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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 1:00am-1:30am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful, welcome to this news section at one o'clock in the morning. at the meeting of the government delegation, the acting president expressed his gratitude to the members of the government for their love and kindness to the martyred president, referring to the meeting of the members of the government with the leaders of the islamic revolution. indeed, we should be sincerely thankful for the love shown by the supreme leader towards the head of state ayatollah shahid raisi and the group of members of the government. let's say that god will definitely be sick. one informant mr
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one of the features emphasized by the leader of the revolution about the people's government is work and effort until the last day and the last moment , and he said that all members of the government should have enthusiasm and determination to serve until the last day of work, just like the moment and the first day of their activity. the acting president once again appreciated the enthusiastic participation of the people and all those involved in the holding of the 14th presidential election. mr. mokhbar also emphasized the necessity of self-restraint and diligent effort to maintain peace and create an atmosphere of camaraderie for work and effort in the country. the head of the civil registration organization of the country created a family information database in this organization informed. mr. kargar said that one of the main needs of the country is for development and justice in providing services. it
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is desirable to identify the information of iranian families. according to kargar , it is possible to identify and verify the identity of individuals and their families in the family information database, and executive bodies provide better services to clients by using this database . the head of the civil registration organization of the country also said: identifying iranian families based on accurate registration information and updating the information in real time is one of the goals of creating this. this is the base. specialists of a knowledge-based company succeeded in the chamber make smart electronic services using cameras equipped with artificial intelligence. the most important point of this smart room is the speed in performing government services based on identity verification. a room to provide various online services in public places of consolidation of services. completely non-face-to-face and
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face-to-face services are explained in the form of actual services , which means that you must be sure that the person is there, but we do not want to create a queue , reducing the cost and time in services that require authentication on the one hand, and on the other hand, from on the other hand, the presence of a person is required through artificial intelligence and recognition technology do the face authentication and zero the reference photo of the citizen and in fact. a photo that is not very normal in the current conditions and the normal lighting conditions, i did not look at the camera, artificial intelligence engines can match these images together 10.2 minutes, the result has been confirmed, when the request was sent to the servers 10.10.1 minute means under 60 seconds, this smart image processing operation is done. now this electronic service booth is customized on the localized line. this kiosk can have fingerprint, facial recognition capabilities. thermal and
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even the types of display modules, the product portfolio is very complete for offline identity verification . the development of artificial intelligence technology in other products is one of the goals of this knowledge-based company. get the owners. one of the writers in the field of children and adolescents and deserving of praise is actually the childhood collection of namdaran, majid , i am profound. in the field of visionary techniques, a
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four-volume collection makes teenagers not become a doctor of engineering just to participate in the national entrance exam. in each of these books, 14 jobs are introduced. done 500 professors. mohaghegh and adib university examined 75 scientific groups in the sections of selected and worthy books. azam torei istan, i deserve to be commended in the context of this story of the children's book. ibrahim , i am praised. my work under the title of aquatic ration writing. more than 61,000 first edition books were reviewed for the 4th book of the year award, and in the final stage, 13 books were selected and 53 worthy works. the selected books were appreciated in the presence of the president last year when their awards were given and their books were introduced and the appreciation was done. the minister of culture and islamic guidance was also present at this ceremony new in the culture and art department. in
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the 7th development program that will start this year, we have approved almost 14 rare decrees for the field of culture there. 3497 book titles in the last 40 periods. it has been judged and 190 book titles have been selected in two pages and are worthy of recognition. most of the works selected in the 41 editions of the book of the year award of the islamic republic of iran are related to literature and children and adolescents. zainab soleimani news agency
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radio after america and france, the process of expelling german soldiers from niger also began. the german ministry of defense announced that following the failure of berlin's negotiations to extend the military presence in niger, the german army must hand over its base by the 10th of september. the german army has been using this base since 2013 as a support center for its troops in mali-niger. the new military council of niger took over last year by removing the western-oriented government. with the new government taking office in niger, the american and french soldiers were forced to leave the country completely . thank you very much for your support, god willing.
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we present the news to you at 2 o'clock from the same news network. and when and when we do not remember them with all the words of hatana al-muhaja and walhanah , khloa al-mukab, gharib, and it is difficult to separate al-habib. vanatf al-noor jana ashwa.
