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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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amazing products for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. in the name of the lord of beauty. we will start with a behind-the-scenes report and news from special election programs as well as special confidential programs of sima salam channels in the week. last week, the special file
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of election programs for the 14th term of the presidential election was closed in the national media. according to the opinion of the research center of the broadcasting organization , 56 percent of the compatriots over the age of 18 watched the two debates of the second stage. studio 11 is tv and the second and last program of the debate in the stage in the 14th election period, the ceo of telebion also said that the audience of the last debate was four times the audience of the european nations cup. based on sedav sima's 85 field survey. the audience percentage of national media's performance in holding debates and other election programs of national media is good and relatively good.
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it was very good. by the way, it made an impression on me when i came. people care about their country and certainly with these debates they can get to know their candidates better and make a better choice. the national media gets the atmosphere of muharram with special programs. that moment and the people of the parliament, protect you may god bless the majlis event, including the special programs of the national media. sadreh is also a guest from karbala.
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the result of the presidential election was the first headline of today's newspapers.
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what do artists demand from the future government? i have asked the opinion of several artists about this. i don't think anything is more necessary than respect, that is, a supportive look at artists who really deserve to be supported so that they can create. the artist wants housing, the artist wants insurance, the artist wants security , so that he can be a manager in his life. be proud in front of his children, at least in front of his children his family we want these things and we don't want something difficult, something that is unacceptable, i don't know , we don't want to be unattainable. it seems to me that in relation to pre-established artists as social assets, it is expected that every period
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of the next government that starts in the previous period , their services and care and support from the institute of pre- kosbat artists should be increased, same thing in the past periods. unfortunately, i think that this is actually in the next periods, now the next presidency , i think they should think about this matter . dear artists, they are the representatives of a country and they love let them be seen and respected, whether they are old or dear ones who have just started, let us remember these are the ones who can give that good energy to the iranian nation, so please don't forget that these loved ones are for the nation with all their heart. iran serves and loves its people
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. one two voices program has started broadcasting on iran radio . the third year in a row of this program is dedicated to ritual songs and songs in the month of muharram. you came with an army of angels from the hajj of quqa. the 19th season of the one-two-voice competition was a guest for those interested in ashurai art. in the field of muharram travel programs this is the third year we are holding this competition . in the first year, we remembered professor mohammad ali karim khavani. year. the second commemoration of ustad alidin ghasemi taazieh khanan and this year the commemoration of ustad habibullah chaychian hassan will be held . he marked his notebook with his tears. the one-two-voice competition in three areas: poetry
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reading, tazizia singing, song singing, with the presence of 60 participants, will be produced by hossein aramesh. dear, in what field are you participating in poetry reading in the field of praise in the field of voice, it has been 3 years, i have almost started working for two years, but it has not been very formal and professional, in fact, this is an opportunity that i want. i have been practicing poetry for the last two years more professionally for myself since i learned the name of imam hossein. i mourned for imam hussain , i saw special talents here that i actually felt that if they enter the stream of media, if they enter the stream of delegation and praise, if they enter the stream of ritual poetry and ritual poetry reading
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, great things will surely happen . i followed it and saw that it was very effective. the one -two-voice contest with the color of the month of muharram will be broadcast twice on iran radio. we have 10 of our programs in the first ten days of muharram, starting from the first night of muharram the second part will be broadcast from the night of arbaeen to the third part of safar. a couple of voices on the first ten days of muharram, saturday to wednesday at 230 minutes on f wave.
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in the name of god, i offer my greetings to you and all the dear contacts. the competition has one, two, three. well, we are now holding its 19th season. last year , it was the 13th season. it is a special program for the month of muharram, and every year we choose fields for the month of muharram . in the past , we did not have much luck in the field of poets, that is, in the field of recitation, chanting , the participants were good and won positions in poetry reading. the jury did not consider any work worthy of recognition. special focus on poetry reading that we even remembered our teacher shaichianam as his father.
