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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most senior officials of the country and the army were selected in separate messages. they congratulated the doctors as the ninth president of the republic of iran. in his congratulatory message to mr. medeshian, the head of the presidency honored the memory of martyrs, especially the martyred president, and said: mehre's intelligent participation is another confirmation of the people's attachment to the system and the islamic revolution. the speaker of the parliament in a message congratulating mr. mezikian's election emphasized: the twelfth parliament is in a framework.
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he considers his laws to be with the 14th government and will not give up any help and support. boss in its message, the judiciary, while congratulating the elected president of the iranian people , announced its readiness to cooperate and assist the elected government in the implementation of general policies announced and the 7th plan. the chairman of the assembly of experts also thanked the president-elect in his congratulatory message. from the enthusiastic presence of the people , he wished success to mr. bizikian in achieving the goals of the islamic revolution and solving the problems of the people. the chairman of the expediency recognition assembly also congratulated mr. mezikian on his readiness to cooperate with the president- elect within the framework of the laws and expressed his hope . mr. medzikian with the benefit of valuable records and jihadi spirit and with interaction and empathy with all sympathizers and numerous experts.
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to step in the path of elevation and progress of the country and the welfare of the people. the chief of staff of the armed forces and the commanders in chief of the army, the guards and the police command also congratulated the election of mr. bizikian as the elected president of the people in separate messages. the secretary of the supreme national security council also congratulated mr. mezikian in his message . in his congratulatory message to the president-elect, the head of the national media emphasized the readiness of the sada and vesima organization to cooperate with the new government in line with the duties assigned to serve the people. the supervision of the guardian council continued until the counting of the last vote in the presidential election. the spokesman of the guardian council, appearing on the first page program, said:
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we are currently reviewing the reports sent to this council and the reports registered in the people's watch system, and so far we have not received any serious reports about election violations. mr. tahan nazif added: the members of the guardian council are checking the accuracy of the second round of the presidential election in order to inform the result as soon as possible. according to our law , candidates should be given an opportunity and a deadline after the election let the people decide that if there is a problem in a report, they should send it to us so that we can pay attention to those issues while checking the accuracy of the election . the reports we receive must be documented reports that can be followed up. it's okay, but don't change the result of the election . sometimes, some violations
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may even be dealt with, that is, it should be submitted to the judicial system or, for example, legal action should be taken against the offending person. not exist at all therefore, i would like to say that this does not prevent someone from being dealt with if he commits a violation , but the general result, as i said, is that there is a change. mr. tahan nazif added that after confirming the validity of the election , the credentials of the elected president will be prepared and presented to the supreme leader of the revolution, so that with his approval, the inauguration ceremony and after that the swearing-in ceremony will take place. the large presence of people at the voting booths was reflected in the world media. more than 500 reporters from 150 foreign media. 31 countries of the world
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covered the second round of the 14th iranian presidential election . how much they like to hear the news of iran. due to its strong position in the region and the world , the islamic republic of iran has a very strong regional and global position. thank god , it makes the whole world look at the future president of the islamic republic. news networks between. so far , the turnout has been relatively high. the feeling here is different from the first round of the election. this issue is primarily due to the request of the politicians, headed by ayatollah ali
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khamenei, the supreme leader, and mohammad mokhbar, the presidential sponsor , who asked the people to cast their votes. they tried have the best performance in advertising. the level of participation they say can be confusing for some observers of iran's developments. precisely, when participation is high, it is a moment of pride for the islamic system in iran, and high participation confuses and confuses the enemies of the iranian government. after the election results were announced, the coverage of iran's news went in a different direction. also to the mood.
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it will not be easy on us unless with more friendship and trust, the english media had a special reflection of the election results in iran. the english news agency reuters published that part in its article he highlighted the promise of mr. mezikian, who said that if i do not fulfill my promises, i will say goodbye to the continuation of political work. cnn america contacted experts who speculated about the foreign policy approach of iran's president-elect.
