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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 2:30am-3:01am IRST

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actually, i think that this possibility has decreased a lot because anyway, the events that actually lead to violence are mostly formed from the slums. he won in this election, he actually has a popular base in those places, now maybe they will read adventures or anything else, but
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he actually imagined the above, thank you, and the final question is an interesting thing that happened. french colonies and territories in the world events held in new caledonia is one of france's territories in the pacific ocean, and in recent months there were independence protests, and the french were forced to send military forces from france there , and it's similar there now. the military government has won the election, whose father was an independence seeker for the first time since 1986, and who was assassinated in 1989. his brother was also imprisoned by the colonial government there in this year's protests . what do you think about this election of the people of new caledonia? now, before i actually answer your question, let me tell you
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that the elections to the french parliament have not yet ended because we still have territories such as french guiana in south america and it has not yet been closed, i want to say that you said that the territories that are actually colonial and such are still in south america the elections are not over in france. let's go back to your question . in fact, i think this is very good news for independence seekers. or because up until now, there were people who were actually present in this constituency and in the french national assembly, and precisely in the first term, one of the same in fact, the loyalists, he had voted loyally to france, in fact, a land, and he was the one who, in fact, this bill, in fact, did the reform that was supposed to be done, and so on.
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french expert.
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the fire of insults and distortion of the opponent will not be true, and now the second case after the united states and france, the process of expelling german soldiers from niger has also started, the ministry said.
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germany has announced that following the failure of the berlin negotiations to extend the military presence in niger, the german army must hand over its base by the 10th of september . it was a year ago that america and its european allies, including france and germany, set foot in niger they had announced their goal to prevent armed people from attacking the people. after a few years, they established a military base in niger. in these years, the mission of the military bases based in niger was espionage and air and drone operations in north africa and the coastal region of aj. it had become the bride of the beach for the westerners. first america came here and hit three military bases. then france and germany. france hit two military bases. all this means that they wanted to have a stronger foothold in niger. niger is one of america's main levers to dominate oil, energy and uranium resources in africa and far away
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it was to kill other competitors. in 2022, a quarter of niger's uranium was sent to europe to be used in nuclear power plants. france has invested heavily in niger's uranium and has been looking for new uranium mines for the past years. after 12 years , the same thing happened in mali and burkina faso, with successive popular protests and the coming to power of the opponents of western colonialism. the new heads of the alliance of littoral countries built on the expulsion of colonialists in the 21st century. it was the end of march last year. that the spokesman of niger's ruling military council announced the unilateral cancellation of the military cooperation agreement with washington he demanded the withdrawal of american troops from this country . ali lamine zain, the prime minister of niger , said in an exclusive interview with the american newspaper washington post:
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"american soldiers were present in our territory, but when the terrorists killed people and burned the cities, they stood by." this not friendship we have already seen how the americans act when they want to defend their allies like ukraine and the zionist regime. before the americans, the french had withdrawn their troops from the country with the niger deadline. now the process of expelling german soldiers has begun done the german ministry of defense has announced that the country's army will hand over its air base in niger to the country's authorities in two months. hosseini , we are experts in african issues , let's talk about the withdrawal of german troops from niger, mr. hosseini, until last year
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, hardly anyone knew that there is a country called niger in africa, besides the famous country of nigeria, but it seems that these colonialists, the french , the americans, the germans for a long time they knew there before and the french had a military base there. i remember that they had been there for about 120 years. what drew them to niger? as you said, this country has already been colonized by western countries , especially france, although it declared independence in 1960, but in practice it was still colonized by a new type of western countries. because of the huge uranium resources that this country has, in order to benefit from these resources for their own nuclear energy, the western countries tried to somehow keep this country dependent on them, and therefore one of
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their solutions is to establish a military base and the presence of their soldiers in this was the country that continued until last year, but since last year according to the public protests of the people of these countries against the presence of western military forces in their country changed the government in this country and a people's government came to power which was against the presence of these western and colonialist forces and it can be said that these countries have gained practical and original independence since last year. 20 24 20 23 a.d. the first acquisition of the french military from this country was from this decolonization process. how is progress in niger during this time? from the beginning when the new government came to work in the country of niger, first the french soldiers were expelled from this country as the main colony of the main colonizer of this country and after the ambassador of this country, i.e. the ambassador of france
