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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm IRST

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hello, welcome to news 21.
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manifestation of the greatness of the president of iran in the second period of the 14th presidential election. reports indicate an enthusiasm beyond the first period of the election in the voting queues. the people of iran
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showed off their zeal and national unity once again. we should have finished the half-finished work of the first stage . we came to vote for the sake of iran to be settled. the honor, pride and authority of the country of iran was important to determine the fate of my country, my country, and for our own sake. for the sake of our future, for the blood of the martyrs, for the sake of my beloved leader. the presence of the leader of the revolution at the ballot box in the first moments of the beginning of the second phase of the presidential election at this stage of the republic, the people will finish the work , and tomorrow, god willing, we will have our president . the reflection of iran's elections in the frame of the world
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's media. the arab media also talked about the unity and solidarity of the people in the second round. we are in one of the religious centers north of tehran and the participation rate is higher based on the information obtained from the first round. the second round of the presidential elections in iran is more competitive than the first round. the heaviest political defeat of the british ruling conservative party in the parliamentary elections following the support of the crimes of the zionist regime, in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful . we are at your service at 21:00. greetings to
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you, the people of maidan. greetings to you, the victorious people of the hard fields, who once again shout independence, freedom and the islamic republic at the polls in the second round of the presidential election. morning. it was announced , but in some areas, people lined up in front of the polling stations much earlier to finish the half-finished work. today , if you looked at every corner of dear iran, you would see people who they had hopefully come to the field for a common goal. a dignified life in a strong iran under a proud flag . islamic republic of iran.
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the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters announced the extension of the special voting period throughout the country. basically , compatriots can go to the voting centers to participate in the political celebration today until 22:00 . the minister of the interior also advised the people not to pay attention to the polls published in cyberspace. according to mr. vahidi, the counting of the votes of the second round
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of the 14th presidential term will be announced with full confidence. express opinions unreal is often reflected, you should not pay attention to these god willing, the one that will be known after giving the people's votes and counting accurately, the one that wants this figure with complete confidence in the election headquarters , will be the media's appeal to the people, these comments and opinion polls, or polls, should not be a criterion of millions. iranian today in one movement. an empathetic crowd voted yes for the progress, security, authority, reputation and future of islamic iran. today, tehran, like the rest of the country, has chosen the color of political vitality. at 17:00 here is the
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imam sadiq mosque located in the west of tehran and the presence of young people who are highly motivated. this is rasool mosque shahid tehrani moghadam square in saadat abad tehran at 5 o'clock. 20 minutes after noon and people are still trying to vote. 6:00 p.m. and here is imamzadeh saleh, peace be upon him, one of the special branches in tehran and the line we are watching. here sir tehran, abu dhar mosque at 18:00 and this is the voters' page at 6:30 in the afternoon. here is hosseini ershad. you can see for yourself. hello
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, it has been drawn to the surrounding streets. they say by begging to bring the bottom of the box. i begged the others to tell me what i was begging for you brought it by begging, i'm sure, i'm telling the truth, no , dad, mohsini ershad was brought by force, if not , we wanted to see our blood, sir, this is an old bbc trick, people are going over the shingles , i'm not a member of any body where it's mandatory to vote, i'm free , no, not at all not at all, we are forty years old, we are martyrs during the war, giving blood to keep the revolution. let's prove that we are under the system of our nation and our country. we will bring garlic by force and begging. but after 15 years, my mother is voting. how many years? happy 15 years. congratulations , you came on a trip after 15 years.