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this year, we removed the discussion of writing poetry, so that the focus of friends, even the friends of poets who participate in the competition, is more on the discussion of poetry reading. it was close to poetry reading, and for the media, this form of reading is not very correct. also, the discussion of the trainings that were conducted during this year indirectly through the programs of one or two voices in the field of other poetry , the discussion of speaking that we in radio iran it happened that amsad focused more on the topic of reciting poetry, of course, to the field
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of reciting laments, we always had his books , that is, we got to know his poems at all through our discussion of reciting poems. it is made in ashurai works , usually not much attention is paid to the poet, that is, a very obvious point, the work that mr. karim khoani came to read, "shah panhanam" is a poem for mr. chaychiane wali. the composer's name is always mentioned, the madah's name is mentioned, the singer's name is mentioned, but
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there is no mention of ostad shaichian. tonight's testimony of passion the entry of all the decades of muharram, the night of ashura is signed , this poem is performed in a nostalgic way by most of the reciters in their congregations, but there is not much indication that this is the work of ostad shaichian. i felt that they were a little oppressed, especially after his death in 2016. and that we wanted them to be remembered, well, now, but if someone comes and says in the contest, as far as you have recorded, that, for example, my poem is my own , it is no longer acceptable, it must be mr. chaijan's poem, no, no, they can bring your own poems. we focused more on the works of mr. chahchian they can sing their own poems or the poems of other poets, mr. hamidreza burkei, many friends were interested in performing his poems , which was a good thing. we will broadcast
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with their own voices. well, how is the situation in the other two courses? thank god, this year i will talk about poets , because in the other two courses, we had good luck in previous years. it was later in the discussion of iqbal's singing it was more this year, in contrast to the last two years , it was very clear, because in the past years , we dealt with this story very boldly, especially last year, well, now mr. qudous, of course, there was a discussion with the judges and their number in the report of my colleague, but who are the judges in general, mr. goldris, who their conversation was broadcasted, mr. mutolian, who is a religious poet himself , is a researcher in this field, and ms. abas, fatemeh al-abbas , as a radio host and announcer, who is the standard of poetry reading on the radio. how serious is this competition
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, mr. qudousian? i don't care about those few more seasons at the moment, but how serious is it, for example , did something really happen to the winners of the previous 3 years? check on the paper that radio iran has no obligation to use the friends who are selected in the competition, but there is one point: how many years has it been? the iran yaran center was established in iran radio with the efforts of mr. dr. azarmakon, the network manager, mr. dadashi, the deputy director of the network, and the rest of the managers who are in the network . appearing in the form of this center of iran fellows can produce their works for various radio programs. whether these three seasons of the radio , which were special for the muharram days, or the previous seasons . if it was not efficient, in my opinion, 19 seasons
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would not have continued. as our example , chapter 10. which was our biggest broadcasting season , there were more than 2,000 registrations, the one-two -voice contest, we used their chosen ones in the production of election items for this recent election , and my chosen one, who was introduced at the end of the travel month , will be introduced at the end of the travel month, thank you very much the conversation we had and the answers you gave and so on more news, radio show is hosting a new show, airing pushali's dream until the 21st of july. the narrative of a teenager's participation in the national university entrance exam and its sidelines in the play "pushali's dream ", i have the role of penda, one of the many millions of students and scholars who dream of becoming a doctor
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, and our parents, for whatever reason, want them to become doctors. become a doctor without knowing the interests of these children and the adventures that will happen to them later after the entrance exam or before the entrance exam before passing the entrance exam . the emotional relationship between the characters is also connected . there are those who do illegal things about entrance exam questions, selling entrance exam questions and causing disappointment to young people who put all their hopes and dreams on entering university. we are performing the show that has taken place
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, we are in contact with the children who are friends of acting, and the live effect that takes place in the studio. we are together with our audience and listeners, what a shame, oh my god, this program will be broadcast until july 21st from 11:30 p.m. to 24:00 on mojaf m, row 17 megahz. this week, the children's tv channel broadcasts four animated movies.
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the children's channel broadcasts on monday at 14:00. the children's network also shows sherlock detective on tuesdays at 14:00. this animation is about a detective and his assistant who want to find the thief of city statues. and the treasure of the city of hawiji will be broadcasted on wednesday at 14:00 on the child network. this animation is about a dangerous fox who enters a city to find a treasure belonging to foxes. maryam mohammadi, radio and television news agency. we have reached the end of this news section. greetings and god bless you.
