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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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we have presented you with the results . stay with us and watch the news at 5 o'clock. inshallah, i will be with you after the news. in the name of allah, the most merciful, good morning , dear viewers of the news at 5 am. the results of the counting of votes from 352 branches in 402 cities in the second round of elections. the presidency was announced. the spokesperson of
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the country's election headquarters announced a few minutes ago that 54,660 votes have been counted out of a total of 16 million. mr. masoud bizikian got 8 million 694 votes and mr. saeed jalili got 75357 votes. the counting of votes continues. continues. with the end of the election, the atmosphere of election excitement gave way to sobriety and camaraderie cooperates our reporter asked the voters, what is your reaction if the majority candidate is not your choice? with a question.
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people, imagine for a moment that your desired candidate does not win these ballot boxes, then what will be your reaction, we must respect each other, now whatever god wills, nothing will happen. after all, voting is done and everyone has their own preferences, whatever happens is fine. an example. iranians, we accept the vote of the majority, respectable mother, we have no problem. we follow the law , we follow what the law obliges us to do, if it is not accepted and chosen according to the law he obeys, we are under the orders of the master, and whoever becomes the president is the president of the whole of iran . i think that's what the republic is all about. it means that sometimes what we want happens, sometimes it doesn't happen. don't vote. the most important thing is that we
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have a president. it was not wise not to bring them, according to the votes, in fact, we will accept the majority of them. well , we are in contact with the ministry of interior and the election headquarters, mr. eslami, the spokesman of the country's election headquarters. greetings, we are hearing from you the latest news from arar counting. in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings, politeness, respect, service to the respected viewers and media colleagues present at the headquarters national elections well , i am reading the latest announcement of the results of the 14th presidential election , the second phase of the total of 42,432 branches
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has been counted and compiled, which includes the votes of 440 cities. the votes of makhoudeh are 20611971 votes, of which 1120924 votes were cast by mr. masoud bizikian and 9 million by mr. saeed jalili. i will present to you the latest results received by the country's election headquarters . thank you. well, we are grateful to mr. eslami, the spokesperson of the country's election headquarters, who delivered the latest results of the election to the dear viewers, but until the next hour, the ninth islamic president of iran. specified
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it is possible and competition will give way to friendship and empathy. empathy that both election candidates emphasized after the end of the debates. let's assume that tomorrow, the day you won in this election, you will talk to the rival fans to the fans , we will give a hand of friendship to all of them in order to inform our country, everything belongs to this country , we must use everyone to inform our country , they are also our brothers in power. we fight with each other , if it's for god's sake , we don't have a fight. love coming to help. and well, i am grateful to all these dear ones. if your rival wins, what do you talk about with your fans? those who beat and dance win, we
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have nothing to do with them, we go to do what we follow in the law of our duty. in fact, work and life are probably the same i say that they should be thankful for the heavy responsibility of doing their duty, we thank them for working hard to create enthusiasm in the election, to create your message to your fans and your opponent, if you win the election, what will you see after the next election? let all of iran work, compete until the election day . after the election, we all must respect the people's choice. we must use all our strength and talent, our fans and all our companions for the progress of the country and the excellence of the country in the next 4 years. your message to your fans and rival fans. at if your rival wins the election , i said that whoever is elected by the people is respected
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, he should be respected, not only should his respect be respected, but now we should do all we can to help him in this regard. to move forward with strength , people also have recommendations for the candidates. who are you?
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according to the end of the routine. a few ballot boxes came down to make a plan in the presence of guardian council observers and members of the executive board representing the candidates, but we asked about the people's recommendations to the winning candidate, what they should do in their debates, the reality is that it should use all the capabilities of the country, both domestic and foreign, all strata, guilds, and i don't know the forces. i hope they fulfill the promises they made. first of all, they don't remember these things
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. do you vote for them? even those who didn't vote should like them too. let the promises he made to the nation be fulfilled, god willing, pay attention to the people's wishes. these people , for whom so many people came and stood in line, regardless of any political factions , should really think about the development and prosperity of iran . the whole country, the whole of iran, it's not the case that if you don't vote for him, the president is someone, just vote for him and he won't win? he should also support this person who succeeded in reaching higher achievements . he should leave his plans to advance the general policies of the system in the hands of the victorious opponent . the one who does not get votes, we must
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respect the votes of our people. they must adhere to the law . respect the law. let him at least help the government he is serving. may it help the goals of this government, everyone is brother, everyone should be friends with each other and the country bring them that place of peace and tranquility. it was the people's vote , it was the people's choice. we should respect the people's choice anyway. we only came here with hope . it doesn't matter, mr. jalili. everyone wants to reach it, and the goal is that, god willing, someone who really reaches the cry of these people will reach the people's living conditions, god willing, it will improve with god's hope, it doesn't matter if it is mr. jalili or mr. medzik. we hope that, god willing, it will be fruitful and useful for the people, we will be happy at that time
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in any case, we will have a president who will always be behind his president, and will always be sedition. let's have our reporter work in london, mr. qasimzadeh. hello, we have to say good morning to you
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. it's about half past two in the morning in london. please tell me about the holding of the second phase of the presidential election in england. well, voting in the second stage of the 14th presidential election cycle. our country is in the 10 regions of england after twice and 2 hours of extension due to the request and increased participation of compatriots living in england. it ended an hour ago and the counting of votes was done according to the announcement of the embassy of the islamic republic of iran in england. after counting the votes, the participation rate of compatriots
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living in england in the second phase of this election was 12% higher than the previous round and compared to the 1402 election. our compatriots participated in the elections more, while the compatriots living in england had to go through a crowded hallway and go through obscenities , ridiculous behavior, harassment and sometimes physical attacks by anti-iranian elements in the rainy weather of england until they went to the polls themselves. let them vote. very thank you, i wanted to have this question from you , of course, an article in the last section. you did, but