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at one time, he honored the revolutionary guards and, on one occasion, wore their clothes in the parliament. he repeatedly criticized america. and he praised the irgc for shooting down an american drone in 2019 and said: this act hit the americans hard and proved to them that our country will not surrender, but the way we look at the elections in iran and the presence of people at the ballot box in the regional media and the axis of resistance can be seen in the words of this arab-speaking political analyst, and iran has proven throughout history that it does not allow interference in internal affairs from the outside.
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had a phone conversation with the us secretary of state about the gaza war and developments in ukraine. after the victory of the labor party two days ago, david lamey was elected as the british foreign secretary. the next part is at 6 o'clock.
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in tonight's special news talk, we want to talk about the failure of the boycott project to participate in the presidential elections. two honorable guests will accompany us in tonight's special news talk, mr. ilmia, an expert in media and virtual space affairs, and mr. mustafa sadeghi, a journalist, mr. dr. ilmia , i greet you and welcome, hello, good evening , dear ones, mr. sedki, you are very welcome to the special news interview studio, in the name of allah, rahman al-rahim, and i also say hello. i am at your service and dear viewers of the program. thank you. first , let's see a report. let's go back and start the discussion and tonight's program together. psychologists say that when people face a crisis, for example, they lose a loved one, they have a five-stage reaction. they said that there were more than 8 million people in iran's elections they will attend. the sum of all these people who
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voted for the islamic republic was more than 30 million 30 million 53357 votes, which means that they were not one or two times but four times more enthusiastic than the estimates. now, here at bbc and international, they faced a crisis, and in response to it, denying everything in the first stage is just a mirage of democracy, a false enthusiasm among the society to create psychologists. they say that these people get angry in the second stage and that they are the mercenaries of the islamic republic who are participating. it is clear what khariti the next reaction of these people
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is caught in the crisis of justification, now they have fallen here to justify the death of their ideas and predictions, the duty of the islamic republic, neither in a negative way nor in a positive way, with any amount of participation in this election, this election will not be known, even if 80% now , when the people were disappointed, it fell into the phase of depression and created disappointment. unfortunately, we also lost in this election, even the opposition, who were all saying boycott, could not find a common ground in the word boycott. and the last category is forced to face the crisis of these networks in the five stages
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to accept the defeat of the iranian nation and the people of iran , the nation and the people of iran are a shifty creation , who created this wonder anyway, still not losing their trust, we still have a long way to go and this vicious cycle in all these years of elections in iran in this network. the date is on the wrong side. mr. dr. elmiyeh, mr. reza soltani, in their reports, pointed out the efforts of the farsi and western media to boycott the elections and the non-participation of the people at the polls, then pointed to the issue of denial , avoiding that they would get angry after these two stages , and now the media is depressed. they find and accept let
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us examine and analyze the story of the two evils of the two evils that we have pointed out and tried for this issue and this failed scenario. well, official media, for example, in our own country, television, radio, and cyber space, or in other words, virtual space and social networks, well, when the election space starts , it is everywhere in the world, it is not limited to iran. all parties try to express their slogans, opinions and ideas collect more votes. well, here, if the participation goes down and the participation is less, then that will make the spectrum that is working better and stronger win , but we were faced with one category here, and that was encouraging people not to participate. see this happening. it's not the first time. well, for years , in different elections, on different issues , the media, now in western terms, let me give you an example. western media should work on the audience
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if you don't participate. a bad thing happened to them. let me tell you the figures of your service, producing content that is compared to 4 it was a year ago, in order to make people disappointed with fake news, so to speak, or in other words, with fake news, it was about 40d. if i give you an example, 4 years ago, 100,000 articles were produced in this series, which has decreased by 40%. this is one point. the next point is that this series uses newer techniques and more effective targeting to minimize participation. making these very efficient is not my area of ​​expertise. i will now discuss the issue of the media with cyber attacks , which, alhamdulillah , did not reach any results thanks to the grace of god. fortunately, their arrows hit the stone. look at the creation of polls now, whether in the
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cyberspace and the virtual space of social networks, or in the floor of our society, comment again and again. in our community, we saw people being asked if they were participating in the elections, yes, no, then, well , it was expected that you would see a reasonable percentage , for example, 90, 92, no, then you who voted , for example, your vote was 8, 9. see this survey and more precisely the comments. there were futile efforts that happened to convince the people that this election will not have any results and that this system is over. it has come and it is no longer useful, so don't participate in the election. this is a part of the next point . you should see the efforts we always say. see the activities we monitor. based on the numbers
