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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer greetings to you , dear viewers of the 13:00 khabar channel , together with my colleagues, we present the message of the leader of the revolution in search of presence. the warm and passionate people of iran in the 14th presidential election, ayatollah khamenei , in a message of gratitude to all the candidates and activists in the field of elections , emphasized the use of the country's many capacities by the elected president for the comfort of the people and the progress of the country in the continuation of the path of martyr raisi. text the message of the leader of the revolution is as follows: in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, and alhamdulillah, the lord of the worlds, and
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prayers and peace be upon sayyidna muhammad and his family. sima baqitullah ruhi fida , thank the dear and merciful god, that with his will and success, the great nation of iran was able to organize the presidential elections scene in a short legal period and hold free and transparent elections in two consecutive years after the great tragedy of losing the martyred president. and choose the president of the country from among several candidates with the majority of votes. the respected officials of the elections performed their duties with the necessary speed and full trust, and the dear people came to the square with a sense of responsibility and created a warm and passionate scene and filled the election boxes in two stages with more than 55 million votes.
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accumulated this great move of yours in confronting the man-made campaign of boycotting the elections, which the enemies of the iranian nation had launched to induce despair and bombast, is a brilliant and unforgettable work, and all the honorable candidates and all those who worked day and night for weeks for the victory of each of them in its honor and reward are shared. now the nation of iran has elected its president. on this side , i congratulate the nation and the president-elect and all the activists of this sensitive scene, especially the enthusiastic young people of the candidates' election headquarters. i recommend that competitive behavior during elections is the norm. become friendships and
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everyone strives for the material and spiritual development of the country to the best of their ability. i also recommend to mr. dr. bizikian, the president-elect , to look forward to long and bright horizons with trust in god rahman , and in the continuation of the path of a martyr leader of the many capacities of the country, especially the human resources of young people, revolutionary and believers, for comfort. the people and the progress of the country will benefit the most. once again , i express my gratitude to hazrat haqq and send my greetings and salutations to hazrat baqitullah al-azam. i honor the high-ranking martyrs and the honorable imam of the martyrs, and
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i thank all the honorable candidates and activists in the field of elections who played a role in this critical moment, the national media, the guardians of the country's security, and the election enforcement agencies. seyyed ali khamenei, on july 16, 1403 , in a message, the acting president congratulated mr. dr. bizikian on the victory of the people's elected president. in this message, mr. mokhbar sincerely congratulated the president. the electorate of the great nation of iran wished success to dr. the officials of the presidents and personalities of many countries also chose mr. masoud bizikian as the president the president-elect congratulated. while sending a congratulatory message, the russian president expressed his hope for the further expansion of tehran-moscow cooperation in various fields and strengthening regional security and stability. abdul latif jamal rashid. the president of iraq, in a message
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congratulating the victory of mr. al-badishian , emphasized the expansion of relations between the two countries. while sending a congratulatory message, the king and crown prince of saudi arabia said: they called for the expansion of relations between tehran and riyadh. the presidents of syria, pakistan and the republic of azerbaijan, in separate messages, while congratulating the election of mr. bishikian , emphasized the development of bilateral and regional relations. prime minister the cooperation of shanghai also congratulated in separate messages the election of mr. al-badzikian as the islamic president of iran. interior minister. dr. masoud congratulated medics on their victory in the presidential election. mr. vahidi said: the 14th term of the presidential election was completed in complete safety, health, candidate competition and the participation of 30 million people, and the people's choice
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was determined. according to the constitution, the work of the new government begins after the decree of suspension and the swearing of the people's elected officials in the inauguration ceremony. after the declaration of authenticity , the next processes will be on the agenda for example, we will discuss the cancellation of the presidential decree by the supreme leader of the revolution, and after that, the discussion of authorship in the swearing-in is foreseen in the law, so these are the next steps that after the election, god willing, these steps should be completed quickly. at the same time as the high-spirited elections are held in neshat. the hashtags of iran's elections and the choice of weapons became frequent in social networks. thank god it is a good day. the day of people's presence, the day of people's participation, the day of the activation of our beloved people. i heard
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that the passion and interest of the people is more than qibla. god forbid it be like this. the 15th of july was a good day. pictures. it shows the enthusiasm and interest of the iranian people at the polls. this enthusiastic presence was also highlighted in the virtual space. by publishing pictures with different hashtags, including elections, iran, participation and choosing weapons, users made these keywords frequent on social networks. greetings to the nation of iran. the participation of 1403 was more than 1400. mashaallah, your head is healthy, my compatriots wrote beautifully , whatever the result of the election, iran's success is our family
