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tv   [untitled]    July 5, 2024 9:30pm-10:00pm IRST

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to make my country proud, to show that i am loyal to my country, to my iran, for our children, for their future, at the command of my leader, in honor of my martyred president, and for the future of my children, i celebrated my political duty, that i can be influential in the politics of my country.
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we are eager to vote for the pride of our country, and god willing, an honest person will be elected, so i felt it was my duty to come and vote for the sake of not wasting the house of martyrs. as a nurse, i participated in the elections today with my colleagues. i came to vote for the first vote and you. i will try to be the future of my country, with the right
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i have, i can use the pure blood of our martyrs the continuation of the blood of the martyrs of karbala, the path of martyr farhad continues, we are longing, we want the person who is really worthy and really capable to come and take our job, i wanted to be right in the fate of my country, but one vote can be decisive. we love our army and we are always in the scene. the winner of this election is the people, especially young people like us.
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well, we will go directly to the country's election headquarters and talk with the spokesman of the country's election headquarters, mr. eslami. hello, please tell us whether is it possible to extend the voting hours or not? yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful. greetings, politeness , respect for the service of his highness and respected viewers , respected colleagues who are present at the election headquarters of the country . with the approval of the honorable minister of the country, the voting time will be extended for another two hours, that is, until 24:12 at night.
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dear compatriots who have not succeeded in voting so far , are requested to do so as soon as possible. i am at your service with the thanks of the country's election headquarters from mr. eslami, the spokesman of the country's election headquarters. in the cities of the center of the country, the presence of people at
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the voting booths continues . i will join with my other colleague in isfahan, ms. sadad hashemi. greetings to you for the presence and welcome of the people. in the city of isfahan and at the polling station where you are present, we have a message that in the name of allah, the merciful, the most merciful , i greet you and all your hardworking colleagues, and also a greeting and god bless you , dear iranians. you iranians who are all thinking and pretending. today is definitely the day you don't go to the polls, but mashallah , thank you for planting flowers. from the earliest moments of voting, and even an hour before voting, we saw long queues of people in some of the branches in the hot hours of the day, even in the middle of the day.
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in fact, many of you dear ones were present in the heat of 37 degrees of isfahan and with the enthusiasm and dignity that you created. you are a source of pride for all of us. here is the 311 branch in the vicinity of the historical bridge of khajovi in ​​isfahan. for hours, the line has not been quiet because of this long state, and our loved ones, friends and good fellow citizens of isfahani are here. finding and seeing the enthusiasm of these loved ones , we are really proud of each and every one of you. there are also some loved ones who , somehow, could not be selected in the previous and last week.
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it will definitely make this year full of honor and memorable for all of us. we are here now. we are going to be there until 12:00 pm . we will also visit other branches and we will definitely be at your service. they drew a picture. well, we will go to the north of the country and join my other colleague in the city of rasht in gilan province , mr. narimani. greetings from you. people in rosh and in the branch where you are present please. bismillah rahman al-rahim, greetings, politeness and respect , at your service, dear colleagues and respected viewers of the news at 21:00 with audio and video from the village of mirza kochakh
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khan jalli from gilan, north of iran . you are in the city of rasht . konem gilan has 2,688 polling stations , of which 379 polling stations are actually conducting mobile voting in this province. about 40,000 supervisory and security executive agents participated in the election process. this city has more than out of 2 million people are eligible to vote. in this the province, of which about 80,000 people are considered to be the first to vote, well, due to the extension of the election time, we continue to witness the enthusiastic and intelligent presence of the people of this province in all the special voting stations
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. in the distance the presidential election compared to the first round that was held last week, we will actually be with you after this. when the voting is over , the process of actually counting the votes will begin. this part of the election will also be broadcast live like other provincial networks and national media networks. we will air the national program live for the discerning people of gilan and islamic iran . mr. reza, thank you, mr. narimani, reporter of the radio and television news agency in rasht. honorable ayat makarem shirazi, nuri hamdani, javadi ameli, sobhani
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mazaheri, one of the great authorities, imitate your votes. they cast ballots. when voting, the taqlid authorities said the importance of everyone's presence at the ballot box and choosing weapons. in the name of allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, help me to fast. who will be elected as the president to solve the problems of the people, god willing, peace be upon ali muhammad and the family of muhammad. nationalism and the national covenant are obligatory. we are great people, not us, that is, the clergy. we do not mean the academicians, we mean the people of the land of iran
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. we say hello to all those who voted . we thank everyone for the blessings, but we attribute the dignity, honor, glory and glory to god . we are one of its pillars, those who are interested. for the islamic republic to be strong and to solve the problems and solve the problems, naturally they should be interested in this pillar and wherever they are, according to their judgment, to those who vote at all is a national duty in every sense, god bless you. ali muhammad and the family of muhammad will die soon.
