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tv   [untitled]    July 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm IRST

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dr. abdul ali, an education expert , will examine the choice of field and topics that are relevant in this field and subject. i hope that you will accompany us, mr. dr. abdul ali , i greet you. you are very welcome. thank you very much, mr. azarkish, welcome to the studio, in the name of allah, rahman , raheem, to you, dear viewers. hello, thank you. by announcing the topic of introducing the guests, allow me to thank the esteemed viewers of one sima channel for their cooperation and invite you to start this conversation and report this program in stay with us on the news network. according to the routine of the special news talk, every night, he first gave a report and then the beginning. i am going to the 10th grade
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. i came to register and choose my major. it is an important and fateful choice . if we are not interested in something, we can waste a few years of our life. i put my daughter's interests as a property, i will guide her, but i will never impose my opinion on her. the choice is made with six components and with 100 points, the opinion of the counselor and parents, which was 10 points, and the test that was done and the teacher's opinion. 65 marks have been collected, 35 marks are left . the academic record of the students must choose one of the four theoretical or technical, professional and knowledge fields . experienced friends in the graphics field, the facilities field. the statistics show that 61 students of the second year of high school are studying in high school. kenan and only 39% are studying in conservatory, but this small percentage is at the same time as studying.
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we had students working at the university who came after their military service and started their own workshops . they are our sewing design kids who are now playing music and doing workshops. the index is 39. now until the end of the seventh program, if it reaches 50%, if you want to go experimental, you must have at least 14 years of science, 13 years of mathematics, and vice versa, but the number of conservatories is not sufficient . there are no conservatories in our neighborhood. the majors are within the scope of the majors we want . i don't have this conservatory here at all. by the end of the 7th thousand conservatories plan , 100 conservatories will be established or renovated this year. part of it will be through non-government conservatories, neighboring conservatories, or changing the use of the current conservatories, or if we can't. we can use the capacity of the existing space of the conservatory by creating a workshop in the same conservatory. background
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provide capacity building. remove non-functional fields and add new fields. about 48 courses were suspended last year. and a number of courses have been suspended since this year, and these courses have been introduced in their place. one million and 190 thousand 10th grade students to register and choose a major in high school or conservatory now up to twenty. five augusts do not have more time. amirhossein zulfiqari, radio and television news agency. the report of mr. zulfiqari and mr. azarkish mentions in this report the percentage of vocational and technical students and of course high school students in theoretical fields. 39% study in associate science and technical profession 611 in theoretical fields. why? in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, peace be upon you, or
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abdallah al-hussein, my condolences on the days of mourning for the lord and the leader of the martyrs, and my greetings again to the dear viewers and all the good people of our country, who deserve to appreciate the saga of their presence in the presidential elections and the election of dr. which was broadcasted now, i am sorry that 39% of the students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades are in vocational and professional conservatories, apparently today. the students' tuition fee slips have been issued, and apparently, as informed by our friends in the general directorate of the republic of education, this week
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, a number of conservatories, and from the following days, tomorrow , a number of provinces, and the day after tomorrow, all our friends in the province and family. they can receive the academic dart form, but regarding the question you mentioned, well, we should have more theoretical fields, we should look at them in many ways. a gift goes back to our cultural infrastructure. it is high and there are some attractions for fields in the theoretical branch it will be more successful if we actually see this possibility in more than 7000 artists and more than 200 fields of training in technical, professional and associate degrees. we see many graduates who come and succeed in working in business.