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there is a special thing about holding elections in england that you should inform the viewers about an important margin that was so ridiculous, even the reaction of many of the english media was provoked. british muslims pulled the headscarves from the heads of some muslim women , who were iranian muslims, after voting and while passing through the streets around the voting place, anti-islamic elements pulled the headscarves from the heads of some muslim women in the name of freedom, democracy. injured one of the voters. the embassy of the islamic republic of iran has also formed a special legal group and
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a special headquarters to collect this harassment and pursue it legally, which we hope will be successful and the rights of the citizens who are the target of attack or harassment by these elements will be realized, god willing . very well, thank you very much. mr. ghasemzadeh , thank you for joining us in this connection . but let's go to south khorasan province and birjand , our colleague, mr. hosni, is ready to tell us about how to hold the second phase of the 14th presidential election in this province. say hello, mr. hosni, good morning, in the name of god, dear mr. hosseini, and one and all, dear and respected viewers of khabar international network
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. mehr mehen was once again stamped in the birth certificate of iranians. people always came back to the stage of south khorasan on the 15th of july for iran's honor, pride and glory. at a fixed time, but with different invitation cards. we came on behalf of them, we have a mission. school a host who didn't care what position they have, what class they are from, what job they have, is free my facility has a free job. i am an employee . being iranian was the only condition for entering this national competition. we
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must always strive for the destiny of our country. courageous men and female lions who stood shoulder to shoulder for the homeland with firm steps and steel arms, that these people are still standing on the soil of their homeland with all these problems and it will be for the sake of our leader and for the future of our children. i will do whatever i can for my country. you are not old enough to vote. yes, naturally, i voted for my mother and i am happy again. peace be upon muhammad. hazrat agha said that we should go and participate in these elections. you had no doubts. no , now is not the time for doubts
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. it's time to finish the unfinished work. it's the middle of july . the weather is hot, but the presence of people is much more than the warmth of the senses. the blessing of this conscious and insightful presence will end all deadlocks in a new direction. america, the enemies of the revolution should know that we are the foot of our revolution. it is important to me what will happen in the next four years . our martyrs are going. i will compensate a part of this religion and our voting and now destmarizad should say this. all this passion and consciousness, so much vigilance and standing up for another friday and the repetition of an epic of unity at the same time as the second stage of the 14th presidential term, the people of eastern countries passed another proud friday with a taste of empathy
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i know that i will preserve the political independence of my country and the security of my country with this vote that i am giving . i am saying that you are the truth or that we have come to make iran proud at least as a leader. i am far from you .
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zealous presence of the villagers of south khorasan province at the foot of the ballot boxes of the villagers from north to south and from west to east of the province, with their linear and colored thumbs in the presidential election , the nomads of jan mirza created an epic for the love of leadership. we came to the polls for the second time to choose the person who has weapons. i came to vote for the fate of my country. bring the spring to the shivering heart,
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the longing of the winter, the struggle of the street, the fever of the troubled soul, if every day is rigiri, i will come , we will follow his system. people have always been, are, and
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will always be the people of esh at the stage. the 200th revolution is for us to decide for ourselves and be in control of our own destiny. we have come today to the next fund to finish the unfinished work and be a work and the eyes of the enemy. thank you for your companionship and loving care, god bless you , mr. hosni and our colleagues in the center of virjand , south khorasan province, but let's go to lorestan province , khorramabad and join my colleague, mr. begiri. greetings, good morning. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace and blessings be upon prophet muhammad and his pure family, and peace be upon you from lorestan , and from the epic presence of the people of this land to you
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we say that the revolutionary people are always on the stage of lorestan in the second stage of the 14th presidential election cycle , like other zealous compatriots of our country, with their enthusiastic presence at the ballot boxes , a historical and enduring saga. creating in khorram abad, the wise and understanding people of this city showed a large presence at the ballot boxes from the very beginning of the voting hour. for. my country, for the sake of my homeland, for the sake of the leader , for the sake of sardar soleimani, for the sake of the security
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we have in our country. giving and the importance of voting actually helps to maintain the authority of our country. why did you come to the polling booth, for the sake of my country , for the sake of my people, for the sake of the pure house of the martyrs in the election, i know it is my religious and legal duty, that time i could not express my conscience . and i know this as my duty and the duty of all my compatriots to express our honor to our compatriots on july 15th.
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you came today and put your writing in the box. is that right ? yes, today, everyone's participation was very impressive and enthusiastic, even people before the hour. at the beginning of the event, they were present here and waiting for them to vote. each person's vote has an impact on the country's future . it has a significant impact on the country's economic future and the country's political future. each and every ballot we cast in these boxes leads to a big decision that determines the future of the country and the living conditions of the people. .
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the people of other cities of lorestan also came to vote in the first minutes of the election, and it was a spectacular saga. creating a sense of duty is a duty for me. our country is really a religion. i am very happy that i can be in it to share the destiny of my country.
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elections are both determining our own destiny and supporting the system of the islamic republic and the legal authority. we all the people of iran have a duty to work for our revolution and, god willing, limit the blind enemy.
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i considered myself responsible that i must participate in the maximum participation in the elections on this important day of my life because it is in the destiny of the country. i want to be involved and build the future of my country. i definitely participated in the voting and i will definitely repeat the same thing in the future
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. i will definitely vote today. we came to participate in the country's presidential elections. i think it was very important to follow. from the province


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