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tv   [untitled]    July 6, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm IRST

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also, we used almost one day out of the five second days, which left more advertising time for the honorable candidates, but the advertising days were done in the same schedule, the first stage was held because the required quorum was not reached, the second stage was held, and of course the predictions i have to say what is necessary. you see, since the constitution emphasizes that this process should happen in 50 days , we should have predicted the second stage as a possibility. after all, it is a possibility . we did that if the election goes to the second stage if it is extended, it should be within the same period of 50 days , so i would like to say that this is really proud that in our political system, the law is the basis of action , there are legal infrastructures, the people involved are really following the issue, and now in less than 50 days, we have to say that such an incident happened
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, the elections were held, and with the participation of such a serious competition, we now have the elected president of the people, and we are discussing these issues , thank god, thank god, mr. doctor, when are you finally going to confirm the validity of the election? tell me how much time you think it will take and finally the ritual when will the inauguration of the 9th president take place? yes, well, according to our law, after holding the elections, we must give a chance and a deadline to the candidates and finally to the people to send us a report if there is any problem. checking the integrity of the election , let's finally pay attention to those issues. exactly the same procedure was followed last week. we finally gave an opportunity to the people and candidates to convey to us if they have any points . the first stage, well, we even
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contacted the respected candidates, if those four candidates as there was still time left in the process, we contacted them and they didn't have anything to thank or say. people, well , it's normal from the day of the election. in a competition of this seriousness, they might have some points . the second stage is the same process, we hope that the reports we receive should include documentary reports.
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our report does not come in and the order does not work , unfortunately for some reason. the lack of documentation is a point that many of our compatriots do not consider . the second point is that, well, consider it now. according to the impact of that report, it does not change the result .
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it should be requested that legal action be taken against the judicial system or, for example , the person who committed a violation, but there should be no issue at all regarding the votes for the respected election candidates. the general result , i said, will not face any change, which means it is possible now, for example, you have to confirm the validity of the election tomorrow, but you have reports to deal with. i was involved, and today i followed up with our loved ones at the election monitoring headquarters . well, some of the reports that we received, i can say that most of the reports that we received on the day of the election were followed up and resolved on the same day of the election. in a constituency, advertising signs are present, for example, in a branch. our loved ones followed up and
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we were immediately reminded that those symptoms were left aside or, for example, they were told, for example, by you in this area, someone is advertising in this branch , they called me there. it was pointed out that many of the reports were followed up on the spot and resolved and referred to . well, it's normal for us to do it according to the law , we have to check these things in the integrity of the election , but i have to tell you and our dear people that we didn't come across a serious and effective report, although in truth we have to pay attention to all these things and god willing, now see your prediction for the date of the inauguration ceremony and the inauguration of the president. after the validity of the election
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is confirmed by the guardian council, the credentials of the president must be prepared according to article 2 of the presidential election law. the guardian council prepares the credentials after issuing we will send it to the supreme leader of the revolution, and we will have the execution ceremony , which is now the program that the office of the supreme leader himself should announce that at that time he would have explained the philosophy of this accreditation , what is his philosophy that now the council should keep this accreditation. arrange it and send it to the office of the regular leader of the revolution . look, the credentials are actually the authenticity we are talking about. if he wants to show himself in the form of a document, in the form of a document, he can show himself . the credentials mean that the election supervisor
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is signing the process. in my opinion , the elections were held in healthy conditions with this number. according to the law, i have to tell you that article 1 of the presidential election law starts the presidential term from the date of ten. there is a phase, that is, whenever it is finally announced, that day will be the day of the beginning of the presidency of the elected president, yes, exactly 4 years it will start from that day, and again according to the law, i have to submit to you, the next step is the approval process, which is again according to the constitution, so the president must
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appear in the parliament, and the part whose content is stated in the constitution, in the presence of the members of the guardian council and of course. the head of the judiciary should learn that oath and that oath, of course, other people may be present, but the constitution has specified these two things. the head of the judiciary and the members of the guardian council are excellent. that introducing the cabinet and these people to the parliament, these are the conditions that after the election is correct, we should hope that the elections will be held very quickly. i wanted to cancel the accusations against the guardian council regarding the toxic advertisements that they had. well, in your speech, you mentioned the monitoring process. well , you said that you have not received any report of significant violations so far. after all
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, our colleagues are investigating. i will give you an explanation here. you see, we have six working groups in the central election monitoring headquarters, which cover all the provinces. . the country in this we had explained the working groups and in a way i must say that all the provinces were covered, so the reports that these loved ones received were followed up immediately. nazer, by the way, my next question was the same. well, the reports received by these loved ones are being followed up through the nazer people's system. now, i will limit myself to this. the people of nazer again helped to make the elections more popular because now we have our elections and the people themselves are holding the elections themselves. they organize it, they count it, they announce it, and here again, there is another body of people who