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you are watching the economy table with the topic of mining exploitation award and the challenges and opportunities facing mining exploitation and civil industry. here in our studio , mr. agha janlu, deputy managing director of iranian midro mines and civil industry development and modernization organization, i am here with them. we will also discuss mr. salfqari, the manager of measurement and productivity of the organization's production department, and this question what happened today in the conference and if you want to tell us very briefly and briefly which companies were awarded how many awards and why i would like to thank you. in the name
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of god, i offer my greetings and respect to your excellency , dear viewers, and also offer my condolences. today we had productivity in the field of mining and civil industry. this is the 10th conference that is held annually. this is a specialized conference in the field of mining and mineralization with other new productivity models that may not yet reach a stage where they are very economical, but it shows that this is the stage that the industry is in. can accept and method
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invest more or support the professors who work in the field of production in the fields of knowledge, even our own colleagues who work in the mining industry chain in productivity issues come here, there is a committee that evaluates annually and based on that , project people and companies should create improvement in their portfolio, whether in terms of macro indicators such as production , productivity of production factors and investment capital , or in indicators such as the types of fields of research and exploration, which may be possible now. this year, for example, these are in their financial indicators they did not see the severity, but it will come in the coming years, with
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the experience of these teams, they are specialized teams in the field , they will recognize that entering these fields of technology , entering these technologies, entering these projects can give a good improvement in the chain, anyway, what we do what we need to do in the area of ​​productivity in this area is that we first aim to eliminate the bottlenecks, identify and solve this challenge, work on added value, and then economic development comes in these three stages. all these will be checked according to these, maybe somewhere in the value of the project now consider it appropriate, but for the time being, spend the next 3 to 5 years and leave its impact on the main indicators of interest and that company, but in this model, these can be seen and evaluated. today, there are about 40 companies in
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various fields and individuals as well as candidates . there were 9 projects and the rest of the companies and individuals who are candidates for improving their productivity compared to previous years and being recognized. in the field of productivity , see what actions have been taken in the field of mining and mineral processing i told you that your service has worked in the field of reducing water consumption , some of them in the field of a series of technologies, for example, in the field of sponge iron production, well, the softness of the pellets is the softness of the
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sponge . they emphasize its increase, but what is our situation in the field of mining now? what can i say, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you, mr. doctor dear jando and viewers, my condolences for the days of our muharram month. the point is that the importance of the issue of the mining sector in the law
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of the 7th five-year development plan is very clearly stated and studied, especially the issues that are now, for example, in article 47 of the law or article 48 of the law of the development plan, for example in the subject of discussion is the production performance indicators in the mining sector, the targeting of this indicator or discussion. increasing extraction or development of railway infrastructure in the field of logistics in the mining sector or issues such as preventing the sale of raw materials, which is a very important issue in the mining sector yes, these are the issues that are mentioned in the law of the seventh plan. they are very basic issues in the field of productivity. look at productivity in the field of mining. in exchange for the institutions and resources that are being consumed, such as labor force and capital, we can increase this ratio as much as we can
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, so to speak, we are increasing the productivity , almost according to according to various statistics that are officially available in the country, we have seen a good growth and a positive trend in the field of interest from 2010 and from 2004 to 2014. we had the mining sector, that is, in the economic sector , there are nine economic sectors, one of which is the mining sector , this trend has been a positive and good trend. you say we have a mine. in the field of mining, only in the field of mining, we had a 7% growth in productivity, but now , for example, we had a growth in the 90s, or the number was 7, not the rate, the growth was 7 compared to previous periods, for example , in 1401, we had 12 shares of the productivity growth percentage of all factors. we had production, this growth was generally positive, but it fell in different years
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there have been various ups and downs, for example, in the year 1401 , there was a very significant growth in the field of utilization of all factors. look at the two components that he has put in the field, so to speak, the expenses in the field of welfare that we are comfortable with, one is in the field of employment growth and one is in the field of capital growth . let's try to find the root of various issues, for example, assume the growth of employment, the growth of productivity, the employment factor of time. for example, our employment level decreases, that is, the employment level or the growth level of our capital stock when it decreases it will be found that the productivity of that sector will increase, the output of that mining sector will be paid in exchange for the capital or labor that it has , this ratio will increase. we will have almost in 1401
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compared to the rest of the economic sectors, these two parameters , i.e. the economic growth component, capital growth and labor force growth, these two are completely incremental , we will have a very high growth because of what i said , that is, we are analyzing from this that we had a decrease in employment, the exit of the workforce from the sector we had a mine, or our capital stock has decreased in general and the way it is, now it needs a little more cleaning, which is my need , but we can't necessarily grow this way in 2014. let's consider it a positive growth, because capital has decreased, employment in that sector has decreased, the denominator of the multiple has decreased, and in your presence , we have lower productivity. if we consider the factors of production to be completely positive, if our domestic production has also increased, that is
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we have added value in our mining sector and the so-called output of our mineral products when they have increased. with their own growth , employment and capital, we can get a positive result from the positive trend, but in which year can we get a positive result from 84 to 1401, which you checked, in which year did such an event happen ? economic means, for example , in the ic sector, in the field of cash transportation, in our agricultural field , almost in the field of mining, the highest growth of employment and growth means the growth of labor productivity and growth. we had the capital, which was relative to those issues i said that it means that we had a higher labor force exit, so to speak, or rather, we had a reduction in the capital stock . thanks to mr. aghajan , if you want, mr. zulfiqari , point out a series of numbers and review them. now, from those of you who are inside and working inside
