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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 7:00am-7:30am IRST

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no matter which candidate they voted for , they had one thing in common: hope for a better future. o my land, turn away from me, o wind, the border , with the hand of my devil, o khakmeh, the mirror of the imam, in the shelter of the grace of yazdan, i have settled in iran. let's go to
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my colleague's report that there is a big commonality between all those who voted for two candidates in the 14th presidential election and that is hope for a better future. on the election day , we came to you with two sentences, of course , you are supposed to complete these two sentences, i will complete one and answer sir give me one sentence, ladies and gentlemen, we want you to complete it. i voted for the sake of you to complete the islamic republic. you can read this sentence and complete it . i voted for the sake of iran, for the pride of iran and the people of iran. i voted for the sake of the martyr. and
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the prosperity and independence of this country is for this country . if everyone is together , it doesn't matter whether this country is here or there, this country will surely progress. i voted for the system of the islamic republic of iran and the blood of the martyrs and the supreme leader because of my responsibility my social attitude towards my homeland and what is important is to stay in iran, and i feel that this can happen only by voting, so i voted for it. i voted for the sake of preserving my system, for the sake
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of the supreme leader, the blood of the martyrs, i voted for the sake of the future of our country, i voted for the sake of tomorrow, what does it mean that our tomorrow will be better than today, no matter how many of us are present, the enemies will not think that this country is lonely. and we always support this country. i voted for the sake of my homeland, for the sake of my destiny, in pursuit of my progress, in pursuit of a good destiny. i voted for the sake of iran, i voted for the sake of my country, for the sake of my children, for the sake of my iran, i voted for the sake of my homeland , you read this, baba tak, i voted for the sake of the pride of this land and water, i voted for the sake of the nation and for the sake of the youth. sir, let me read this sentence
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and complete it. i voted with the hope that the fate of all young people will be corrected . i voted with the hope that the future will be better. i voted with the hope that the economic and living conditions of the people will really improve. i voted for hope. we hope for the betterment of the country. i voted for a better tomorrow for our country i voted for a better life with the hope that we will have a better tomorrow . i voted with the hope of victory . i voted with the hope that i can make an
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impact. to have a small one, for the prosperity of my country , for the happiness of my leader and also for the happiness of the martyrs , i voted with the hope that my country will become more successful and prouder every year. i voted with the hope of industrial and economic development of the country. i voted in the hope of making my country proud. i voted in hope that the future of my country will be better and better. i voted hoping for the progress and victory of iran and islam. i voted hoping for the republic. may islam be victorious in front of the enemies.
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the election of the 14th presidential term , whose propaganda and political atmosphere was formed in less than 10 days after the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, saw the presence of representatives. the elections to the second round and also the closeness of the votes of the two candidates in the first stage are signs of the completely competitive nature of this period of the evaluated elections on july 8, 1403
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. qualified it was started by the guardian council and finally went to the second round. none of the candidates were able to get an absolute majority of the votes, so the first person and the second person with the highest number of votes will be introduced to the guardian council , that is, mr. medzikian and mr. jalili must compete in the second round of the presidential election. then , of course, the week after that was also considered as the day of holding the second round of elections, and according to the law, the next friday after the first round of elections
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is determined as the time of holding the second round, so july 15th will be the deadline. candidates were given another time until the morning of july 14th to promote their programs. small street gatherings. this process continued until the holding of large gatherings. in these gatherings, some fans also predicted the victory of their candidate . do you see the possibility of winning yourself, mr. jalili, and the probability is very high, mr.
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dr. dear mr. jalili, the majority is facing up to the votes. on the other hand, some others did not find it predictable. to the opinion i don't know the winner of the election , i think that mr. medzikian will vote, but you can probably vote. yes , i can probably vote. i don't vote. my vote is for mr. jalili. but nothing is known until the truth of the vote comes out , nothing will be known about the winner of the election, which is not known. if we want to, for example, this period is very difficult . it is not predictable , of course, the supporters of both candidates announced that they respect the law and the people's votes, if the opposite candidate wins, jalidi should also vote, we will put the people's vote on kashmon.
