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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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well, as much as we can raise that technology and the level of capital in the field of equipment, it means that the technology of our equipment will be higher. increases, but the more these are depreciated, the costs of depreciation, maintenance , repairs, and the costs of stopping the production lines in the mine field , the more these costs increase, it actually affects the decrease in efficiency and effectiveness in the mining sector. general expenses and finally the decrease in productivity means that there is a linear relationship between these things. let's say it like this. how much are our expenses? as i mentioned, a major part of this cost is the cost of logistics and moving and transportation . how much these expenses are due to different issues? due to the decrease in the efficiency of equipment and machinery, whether in terms of maintenance costs or
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depreciation in the field of equipment, these will cause our productivity to decrease. in the report, we saw the civil deputy of the ministry of poisons, mr. motsham said a lot in this program, we talked a lot about the challenges between machine manufacturers and their importers, the same issue you mentioned, if we want to go into more detail, where are we now in the discussion of machines, and now that we are almost at the end of the 13th government? let's see where this issue of modernization of the fleet of mining machines came to, yes , unfortunately, the modernization is not going well now, because anyway, if the modernization had been done well, we would have seen better conditions in the field of mining production, unfortunately, we have not been able to have that interaction yet. very suitable between domestic producers and needs
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if it has the industry, look at a country that becomes the seventh country in the world in terms of steel capacity , it can't continue to work with a 30-ton truck, so maybe a 130-ton truck might be too small for it, or you can see it in egypt now anyway. the country is on the verge of a leap in the field of egypt , fortunately, very good discoveries. we had a very good reserve of 20 billion tons of egypt's reserves with a content of about 54 million tons. it is necessary that the current capacity of egypt should be tripled . if we want to bring a mineral out , it is not possible at all, so i want to say that we are still stuck in this circle. that domestic production and supplying these
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two together, or sometimes supply from outside , causes domestic production to suffer, or domestic production causes problems in the supply of production line equipment . let's work more and our domestic companies, god willing, should be able to, which means we should help. manufacturers should be helped by the government to provide value, so they can compete with the big companies in the field. to have a partnership, to be able to solve all kinds of large-scale problems, and really, a country that has potential now has a ready sector, wants to jump with the machines of 20 years ago, it cannot do them 30 years ago. let's find ravgan in the field of cars
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. now our fleet is very worn out, it is more than 15 years old, in fact it is 15 to 20 years old. now the world does not use it for more than 5 years. it means that it has been 5 years. more than 15 years, how much of the fleet we have in the field of cars is now worn out and needs to be replaced or should it be repaired or see an assessment was done , we are in a 5-year plan, something in the billions of dollars in this area should be the minimum that we have to spend , whether in the form of domestic production or in the form of supply , consider something like linear yearly , for example, about 400 we have to spend up to 500 million dollars in this area to allow the machines to be produced or we can import them . so that our production line in the field of mining
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is not interrupted, how much of this 5-year program to replace worn-out machinery during mining was done? how much of that capital is our production capacity? if it decreases, the first thing is the issue of supply, where the provision of this appropriate supply width is now one of the concerns, that is, outside the scope of the position, sometimes decisions will be made, but this currency and that view are actually specialized in the production of some places, so now it is probably a concern. there are others like me. they don't know that providing it will make us unable to reach our goals. if there is something that i will explain later, you can't tell us the number . you said that it is 400,500 million dollars a year. how much was achieved? now i can ask you the exact number. thank you very much for your service, sir
