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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm IRST

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along with artists and also residents. culture, literature and poets are one of the classes that had an active presence since this morning and we saw and heard their reports in the news sections. they are dear athletes who felt responsible as always and showed up at the polling station at different times, sometimes coming with their families and voting. throwing themselves in the 14th term of the presidential election in the mobile branch for athletes in the stadium.
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veterans and able-bodied people, together with our athletes , technical staff and coaches, are in the service of the presence of the dear people of the society. sports as always there was a wide and colorful presence and they came enthusiastically out of appreciation and gratitude to give a message that we are building this beautiful land, we want to prove to the enemy that we will not leave iran alone and we are always behind iran. they came to raise their country's flag once again. raise this border of iranian faith with this syrian flag. we have come to borz to be in control of the country's fate. no matter how
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we come to maidun, we are still indebted to the house of martyrs. they came to elect a strong president with a strong vote, god willing, with a strong vote. i choose a strong president, a president who really continues let's vote for the president, martyr ayatollah raisi. when the president comes with a good support and comes with a decisive vote, he can bargain for all things, especially for sports. get a good budget, get a lot of facilities . vote for this creation. it was a great feeling to be able to vote. i was able to play a role in the future of my country. i am very happy that i was able to fulfill my national duty as an athlete. and irani me samase again showed sports at the polling booths that the
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residents were very visible for the children of the national team. teenagers, young people who have reached the age of voting , are very excited to vote for the first time. to be able
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to participate in the elections, to be able to participate in the future of their country , it was very colorful for the children of the national youth team , there was shooting, there was volleyball, there was basketball , the children of the youth football team were present and they created an epic, mr. parhosni , sports are always either our win or our loss. in our various reports now. closing our colleagues at the different desks of our reporters regarding the presence of the real winner in the election regarding the presence in the case building a strong iran tomorrow, these are our people, the important thing is that they created an epic, sports were important , their presence was prominent in the first round of the elections, maybe a little more in the second round compared to the first round . what i saw was the same in the first round. second. the presence of sports
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was much stronger. some of the boys are either in camps abroad or not participating in international competitions, or it was a problem that they were unable to participate. those who participated in the first round of the elections came here in the second round and participated and cast their votes in the ballot boxes. the good thing that happened in this period was that they had considered a suitable place for sports, so that the sportsmen could express themselves there and cast their votes. everyone gathered there . for example, there, for example , let's take a report that it was scattered in different funds, but this year it was concentrated in the shahid shiroudi stadium , the shahid hall of the siabi people and all sports and those who were always the basis of the system's work were present and
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they were able to create an epic and an epic image and beautiful images. let them register mrs. alishondi our other sports reporter was also brought along with their families . i was talking to one of them.
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they came with their families , i saw the coaches of the national team who came with their families . in the first round , the presence of the families was a little less. we saw them with their families you were present when you sat at their talks, because some of these are reported in the format of reports, according to the time report, now every news segment and these are recorded and recorded in front of you . you got interviews from many people. why are they casting their votes in the box , what are they telling you who bring medals for iran sometimes. they rank first, sometimes they rank second, sometimes they assign third rank to themselves, but why did they come to iran? what did you ask them? the issue is about that flag. one day, i raised this flag in the sports field
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, and here i had the duty to come and raise the flag. many of them talked about the feeling of responsibility . we used to talk a lot, now we were talking to one or two people who said that it was very interesting . i said to me, seeing pictures from the first round , not being present in the elections, not voting, now due to some issues, but seeing pictures from the elections that happened in foreign countries. when our compatriots go to vote, now a number of foreigners were even there, saying that i saw these pictures. i saw something and said to myself that i was ashamed why he is in that country. several of them talked to me and i really saw that their words were very influential and they really stand up to the work
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of the sports journalists themselves . i have the gold medal of the world workers of the world in spain and the bronze medal of the workers of the world in kata , i was a member of the national team for many years. let it be quiet so that we can go by ourselves, it's easy. now , let's vote without queuing . media people like me and our other colleagues are working to
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bring the images of your presence to the attention of all people and iranians abroad and the whole world who are waiting for your presence . i have success. many sports have requested the future president to improve the status of sports, mr. raisi shahid raisi, the martyr of our president, what to do in sports , the work of the next president has become a bit difficult , they expect the next president to continue the path that shahid raisi took, thank you very much, mr. pourhaini, for your presence and explanations , i say goodbye to you, i am still a viewer of the national media. to marid, the islamic republic has enemies, one of the things that make the islamic republic active in its enemies. if the good participation
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of the people is observed in this election, this is the pride of the islamic republic.
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the eternal name of the country, in the morning, the hope of the country, manifest in the sky like the eternal seal of your country, i am intoxicated make me appear in the sky as an eternal seal, and my words burn like your song , all with one name show the difference of every color and all languages ​​with the same name show the difference of every color and language .
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the eternal name of the country in the morning, show the hope
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of the country. you are a country in the sky like an eternal seal. i am passionate and intoxicated . let my words be like an eternal seal in the sky, and my words will be like your song. my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, all with the same name, showing the difference of each. colors and languages ​​all with the same name show the difference of each color and language, all happy and violence to women the sadness of the young iran should be related to the nobility of iran. the strength of the young iran should be heard by listening to my words .
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the sea and like a firm mountain of iran, the land of dignity and the cradle of dignity and authority , bring forth art from every finger of yours, you art-loving imam, you proud zealot and a
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proud flag.
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o patient hero of iran until the day of resurrection. with your kind letter, the dear land of iran , to the health of the noble soil, you are in prison, the holy name
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of tayeh is my cry, because of this, you are dear to me. the iron of my iran's foundations has been struck by the clear love of you, my bond, which has become the world , i have lost my glory to the sacrifice of the courage of your heart, my child.
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the day of people's presence, the day of people's participation, the day of the activation of our dear people in an important political matter of the country. i mean , i heard that the people's passion and interest is more than qibla, may god let it be like this, and if it is like this
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, it will be disappointing, and god willing, our dear people will be successful in voting and choose the best, and at this stage, the people should definitely be more united to finish the job. they do may the nation prosper and prosper the country, and all those who work hard in this way will be subject to the grace and leadership of the unwavering unity in iran's love, belief and name. let's get out of the room
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it's time for unity, unity, love and brotherhood to join hands for the protection of your beloved homeland.
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we are both a rebellious wave and a flame .
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let's cover the blood and make the soil of the homeland. who should we think of ? on the way to your homeland , on the way to your homeland. azad sarbland abad sarfraz, your flag is always at the top and your pride is bright from countless tulips, your heart
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is full of hope, your name is proud, my life is devoted to you, you are an enduring name near the border of iran. a proud border of every iran. i breathe your sky. i will give up until i die wherever i go, i tie you to my chest before i leave
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your air . i sat and looked at your ashes, at this blue roof on my head, hold my beard tight and you are my heart, my country is your tone.
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for your love, i see peaks, i see spring and you are the hand of the wind. for the love of you, my beautiful iran, you are born in the plains. you are good, just like us, my mother
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. your shoulders are for fighting. a world for me and your people is so good. your name is on my breath. i will breathe your sky until i die, wherever i am to go before i am away from you, i will tie your air to my chest. i will go anywhere in the world with me . i miss you in the streets. everyone knows us from your flag, the syringe that made men the same color. the islamic republic
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has an enemy. one of the things that makes the islamic republic victorious over its enemies is the election of this election .
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hello, welcome to news 21.


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