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, we will understand what is going on with the fake accounts of this account. that these are of no use and they could not get the desired result they were looking for, this trend of the media, mr. dr. elmia, at the time when the activities actually started for the start of the 14th term of the presidential election after the martyrdom of ayatollah raisi, until we reached the day of the election and holding two courses had many ups and downs from now on
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in the virtual space, western media try to implement different plans . to gain trust and they were not able to talk to you more, mr. scientific doctor, mr. sadeghi, let's talk about what the world's leading media were saying about the elections , what approach did they take during the elections, and how did they cover our news? well, before this let's talk about the issue. i want to say that this thing that happened and we are facing this debris of participation is not an incident, it is not a phenomenon that happened once in our 24 hours. a phenomenon have encountered this is a process. we have traveled a path and reached here to the place i call it. we stopped at a point where the subversion project suffered a major failure. why? because someone came to vote and their photo was published, who did not vote for 17 or 18 years. to announce
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it means voting for those who have no faith in voting. this means that the project is the winner. the subversion project failed. now let's go to the media . i will divide the media into two parts . for example, like reuters, let's note that we have reached a point in the last few days, these media did not publish the least amount of news about iran's elections. they are silent here, you know. why are you involved in 2 issues, one is fear, two are disappointments . what i saw in your report was also fear of what, why do we have to pay again, why do we have to face the cost of facing the islamic republic and the people of iran ? i see that they say that facing the islamic republic is not wrong. the islamic republic is separated from its people no, this 30 million means that the islamic republic means that the people don't want to pay for the body anymore
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, they are afraid of this cost and frustration. no , naturally, when you take forward a media project that has a lot of services and events like this, you have a goal. here, the goal is subversion and it failed in 1401, so it prefers not to pay for it, but let's talk about the media. i should say persian language now, but what is happening in persian language media , by the way, they are operating, everyone is working. from these points that mr. dr. said fake reviews their cyberspace networks are doing this to blackmail the cia, but you know why they didn't succeed . when
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the successive violations in the 1401 process lead to all kinds of violations, for example, a media such as the persian bbc, which strongly believed that the news i was publishing had documents, how many lies. from 1401 onwards, i have nothing to do with the 1401 project, for example, one of them is our dear armita, our dear daughter who died in the subway, how quickly it was proven that they are lying, well , the credibility of a media loses when it tells such a big lie, the rest of me is like this because it loses its credibility. no one else listens to what this is he says that what has happened now, whether before the election , from the time of the martyrdom of raisi until now, or at the time of its beginning. the election process, since the election results are known and from now on, however much they want to implement a plan, mr. sadiqeh , you are now pointing out that people
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don't trust them anymore, they always use people and tools that are in the project and the past scenarios were unsuccessful and not very effective for them, in order to achieve the necessary and sufficient results for them, i want to talk to you about this issue. now, keep in mind when making a decision. you said that the claim of democracy and freedom can be expressed. it
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was the day of the general election in england . it was also a very important election to determine the members of the house of commons . we also had the european union election a little earlier. 27 america is the country of elections. before this year is an election year, this year is an election year in england. what should be done to control the so-called fake news , fake news, the coming of the bbc and twitter to cooperate so that the news that they think is incorrect is now either fake or inappropriate or possible. they remove strange influences on political relations so easily, that is, don't they call this freedom of speech, don't they call social networks such that anyone can say anything they like, anyone can accept it, now they either like it or dislike it. he does it at all, either he likes it or he doesn't like it, so why do they do this at this time and in this election and delete more than 8 million messages in just
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the twitter social network, in other words, the former twitter, which is now x, is deleted. and this was at the request of the bbc and announced to delete this news and delete it so let's go back to this side of the story, now look here, we were in the old days, now i want to take my name with you, we are mr. ali. karimi, who used to be a football player and now is very frank as an enemy of the system, as a person who does not care about the culture, civilization, politics, or economy of the people, he is now speaking against all of this . we saw that he was very active. his activities have been reduced to a minimum, why exactly what mr. sedki said has no effect at all , no one in the audience pays attention to many of these talks, they are losing their credibility now. this is looking for negativity.
