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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 9:00am-9:30am IRST

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dear ones, it is located along with a dedicated parking space, suitable for shopping all week long , in the first largest city of home appliances after azadi square, facing tehran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and the family of muhammad and their speedy death. hello, dear viewers , i am at your service with the 9 o'clock news. the head of the program and budget organization said that this year 250 thousand billion tomans of financial bonds have been allocated to finance construction projects. mr. manzoor added that with the participation and help of the private sector in the sale of these bonds , all the resources obtained from it can be used for construction projects, especially projects in the first half of this year.
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now the injection is over. the head of the planning and budget organization also said that this year 400 thousand billion tomans of construction credits have been allocated in the budget law, and with the full allocation of these credits, a suitable leap will be made in the country's construction sector with the aim of realizing the slogan of the year. advisor to the general director of trade development organization. iran's exports to iraq reported. mr. pilton said: in the first 3 months of this year, iran's exports to iraq reached about 3 billion dollars with an increase of about 27% compared to the same period last year. according to mr. pilton, during this period , iran's most important export items to iraq include natural gas, iron bars, etc it has been steel and iron and steel ingots. previously, mr. rezvani far, the head of customs. the foreign trade
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of the islamic republic of iran with iraq, i.e., the collection of imports and exports, in the first quarter of this year , may god bless ali muhammad and the family of muhammad with the unveiling of the verses of the first decade of muharram. verses really in their lives in fact. kari and jari meishe, the national life movement with verses is performed with aba abdullah in the funeral processions and gatherings. we tried to make the most of the muharram occasion to make the groups more quranic let's take pulpits. when a speaker wants to speak, hold the quran in his hand and speak. 10 verses from the holy quran, especially for the month of muharram, in the books titled resistance, progress and universal love.
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the recitation that is done after the explanation of the verses is included , so that our general audience, who usually does not fully understand the final meaning of the words , can more accurately benefit from the miraculous words of god almighty . peace be upon him , they recited it along the way from madinah to karbala, and during the month of muharram , husayni mourners recited it with the interpretation and meanings of this verses become familiar. imam aqibt spoke and said: have you not read this verse, which says: wherever you are, even in fortified palaces, death will come, and haven't you heard that god says, if you were in your homes too, those whose destiny is to be killed, to kill themselves. they came out in a time frame, when
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quranic concepts for a few years, god willing, we will stand on our feet and actually insist that these concepts are conveyed to the audience in the language of the people with an artistic atmosphere and a favorable atmosphere . amiri lived there let's live with verses, sed and cima news agency. in a new crime in the gaza strip, three captives were shot while their hands were tied. according to the reports, these three people were directly targeted and killed near the karam abu salem crossing in the south of the gaza strip moments after their release. according to local sources, these martyrs were workers who were arrested a few days ago. last week, the paths were freed when palestinians
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reported the dire situation and the torture and persecution of prisoners in the prisons of the communist regime. but with the announcement of the french ministry of interior, the new front coalition by winning 182 seats in the parliament, the people came first in the country's national elections, the coalition towards the republic headed by emmanuel macron and the national community party affiliated with margen le pen came in second and third by winning 163 and 143 seats, respectively. the basis of none of the coalitions . they won't get an absolute majority of votes and a coalition government should be formed in france. jordan bardella, head of the french national consensus party , reacted sharply to the election results by verbally attacking the french president and said: the national consensus party
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will increase its activities against the government. parliament the representatives of france have 577 seats. photocius published documents of biden's behind-the-scenes leadership of ceremonies and events. according to the images published by the axios news site, biden's assistants use large letters and pictures to guide the president of the united states in events that show his exact path to the podium . in one of these pictures, which was placed from the space of the lecture hall, the location of the podium is marked in bold letters so that biden does not lose his way. after the debate between biden and trump, a number of representatives of the us congress called for biden's resignation have been elected the us presidential election
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is being held while biden is under pressure to step down due to his old age and obvious physical disability, and on the other hand, the accusation case against his son, and donald trump is still struggling with the convictions of his presidency. he does. unprecedented heat in the western united states, in addition to extensive forest fires, and hot and exhausting summers have been recorded in these areas. due to heat stroke of a child in the state. has lost his life. about 130 million residents of the western states of america are affected by this heat. 57 millions of inhabitants of these ashdar regions are receiving unprecedented heat. the temperature is expected