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whatever it is, whether you are a fan of mr. doctors or a fan of jalili, everyone should agree. yes, we accept 100% because this is the islamic republic, as the famous saying goes, and whoever votes, we respect him anyway. it was not possible for fans or experts to predict the victory of any candidate and only the counting of votes determined the final fate of the election. mehdi anari, the news of sed and sima presence, with the identification of the elected president, a process will now begin , the result of which will be the establishment of a new government in pasur , a process that begins with the handing over of the presidency to the elected person, and after the final stage of that inauguration in the parliament, then the introduction ministers proposed to the islamic council. keep the promises you make to people
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the body is something that is related to people's livelihood and people's economy. should we build our own country? keep your word and think about the livelihood of the people, and it is possible to write a list for these requests from the elected president, like this young hairdresser who has been asking for one for 7 years and is still married. the first thing that comes to our mind is jonah, and if the poet had once gone looking for the smell of improvement in the world situation , some people would probably have searched for its meaning in these voting pages. people's business must be their priority. this fund. the president of all iranian people and this
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conversations are like letters from the people to the new resident of pastor, what do you expect in the first year ? these are the people's livelihoods, only unemployment, and if we categorize these points, one of them is the economy, the inflation of people's backs is broken, the economic problem and the thought of this house, this is the so-called economic discussion, and of course, the story of a roof over the head for housing, marriage of young people, housing is a problem that most of young people we are involved in it. the first one to continue the melia movement is very important to us. we just got married, and we calculated a lot. second, increase the loan for marriages and talk to us faster there are other things in the middle, for example, to see the elites
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use all the capacities of our country , to really do everything they can, or to have the will of the people, to really look at the poor of the society , to think of the people, to be sympathetic to the people, to look at everyone with suspicion. to serve the country, the end of this report is the future. it is a wish, i love the people who love their country, love their country, and really love the independence and security they are coming and vote for them, don't forget those people , we gave many martyrs, the blood of our martyrs should not be trampled and think about the livelihood of the people. do you expect the president who you can choose what not to forget, the promises he made are only youthful thoughts, he should not forget god. he should know the value of this nation to do something that is all for the benefit of its people
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, fulfill the promises that they made to the people, continue to be martyrs for the election that these people became the basis of his work . iran's election hashtags and the choice of weapons became frequent on social networks. thank god, it is a good day, the day of people's presence, the day of people's participation, the day of our dear people's activation. i heard that people's passion and interest is more than before. god forbid it be like this. the 15th of july was a good day. the pictures show the passion and interest of the
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iranian people at ray's cash registers. this intelligent presence was also highlighted in the virtual space. by publishing pictures with different hashtags, including elections, iran, participation and choosing weapons, users made these keywords frequent on social networks. hello. to the people of iran, the participation of 1403 was more than 1400. mashallah, good health, my beautiful compatriots wrote . whatever the result of the election, it is the success of iran . my country is flawed, my life and my body, some users also pointed to the people's participation and wrote that they are the definite winners of the iranian nation's elections
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. we have shined in the warm hearts of the people of iran. the electoral votes compared to the previous periods, regardless of the outcome of the elections, the efforts of the compatriots to participate were unique. they honor the 50% participation of the nation. salar vaezy, sed and sima news agency. the second round of the iranian presidential election . the attention of foreign media has been drawn and they are investigating the various aspects of this election. more than 500 foreign journalists covered the election by being present in iran.
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as you can see, reporters from various international networks are covering the elections in iran, and according to the officials of the ministry of guidance, about 500 journalists and news workers have requested to cover the elections in iran, which are from 150 international media.
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if the president is not elected, they will be upset because they all agree that they say no, we will not be upset. after all , we think that the majority of the iranian people respect us. i saw that you spoke live . what did you report to the audience of the network? what did you highlight ? stay alive from this election. what is important for us is to show that the people of iran are participating, in any case there is an overlap it is between politics.
