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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, o allah, peace be upon muhammad and the family of muhammad, peace be upon you who made iran a good day with your presence. we stand by iran and we will stand. this was the message of the compatriots who appeared at the polls from the first minutes of voting. of course, they said that they came to complete the half-finished work of the previous week.
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they were not indifferent, they only came for my country to be protected from foreigners and to choose our own president, for the sake of the revolution, for the sake of the system, for the sake of the people, with hope for the future and pride of iran, a better future, with the hope of the progress of the proud country. the pride and shining of iran, god willing, in the hope of change, god willing, fundamental change. this is me and i can, and i am with the islamic republic , i help the country's progress a lot, i wanted to come and i satisfied many, but some, not the absent. i invite the people who don't vote because it is important to vote because they determine the fate of their country
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, they add up one by one, which now reaches 50 million, 40 million, 30 million. they say that they should finish half the work, we should have finished half the work of the first stage, regardless of any policy, in my opinion, each of us should do this work, and the end of their work is the beginning of the work of the president-elect.
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the spokesperson of the guardian council attended the special voting branch in lorzadeh mosque and closely monitored the elections. well, we are going to have a communication with the spokesperson of the guardian council in this news section .
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we will reach out to sam and your comments, dear viewers. hazrat ayatollah khamenei cast his ballot this morning at the same time as the beginning of the second phase of the 14th presidential election. after casting his vote in the ballot box, the leader of the revolution considered the 110 days of the election to be a good day and a day for the people to be active for an important political issue and said, god willing , our dear people will work harder in the second stage and attend the ballot boxes and choose the best work. will be finished at this stage so that we have our president tomorrow, saturday. at the same time as the second round of the 14th presidential election, the officials went to the polls together with the people head. this morning, while visiting the
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election headquarters located in the ministry of interior and being aware of the voting process, the presidency cast its vote for hojjat al-islam wal mohsen. he participated in the elections by attending larzadeh mosque. the chairman of the islamic council also cast his vote in one of the polling stations in mashhad. ayatollah jannati , the secretary of the guardian council, and ayatollah ameli larijani , the head of the expediency council, also cast their votes before noon today. the minister of interior advised people not to pay attention to virtual polls. according to mr. vahidi, the counting of the votes of the second round the election of the 14th presidential term will be announced with full confidence. unreal comments are often reflected. you should not
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pay attention to these. god willing, the one that will be known after giving the people's votes and the accurate counting, the one that will be this number with complete security in the election headquarters. elections are being held peacefully. our dear people remember that in the first round of elections. our friends and colleagues are their own blood. they gave, but protecting and taking care of the people's vote, we are still for the people and with the people, and we hope to make a very good election with high participation.
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i participated in the second round of the 14th presidential election.
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the 102- and 113-year-old aunts cast their votes at one of the polling stations in iraq at the same time as the second round of the 14th presidential election. it is the national team of jedo that i would like to present to you. the young people of our country also cast their votes in kazakhstan. the president of the jeddo federation together with the members of our country's youth team, the
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technical staff and the head of the national team, attending the consulate general islamic republic of iran in the city of almaty, kazakhstan in the second presidential election period. the republic of our country participated. the national youth team of jedu is currently in kazakhstan to participate in the azad asia cup. the deputy consular officer of the ministry of foreign affairs said that the second phase of the 14th presidential election in 138 representative offices of the islamic republic of iran in 98 countries is being held. so far , we have received reports both inside and outside the country since this morning, all of them are positive
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it was that until this time the participation has been more compared to last week. in the reports that our ambassadors have presented so far from a significant number of representative offices of the islamic republic of iran abroad , they also point out that fortunately, the level of welcome and the intelligent presence of the people. and dear iranians and compatriots abroad, there was a conscious presence , the reception and attendance ratio has been higher so far, and fortunately, they point out that the conditions in terms of the presence of iranians are good, there are no special problems. radio in ler mosque has been established, ms. tanesh, hello, please tell us and the viewers about the mood of the election.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i am at your service and at the service of my dear viewers. hello and good evening . in fact , you can hear our report right now from the 1799 and 1800 branches of larzadeh mosque, located in the southeast of tehran, district 12 of tehran, i must say almost more than it's been 11 hours since the start of the election and the closer we get to the final moments, the closer we get, the closer we get, the more people there are , if i may, mr. tahan nazif is here. the spokesman of the guardian council , with whom we are talking to actually come to monitor , don't be tired, sir, thank you very much, sir , with this situation, your duty is to vote thank you to each and every one of you and
