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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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he said that he has come to change the policies , but he has promised to pay attention to the health and public health issue. we talked about the issue of palestine, which is one of the priorities of the west asian problem in the intellectual view of mr. starmer, and now the conservative party's view is about iran. what is distinctive about the discussion between the west and asia , do you have a special position, do you have a special opinion about this issue? see about mr. starmer's position regarding palestine, the last official position that having a time when, well, being the head of the party , they supported the complete blockade of gaza after october 7th, and accepting what they are saying based on the principle of zionist self-defense , regarding iran. we
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have had extensive relations with them for many years. during the prime minister's tenure, we have worked with them, although in sensitive periods of history, they were always the conservatives of the opposition and were not in power, but they had reactions, for example, in the coup discussion. 1953 1332 when mr. mossadegh's popular government falls workers make a lot of their involvement in the 1975-1971 iranian revolution debate, they deal with iran in a hostile manner, and then , for example, during tony blair's time, he was a member of the labor party, we witnessed that active diplomacy was in charge of the negotiations. about our nuclear issue , even mr. jacksraw, the foreign minister , was ironically called jack tehrani in the english media because of his many trips to tehran, but
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the fact is that the challenge we have with england now is a two-hour debate. the jcpoa , considering that the labor party when well the jcpoa was concluded, the labor party was the opposition and was not involved in the work, and the conservatives did it , but they supported it. it may help to revive the jcpoa, but the challenging point is enough for the irgc. they have a time that started almost a year ago with canada, when they came to say that the irgc is a terrorist group or in the list of terrorist groups, yes, put its name , because of the opposition of the minister of interior, and that is, a dispute that between the interior minister and the foreign minister. a
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conservative government was the root of sunak, this work was not done, but the canadians did it , unfortunately, of course, there is one point. we do not have diplomatic relations with canada, but the british have diplomatic relations with us. yvette cooper and david lemmy, with cooper as the proposed interior minister and lemmy as the foreign affairs minister, both declared the revolutionary guards from the terrorist discussion. of course, the reports of think tanks and think tanks that advise the government of the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of interior are against this and for the reasons i mentioned, one of them is the diplomatic discussion, which introduces a new challenge to the newly established government , not recommending mr. starmer, but it is possible that the politicians in the three sides of the prime ministership of the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of interior will decide to do this. and
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of course , i must remember the consequences and challenges that it will create. at the same time, when the discussion of whether to include the revolutionary guards in the list of terrorist groups or not, it was said from within england that if we do this, many forces the official military of the countries should be included in this list and to that's why this project was launched. thank you, mr. seyed mojtaba jalalzadeh, an expert on international issues, who is a guest on jahan's program. at the same time as the president of the united states confirmed his continued presence in the presidential race , requests for his resignation have increased . a number of financial supporters of the democratic party also joined the group of biden's opponents and warned if biden does not withdraw from the presidential election cycle.
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they will cut off their financial support from this party. but the president of the united states defended his mental and physical health and said that it remains until the end of the american election. will he stayed and will win again. the canadian company govix announced that the government of niger has withdrawn from the company the license to exploit uranium fields in maduwila in the north of the country. the lifespan of this uranium mine is estimated to be about 20 years. niger previously withdrew the license to operate the imouran uranium mine in the north of the country from the french company urano. hackers have stolen 1.380 billion dollars worth of cryptocurrency in the last 6 months in the world. bollenberg reported that 70% of these passwords were stolen in 5 attacks. the rate of password theft in 6 months
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the past has doubled compared to the same period last year . experts say that thieves are accessing these cryptocurrencies through private keys and codes used for mining. 30,000 people were forced to leave their homes due to the spread of forest fires in california, usa. in the last four days, 1,400 hectares of plant and forest cover in the northern state of california have been destroyed by fire. several firefighters were injured while fighting the fire. california has faced unprecedented heat in recent days, the temperature has reached 46 degrees. storm in shandong province located in eastern china , it left five dead and more than 79 injured. the storm and strong wind uprooted some trees and caused shop signs to fall. local media
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reported that many ruins remained after the storm. this storm also damaged some citizens' cars. local authorities are assessing the amount of damage . the china meteorological administration has issued a storm warning for parts of shandong province and the nearby jiangsu region. the use of mobile phones by parents has a negative effect on the language development of babies. according to the network abc survey of the children's research and development association shows that parents use smartphones during their conversation. it slows down babies and weakens their language learning. according to these experts, parents should talk face-to-face with their babies to increase their vocabulary and the child should
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be able to say 5 to 20 words by 18 months. we start the second case of the world today. international dimensions of holding the 14th presidential election in iran. the widespread presence of iranian people at the voting booths has been reflected in the world media. more than 500 reporters, 150 foreign media from 31 countries covered the second round of the 14th iranian presidential election . how much do you like to hear the news of iran? they say the world wants to know about iran. iran is a very big country in the region. it is very important, its impact is very big. the islamic republic of iran has a very strong regional and global position , thank god, which makes the whole world look at the future president of the islamic republic, and
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the islamic republic of iran has been on the headlines of many international news networks for the past few days. since the beginning of the election, the participation rate.
