around 11:30 last night , our dear compatriots abroad went to the polls. the first country where voting started was new zealand, which started at around 11:00 last night . voting also started in china about 3-4 hours ago.
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dear compatriots abroad, we have been connected to the voting booths. with mr. khaliq vardi, reporter of sed and sima news agency, who is with us from beijing, mr. khaliq vardi, hello, please tell us about the voting process in beijing and other chinese cities, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful dear mr. shah soni, at your service and all the viewers , hello and good morning . i am at your service from beijing, the capital of china . moon and from 8:00 am local time , the voting for the second phase of the 14th presidential election cycle began, and our dear compatriots abroad, that is, residents of tekken, went to this branch and cast their votes, but i must say that we in china have four we have a polling station, that is,
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there is one in peking, the capital, in gwangju. and shanghai and the hong kong region of iranians living in southern china the gwanjo fund of the islamic republic of iran representation in guganju, iranians living in the east and southeast of china , refer to the representation area and the voting fund in our country's consulate in shanghai , iranians living in the hong kong region also refer to that fund, and iranians in the capital china and the neighboring provinces also go to the embassy of the islamic republic of iran, where the vote is taken, and cast their votes. kangang in the flow elections have been held in these areas and
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the necessary arrangements have been made. mr. shah suwani is at your service. god willing , we will report live and directly from china in the next sections. god willing thank you very much, mr. khaliq vardi, i bid you farewell. yes, just as mr. khaliq vardi mentioned in different countries, our dear compatriots abroad went to the polls today , considering the time difference we have with other countries , voting has started in these countries at 8 am local time , including countries that voting in it. i see it has started in australia, china, as mr. khaliq vardi mentioned in new zealand and just a few minutes ago , voting has started in india. if we are in contact, i will talk to mr. abdul maliki, a reporter of sada and sima news agency, who is with us from new delhi . mr. abdul maliki, hello, your time. hello
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, give us more details about the beginning of the voting process in india. in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful. i am at your service , dear colleague and all dear viewers. i am talking to you right now in the culture house of the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in new delhi, almost 40 minutes ago. election process in the second round the 14th term of the presidential election has started in delhi. iranians living in delhi and those who are in this city today should visit farhang house on tilak mark street no. 18. for iranians living in south india, the consulate general of the islamic republic of iran in
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hyderabad. in the cities of konaa and bandabi , there are also centers for voting. if you have any questions, i am at your service. yes , thank you very much, mr. abdul maleki. and our dear compatriots abroad today. may they can appear at the polling booths, in addition to their birth certificate and national identity card according to the law, with a valid passport, our dear compatriots can go abroad . be present at the polls. the issue that was raised in the first round of the presidential elections , unfortunately, some european countries, despite
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the claim of freedom of speech and democracy , created disturbances for those who wanted to vote , especially in england, where my colleague mr. ghasem zadeh , reporter of sada vasima news agency, reports prepared and reports today. from the ballot boxes and those who will appear at the ballot boxes we will have and we will cover in different news sections. mr. hosseini, international news is at your service. thank you very much, mr. shasbani, to you and our journalist colleagues who had this connection in other countries, in china, beijing , and also in india, you communicated with reporters and explained. i am very grateful to mr. shah suvani , as you can see, the presence of our compatriots before the start of voting in one of the villages of sistan baluchistan province, which they themselves prepared to be able to participate
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in the second phase of the presidential election in the first minutes of voting. 14th period, participate, be with us , o my land, you are my land, the flower of my life, doubt was said in this grass, my land, you are my land, the earth and the sky, you are my life, the stars of the sky, you are the light of my way, you are a bright candle in the darkness. you are my moon, you are the leaf of your spring bud . my whole life, what was said in this grass , my land, you are my land, the earth and the sky, you are my spirit and
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my soul, the stars of the sky, you guide my way, you are darkness, you are my moon, the month of the universal sacrifice of spring , which always jumps on my scroll. o my land, you are in the head. my land, the flower of my life bloomed in this grass, my land, you are my land , the earth and the sky, you are my spirit and my soul, my homeland, my little paradise
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, you are an angel to my bright destiny, to your soil, you wrote to the mountains and valleys of love, and you are always in love with me. greetings to you, dear viewers, stay with us
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. greetings from today's reporter, on the occasion of holding the second phase of the elections of the 14th presidential term , we will examine the issue of the elections in different formats. join us and let's see a part about the role of women in social participation. . and you are the ones who raise righteous children. if during the revolution , there was no women's loyalty, women's emotions, women's presence in various fields, in marches, in elections, surely this huge popular movement could not be formed and continue like this. this huge popular movement could not.
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we are not in europe. of course, the right to vote did not exist for european societies even after the renaissance and the industrial and scientific movement in europe. women did not have the right to vote in europe. in islam , women's allegiance, women's ownership, women's presence in these basic political and social fields are stressed. out of place
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interference in politics and in the basic destiny of the country of duty women and women's duty, women's rights and women's duties , making it mandatory in the country's destiny, the country's basic duties, they should interfere, interfere in politics and in the country's basic duties, women's duty and duty. and you are the ones who raise righteous children, and you are the ones who encourage your wives to enter good fields, and you are the ones who raise righteous children. people's participation is a source of honor for the islamic republic of iran.
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in some issues, women find a way to recognize people, etc., in recognizing election candidates, in attendance at the polls, and inside. you can play a role at home as well as outside the home. greetings to you, dear viewers, in the short time until the 7 o'clock news segment, we will see a short segment about the holding of the second phase of the presidential election. thank you for sending
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the pictures of the first round of the presidential election , and you were the narrator of your presence at the ballot boxes. now, in the second round of the election, we are waiting for your pictures from the cities and villages of the country. we are in iran.
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let's watch the news segment at 7 o'clock. after the news, god willing, i will be with you with the greeting of the reporter. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family muhammad and ajl farajah. greetings to you, dear countrymen.


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