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, we are the work force of this army. referring to the participation of the people, they wrote that they are the definitive winners of the iranian nation's elections. we are proud of the people of iran, the election votes have grown to the maximum compared to the previous periods, and this is a sign of a bright future for our country. regardless of the result of the election, the efforts of the compatriots to participate was unique. he honored the 50% participation of the nation. salzi, radio and television news agency. each vote in the july 15 election carries a set of expectations and demands of the people, which the elected president must now put on the agenda. our reporters asked you about these expectations yesterday when you were at the voting booths.
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the promises made to the people to do what is related to the people's livelihood and the people's economy. we must build our country. and it is possible to write a list for these requests from the elected president , like this young hairdresser who is 7 years old and is not married yet, the first thing that comes to our mind is jonah, and if the poet once went to look for the smell of improvement in the world's situation, probably some on these pages vote for its meaning. they are searching , their priority must be people's business. the people's half-finished work is now finished with the votes cast in these ballot boxes. and from the sixteenth
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in july, the elected president is the president of all iranian people, and these conversations are like letters from the people . as a new resident of pastor , what do you expect in the first year? let's put the living conditions of the people , the most important of these are the living conditions of the people, only unemployment, and if we categorize these points, one of them is the economy , inflation, the perfection of the people is broken, the economic problem and the thought of this house, this is the so-called economic discussion, and of course, the story of a roof over the head for marriage housing. young people, the housing problem that most of our young people are involved in is the first to continue the national movement. it is very important for us. we just got married. we calculated, secondly, that he would increase the loan for marriages and
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give us more quickly . there are other things in the middle, for example, to see the elites use all the capacity of our country, to really do everything they can, or to have people's mood , really look at the weak poverty of the society. let them think about the people, be sympathetic to the people, treat everyone as one, and serve the country. the end of this report is the future, it is a wish. i love the people who love their country and their country and really for the love of independence and security, they are coming and voting for them . don't forget those people. the blood of our martyrs should not be trampled and he should think about the livelihood of the people , and the president who is elected should not forget what he is doing and should know the nation and
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do something that will be beneficial for the sake of his people. the promises made to the people will continue to be fulfilled. the way to be a martyr president for election. that these people were the basis of his work. mahmoud azizi, sed and cima news agency. in this round of elections, which is the first time that the participation statistics of the second phase is higher than the first phase, people cast more than 55 million votes in two elections on two consecutive fridays. research center of the broadcasting organization after the first round the main reason for the presidential election by conducting opinion polls is that 60% of the people did not participate in the election due to economic issues. he announced that according to the data after the first round, the most important reason for people's non
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-participation is livelihood and economic issues, that is, they say that we did not participate because of the economic problems that exist and have not been resolved, so our enemies are trying to say that this non-participation in the first period, 60 % of those who did not participate, this means opposition. it is with the system, and the supreme leader mentioned this in his statements, which is basically not the case, and by the way, our survey shows the same. that is, a very small percentage, for example around 45 , declare that their non-participation is due to their opposition to the system. in fact, more than 70% of those who did not vote said that the reason for their non-participation was not solving economic problems. in fact, they say, and even when we ask, what happens, you will vote, they say, if the livelihood and economic problems
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are resolved, we will vote. simultaneously with the holding of the second round of the presidential elections in iran, dozens of international and regional media covered the iranian elections. increasing participation was the most frequent keyword of some of these media. the doors of the polling station not yet opened it was when the photographer of the afp took these pictures of hosseinieh irshad on shariati street in tehran and the crowd that was increasing every moment . minutes later, when cnn america was covering the news of the most important elections in england, the majlis , it took its live segment on iran and the presence of
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iran's election is closely watched abroad because iran is a powerful force in the middle east and at the heart of many geologic crises. we are in one of the religious centers north of tehran and the participation rate is higher based on the information obtained from the first round and the reporters al-mayadeen, one from the heart of the capital and the other from bandar arab. and reporter of ahed network.