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tajrish square said that they have high hopes and expectations about the performance of doctors in the position of the president, and they went towards the introduction of the president-elect as much as possible. this part of the statement of mr. mezikian reflected more. as the election has ended and our participation has just begun . the hard road ahead of us will not be paved except with more friendship and trust. english media had a special reflection of the election results in iran. in its published article, the british news agency reuters highlighted that part of mr. mezkiyan's promise , which said that if i do not fulfill my promises, i will continue. i will say goodbye to political work. america
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contacted experts to speculate on the foreign policy approach of iran's president-elect. i think that medicine can interact positively with the united states and europeans to some extent. some american media sought to decipher the way the president-elect looked at america. like news agency. in his introduction , he wrote: he once honored the revolutionary guards and on one occasion he wore their clothes in the parliament. he repeatedly criticized the us and the irgc for shooting down an american drone in 2019 he praised and said: this act hit the americans hard and proved to them that our country will not surrender. and as for the way of looking at iran's elections and the presence of people at ray's polls. in the regional media and the axis of resistance, you can hear the words of this arab-speaking political analyst, and iran
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has proven throughout its history that it has never allowed foreigners to interfere in its internal affairs, whether it be middle eastern countries or foreign countries, and has been able to prevent america's goals in the region of vaise and hosni asadat shabiri of the sed and sima news agency, but the political officials of different countries, the victory of mr. particle for direct object. congratulations on the presidential election. i will review some of these messages. in his congratulatory message, the president of china, emphasizing the importance of developing relations between tehran and beijing , announced his desire to develop the strategic partnership between china and iran. mr. vladimir putin, the president of russia, also expressed hope. constructive bilateral cooperation in all fields for the benefit of security promotion. and the stability of the region flows. the president of turkey also expressed his hope that
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the cooperation between iran and turkey will be further strengthened during the term of mr. in the congratulatory message of syrian president bashar al-assad also, iran is impenetrable as always and we hope that the relations between tehran and damascus will remain at the peak. because the basis of this relationship was formed by decades of mutual respect, common understanding and firm principles. in his messages, the president and prime minister of iraq emphasized baghdad's efforts to strengthen relations between iraq and iran in order to serve the interests of the two countries. the presidents of uzbekistan, tajikistan, azerbaijan, belarus, serbia, maldives, algeria, and the prime ministers of india, malaysia, and armenia also expressed their hope by inviting mr. medeshkian, the result of the upcoming elections. promising for iran is in favor of improving bilateral relations. mr.
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seyed hassan nasrallah, secretary general of lebanese hezbollah and yemen's ansarullah movement, also congratulated the elected president on his victory. the king and crown prince of saudi arabia, the emir of qatar, the emir and crown prince of kuwait, the sultan of oman, the president of the united arab emirates, the emir of dubai, the king of bahrain, the president and prime minister of pakistan are also in tabligh messages. who separately congratulated the doctor on his victory. the foreign ministries of south korea, japan and venezuela also expressed their hope to see the improvement of relations between their countries and iran, emphasizing the position of iran in the region. chairman of the supreme council yemeni politicians, the secretary general of the shanghai cooperation organization, officials of the kurdistan region of iraq and well-known figures from afghanistan were among the officials. who sent a congratulatory message in response to the election of the new president of iran. but iranians residing in 98
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countries participated in the second round of the presidential elections . iranian embassies from new zealand to america hosted iranian voters. the name of javid watan. it was written in iraq, qassem soleimani, may you hear the eternal seal of my words, which is also your song, and all my soul and body , my country, my country, my country, my country.