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there is a little more participation this period. al-islahi masoud bazikin. how important is iranian news for the egyptian audience? as important as it is for the global audience. when we listened to the debate between trump and biden, we saw that the name the name of the islamic republic of iran is repeated many times in this debate between the two candidates for the presidency of the world superpower, and in order to get points from each other , iran is being questioned. the islamic republic of iran has a very strong regional and global position, thank god. which makes the whole
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world look at the future president of the islamic republic the people of türkiye. iran's elections are also important in turkey's politics. they are persistent. we also provide information about tehran, especially how participation in the elections was. this is a very sensitive and attractive issue. the process of voting. uk us debates we have special coverage. we had from the iranian elections. iran is a very big country in the region, very important, its influence is very big, and the people of the world like to see that this country's tree and indy events are going in a different direction. hosni sadat shabiri, radio and television news agency greetings to your efforts and zeal, the people of iran, and
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once again, i would like to say to you that mr. masoud bizikian has won the majority of votes in the second stage of the 14th term of the presidential election , dear people. they were honored and from today he is the president of all people of iran.
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o iranians, i want you to be full of them, o iran, o border, o house. it became the source of art, far from you, thought , stay loyal to it and be eternal, enemy, you are an empty stone
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, i am iron, i am an enemy, you are a thorny stone, i am an iron sacrifice to the soil. who has any value in your path, may this life of ours be preserved for the name of our iran. the name of javid and the morning is like, what is like, what is like
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, khaq, walk, sharmen: my head is blown by the blood of the youth of the homeland. because of the mourning of their tall heads, you are bowed down, o jardan, o mehrat, in the pan
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of iran, o my heaven is bright, and my destiny is like fire raining down on my body. don't put your hand in my heart and travel around the world and around the sky . you have always shined a light on our path . you have always been our guide. it is not far from you, thinking about you is of any value, this is
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our eternal life. greetings to you, but the athletes of our country also showed up enthusiastically at the voting booths all over the country yesterday, let's go to mr. ghafari. mr. ghaffari, good morning, mrs. hajipour, hello , good morning to you too, in the name of god, i greet and politely greet you, dear viewers, have a beautiful morning and be healthy, god willing, we are at your service with the sports section of the program. hello, reporter, yes, the same is true of my colleague, mrs. hajipour. saying that there is a significant presence of the sports community and coming to the voting booths and casting their own votes, but we will talk about this epic, the presence of athletes and other sports topics with our guest from the sada wasima news agency's sports group. mustafa gohari mustafa. good morning. you are welcome, john you and all the dear viewers of salam correspondent program.
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hello and good morning. i hope that you have started a good week. yes, you said yesterday that athletes, like other sections of the iranian nation , came to the polls and cast their votes. both non- football players and of course football players from 15 cities. he must appear in the world cup qualifiers 2026 and the future minister of sports is certainly going to have a very busy year ahead of him from september 15th of our country's national football team in the competitions. 2026 world cup qualifiers will start very sensitive competitions where our country's team will have to compete with its opponents to advance to the world cup.
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my colleague, mr. hamidreza hijazi , has a report about the presence of athletes, especially footballers , from footballia. second, during two weeks , he showed the foot of the revolution, the foot of the system, the foot of this country. using this right can
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be very enjoyable both for the person and for fate. our country is decisive by choosing weapons to try to move our country forward and reduce our problems. no matter who is named as the president of our country for the next 4 years , football players have demands from the head of the executive branch. i hope that the new president will have a positive view of the sports community in the area. hardware can make good decisions in the field of software and especially in the field of management in sports. inshallah, with the presence of a strong government and a powerful president, the economic problems in our sports will be solved. many of them have many problems, being national champions, but sitting at home, they have not been paid attention to, they have received less attention
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. it is necessary for our national teams to be supported. there is a need for standardization in the clubs of our country. omid reza ajazi, shahid chiroudi stadium , tehran, iran. yes, we saw this report together. the sports community was also present and reported. we will have and we will present this report to you later. mustafa , did you see the football player? you were at work and yesterday, when we had a busy day , yesterday was a busy day for all our colleagues in the broadcasting organization and last night we were inside the organization to announce the results and...


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