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dear islamic republic of election page, i am very happy that we can vote in safety and peace . no, as an iranian, i would like to use my right to vote and participate in the elections and vote . take another torch. mashaallah, come with 97 years of age. let me ask you about the election . alhamdulillah, it's great. it's very full. shuver is very welcome. do you sell rito in this market? no , i won't sell it to him. the identity of our country depends on each and every vote. at what price do i want to buy it? any price we want? is it really possible for anyone to come up with an opinion? sell ​​your will, sell us, let them be from the heart and
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from the soul, both from the heart and from the head of faith on the head of the guardian of those who were not ready last week , they are ready today. with a high motivation, the motivation is very high. 100 is a strong motivation to be able to put my best choice in the ballot box . the first columns support this country. love for the tricolor flag of iran with the sign of god and voting under the shadow of the islamic republic from july 15, 1403 , made a day with joy and color, the hopes that flow in the wishes of prayers , the wishes of prayers for the future of iran, god willing, that our iran will be prosperous and more prosperous with the hope of an iran full of progress, what is your wish for the future of iran?
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i wish a lot. i try to be useful for my country with my existence and efforts. authority, dignity, pride of our country is our wish. i hope that the president will be elected better. at a time that is certainly effective for our child. a prayer and a wish for the future of iran. god willing, we can build a very good iran. iran, where all the people are. be happy and work hard for its development . it is important that we get better every day and don't regret letting us down, and it will be much better than what it is. just want good for our people, it only takes time. the pages are getting more and more tonal . what message do you have for those who haven't come yet? my message is to tell them as soon as possible and to show them that
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i was talking to them about their expectations from the future president. telling our youth will help our country's economy improve now. the concern of work and finally the concern of the nation's livelihood, and god willing, with good programs , will lead iran to further progress, dear , i expect the future, god willing, he will fulfill his election promises, using the elite society for a future. it is better for all people to follow the path of mr. raisi, before the election
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you still have a chance to be present here and cast your vote at the various points that have been determined anyway. mosaf salami, reporter of sada news agency, peace be upon the supreme leader of the islamic revolution at 8:00 am and in the opening moments of the second stage of the 14th presidential election cycle. they voted as you can see in the pictures , the supreme leader of the islamic revolution entered hosseinieh, imam khomeini, with the blessings of hazrat in hosseinieh. hazrat imam khomeini and move towards the table of the executive board to register identity details. the supreme leader
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of the revolution has his national card at the disposal of the supervisory board they put the executive desk of the mobile fund 110 so that the identity registration can be done electronically, then the candidate. they should write the desired amount on the tariff sheet and, god willing, put it in the liquid fund of 110. it is appropriate to honor the memory of imam rahal azim al-sham and the memory of all the martyrs of the islamic revolution, because the election is the precious legacy of imam khomeini, may god bless him and grant him peace, that today every iranian can vote in any position and position with one vote in the future of iran. be a partner. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, thank god, it is a good day, the day of people's presence, the day of people's participation
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the activation of our dear people in an important political matter of the country, namely elections, i heard that people's passion and interest is more than qibla, may god be like this and if it is like this. and god willing , our dear people will be able to vote and choose the best and at this stage. the people should definitely work harder to finish the work . tomorrow, god willing, we will have our president . god, god willing, will make the nation successful and prosper the country . peace be upon you
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, may god's mercy and blessings be many. head of department this morning, while visiting the election headquarters located in the ministry of interior and learning about the voting process, the republic cast its vote. mr. mokhbar said: people should be sure that the government will hold the elections without any bias. i also assure our dear people. the government is holding these elections without any bias. they are carefully monitoring the integrity of the elections , the honorable minister himself, in the whole country, systems that have enough accuracy to ensure that the votes of the people are being monitored are being formed.