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zulfiqari, we are generally in the field of creating added value in the field of mining, as much as mr. john mentioned , we can increase this added value, naturally, we can see that our productivity has increased, how much were we able to increase the added value in that field. almost in the field of foreign exchange, profit and loss, in the discussion of mining , our trend has been a positive trend. in general, there has been a good trend in the country from 2004 to 2001, and now the statistics are very clear and reliable . its width is about 34 mm. face in the field of mining and mineral products and years like 1995, 1997 and 1400, this growth was actually negative, that is , we had a negative growth in our added value during these different years, but in general, the trend that shows in addition to that
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, the mining sector as a whole is very important, and the issue of domestic production, which we had in 1401 , is the largest share of this, which means that the level of employment in the mining sector has decreased, which means that the cost of labor is lower. more production has taken place, which means
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that this is the ratio of the added value to the ratio of the input that we are talking about in the field of labor in stable conditions, it means when we say in stable conditions that suppose our decayed throne is in a stable state, we consider the gp discussion to be a specific and stable number, when the level of employment decreases, practically the productivity of our workforce it increases, or for example, we increase our stock of material capital, which actually increases , the productivity of our capital increases. our unique factors will include me. i told him how much his share is now based on that the mining sector is considered in the field of capital and how much in the field of labor, this determines the productivity of all
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production factors. now, where is it placed and how much does it need to improve? we talked about this issue in various programs of the economic desk , for example, we had a program about the mineral bottles that are currently in the world, they are using them , they are optimizing their use, we are still very we are far from that desired position, i can tell you that well, one of the important parts is that we have to move towards new technology. i told you that one of the issues of productivity is added value. many times , added value comes from this place . new technologies are actually studying waste, working and converting it. they to the product. our country is in the field of steel and domestic, in other words, we are a country of a lot of basic metals . well, we are export-oriented. in order to be export-oriented
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, we must be able to develop our market . the next few years are likely to tax. a lot of products are actually put up it is not too much and not too little, that we should go to the industry to reduce the bottle from now on. bring down the energy queue or use other energy carriers. for example, in the production of fola , the world is moving towards hydrogen. what is hydrogen like? instead of being consumed, do the resuscitation. q2 should be removed. it actually takes oxygen from the iron ore and leaves it as hash, in other words, it is a completely environmental work. but where does this hydrogen come from?
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it is an extremely big task to provide it, how economical it can be, and how well it can be compatible with our production line actually, some parts of it have started, but we really need to work more seriously on these things, because if we don't work in 5 years, 10 years from now, we will have to close down some parts ourselves, because of the big numbers in our exports due to the carbon tax. they will be. and all our companies are forced to compete only in the domestic market, so now we have 30-32 million tons of steel production, less than 20 million tons of our domestic consumption, and the rest is exports of this number . suppose we can increase the productivity to nearly 505. million tons, if we produce 50 million tons, we will produce 45 million tons, so show me it means that our exports will increase, this export will be more. if it faces a problem like the carbon tax problem, then it will slowly decrease and all
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the attention will be focused on domestic consumption, and this is where the industry will fall apart . if we want to use these technologies, let's get closer to the russian standards of the world, how much should we invest in the field of mining and mineral industry, see that we have to be up to date. let's pay attention and see the timeliness of these projects, many times the original before it let's see if we are up-to-date with the international standards of the countries that have mines like us, are they using this capacity , considering that the dominant energy in our industry is gas energy, and the world has used coal in this sense. i can say that we are 40% ahead of the rest of the world. but this should not make us feel that because we are ahead now, we will not have problems in the future.