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we are witnessing the widespread presence of people in the voting centers in tehran, the capital of iran , and also similar news from the centers. voting is available in some cities. i would like to point out that we witnessed extensive efforts in the second round of elections, which was different from the first round. while the foreign media was focusing on the inside of iran, euro news also published pictures of iranians in frankfurt, germany , who lined up to vote. saeeda zanganeh, sed and sima news agency. continued news anchor the wheat plan of the ministry of agricultural jihad said that from the beginning of the harvest season until july 15 this year, 600,000 tons of wheat are guaranteed to be purchased from the country's farmers. according to sohrabi, this amount of purchase compared to the same period last year has increased by 562 thousand tons equal to 10% and its purchased value
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is equal to 111 billion tomans. sohrabi said so far 5260 billion tomans. the equivalent of 47 percent of the wheat farmers' money has been paid and the necessary follow-ups are ongoing to pay the rest of the claims. according to the manager of the wheat plan of the ministry of agricultural jihad, the largest amount of guaranteed wheat purchase goes to the provinces of khuzestan, golestan, fars, kermanshah. razavi khorasan and ilam are reserved. currently , 630 thermal power generation units in 145 power plants in the country are responsible for oil supply. they are responsible for the energy needs of the country's subscribers. according to the officials of the ministry of energy , the capacity of the country's thermal power plants in the 13th government has reached 76,000 megawatts . let me talk to the deputy director of planning and development of the management of the thermal power company, mr. dudabinejad
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. how is the increase in consumption of electricity generation in the country? is there a problem in the supply of electricity in the country ? yes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful i am at the service of my dear compatriots, respected viewers of the khabar channel , as you mentioned, the total installed capacity of the country's thermal power plants has reached 76,000 megawatts, which is equivalent to 81 % of the country's electricity production capacity, while it is more than 94% of electricity. the country is produced by thermal power plants including combined cycle power plants, gas power plants and steam power plants. well, in order to keep these power plant units ready throughout the year, very regular programs are carried out in the country's power plants, including government and private power plants, most of which in
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the last 9 months are more than 14 thousand megawatts. the repair program that made us reach a very good readiness index of 98, which is about 3% more than the average and global standards , i am at your service. thank you very much for your explanation. i say goodbye to you in a mass shooting at a guest house in philadelphia, usa, one person was killed and eight others were injured. according to the police, in this incident, a person riding in a car shot at a group of people. the police confirmed that a 19-year-old youth was shot in the face he died after being transferred to the hospital due to the severity of his injuries. two days ago , at least 3 people
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were killed in shootings and violent clashes all over the country, at the same time as the independence day of the united states, july 4. and dozens of others were injured. the martyrdom of two palestinian journalists in the bombing of nasirat. 10 palestinians were killed in the bombing of a house in the nusirat camp in the center of the gaza strip. two of the martyrs of this attack are a couple of palestinian journalists. in this crime, two children of this journalist couple were martyred. with the testimony of these two journalists , the number of media martyrs from the beginning. the war against gaza so far, it has increased to 156 people. two days ago, a palestinian journalist was martyred in the bombing of gaza city by the zionist regime. at least 10 people died after the accident of a bus carrying tourists in sao paulo, brazil. according to local authorities
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, 42 people were also injured in this incident that happened in the west of sao paulo. during this incident, a passenger bus collided with the main pillar of a bridge on a large road in sao paulo. this bus was moving towards the city of aparsida. aparsida is a religious city that attracts many tourists every year. alluring. still the cause of this incident not announced. joe biden has announced that he will remain in the american election until the end and will win again. the american president said: he will withdraw from the election only if god tells him to. at the same time , the washington post reported: senator mark warner plans to gather a group of democratic senators on monday to ask biden to withdraw from the us presidential race. 168 supporters of