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in their work, the first part of the discussion of tabarakism, which i mentioned , is the lack of sufficient information that sometimes exists in society regarding the benefits of technical education. there is a skill, this is to tell who should give education and training to families , who should give it to the media, and now, almost all the institutions in charge of the culture of our country are responsible for us to show the place and value of work, effort, and achievement. transfer the halal work to our students to our people, forgiveness will return, so to the cultural infrastructure, forgiveness will return to the lack or absence of facilities, including power equipment. in the report , it was mentioned that more than 1,800 new conservatories will be created during the seventh development plan, of which 1,000
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were built, 800 conservatories are repurposed. necessities of technical vocational training in four areas of cultural necessity. social necessity , economic necessity, and the necessity of technology, that's all let's hold on, mr. dr. abdul ali, now i will point out three or four cases that will make them go more into theoretical, technical, and professional fields. prastin, what do you answer? well, our father worshiped idols, our great father, in my time and you, what do you say about the courses now, so to speak, in the conservatory, at that time there was no work and knowledge at all ? what should i do now? go , for example, go to a vocational school, for example, go to a conservatory like this the wrong end continued from generation to generation and we all
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helped to stabilize this wrong view. i remember, for example , about 20 years ago. a debate was held after the president was elected, and mr. heydari also performed, then people would come and talk about different fields, then they would show the nation a series of bar graphs showing how much a doctor's income is, for example, how much a teacher's income is, i don't know so-and-so and so on. it's true that this happened by mistake. let me tell you a number . about how many people are there in this year, mr. azarkish engineer? they are giving an experimental entrance examination for about 650 thousand so far , i will put 50 thousand aside for 600 thousand. i want it to be a simple number, ms. emami
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, what fields do the children who go to the experimental field go to? and nationwide and free dentistry and pharmaceuticals, all of these are close to each other. 6,000 is now a fraction , write 6,000 in the denominator , 600,000 will be 1 to 100, that is, moms and dads, you are sending your children to a competition where 99 will lose and one person will win. if he needs to fix it, he should fix the education system, why doesn't he do it, because there are thousands of problems, this is another problem of the space we have now, we say just fix the education system or not, the families themselves are also important, mr. if our educational system
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starts finding talents from elementary school, it's a joke, now the reality is that it doesn't happen , tell the children how strong you are, for example, my daughter, my son, in skill work, in handwork, in intellectual work, in artistic work, in this work. no, tomorrow, according to mr. engineer, i don't know the choice now, the course will start, whether the children will go to the academy or to the conservatory, or the topic will become hot, a one-on-one conversation for 20 minutes. we talk for half an hour, the schools talk . look, what is the basis? now , it was in the previous report. if your score is lower than this, you cannot go to the experiments. it is inherently wrong, that is, if you score above a certain level , you don't know. it means that it is in the back of the mind of the decision makers. they make a blank, it is important to do something, but in the back of their mind is to see if you are strong, you are going to be experimental, you are going to do mathematics, you are not going to be humane, i don't know, you are not going to be educated, you are going to be skilled, so something needs to be corrected, mr. dr. abdallah, there is an imbalance here as well. among theoretical students,
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students of mathematics, work and professional knowledge and technology has how to create this balance? now there is interest, should the mechanisms be modified? see, in the national curriculum in the subsystem of the tradition of fundamental transformation, it is now a result of the interest of the talent, the need of the society and the possibility of implementation, i.e. the four influential components. in academic guidance, it makes our students choose. unfortunately, the cultural infrastructure that i mentioned refers to the fact that the doctor said that we see the weak and strong of our children in their academic performance. if it is experimental, if it is math, if it is experimental science or math or a subject below 10, this student may be weak in general let's count and the student. if in the world the criterion of superior talent is multiple intelligences, we pay attention to
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different intellectual intelligences, one is strong in verbal intelligence, one is strong in naturalistic intelligence, one is strong in physical and movement intelligence, those who are wrestlers, those who are in sports, are in music. they are industries , when we look at them, they have their own intelligence , and we need, first of all, that we should, i.e. balance between disciplines and branches in the secondary school , the first stage of reforming our laws towards doing this balance has already started or should let's start , we thought, now when we are in technical training we are talking about professional skill, zinfan , the private sector is the main one for the private sector to come and participate , which is currently in the seventh program for the development of vocational and technical fields based on land use and
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future research and the development of quantitative and qualitative infrastructure. so what does this mean? if we want to achieve that balance, this should definitely be paid, tell us the percentage, what percentage has been paid, what percentage is the executive, where should our needs be, when it is announced, because we are saying that it is the interest of the family to start, the parents say, go ahead. mathematics later if you are interested in technical subjects go for it next to your card in the future and follow it now in the military law of the society of education, vocational training, technical vocational training of families, and be careful in the law of the community system of learning technical and vocational nature, which was passed in the parliament in 2016, the supreme council of learning technical nature skilled professional has been launched now and it is operating at 8 levels. it has been considered for the professional qualification levels of our children, simple workforce, skilled workforce, assistant