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are not involved in the implementation of the election as an observer in the system of people observing it. yes, you see , when we talk about health we conduct elections , learn a lesson, tell me what achievements and approvals you have from this system that you had , i will serve you. we are faced with a very clear, clear and precise situation. first of all, as we have said many times, our watchdog is proudly using the capacity of about 300,000 potential observers, which you are now. depending on each election , he uses a part of these, maybe anywhere from 200 thousand to somewhere between 250 thousand, depending on the conditions of that election, he uses these observers, as i mentioned before, we have about 3 in each branch, for example , in this period. in each branch , we had between three and four supervisors. they are from different walks of life. they are from
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the dear society. they are from the cultural sector. they are from business . they are bank employees. i don't know. there are university professors. as you said, we must proudly present the factors there are executive and supervisory agents who are also from the people themselves and are running the elections in our country. and this population now differs depending on each election, about 800,000 people in one election , and about one million people in one election, and none of them are employed by an institution like the guardian council of the ministry of interior, they are the people themselves, i am among the foreign reporters. i said that this is a people's governance model, that the people are doing the implementation and monitoring, so we have these supervisors next to these supervisors, for example, on the day of open voting on the law. expected may's honorable candidates they can introduce representatives in the polling stations
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who will be present from the beginning to the end, that is , they will see both the voting and the counting closely, and if they have any points, they will be told and paid attention to, even in the central headquarters of the election supervision in our security council. yesterday, we were at the service of the representatives of the candidates, both sides of being in the ministry of interior, i heard that dear ones are also present, and besides these, i must say that with a system called people's watch , practically all the people of iran are watching the elections, and every issue is finally resolved. the actions they are facing can reflect to us and various reports that it would be explained in the six working groups that i mentioned, and the follow-up of the documentation would be done. yes, yes, yes, even they were contacted. this report of yours is not a documentary report. if you have any documentation , give it to us so that we can follow up. my friends told me about several calls yesterday. for example, we contacted this person , we asked him for more documents, which he used to provide, and sometimes he didn't
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. they said, well, it is not possible to follow up. this is a general statement that it is not very possible to follow up. well, mr. doctor, let's go to article 33 of the election law on some matters. it has been criminalized like buying and selling votes or now threats or tampering in the matter of elections in your monitoring investigations and reports, do you know if you have come across such cases, especially in the second round, such as buying votes or now. explaining the food items and such things that come up, you can see this , i said, we are in the process of reporting, and now this is to the extent that it can affect the result , no, i will know later that such cases until this moment that i am at your service. it wasn't, but because there is still time to receive and review, we have to share the reports that, considering the final difference and finally the distance between the votes of the first and second people. let me tell you that we did not have a report that would ultimately affect the outcome of the election, but nevertheless
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, we have the duty to follow up on any case that we finally receive, but the point i mentioned was that it was documented and that it affected the result. it is very important for us to have and article 68, i am now reading for the viewers, to carry out any advertising activity from the date of the official announcement of the names of the candidates for or against the presidential candidates from the friday prayer desk or any other means that has an official government aspect and the activities of employees in office hours as well as use of the devices and facilities of the ministry of housing or any device that uses government funds are prohibited, and in any case, the person who does this will be recognized as the perpetrator. from this point of view , you should see how you dealt with a case in your field investigations and monitoring. let me tell you that the advertising commission that these loved ones really put a lot of effort into. i have to thank right here, a large part of them are your colleagues in the radio and television, who
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really try to provide equal opportunities to everyone, well, the main task in this regard was the responsibility of these dear ones, who finally investigated the issues. let them provide equal opportunities . finally, the governmental and public facilities should be properly explained. after all, the purpose of advertising is to introduce the people themselves, to make them aware. the guardian council also had excellent supervision over these issues . in this regard , we did not have the ability to finally follow up, but again, since we are at the time of finally receiving these issues, let us, after the investigations, but including the issues that have nothing to do with the results of the election, i.e. if someone is guilty, you should judicial system yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , i mentioned the point that some people may have violations, but establishing this relationship with that candidate or with that
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result, when it is not proven, naturally, it cannot affect the result. there is a question that now , for many viewers, we are talking about the ninth president, the ninth president of iran has been elected by the people, that is, it has been determined that mr. berezchian will be the ninth president of iran, but the inauguration and inauguration have not yet been held. now it is the term of the members presidential election council that consisting of heads of the legislative and judicial branches and the acting president who we are talking to now. let's conclude. see, you are referring to article 131. in article 131, two issues are mentioned. one is that in the event of the absence of the president, his responsibility and duties are the responsibility of the first vice president. since the presidential election
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starts from the date of termination of the 4-year term of the president, then the first vice president until the second. until that day, we have to say that he is in charge of the duties and responsibilities of the president in relation to the second part, which is the three-member council. you mentioned that i must tell you what the task of that three-member council is to carry out general coordination and facilitation regarding the holding of elections, and now that the elections have finally been held, the implementation of the elections is the responsibility of the ministry of interior and the guardian council. there were general preparations, general coordination , major discussions, naturally, with that council, and then let's say, well, since the elections have been held, and finally , we want to say, let's be careful. the council was in charge of those big coordinations, but we
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well, the country's structures have been formed for many years by god's grace . the presidential election was held and the ninth president of the islamic republic of iran was elected. the president was elected by the people's vote . ran and the supporters of the candidates present in the election, yes , look, the election was held, thank god . today, the supreme leader of the revolution said that this process was completed with full speed, the necessary speed and trust, and it was completed.