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with one name, show the difference of every color and language. everyone, with one name, show the difference of every color and language . let everyone be happy and violent. i personally considered it my duty to participate in this election, since this election determines the future of the country. for me, who is a student and studying in russia , i considered it my duty to
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participate in the presidential election of the islamic republic of iran. on july 15, i came to the moscow residence to vote in the 14th presidential election . you are eternal, my homeland, my passion and intoxication , let them be eternal in the sky like an eternal seal, and my burning words, which are your song, my whole life, my homeland, my homeland , my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland, my homeland. you are the world today, let's see a report on the importance of foreign language persian channels and the increase in the participation of iranians in
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the second phase of the elections. these channels make iranian voters terrorist. had read i think some people who came here have gained some awareness and it has become clear that what they have done is not to be insulted. the audience of this royalist subversion is the iranian people that they want to use their right to self-determination . miles away from los angeles, he insults the people of iran so that they might not participate in the second phase of the elections. don't continue, let him step aside and say that the number of votes that time was so much
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. the story started a month ago. the boycott of this election has become louder. until a week before the voting day for the same election, they said that the people's desire for it was zero. the elections could not be in the center of attention or even on the sidelines of attention of iranian citizens, they kept giving statistics and saying in the end, 8 million people will go to the polls, something like 20% of them are optimistic
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, if we accept the assumption that they and the regime will actually guarantee their own stability with more participation . javad reza soltani, radio and television news agency. we have reached the end of the world today . thank you for watching us until the end. good night and god bless you.
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after studying in mahabad , he goes to the agricultural college in urmia to continue his education. he got a diploma in food industry and
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went to zabul in sistan baluchistan province to join the army in 1952. we did a lot of work there, for example , we built a mosque with the children in the village, i don't know what we did in agriculture. the poverty and hardship in the region attracted him to be interested in medicine and after he was discharged from the army, he entered the university. we came to tabriz to be the first in the city we were in, both in the night and in the daytime, and then we were directly accepted into the university of medical sciences. from the very beginning and during the revolutionary forces, young doctors in the university joined the imam's movement. between the students and the children, we had team classes where we worked together on the qur'an and nahj al-balaqah. then this is us to boycott because we are doing something that was not a natural process in reality. even to savakam. he has introduced this here, for example , he is doing an unbalanced job. he hasn't finished university yet . when saddam's first bullets are fired
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, he will go to the front and the battlefield. in the preliminary operation of wal-fajr , we organized 3 buses with 40 people and 120 doctors . we went to participate in the operation. 64 as a graduate general physician. then he works and teaches as a physiology instructor at the university. in 1969, he became a specialist in general surgery and in 1972 , he received a subspecialty in cardiac surgery from the university iran's medical sciences. in a short time , he became the head of shahid madani heart hospital in tabriz. when we became the head of the hospital, all we tried was to manage it in the most appropriate way. actions that take you out, we are here. let's not fall behind them, then from 1973 to 1979 , he became the president of tabriz university of medical sciences. we
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built 630 health houses in 6 months. brother ittiadi, may god protect you. is in power and then becomes the health minister in the eighth government. i was not part of ina's party, despite the fact that in tehran distinguished professors of medicine. being in the party because of the work we had done, they made me a candidate for the so-called ministry of their own party. since 2007, he has been in the parliament as a representative of tabriz and for several consecutive terms in the 8th, 9th and 11th terms from tabriz azarshahr constituency. and skou is leaning on the chairs of baharestan. mr. mezkiyan was also the vice-chairman of the 10th parliament . i announce the end of the voting and it was approved. a working politician , who on the third day of the 14th presidential registration, the media cameras recorded his presence at the election headquarters. he says he believes in principles
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justice is central. the principles i believe in. now, with the announcement of the official statistics of the ministry of interior , he is the ninth president elected by the people of iran, and he is going to lead the country for iran for the next 4 years. and lead to a hopeful future. razia ranjbar of sed and sima news agency.
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3:00 am
in the name of allah, may god bless him and grant him peace, the president-elect met with the supreme leader of the islamic revolution on saturday evening . hazrat ayatollah khamenei congratulated again on this meeting. mr. dr. mezikian expressed his hope in getting the majority vote and expressing his satisfaction with the increasing process of participation in the second round of elections. other abundant capacities of the country should take steps in the path of progress and prosperity. hazrat ayatollah khamenei also expressed some recommendations while praying and wishing success for the elected president. also.


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