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the world is rapidly replacing coal, partly with gas, partly with hydrogen and other carriers that can do this, and a the situation is completely environmentally green if we don't focus on this area from now on. our company, our home ministry, imidra organization, if we don't focus, it may be really late in 5 years, 10 years. at that time, we will have to shut down many of these industries by ourselves. well , see how much money is needed for this investment . investing at the beginning is very much like an exploration operation. when you were doing mine exploration , the number is very small compared to the value of the mine. but the risk is very high. it is possible to discover two or three anomalies out of every 100 at a time. you will get a mine from it, you are exploring 97 places , and in the end you will not reach an economic reserve
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, this is the same here, at the beginning, we may feel that a big number is being spent, but this is really a small number compared to the number that will be needed in the future. and this is where applied research makes sense here, and companies , organizations, even government laws should support it here. in my opinion, we should exempt companies from taxes in some places. go and work on them. you mention and how much of what you say has been done so far, how much will we focus on these areas and see if we have done the work? the industry in this field is the mining industry , we formed a think tank , we invited all the big names of the steel industry in the private sector to come
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to us for projects that can be done in this field, whether university professors , industrial fields or engineering companies, and imidra is also trying to finance it. do how much work has been done so far in numbers actually, on the issue of green steel, if we want to move forward , the first step may need almost one effort. if it is invested , it means something like, maybe i want to calculate it in dollars , 15 to 20 million dollars at the beginning of the work, many companies may not go ahead and worry and say, well, the numbers are correct , but this number is equivalent to an engineering of a big project of ours. you see, i've been wanting this for 3 years , i think it's been more than 3 years that all these companies have come , the routes have been determined, from which routes we can provide them, so how much output has it had so far, for example, if we want to name riyal
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if you want to rial, you see that the number of rial is not significant yet, but it is on the threshold. the decision to launch the green steel pilot, this pilot will be a large number to be used in the field of other hydrogen carriers. anyway, the professors of our university should study thermodynamics, kinetics of reactions, and research whether this furnace is the same. our current ones can be the answer, how many changes should be made, all this will be determined there, how much investment we want in the future. the point is that we cannot depend on others in this field because we ourselves first became one of the leading countries. fortunately , in this field , we have the technology in the field of iron measurement . we do not have any problems in the pellet concentrate sector. fortunately, domestic companies were also able to enter. therefore, we can almost
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say that the chain is a localized problem in terms of knowledge. that's why we should talk more about this issue. or have any advice, let 's check the challenges and opportunities, what do you call it, you see me. if i want to name two of the basic challenges in the field of mining, in the field of productivity of the mining sector, there are two basic issues, one of which is a discussion of increased breadth in the field. there is mining, and one of them is the high costs , the added value of that type, well, for a while, the discussion of raw materials was high, the discussion of the conversion industry was low, and i think that now we are still
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hoping for a point that is very important in the ministry and in the company. and one of the concerns of the ministry is to expand the discussion of the conversion industry in the mining sector, that is , practically, since the discussion of exploration and extraction is carried out, those minerals with different conversions and different processing, which are actually in a way that value chain and that industrial chain of value chain increases as much as the added value in the field of mining and so on mineral products are definitely going up, so this is one of those challenges and in my opinion, it is one of the weaknesses that we have in the mining sector now, which makes the increase in our total mineral limited is not very high compared to many different sectors. another point is the discussion of costs. considering many of the issues that mr. doctor has said, whether in the field of equipment and machinery or in the field of investment, we mean that if a good investment happens in the sand sector, we
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can talk about technology in the field of industry in the field of equipment. and machinery in the field. those processes if there is a growth in the country, the costs will definitely decrease accordingly, that is, the costs will decrease so that the productivity in the industry will be very low. i will give an example. energy in mines, now i can say that our study was in the field of gold, for example , the zarshouran gold mine or other gold mines that we were investigating this process. well, the energy costs in these mining sectors are very high, which means i think we can do a little bit. now there is a macro view that investment should happen on a macro level in the country there is also a part at the level of that mine and that mining complex, no matter how much they can manage the cost of the equipment and the energy costs
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, they should do the right energy management, which can be related to environmental issues as well. that is , they can focus on a number of different aspects. well, no matter how much these energy costs are reduced, naturally , we can increase productivity on the subject. now regarding the question you asked, see two issues in our productivity organization. in the field of departments or currently, different classes are being investigated, one department it is an economic and macro-sector, and at the macro-level of the mining sector, its productivity is measured with those components that exist in the country. another area of ​​discussion is the agency itself, that is, we, at the level of the ministry and at the level of the state-owned companies , are measuring the productivity of the organization, which is not working according to that. various reports and reports are being published. the reports are completely statistical and based on those statistics, there are effective efficiency statistics and productivity issues for the civil complexes and