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god willing, they will take effective steps. mr. tuan nazir, may god give you strength, please let us know how your visits were , in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. well, it seems to me that i started from the beginning of the queue, dear ones, so the ranks are joined together. they are doing their own expression and choosing and submitting their votes to the ballot box. we are proud of such people as always. presence they are standing at the ballot box and the issues of the country are important to them, the future of the country is important to them, i hope that these votes will be a support for the elected president, whose name will finally be removed from these ballot boxes today , to be able to make important and effective decisions, both internally and externally. appreciate each and every one of these people. thank you. how are the violations in the country? look. good morning, well , i would like to thank mrs. tahanesh, reporter of
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sda news agency, and mr. tahan nazif, the spokesman of the guardian council in larzadeh mosque. it has been established. hello, please tell me about the election situation, mrs. sadad hashemi. rahim , good evening, respected colleague and colleagues , do you have my voice? yes, please, hello, i am at your service , dear colleague and all dear viewers, wherever we are in islamic iran , we are located in isfahan, on the edge of khajo bridge and one of the branches of akhz rai. around 8 o'clock, even some branches in isfahan almost an hour before the moment of voting and the start of voting. the moment the line was finished and now the people had started to stand. now, as you can see
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, it is the evening of the 15th day of july, and the branch that is near there is a very long line to khajo bridge . there is definitely a long line here. the line is still going on. almost in isfahan, we have more than 3 million people who are eligible to vote . and now we see that the rebellion of the people in order to be able to participate in the second phase of the presidential election is still there among the people , and god willing, they will finish their half of the work in the pictures that my colleagues have now prepared, from different cities of the province and far and near villages and the city of isfahan, god willing it will reach you, we will also see the pictures . yes, thank you, mrs. sada. hashemi , the reporter of the radio and television news agency in isfahan , dear viewers, thank you very much for
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being with us until this moment, may god protect me , thank god, it is a good day, the day of the presence of the people, the day of the participation of the people of the day. the activation of our dear people in an important political matter of the country, namely the elections, i heard that the people's passion and interest is more than qiblah, may god be like this , and if it is like this, it will be gratifying, and god willing, our dear people will succeed in voting and choose the best, and at this stage people should may their efforts be more because
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they will finish the work, tomorrow we will have our president, god willing. may god make the nation successful and prosper the country and all those who work hard in this way. including himself. one vote is cast in the box and each of these votes becomes the support of the future president of our country for important executive decisions in various fields. areas that directly and indirectly return to me and you in our lives. more than hundreds of domestic and foreign journalists are covering the second round of the 14th presidential election, starting at 8:00 am. officially, and until this moment, journalists at different levels
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are active in luxor branches, these 584 luxor branches inside the country and of course 344 branches outside the country, so that we can understand what is your presence in the picture of one of these reporters. who is always active on various occasions, farzadeh azaribaqa, mr. azaribaqa is in our studio, i greet you, god bless you, i say hello to you, courtesy and respect , dear viewers, i want to go to the election taxi of your election tribune, mr. azariqa, but let me ask before that. in which branch today? i was present for the vote of hosseini irshad . how did you see hosseini irshad today? in the second round of people's presence today, i appeared in front of hosseini irshad at approximately 7:00 am. well, the first thing i saw was a queue that had formed before the door of hosseini opened. the voting process should officially start at the same time, that is, more than an hour before the voting started . i asked if people had already arrived there and were in line. some said
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from 6:30 in the morning. these are present there. and in fact , that's what attracted attention in the first place there was a queue that was formed there before the door was opened, in fact, after the door was opened, people were there, an old man, 90 years old, 91 years old, was there, who said that he had been there since 6 in the morning. i came and asked him why you came. in fact, for my children, i want to be able to influence the future of my children. mr. azaribaga, last week, that is , in the first round, if i make a mistake, you correct me. hosseini ershad , how did you see the difference between this course and the previous one in terms of people's presence, because you just mentioned that from an hour before the official start of voting
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the gathering of people was in hosseini ershad's line, so in this period the presence was more prominent. of course, the report we prepared together with my colleagues was broadcast on news 14. people may have seen this. i saw people there who said that i had not participated in the first round of elections, but now i came and participated. now the basis of responsibility is to speak in any way for any reason we did not see that there were many people who we talked to who said that we did not come in the first round, but we are in the second round. i want to talk more while we are now looking at the picture of nizam mafi mosque in tehran we see that our good compatriots in iraq are standing in the voting line in the central province of iraq, men and women, young and old, from different classes and walks of life to