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to reach 53 degrees in california today, the ministry of defense of germany announced. kurds will withdraw all their troops in niger within the next two months . earlier, the united states and france withdrew their troops from niger by the deadline. it was 12 years ago that america and its european allies , including france and germany, set foot in niger. they had announced their goal to prevent armed people from attacking the people. a military base in niger after a few years. in these years, the mission of the base the military based in niger was spying and air and drone operations in north africa and sahel aj region. niger had become the bride of the coast for westerners. first america came here and hit three military bases, then
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france and germany. france hit two military bases. all this means that they wanted to have a stronger foothold in niger. niger was one of america's main levers to dominate africa's oil, energy and uranium resources and keep other competitors away. in 2021, a quarter of niger's uranium was sent to europe to be used in nuclear power plants. france is investing heavily in uranium niger and has been looking for new uranium mines for the past years. after 12 years, now with successive popular protests and the coming to power of the opponents of the colonialism of the west, turn back the sheet. the same thing happened in mali and burkina faso. the new heads of the alliance of littoral countries built on the expulsion of colonialists in the 21st century. it was at the end of march last year that the spokesman of niger's ruling military council
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announced the unilateral cancellation of the military cooperation agreement with washington and demanded the withdrawal of american troops from this country. niger prime minister ali lamine zain in an interview. exclusively with the american newspaper the washington post said: american soldiers were present on our soil, but when terrorists killed people and burned cities, they were hand in hand. they put this is not a sign of friendship. we have already seen how the americans act when they want to defend their allies like ukraine and the zionist regime. before the americans, the french hastily withdrew their troops from niger. now the process of expelling german soldiers has begun. the german ministry of defense has announced that the country's army will hand over its airbase in niger to the country's authorities in two months delivered by sanazo kahini of sed and sima news agency
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, we left for padennan area. in the south of semiram city, here is the district administration of padnaz district at 5:00 a.m., the distribution point of cash funds, cash funds are prepared from here and go to the branches . there are different behind the scenes, it has its own difficulties . well, it should be in a way, i have not missed any item, the special ballot boxes, the items that you need. use in the branch to prepare. together with the executive supervision agents, it is accompanied by the seiver village fund
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shim to the branch. we passed the winding roads to visit the village of siver on the slopes of mount dana. saadi school was our polling station. in the name of god . branch agents prepared for a busy day. now the fund is completely ready with plume. which was approved by the executive supervision, which was approved by 8 votes, and god willing, we are ready to cast the first vote . god willing, while you have the first vote, we are very happy. finally, for our country, for our nation, voting has begun in this branch with the presence of the representatives of the two electoral rivals. i am the representative of dr. jalili in this branch, no, no as a representative of the medical doctor, i am in the seiver branch. it is early in the morning. and the line you see are the good people of siver village. since my leader
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ordered us to participate in the elections, i will participate. we are proud, god willing, that someone will take a weapon, god willing. whoever aches for this country, for the islamic republic and his heart, may god take him away. the people of seiver days have always been at work since the beginning of the revolution until now. monitoring was also done while doing the work . alhamdulillah, the first phase election without anything. all doubts and violations were left behind, and no complaints or objections were received from any volunteer we didn't arrive. supervisor of your supervisory board, what is your job? i am a gas officer in the village, a gas officer and the elections are going on . i am ready to serve everywhere. so far , the situation has been very good and good
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. what is your main job? our main job is agricultural work . what is your reputation here now? yes , i have a fermon representative. yes, it's morning now 6, when we went to work and it was our water turn, until now we have to go somewhere else again, our water turn is until 12 midnight. are you together? no, we were picking apples. yes, you were picking apples. yes, now we have come to vote. i am dr. jalileh, and i am really satisfied with the action that people have taken. the situation was very good, it was the final moments of voting and coordination with the election headquarters, while wishing god strength to all of you and thanking you for your hard work considering that it was the end of the hour. the voting contract is also announced with name and memory god and god willing
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, start your final planning with the code or hossein bin ali, so that my dear friend, the representative of the doctor, the medical doctor, and the representative of dr. jalili are also present today , come and pray so that, god willing, we will count the votes there, and in the name of god, the most merciful, the most merciful, i hope you count the votes. in total, we received the number of used ballots 425 to the number of unspent ballots 20 and 75 to the number of ballots in the box 425 to the final stage which is