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, was expelled from niger. after that, the americans tried to maintain relations with this country in order to continue their colonization, but in march of last year, niger was also expelled. it cut its one-sided relations with the united states, american soldiers were also forced to leave the country, and recently, as announced by the german ministry of defense. he said that the german forces will leave the territory of niger in the next two months, so it can be said that this country has achieved real independence , as you mentioned at the beginning of your speech. maybe few people knew this country by this name until now, and maybe nigeria was more famous than this country, but it is interesting to know that nigeria took its original name from the country of niger and the niger river, which originates in this country, and now it is considered as one of the most important countries in west africa due to these political developments. thank you, and
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the final question, yesterday, 3 african countries, mali , burkina faso and niger, formed a joint anti -imperialist pact to form a three-way alliance . the economy of west african countries, whose short name is ecobus. the country sanctioned niger and after that threatened and sanctioned the neighboring countries of niger, mesli and burkina faso, when popular governments came to power, these three countries supported niger in this embargo and because they were under pressure from the countries the economic community of west africa , kwasan , announced their withdrawal from this union in a preemptive action and announced the existence of a new union yesterday. proposing itself as a kind of replacement for the former membership of these countries
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in ecobus and it is expected in the future considering the independence of these countries , other neighboring countries like chad and gabon should also join this union and be the opposite of western colonialism for their independence as much as possible, mr. hosseini. thank you for your explanation . moscow officials announced that new defense agreements between india and russia will be signed during the two-day visit of indian prime minister narendra modi to moscow. one of these contracts is the production of special missiles for indian army tanks similar to the mango missiles that russia will produce. niger, mali and burkina faso are the three countries of the sahel region in africa they rejected the return to the economic bloc of west africa, ecowas. these three west african countries
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signed a treaty in this regard. from 2020 to 2023 , western governments were ousted by popular protests in niger, mali and burkina faso. the new governments of these three countries severed their military and diplomatic relations with western powers and ecowas, which is dependent on the west. shenzhen university research group. china says it has developed a precise and sensitive hunter to trap cancer de. detection of genetic mutations in tumor dna circulating in the body has long been an important challenge in cancer diagnosis have been. and now our third and final case, the head of the central bank announced the first monetary agreement between iran and russia and said that for the implementation of this agreement, actions must
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be taken by the two countries. let's work with our locals . the two countries have taken steps to implement this agreement and provide the necessary infrastructure. actions on our side actions that must be done in the currency and gold exchange center with the opening of the board. offshore rials or cross-border rials . connecting the kartimir network of russia to the network the acceleration of iran from the first week of september is one of the clauses of this agreement. in addition , iranian cards can be used in atms in russia . this plan or project has three stages. the second step is that russian cards can be used in iran. the third step is to draw cards. and our accelerated cards
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can also be used in the so-called network in their store acceptors. with this agreement, the exchanges of the two countries with local currencies will be facilitated and the risk of conversion costs for iranian businessmen will be reduced . rizvan basfa, radio and television news agency. to further review of this agreement. bilateral between iran and russia , we are hosting mr. mohsen karimi, international vice president of the central bank, mr. karimi, what actions have been taken with russia, the outcome of yesterday's talks , mr. farzin, and the announcement of this bilateral agreement has been paid in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello, i am at your service. the mutual and joint measures taken by the central banks of iran and russia started from almost the beginning of the 13th government, and by the grace of god, at the end of the 13th government, four
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important and strategic measures were on the agenda of the central banks of the two countries. his action already atla the banks of the two countries had established brokerage relations with the national currency, the commercial banks and the banking messenger infrastructures of the two countries, both sepam and spfs, well, they were connected last year, so all iranian banks are connected to all banks. russians have the possibility of exchanging standard banking messages from e-hawala banki bervat and other standard banking messages, but this means that these two complete stages have been achieved . and these two rails that were laid, two other important actions should have been finalized establishing an understanding or actually signing a monetary agreement between the two countries, and another step is card payments for travelers, and these two steps have been finalized by god's grace, and god willing, from the coming weeks, and the card step, god willing, from
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the end of the month. inshaallah, it will be finalized in august and it will be operational, that is, iran. russians in russia and russians in iran can use their country's bank cards both in atms and pos machines. yes, yes. now , what economic consequences can this have for us, especially in this situation of embargo? before i discuss the card payment issue , i will first explain the monetary agreement to you. the monetary agreement concluded by the central bank is actually a type of liquidity reserve line between the two countries. it is a very common term, you know that maybe about a decade or a decade and a half ago , swab currency contracts were common among the central banks of countries, which is an approach for the dollar, an approach to reduce the vulnerability of the risks of sanctions by the americans. in fact, it is an unsanctioned action. we have a series of sanctions-breaking actions, but this action is of the type