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the lion that they say is the quality of our hearts, wherever there is a test, it is our foot on the land of the heart, which has no width. our story is love. for the authority and greatness of my country's flag, come and participate in this voting
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. let me finish the half-finished work of the first round here. for the love of my country, for the love of my leader , participate in the elections to determine the fate of my country with my vote. it will be effective and at least the enemy will not be happy. we came today. by voting , let's pay our respect to the revolution and the martyrs enemies, i came to vote for the pride of iran. believe me, we will reach the place where your belief is the limit, you will see the dream that you have in your head one day.
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we must participate. it is a very impressive rhyme to be present. the holy system of the islamic republic of iran, we have come to the fund, god willing, with a maximum participation , we can put a strong fist on the mouth of the evil america and israel. vote and vote for the independence of my country, for the love of my leader, for the love of the martyrs. i did my duty with maximum presence in this it is a national matter to show the enemy that we are all iran together, to participate to determine our own destiny . well, dear viewers, to know the latest situation
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of monitoring the elections, we are now in contact with mr. tahan nazif. according to the guardian council , mr. tahan nazif, hello to you , did you visit a few special branches of reg today and tell us and the viewers about the field monitoring of the security and safety of the elections and how did you see the quality of the elections ? i had an opportunity this afternoon to go to four branches. vote in different areas of tehran i had a visit where we were faced with contiguous and dense ranks of people and alhamdulillah the voting process is still going on according to the reports we have from
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all over the country. as long as the extension continues, as announced by the state of the country. it was until 12 o'clock, so this voting will continue, and of course , voting will be done from the dear people who are present in the branches from taking votes to the last person, god willing, i just want a request from the media, from the candidates , from their headquarters, from the fans. has candidates and that is to prevent the announcement of unofficial results or early final results and not to do this, and if such a thing is done, the result
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will be the same in the counting of votes, i.e. the guardian council monitors the process. our supervisors, i must say that the representatives of the candidates are also present in the presence of the guardian council supervisors, next to the branches where they are introduced, so we have no worries about this. the process is clear, transparent and accurate . and the governorship of harem. and the commanders will also inform the ministry of interior and the compilation that is finally there and my help will finally be announced. yes, i thank mr. tahan nazif, the spokesman of the guardian council.
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the big sports family participated in this big saga by being at the voting booths. the second half of the election was held more passionately with the strong presence of sports. dear athletes are always on stage. and they always show themselves , they leave their mark in the society. we, along with other sports members in the veterans and able-bodied federation , together with our athletes, technical staffs and coaches , are in the service of the presence of dear people . had and it is worthy of praise and thanks that they came enthusiastically to
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give a message, they came to this ziva soil to once again raise the flag of their country, this is the border of iran's faith, with this flag of syria, we have come to stand firm in the destiny of the country. we are indebted to the house of martyrs. they came to elect a strong president with a strong vote. god willing, i will elect a strong president with a strong vote . if you decide to come, you can bargain for all cases have it, especially for sports.
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it was a very good feeling to be able to vote and play a role in the future of my country. i am very happy that i was able to fulfill my national duty as an athlete , hand in hand with iran and iran. again, sports showed at the voting booths that the people of sports were always at the work of iran. seyyed mehdi parhosseini of salan radio and television agency, martyrs of siyabi. the second stage of the 14th presidential election was held in 138 representative offices of the islamic republic of iran in 98 countries. mr. kanani , the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs, said that the participation rate in the second round is expected to be higher than the previous round.
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be the eternal name of the country, in the morning, the hope of the country, manifest in the sky like an eternal seal, you are a country, i show my passion and intoxication, in the sky like an eternal seal, let my words be heard, and my voice is like your song, all the souls of my country, my country , my country, my country, my country, listen to this lawn, everyone my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, everyone with one name
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shows the difference of every color and language, everyone with one name shows the difference of every color and language, everyone is happy and violent .
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show the eternal name of the country, the hope of the country. today, the eyes of different countries of the world are focused on iran's election funds. was. dozens of networks radio and television, news agency, print media, websites and virtual networks covered the second round of the iranian presidential election.
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he published a picture of the presence of the leader of the revolution at the ballot box in the early hours. the british reuters news agency and the american associated press simultaneously broadcast live the presence of the revolutionary leader at the voting booth.
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either you are casting your vote in the box or you are waiting in line to go to the polls
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. it is good to participate in the second round. dozens of television news channels, websites and print media in different parts of the world today, the presidential election in iran was covered. news of sed and sima news agency. the second round of iran's presidential election has attracted the attention of foreign media. different people checked this election. more than 500 foreign journalists covered the elections in iran.
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as you can see, journalists from various international networks are covering the elections in iran, and according to the officials of the ministry of guidance, about 500 journalists and news workers have requested to cover the elections in iran, which are from 150 international media. this iran has died stichwahl um das präsidentenam begunten.
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we will not be upset if you say no , after all, we believe that the majority of the iranian people respect you. let's show that the people of iran are participating. in any case , there is an overlap between the policies of russia and iranians, and russia as well as iran. the west's position against iran is losing its color, the west is saying that the west is trying to show that it is actually special votes and


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