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finally, competitions, especially serious competitions. after what we have gone through, naturally, the fans advertise and try to introduce their own candidates, but today, as we are serving you and our beloved people, we must say that those competitions should turn into friendships. what is important is that i emphasize this to all the honorable candidates. well, the national interests of the country's authority are important to them in this regard, and of course, in the coming days, many more dear ones should do their best to put the progress of the country on their agenda and, god willing, take effective steps to solve the people's problems. after all, we are facing various issues in the country, especially the economic debates , the various opinion polls that you yourself are doing in sada wasim and in different places, all of them emphasizing that
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economic issues are important for people's livelihood , and in practice, this is really what we are facing it , we have to put all the issues on the agenda, we should really work hand in hand and improve these issues and, god willing , finally solve the problems of the people who are the basis of the revolutionary system and their country. i took this opportunity yesterday. i found a few branches to visit i wish i had a chance to finally visit my village , well, i really saw different people in these processions. getting votes for old people, young people , being women, having a child in your arms, being a man with a cane , being a woman with a wheelchair, well, this is the commitment, this is the responsibility of our dear people. regarding the issues of the country , they are present in the events when they are needed and help the votes of the country. in my opinion, it is the duty of the elected people and
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of course the supporters of both sides of the different candidates to help, all hands in hand. let's leave the issues of the country and the problems ahead there are people, let's fix it, god willing. we don't have much time. less than a minute, let me ask just one question about the supervisory aspect of the guardian council . it also supervises the performance of the headquarters or their statements. i will say that the issue of advertising was mainly in the advertising commission , but the guardian council also has its own supreme supervision over these issues. it has been and is. very well , thank you very much. if you allow me , i would also like to thank the dear people of our country at the end of the speech. it is necessary to always have the presence of various candidates who heated up the election and finally made this competition good, as well as their fans who finally
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the whole existence is finally coming from the hands of the election officials, executive agents, supervisory agents, and various monitors who finally show up without any expectations, and of course, from various security agencies, who are all really hand in hand. thank you very much, mr. tahan nazif, the honorable spokesman of the guardian council, and special thanks for your association with the first page . god bless you.
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we have come to determine the task of the country today by choosing our weapons, god willing. these people call their country, if there is a difference of opinion it is between us and we can solve it easily by ourselves and by participating and talking among ourselves . i am the first and i came to vote with my friend. first of all, there is definitely a very good feeling that we have the right to choose, and god willing, everyone will express and participate. i came last week too, so you always show up. i have always been and am with my father
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, with my mother. for the future, our children should understand that our future is in our own hands and not in anyone's hands. if we want the authority and honor of our country, 100% we have to participate in order to have a strong iran , it is a drop by drop that will turn into a huge one . let's all stand behind this revolution and behind our leader, god willing, so that we can create a strong iran, god willing. i started the work last week and i want to finish it for the future of my children
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. i have come to vote for the authority of my system and for the security of my children. this is the second time that i participate in the elections and my goal and intention is only because of the authority of my country, it is our national duty to do this and vote. i voted with pride for the authority of my country, this time i think that it
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wants to give the decisive result, that is, it was obligatory for you to participate. we are proud that we can be part of the destiny of the country. do something, god willing , we hope to god that god will bring everything good.
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, it has fallen behind again. dr. providing sustainable comfort. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, hello , dear viewer, it is 20:30 and we are at your
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service with some news.


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