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government companies that we are talking about now because it is in the field of mining. given to the company well, the companies themselves can say by analyzing it and see in which subjects we are in the field of employment, in the field of investment, in the field of growth . in which of these issues can we use our capital better, in addition, how much can we increase the added value in this matter, so far the productivity organization, maybe now through the 13th government and the martyr raisi government before, but now i have less information, but as far as possible i know, and now the studies show that maybe this issue is discussed in analytical studies, and now what are the causes , so we can find less information. process and those missions that were in the productivity organization in the last two or three years have gone to the point where we can actually reach the executive bodies, the ministry of home affairs, government companies, and
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the provinces as well. let's help by considering the factors of productivity and the statistics and numbers that exist , and tell us in which subjects you can get more input , have you done this for mining? now , the issue of innovative productivity projects has been raised, which received help. obtaining from knowledge-based companies and the field of productivity elite experts who can help the companies themselves in this field. do it very well, doctor, in your order , you mention this and this very important issue that if we can, in the field of mines, in a very specific and detailed manner, in the area of ​​arsh, the increased costs of investment, elite experts can be used in this matter, investment. in a purposeful and well-planned way, according to the status of the 7th five-year plan, which has been announced , there will be very good developments, and mr. agha janlu , we don't have more time for about two or three minutes
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. my last question for you is an election question. but about the fourteenth government what suggestions can you give to the president ? i invite you to the presence of the 14th government, mr. medzikian, and the cabinet that i am accompanying him, the minister of the position that he should take into account that the electricity of the steel industry is maybe less than 5% of the country's electricity. the gas used in the steel industry and the mining industry is even less than 3 to 4. the water
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used in this industry is less than 30% of the country's annual consumption. but why do we put these industries as a priority to reduce consumption and make us unable to reach its goals every year? this year is the year of production leap. the supreme leader's position is to give this order and the approval of the government board, that's all the full production of steel in the country should reach 40 million . the fact is that with the current conditions in the electricity supply, i am very worried that we will not reach these numbers. now, we can have the production of the previous year. this is what i want from the new government. put productivity as one of the main patterns. anyway, we have an industry. where will we have the most productivity, that is, an expert's view, which , as mr. dr. mezikian himself said , should be based on an expert's view, come and see where we have the most productivity. productivity may be a blessing.
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financially, you can tell me if my employment is a part of the productivity in added value or not. in some places, according to mr. zulfiqari's order, in some places, there is a question for me. selling raw materials is not necessarily a bad phenomenon. we see a number of large countries in the world. advanced and industrial, they are exporting iron ore, they are exporting crude oil , and now our country is becoming a competitor in the oil field. inshallah, let's put together a model suitable for bachelor's degree let's get the profit for the country, that is, my goal is just for example, the mining chain, the mining industry, i say that i should only export gas, in any way , it's better, it's fine, they should calculate the capital that
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has been invested, the employment that has been created. let's put this aside. yes, we should export gas, but the fact is that i feel that in some places , our figures are still not accurate and expert. unfortunately , expert decisions can be made based on that . anyway, all the people of our country are showing you different things. with the help of our country, as much as we can, we can produce more, export more, offer more, finally we will have more prosperity for our people and this. electricity and gas are in such a way that maybe now it creates a welfare in the domestic discussion, but unfortunately, 3 months later with inflation and the lack of currency shortage , it actually takes this welfare away from the people's hearts and makes them a little depressed and upset. i would like to say that, god willing, we in the new government will be able to verify these numbers, thank you sir.
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as much as we can increase this , it can definitely create a much greater growth in the economic contribution of the mining sector in our economy . well, this is a point that many of us until now, mining was perhaps less , the raw materials that we have in the country are too much, we were really leading in this matter compared to many countries, but in the area of ​​the share of added value , much more work should definitely be done. thank
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you very much, mr. zulfiqari. mr. agha janlu, all the good viewers of the economy desk who have watched us until this moment, we discussed the opportunities and challenges of productivity in the field of mining and mineral industry , thank you very much for staying with us until the end of this conversation, god bless you ali sworn shoes with the same quality. similar products
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