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, what do you see as the most important criteria in the field of increasing productivity and at which level do you see ourselves? if you see more improvement, i would like to thank you basically, the mining and mineral industry in our country has a very good potential. however , you know that these industries are mainly energy-intensive . a country that has both mines and energy reserves , we are one of the few countries in the world that have both. and this factor has caused that, well, this area has been noticed and grown, for example, these numbers, if you consider the growth of the steel industry in the chain. from the stage of concentrate, pellets, sponge iron, steel and even steel products, in the last 10 years, each
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of them had an annual growth of nearly 10%, sometimes above 10% or 9. i mean you can let's say the average is 10% and right now the steel industry is one of the industries that can fully achieve its 1404 goals. because now more than 5. as you, i am active in this field and i monitor the numbers. look, we have more than one billion tons of mining operations. we have 12 billion tons for this, we need a series of mining machines
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. our mining machines have not been updated for many years. line machines the production of these state machine is actually used by the general society. no, the production line needs it, but unfortunately we can't get the amount that our mines need. the next issue is in the field of mines . anyway, the discussion is important in your opinion. one of the first reasons you gave for reducing productivity and the low productivity in the field of mining and the civil industry says that the machines are not up-to-date. second , it is about automation. anyway, the world is moving towards self-driving machines. what is causing the energy consumption to decrease, production efficiency to increase? right now, in some of our mines, there is we have done a part of the automation, i don't want to say automation like, in fact
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, we have optimized the navigation a very simple amount, in fact , we can see that our energy consumption is greatly reduced. in one or two mines that were completed, the reduction in energy consumption is very significant, or we even had a 15% increase in production. what exactly did you do intelligently, see the movement of the trucks, from which part of the front , from which part, they can remove the stone. where do they actually deposit instead of actually? morning after morning, the driver should be told that it should be determined from this dump according to the conditions and traffic of the mine itself, that this dump truck should now go to a certain
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dump, that one has optimized this, and then the speed is optimized, anyway, the speed is determined there, you know the depreciation. these civil machines are high , tires are an important factor, the price is extremely high, and when they move at a controlled speed, the depreciation is low , we put all these together, we see that there is an improvement , a productivity is created, but i want this now. let me say that it is actually the initial stages of automation we want to take this to a higher level. well , since we don't have modern machines to do this, secondly, we need to be able to reach a general interaction with different departments, which is here anyway. there is a production line that needs to be operated. this is an issue that in the field of mining exploitation, considering the capacity that
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the country has created and has the potential to increase. exploration operation so that it can be turned into a mine, this is also a place that is really a single window of a time it was intended that it was never formed in such a way that there would be a single window and we would be able to advance the work in the field of mining. well, you mentioned the wear and tear of the machines and their lack of up-to-dateness. my colleagues in the mining group prepared a report on the same topic. agree, let's go and see together . let's go back. let me continue our conversation. most of the mines are in poor condition due to the lack of machines. even the volume of mining operations has decreased in the last year. we also have all kinds of stone and steel mines.
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the extraction of this volume of minerals depends on equipping the mines with all kinds of heavy and fresh mining machinery one of the main concerns of those who work in the mining industry is the constant wear and tear of these machines. when the machines wear out, this causes the speed of mining to decrease . more than half of them include 15,000 machines over 20 years old that need to be replaced. now, how to supply and replace machines from domestic production or foreign markets is one of the most important issues that mining operators are struggling with. let's go, we have to rely on local knowledge to have domestic scientific companies. on the one hand , domestic producers are concerned about buying guarantees. the
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production products and order registration are in accordance with the domestic capacity. last year, hebco field had orders for more than 35 different types of mining backhoe loaders and bulldozers. it alone does not meet the needs of the country. we expect that the minimum that can be produced in the country will be completed first, and then we will go to the import strategy of the ministry, but to solve this dilemma. maintaining a balance between the needs of miners and supporting domestic production. we told domestic producers that our duty is to support you, but there should be a percentage of competition and support
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for miners. the goal of the 1404 horizon is to produce 750 million tons of various minerals, which is the realization of the goals of the vision and the achievement of 13% growth. the seventh plan requires bread-making for the depreciating fleet and worn- out machinery. the point that mr. aghajanlou mentioned in this discussion is that the car is not up to date. as one of the factors of production is the decrease in productivity in the field of mining and civil industry, and how much this lag can damage the productivity that we are considering. the processing that takes place, the discussion of logistics and cash transportation is a very basic issue, which means that practically most of the costs incurred in the field of mining sector are in
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the field of transportation. now, whether it is the transportation of gold within a mine or the transportation of cash in the area of ​​transportation and that is the so-called transfer of minerals between mines or in the market and at the level of the economy. if we can increase the technology of the capital level in the field of equipment, it means that the technology of our equipment will increase. in other words, we can say that the productivity in the field of our capital will also increase, which means that we will have productivity growth in the field of capital. our capital stock increases. but no matter how much these are depreciated. those depreciation costs, maintenance repair costs, production line shutdown costs in the mining sector, the more these costs increase, it actually affects the decrease in efficiency and effectiveness in the mining sector, increasing the overall costs and finally coming productivity means the relationship between these in a linear fashion. no matter how much we spend
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, as i mentioned, a major part of this cost is the cost of logistics and transportation. how much these costs are due to various issues, such as the decrease in the efficiency of equipment and machinery , maintenance costs, and depreciation in the field of equipment.


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