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cast their votes in the second round of the presidential election. they are present in this desired branch, which now means that they are faced with pure images of people who now have different reasons for their presence, people who may be their first presence, how many times they are present, people who each have their own obstacle and support , the pure image that you have in your mind. record in your report what about the second round? one of them was the parents' vote , which was the result of our report, with the enthusiasm and excitement of those who came for the first time , who could actually cast a vote in the box, and have the feeling that they are participating in the future of the country of the families present there. being found means those who came as a family. they brought their children and when we were talking, they said that we came because of the future of these children
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and we stood at the polls. the process of voting was the middle of the images that i had in my mind, and i said that we are that 90-year-old old man who i don't think i will ever forget in front of hosseini ershad. who was sitting there said that i came here since 6 in the morning to actually take part in the elections, to participate in the future of my country, this point that you just said , considering that i was in the same hosseini ershad last week as well as in the previous round, that is what i saw that the presence of people in the second stage is more prominent than in the previous stage. now that hosseini ershad is one of our reporters , i don't know how to replace you because the children are constantly changing. do they have shifts, they have clocks , there is one person every hour for a few hours, then i close their shifts in mr. azarqa's departments, an almost new and interesting work that we
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saw from you, together with mr. kazemi, our good reporter , in another sports group, you became an election taxi driver. you went with mr. kazemi. among our people, first we wanted to make an election van , then, well, it has its own problems, and now there is a discussion about the voice. there is a picture and we saw that there are some problems now and we said that we should get a taxi and use this taxi to move people around with my dear colleague. we didn't charge a fare, now we were taking people to their destination, but we didn't charge a fare in return . in fact, we decided to do this . as you saw in the reports , we used to take people in taxis with them on the way, now my colleague babak kazemi and i were talking and
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asking for their opinions. secretly, we took your picture and recorded your voice, if you are willing to broadcast their conversations, then we collected their conversations in the form of several reports and broadcast them. most of them said that we feel responsible for the future of our country and that we must come, and
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i noticed that no one had any idea that, for example , i, who was sitting there, did not even look , there was even a lady who finally noticed. after we arrived, he looked in the direction of these people and said, for example, at the end of the day, it was not on anyone's mind that these are journalists, these are the same ones, and these, especially now in this heat, and in fact, the daily commutes and these are not on anyone's mind. it arrived, well, but some people know, some understand, and finally some say o ahan, you are the same, for example , they say babak kazemi, and how was working with mr. kazemi
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. my experience of working with mr. kazemi goes back to years ago, we worked together in different elections in different years. we closed different things and it wasn't the first time . in fact, we worked together until the report, but it goes back to the history of other friends, like you, a market and business reporter, this mr. kazemigar, our sportsman, yes, but well , we are actually a couple. now i don't want to. i can say that it will be a match. are you coming? in short, he will come to me. yes, he will mr. azeri baga, another thing you did was on your election platform . interviews and actually people's opinions.
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the election platform will remain with you. well, many of my colleagues have done this during this period. in any case , we will bring a microphone to them near the election with the aim of really hearing the words of the people . but anyway, that's what most of me noticed in these forums. i became that concern many people don't want to talk in front of the camera about the problems they have and what they want from the person who comes . they say to themselves that we have this problem , regarding their livelihood, their children's jobs. several people came and said that we have a child at home who has no job it was their concern and their demand from the person who will be the president to
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solve these problems. we will finish this section with mr. azaribagha and i invite you to continue to stay with the national media of the news network , thank you, the islamic republic is an enemy. one of the things that makes the islamic republic overcome its enemies election in this election, if the good participation of the people is seen in him, this is the pride of the islamic republic.
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the eternal name of the country, the morning, the hope of the country, you are in the sky
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like the eternal seal of a country. everyone with one name shows the difference of every color and language, everyone is happy and violent to the women of the youth of iran, to the originality of iran.
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the eternal name of the homeland, the morning, the hope of the homeland, sing in the sky like an eternal seal, you are a homeland, my passion and intoxication , sing in the sky like an eternal seal.


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