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in the past few years, it has caused a social growth in the users. now, i will use the social network as an example. the users of the social networks have become , as jonah said, no longer viral . from the reality of the bottom of the society, if today, contrary to all these opinions, sir, the state of the economy is like this, i don't know, the dollar has become so much, the chicken has become so much , the meat has become so much, we have all heard and seen these statements, these days there are more than 30 million 500 thousand people. this is a sign that we don't want it. let's say that some people are hesitant there are some people who are dissatisfied, what he said was that those who did not vote and did not come to the polls , this does not mean that they all
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have a problem with the system. you sometimes check the million, 500,000 people in the surrounding neighboring countries, in countries where not voting leads to social restrictions or sometimes even fines , the participation statistics are a little higher than the participation statistics of iran , which we have just seen, that there is pressure from all sides, so see the discussion. content production and volume trends production. the content and the process of content production are the parameters that show us, and one of the clear signs that happened in this election was that, thanks to the grace of god and the intelligence of the people, the intelligence of the users, the reception and attention to these negative contents is much higher than in the previous periods. it is not enough to say that we consciously and responsibly attended the polls on friday the 15th. here are the points that mr. dr.
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the problem is that these people have already opened their hands for these services, which means that they understand that they have a false image of the islamic republic and basically the people of iran due to the complex they have. iran and maidan iran present a wrong analysis, sir, they say that the consultants point to this kind of thing, they point to the same thing, sir, and the brokers, the brokers who
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played the role of fraud and fraud, we don't get this . it has been heard, no, this is included in their own fights, for example , how much money did their general soldier take from the security service of a certain country, for example , he should hold a conference in a certain western country, collect anti-revolutionaries , and then take the money, this is one point, so these in fact, their own power because they don't need those services anymore, maybe they will use them now. that those services don't trust them and they don't have credibility anymore, and the most important thing i can tell you is that the opposition organization is messed up, never the opposition of the islamic republic, forgive me, i say the islamic republic , all the people of iran, the islamic republic and the people of iran are not separate from each other. i have to emphasize this , i have never faced such a weak opposition since 1401, many people thought that if they were together
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, there would be a bond between them. wow, what would happen? when they got closer, it became clear how much they are not against us, how much they hold grudges against themselves, how far apart they are now, what is the relationship between the hypocrites and the monarchists, what are they saying now? now they were ready for their own power and interests, that is , to present every point and material to the people and their father's father is now disappearing. do you know who their father is? the father of these is israel, the zionist regime. do you remember that souvenir photo, how long ago , the journalists and these soldiers stood with their generals the minister of information of the zionist regime took a picture. he talked a lot. i think we should frame that picture . it is a big media class. a great lesson for all of us to see what happened to the opposition.
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and how did it happen and this has happened since today. therefore, the consultant agent who should play a role in the failure of the participation in the elections and the victory of the subversion project has no more credibility, he has no power, he is in his most lonely situation, mr. dr. elmia, after trying, he now takes every method to convince the people. blacking out in the virtual space, creating content, even now search and with the activity and percentages that you mention, they could not start publishing some images, for example, at a certain point, at a certain hour , to show a photo of a polling station, so that people may not go at that hour with fewer referrals to convince people, but still we saw how well the people voted consciously and responsibly


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