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technician, technician, senior technician, professional expert , professional senior expert, professional doctorate, what does it mean for a child who has entered a college of arts to a professional doctorate in the right direction, he can benefit , there is no need to worry, this information is now approved by the national professional qualification framework in the council with the presence of the honorable president, and this process was announced in the last few years. it is being carried out. it is important that all the institutions in charge of culture, all the executive institutions in charge of working skills, express the same as the assignments in the seventh development plan or in the general policies of employment and the general policies of the transformation process and the general policies related to the population of mr. dr. abdul ali, we will reach what the 7th plan assigned to us , which is the 50% percentage of students in technical and vocational education. and his partner is a series of infrastructure. of course , i didn't get the percentages from dr. azarkakesh, but you can. well, what percentage
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do you say? now, the problem is a bit more fundamental, and with the way you and i are talking about it , the problem will not be solved, you see. from another point of view, every year, mr. dr. abdul ali, we have such topics during the field selection stage , well, finally, the officials in charge of diagnosing it , do our children study in school, this is a very important question. it's a simple question , why is your child studying, what are you girls for? my sons, my children, your son is studying to find a job in the future or not. he studies by himself because he is unemployed, so he wants to look for a job. now, our primary school children will be in 1403, for example, in 1413 and around 1415, the jobs of the next 10 15 years will be different from what we have now, many jobs. it doesn't exist at all, so do you believe that
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the majors, whether technical or professional , do not match the job market and the needs of society. it is clear that most of the things that children learn are not really useful for tomorrow. i have been saying for a while now in different places that our diploma should be changed to the age of 15, which means that our girls or our boys will get a diploma at the age of 15. from here on, the path will be different. who wants to go to the theoretical field and university environment? there is a route. someone likes to say, sir , i want to go . you are dead, alive , 1401, dear friends, school does not exist in the sense that we say today, not that it is different, dad, i went to a university class some time ago, i saw
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a whistle in the class, i forgot to design an exam question , play sharp right there. i said with artificial intelligence, guys i asked artificial intelligence, i said, i came, i want to test the children, my lesson is electrical circuits at this level , you are all surprised by this topic, your mental image is that now there is someone who has these things that i don't know, how many meters is everest and where is pande it comes and i don't know what logarithm is. it won't hurt any human being for the rest of my life . he will be a more useful person or the one who learns python, learns scratch , learns artificial intelligence, learns web design, so guys. they should get a diploma at the age of 15, then go to different skills, we are now an infinite class we have oppressed teachers. some of them in the province, for example, sistan baluchistan , have a monthly salary of 1 million tomans, while in sistan baluchistan, i know a girl and a boy who
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know a skill, for example, he earns a million tomans a day. that means we have to put aside nearly 30 million tomans for holidays, one meal less, which means we have to go to a concept called the production school, the german skill school, because in the industry , it is the leader in production in the whole of europe, like you. boil under water with 20 year old yeh ali there is also abdul ali who is a full professor of ina university with 20 years of experience in terms of his position. in terms of rights, all of them are the same, if they are not higher , it means that we have to implement this in practice . we sometimes chant that degrees are not important, but anyone who wants to go to the parliament must have a master's degree. so which one should i believe? it cannot be gathered together, which means that this space must be created, that if we are
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educating children for their own world, for their own tomorrow, not our own past , we must learn some things. what kind of environment do we have? now, for example, if we want to take the children, according to the law of the 7th plan, 50% of that will happen. it also caused some of these to be addressed. in the 7th development plan, i said that the infrastructure should be prepared. when he said that we want to reach this 50%, there are technical, professional and associate fields based on land use , and with regard to the development of quantitative and qualitative infrastructure , the supervisor mentioned it. your order now
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did you mention it, mr. doctor, if we want to reach that percentage , who is the main teacher of our education? economic enterprises and the private sector should bring these into the process of education . the conservatories next to the factory are one of the capacities that make this possible . it started years ago and is now being developed . one of the capacities is the use of the capacity outside of amaz paresh , the bronze project, to provide localized skill trainings of german spectrum models. australia next to germany can be one of the capacities. planning for that is, from the current 39% in se papaye to about 50 %, we have four requirements for the development of art schools. one is manpower, one is space, one is equipment , one is content. we must see development in all four indicators. a coherent plan
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has been addressed in the seventh development plan. set up and present our students now in one of the most sensitive. they are in the most choice time of their lives. one of the choices is choosing a field of study, which is the choice of their future career. pointing the world correctly the world of artificial intelligence is also a digital world. masha'allah, millions of jobs will be eliminated and millions of jobs will be automated, that is , it will go towards automation, and we must prepare the children for future challenges. i would like to point out that now there is a 15-70 system, so if families want to have better information from 8 am to 8 pm, apparently they have the possibility to respond. there are a series of contents in the system
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related to academic administration in the month of medivh. it is also considered for students who can refer to it in some way and ask questions read the technical, professional and knowledge works and see what is there, because some of them are extremely attractive, i don't know where to go. look, counseling centers and psychological services all over the country are non-existent . please refer to the children of the first secondary school of the ninth grade. this is how i asked the children of my ministry and alsham today from the general directorate of educational affairs counseling and our friends in the secondary school vice-chancellor about may medio. in the panel related to them , they introduce the movies and sufficient information and the courses , while in the ministry of education itself, when you enter the website of the office of vocational and technical education.