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democratic public figures and business managers also wrote to biden asking him to withdraw from the election. to take biden's poor performance in the first presidential debate against trump has strengthened calls for his resignation and the nomination of the democratic party in the elections. biden's campaign headquarters has announced that he is preparing for the second debate in shahrivar. the us presidential election will be held on november 15th. a young man was martyred after zionist soldiers fired at palestinians west of ramallah in the west bank. four others were injured in these attacks. he is not a 20-year-old palestinian who was in the nurshan camp about a week ago.
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he was martyred in nusirat and al-maghazi camps. these attacks also left a number of wounded. another residential house was targeted by the zionist aerial bombardment, which led to the martyrdom of two palestinians. the eastern parts of zaytoun neighborhood in the southeast of gaza city were also targeted by artillery attacks. hamas announced that the mediating countries must guarantee what is agreed upon in the negotiations with the zionist regime. and the role of mediators is not only limited to presenting thoughts and ideas, but also includes guaranteeing what is agreed upon
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. according to hamadan, hamas has already announced its fixed principles for a cease-fire, which is a permanent stop the war for the return of refugees and the provision of aid to gaza is one of hamas' conditions for the ceasefire talks. this news is published at the same time as the end of the first round of negotiations between the zionist regime and the hamas movement for the exchange of prisoners from both sides in doha, the capital of qatar. thank you for your attention. together with my colleagues in the morning news group, we say goodbye to you. goodbye.
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hello, dear compatriots, i have to tell you that this morning, during the first hour of the morning, the temperature in ardabil was above 10 degrees in the coolest hour among the centers of the provinces. arrived and was reported as the coolest center of the province. in terms of temperature today we expect that we will continue to witness hot weather throughout the country, but tomorrow we will see the temperature decrease by one to two degrees across the country. in terms of rains, today after zarb and tonight the rains in the northwestern parts of our country , for the northern parts of west azarbaijan province, north of east azarbaijan province, alborz highlands for the alborz highlands, tehran, mazandan and in the southern parts of the country for the provinces fars, kerman, hormozgan, southern parts of yest province , we are witnessing that the rains are in the form of showers today and tomorrow in these areas. on the day. monday
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in addition to these areas, the rains in the slopes of elbert will extend to semnan provinces as well as golestan province. eastern ordville province, mazandaran provinces, golestan, to some extent, the northeastern parts of the country, alborz highlands, for the highlands of albard provinces. tehran, semnan , kerman, hormozgan provinces and the southern parts of sistan baluchistan province. on wednesday , the rains continued in these areas the rain and lightning continue. but in the next 5 days, another phenomenon that will be noticed is the strong winds that
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will increase the wind speed in some hours in the northeastern parts of the country, the southeastern parts of the country, the southern slopes of alborz and the central regions. . the strong winds will cause the air quality to decrease and the visibility will decrease . due to the strong wind in the persian gulf and the strait of hormuz, waves are expected for the next two days . thank you for accompanying us until this moment.
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i came because i felt responsible for this. i vote for the sake of my dear iran, for the sake of
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my people our role is decisive, even with just one vote, it is our duty to finally participate in this election. it is a good feeling to be able to participate and vote for the president of the nation that you want in that national security in that country.


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