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it is non-sanctionable, which means that it makes non-sanctionable a country that uses its own national currency in agreement with the central bank. that is, one day if we wanted to trade with russia , we would have to use a third of the dollar, and that man would be sanctioned. the definition that is defined between two other countries is yes. see, because you have entered the topic now , i will explain more. you see, all countries in the past, in the last six to seven decades, worked with dollars , and in the last two or three decades, they also worked with euros. he came and countries used to pay for themselves with the euro dollar , but since the past decade, when the countries of independent countries have turned away from the euro dollar, they have come to use their own national currencies, so the national currencies of countries are risky. there are no risk hedging tools for these. in an innovative approach, the central banks started to sign swap contracts with each other and
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cover the risk of their national currencies for each other . well, iran, which is a sanctioned country, should enter through the first route. this space and environment was operational well, by god's grace, this approach was adopted in the last two or three years, the central bank of russia's economy is a big economy in the region, and iran's economy, in the same way, we entered into a monetary agreement . the important thing is that when we say that we should go to the national currencies, it was imagined in the past decade. let's work , no, with this model, we are looking for other countries to work with our national currency and we with their national currency, which means that our imports are with money. their nationalization is done and they also do their imports with our national currency, or in other words, our exports are done with our own national currency, and their exports with their own national currency were done with euro dollars, yes
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, they were also done with euro dollars, but they were done with rubles , but this transaction was never done in rial . now, with this monetary agreement, the central bank of russia is involved. if he takes a position in rial , he will take a very high position in his rial account with us, and we will provide him with a risk hedge, even though he is a hedge for us. it takes risk and therefore we use our money without risk merchants will use this. now, when this infrastructure is in place, merchants will no longer need dollars and euros. we have a special privilege for the rials that our exporters earn here. we call them overseas rials . and gold, as the head of clarification there at the rate. horizontally convert it to normal rial, and therefore an export incentive for exporters to russia is provided in this way , and the same line is then used for card payments between the two countries because these card payments are also made. iranians are all citizens of our country
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depriving it of having it. now see how this joint network between iran and russia works . as i said in the issue of the monetary agreement , this was an innovative approach . if their card is processed in another country, they will put themselves in the master visa scheme, and therefore they can process their card all over the world . well, when master visa and other western schemes embargo countries, including iran? we have to sit hand in hand let me tell you that some of the independent countries in the world that have an advanced electronic banking industry, including iran , have their own independent and native card payment network . they also use master visa's infrastructure for their cross-border communications. we, being one of the oldest countries
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, have an independent credit card payment network that has been serving for more than 20 years. the age of our network is less , which means we are ahead of the curve even for this reason we connected these two networks together without using master visa, which means that we violated our own standards. now, in this plan, an iranian can go and shop in russia with his shatab card. it means that we do not issue new cards with the same cards of our own bank network, but definitely, for example, our citizens and russian citizens no longer needed to ask for euros and dollars for travel. if you remember , it has been more than a decade that the central bank always a traveler gives a dollar bill and that means after this we are moving towards the fact that through
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their own bank cards, the same share of their own currency will go to khuddaz russia as much as their share of currency, they will be able to receive money there , rials will be deducted from their account. let me tell you that this is a big project it is not going to happen all at once from the first of september, since it has been implemented for 2 years now , and after the end of this year , russian cards will be processed in atms in iranian store acceptors, because our atms do not have very large scans. after the end of the year this year we enter the third phase. that when iranian cards are paid for in russian store acceptors, therefore, from the beginning of september, you will not be able to buy in stores with hashat card . in russia, you can receive cash at atms
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instead of queuing here, i don't know, there are thousands of problems. does anyone go to that country, does he not go to that country, but why is he canceling it? he wants to abuse the possibility that the central bank provides, it doesn't exist here anymore. anyone who enters that country has two positive aspects, one as you said, one method. the second financial exchange is unsanctioned a pressure and a burden will be removed from the system that we have , the currency that we have in the country, and our currency reserves will be removed. now this can be done with other countries. you can definitely see why we went with an advanced country that has something to say for itself. right now , i think 11 or 12 satellite countries are connected to the miri network of russia, which means that this russian miri network, although it was created later than us, but in terms of its connection with the countries in its satellite area, we have gone ahead of us. we established communication with this core so that we can immediately communicate with these satellites we want to be connected, that means we can immediately after this promise that
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the shatab network of iran will be connected to 10 11 other countries in a very short period of time. this network is connected, but in addition, we use this model to interact with countries with which we have very high social expectations, such as iraq and afghanistan. we put the province on the agenda as well. you know that millions of iranians, afghans , millions of iranians or iraqis are traveling between the two countries, and therefore this pattern, god willing. it can be useful there, especially since the countries i mentioned do not have an electronic banking industry, and we can transfer technology to them and help the two countries progress. the second stage of the weapon.
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vale, vale, però fort fins a baix, i les mans quasi toquin al terra, quan facis l'estravada i amb ajo, we are reaching the end of the world today, good night, god bless you.
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3:00 am
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