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can you provide a link to the introduction of the majors? in the introduction of the majors, the majors themselves have been explained. both their future careers and their academic futures have been sufficiently addressed. moreover, all our conservatories have a place . we should really thank all the educators. teacher. dear and all the educational administrative staff , especially in the art school, which, despite the bottlenecks in the areas of equipment, human resources, and financial resources , to be honest, the outputs of the art school have very good successes, both in business and in the field of education, mr. dr. abd now the student wants to choose a field he has an interest, his family tells him something , the educational environment guides him in a way. mr. doctor pointed out that mr. azarish, who is going to face the important challenges of his life , should consider what field of study based on this choice, see, i think
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we should be a bit clear, parents, you should pay attention to that sequence of the movie glass agency, rezakianian said that the coach i'm 50 years old now. look, i was talking to an average guy a few days ago. he mentioned a big award in one of my neighboring countries . it is related to the big prize of the game field, the amount is about 60 million dollars. you can multiply 60 million dollars by 60 million and multiply by 60 thousand tomans . the prize is more than 3 thousand billion tomans. our wrong traditional view is that my daughter, my son , don't go to the game, that's enough, dad, the future world, the world of games, education with games, i don't know, life with games
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, politics with gamification, we have to understand this , our decade has passed, and if a child says, i would like to go in the field of gaming, we should be very happy , not to mention that you have given up on medicine, you want civil engineering, dad, we won't have civil engineering anymore in the future very close to the printer. the role of a traditional civil engineer, mr. engineer in germany, personally , they are aware of my opinion, in any case, the structure of our educational governance should be more important than that of our parents, because in the end, we want our children to know that we have our children ready for tomorrow. we do that there are different equations, mr. medical doctor, in my opinion, the minister of education should be appointed to put the word intelligence only in the language. he doesn't. he knows what it means. he knows what the world of tomorrow means. he knows that a teacher should include an artificial intelligence course in teacher training.
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dubai has a term. they say that teachers must be ai qualified by the next year, for example, 2025 , which means that the party must reach a minimum degree in terms of artificial intelligence. mrs. emami, who is talking to this model, ali abdullah, you might be thinking about god , will artificial intelligence replace all of this, and if someone, i don't know, knows how to do web design, he knows how to do robotics, he will surely be more successful . let me tell you my advice to good boys and girls those who are interested in theoretical fields are strictly aware that if they have the ability in mathematics, tomorrow's world will be a world of engineering , which will go back to artificial intelligence, the world of bio -electromagnetism, you know that in 10 years, we will not have the same thing anymore. this concept
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does not exist in the bathtub. you have your hand on the skin of your hand, the picture of the person you want to talk to comes, you point it with your finger, now you are in this world , you are thinking about, for example, 50 years, 30 years, 40 years ago, so you really have to look differently, mr. azarkakesh, some people hesitate between opinions. field the theoretical aspects of technical and professional fields and his advice , i would like to see the benefits of technical and professional training in the field of the livelihood of people who have skills. they are being provided, well, it is quite specific and proven, many research findings confirm this. skill in the world is the key driver of personal well-being and economic growth, that is, there is no skill that can be thrown away. artificial intelligence is a world on a digital platform. good luck
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to those we have just mentioned. there are people who want to choose between the first priority and the second to improve their level of awareness regarding the set of fields that are in vocational and technical education and the theoretical branch, which is generally more in the theoretical branch of family information . if they need to complete the information in that field, they should refer to the centers that are available now. also, in the panel that is related to the report card of ability and desire, two, three or four pages, an explanation was given to the students, their interest, their talent, this is coming to that aptitude and desire test, this is how to find the education payment form that is given to the child. in my opinion, the explanation at the bottom of the page is given he wrote that the families should pay attention to it. now one of mr. dr. abdul ali is giving theoretical courses, they have better and more work. actually, you can now see what is the output of the conservatories and their success
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in the market. there is much more in the field in the experimental field , mr. dr. he pointed out that how many people we have who volunteer in this branch, and i am one of the tasks that is now on the ministry of education and devices, the virtual and non-virtual or real market. in order to raise a young entrepreneur, one of the tasks means that i have to document him, in some way, an original document for him, in any case, this is my suggestion this is that both the available systems and our conservatories can give good advice and counseling centers. one thing i would like to say is that a girl who is capable of designing clothes should not doubt that she is better than any other job. i have an example. i say that's why, in answer to the question of which one of these is better, whichever one the children are more interested in, thank you very much, mr. abdul ali, thank you , mr. azarkash, for the presence of both nobles in the studio of
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the special news interview. good night and god bless you. in the name of god, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world today in the first file of tonight's program we will examine the second round of the early elections of the french national assembly. in the second case, we will look at the expulsion of german military forces from niger. in the third case, we will look at the dimensions of the joint financial agreement between iran.


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