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the wait has gone up and i still don't know the exact number i know, god willing, we will tell you the exact number after the test. in the same way , the number of response letters increased. and we hope that the test will be held with complete security. the experience of the test showed us that the volume of the networks that these
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virtual networks that try to convince the audience to move towards them and with payment and money is an effort. for example , fraudulent actions were taken, he did not answer in the test, we , our people, alhamdulillah, did not hesitate to advertise this very wide that took place. we got 35 people who brought their own equipment compared to last year when the number reached 1000. notable is not worth paying attention to at all , so here again, i am asking the dear parents, dear parents, to play this game
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, they want to seduce you, and in a sense , they want to empty your pockets, take money, and make promises to you in this game. fata police department is doing a very worthy cooperation. before the exam , they usually arrest everyone. it happened that before the exam, the target networks beat and arrested everyone, and there were no traces left. don't let your children get infected by this trend , these networks usually take proof from our dear ones, from our dear volunteers, that, sir, for example, you cooperated with us, and for example, you gave money, and then. after this route, they want to make akhazi, this route will be closed by our loved ones, god willing, in connection with the beginning of the test process, well, you know
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, we explained the cutter since yesterday afternoon , we had said today afternoon, but since yesterday after in the afternoon, dear ones, they prepared the card and explained it to nearly 300,000 people until now. receive our sms we have sent to the candidate that the card system is open and the loved ones entered the pride and to get this card, the main information about the area and the time of the test is on the card, pay attention to what day and what test will be held , where is the test location and how is it explained in the cities especially one day before the exam , parents and loved ones around the fields , especially on the morning of our exam, there are heavy traffics
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, and these heavy traffics . set a suitable distance and take a short walk well, according to the procedure of previous years , we will have the explanation of the card until the morning, probably until the morning of the exam day, but i do not recommend that this should happen . they must definitely go today and tomorrow and get their own card. they should print anyway, there is a possibility that there will be a problem in the print card , they will have the opportunity to
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solve this problem on wednesday by going to the so-called troubleshooting and troubleshooting branches. about 20,300 thousand people decreased, probably because of these areas our activities have changed from about 2,100 last year to about 1,747 areas, 1,747 sub-areas that will be held in 408 cities. if god gives us success, considering the heat of the weather, we predict that dear ones, it will be the right time to reach the exam areas. plan in such a way that they
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don't have to go to the exam with anxiety and haste, so that they don't feel the heat caused by especially the afternoon and morning of thursday and friday, that they enter the exam session with anxiety and stress . i will provide the rest of the details in the q&a section. more details dear deputy assistants, tell me more and i will tell you. well , first of all, they say tell us the oldest in rome , give us the youngest as well, they are very interested in writing, and how many old people do we have, how many young people do we have , here i have the statistics, yes, our oldest is from 1322, there is one, a lady from kermanshah and
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the year 1327 again, she is a lady from kermanshah, our youngest was born in 1390, we have one person, she is from kangavar, and in 2008, we have 4 people. to go they are in university, and we are the oldest and the youngest among them.
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wow, i can't believe it. yes, it was only a while ago . if you wanted to buy something, you had to leave a lot of time to go and look around. then you get to the market. the market is on one side. i said that here all the special markets near me were fine. we came to serai afsariye. it was good . we came to sarai irani sarai. big iranian, the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh, with unbelievable
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long-term sat service prices and no prepayment in big iranian sarai, in the cities of qom, isfahan, and the only tehran branch in serah afsarieh. hey dad, this is a dishwasher it makes the dish dirty instead of cleaning it . it was a good question. i said there is a problem, isn't it from the city of household appliances?
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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, i greet you and have a good day. i am here with you, dear and respected countrymen. explanation of the admission card for the second round of the 143 national entrance exam started today and will continue until july 20, round two. july 21 will be held in morning and evening and friday july 22 in the morning. candidates should refer to the portal of the national sanseh organization at to receive the entrance card. honorees
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of the 41st award cycle.


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