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beloved people , at the same time as the beginning of the second phase of the 14th presidential election, the speaker of the islamic council cast his vote in one of the special polling stations in mashhad. i also request for participation, especially for loved ones who are hesitant in this decision. let them know that today is the day of the election of the most important person in the country as the head of the executive branch, who is in charge of all the affairs of the country . he hasn't decided his own life for him or the way it is he wanted to make a decision but the head of the judiciary also
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cast his vote. mr. mohseni azzei stated that the president, the head of the supreme council of cyberspace, the supreme council of cultural revolution and the supreme council of economic coordination, said: "if someone wants to make a change in his future, he should participate in the election of the president. if the president is elected with a higher number of votes , he will have more support from the people and as the first executive of the country. they can do their tasks, goals and plans better and faster. if compared to the fate of our country and we believe that the progress of our country and the solution of problems should be widely participated today and we should vote for the person who we found to be a weapon. the chairman of the expediency recognition council also
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emphasized while throwing his blood into the fund. the enthusiastic presence of the people at the polling booths gives the authority of the country. these problems of the country are executive problems. there must be someone at the helm of this important matter who can solve the problems . especially if they can fulfill their promises . therefore, the presence of people is very important. important they also claim their right to citizenship. there is also a divine task for anyone who wants to make the country proud he should participate in this election with any taste , with any orientation, he loves the country, he should participate . ayatollah jannati, secretary of the guardian council, after participating in the second stage of the 14th
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presidential election period and casting his vote in the ballot box. it was included in the election monitoring process. well, dear viewers, for the presence of people at the ballot boxes in tehran. to illustrate for you, my colleagues were stationed in two places in tehran. first, there is a teenage lady in lererzadeh mosque, and also my colleague mr. azarbaqa in hosseiniyeh ershad, we go to the teenage lady first. hello, young lady
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, tell us and the viewers about the mood of the election. in the name of allah , the most merciful. we are talking to you from the 1799 and 1800 branches. i must say that more than 13 hours have passed since the beginning of the election, but the closer we get to the final moments, but actually more people are saying to cast their ballots, and actually they are saying to complete their half-finished work. as soon as i i am talking to you, we have two queues , the men's queue, which is on my right, and the women's queue, which actually extends to the outside of the larzadeh mosque. it was requested that a mobile fund should come outside the mosque anyway, so that the queue can actually be reduced and things can be done sooner. this branch itself, with the executive officers we talked
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to, said that more fees have actually been used in this branch compared to the first phase of the election. we had the presence of local and foreign reporters from morning until now and actually having news of people's presence and people's participation for our media. they are broadcasting. an hour ago, mr. tahan nazeem, the spokesman of the guardian council, visited here and talked to the voters and also talked to the reporters and stated that the participation of the people was more than the first stage. i am at your service. thank you, young lady in the mosque. larzadeh well, we will go to the north of tehran and join my other colleagues who are stationed in hosseini ershad , mr. azari baqa. greetings from your observations. and the presence of people in this polling station tell us and the viewers. hello, i would like to serve you and the viewers of this news section of voting queues from
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before the beginning of the voting process , it was formed in front of hosseiniyeh ershad and it is still going on. the process continues in this place, as you can see in different parts of this hossein. the point is that people are still adding to this page at this hour. we have to see how long the voting process will last. here we are witnessing the presence of foreign journalists , we see the presence of families and different classes of people who
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came and are casting their votes . my colleague describes the mood of hosseini. in fact, i told you about the guidance. i have been here since around 6:30. i had visited the queue in front of hosseini ershad. still , this queue was formed outside of hosseinieh, and people go inside hosseinieh at intervals, and on three sides of hosseinieh , the voting process is taking place . dear colleague, i saw many families who being present here, people come as a family and put their beards in the box to talk.
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today, i saw many first-timers come to the polling booths to decide their own destiny , who showed up with great excitement and voted for throwing them in the fund is the first time that i actually participate in determining their own destiny. broadcasting in hosseiniyeh irshad , the presence of millions of iranian people at the ballot boxes to elect the second president, responsible compatriots all over the proud country came to the square today with enthusiasm to keep the flag of service on the ground and cast their votes. they threw this is my share, that i came to do my duty as my friend, for the sake of
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our country, we must vote. make a right decision.
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the high level of participation of the people can be a shield against the enemies. we also came with the hope of a proud iranian and a bright future.
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the people are the winners here. for the future of our country , participating in the elections is the support that the country can have. i came to the polling station and voted
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