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the end of the vote and the count is complete, which is the city of semirom with 120 villages and settlements at a distance of 160 kilometers. it is located south of isfahan. cash desk number 12 is one of the 76 special ballot boxes of semirom city, counting and ballot boxes are sent to the election headquarters of semirom. mehdi afshari, sed and broadcasting news agency, seiver village, semirom. psychologists say that when people face a crisis , such as losing a loved one, they have a five-stage reaction. they said: more than 8 million people participate in the iranian elections. it is estimated that in the best case, 8 million people will vote. now look at these pages, the election pages of this friday. the sum of all these people
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who voted for the islamic republic was more than 30 million. 30 million rai and this means not one or two times but about four times, their opinions were more passionate, their enthusiasm was more, now they faced a crisis here at bbc and international, and in response to it, in the first stage, everything they denied it , it is only a mirage of democracy. psychologists say that this kind of people get angry in the second stage, and they are the mercenaries of the islamic republic who are participating. they are terrorists, they are bigots, they are brainless, they are rations of the system, the next reaction of these people
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is caught in the crisis of justification, now they are here. they have fallen into justifying the death of their ideas and predictions, the task of the islamic republic, neither in a negative way nor in a positive way, with any amount of participation in this election, it will not be known that this election will not change the rules of the game even if 80% of those people participate. according to psychologists, after this stage, they will fall into despair, and now they have reached the stage of depression when they are disappointed. i cannot ignore what happened in the opposition it fell and caused disappointment. unfortunately, we also lost in this election. even the opposition, who all say sanctions, could not find a common ground in the word sanctions, and finally, in the five stages of facing the crisis, these
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networks were forced to accept failure. the nation of iran and the people of iran. and the people are a miracle , but they still do not lose their trust, we still have a long way to go, and this vicious circle is repeated in all these years of elections in iran, on the wrong side of history in these networks, mohammad. javad reza soltani radio news agency. at the beginning of the government , the points that were identified and finalized with the police were 887 points. last year, we committed to fix half of these points by the end of the year
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. alhamdulillah, we fixed 421 points last year, and we committed to the rest. by the end of this year , when the work has already started, alhamdulillah, it has been notified and our promise is that we will give you statistics at the end of the year, alhamdulillah. this was also one of our commitments, that of the 500 points that had happened before, it has reached nearly 2,600 so far 700 of them have been solved so far, which we hope will be done by the end of the year or the beginning of the year. next year, god willing , we will be able to beat them in terms of transportation. well, we had a lot
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of good things happen in the 13th government. the most important thing was the country's transit, which friends must have the numbers . last year , our transit movement in the country was 14 million tons. this is the result of a lot of hard work and efforts from the person of the martyred president, the highest official of the ministry , the meetings that were held with different countries, including the neighboring countries, the agreements that were made, well, alhamdulillah, this happened and is well discussed. transit country. it happened right now that we are at your service. in 3 months, we have grown by 70 percent compared to 3 months of last year, which is nearly 4.5 million
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tons. now, in the country's transit sector, nearly 515 million tons of goods have been moved. compared to 1401 , we had a 10% growth, now in 3 months , we are growing by almost 45 compared to last year, which is nearly 145 million tons of cargo movement in 3 months . it hurts and we are ashamed of the people. the issue is the shortage of the bus fleet, well, maybe after corona one of the industries that suffered the most damage and loss was our passenger transport industry in the road issue
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, so our buses could not operate, many of them were forced to sell their own fleets or take them to companies to use them as a service. we now have a severe shortage in the passenger sector, but last year, alhamdulillah , we had 148 million passenger movements in the passenger sector, which was an increase of 18 million compared to 1401, and most importantly , it was 40 years ago that we had already announced 7 thousand we need a bus fleet, apart from our own active geniuses, to be able to respond to visitors we are dear, but alhamdulillah, one of the best years of holding arbaeen with all the hardships and troubles
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was last year, when the martyr president personally appreciated and thanked the services of the ministry of roads and urban development , the police force command, and the minister of the interior also appreciated and thanked, and alhamdulillah, these events are many. it was a good thing that happened in our road transport sector , nearly 33 thousand new fleets in the cargo sector of the country entered the country in the last 3 years, which is equal to the renewal of the fleet with all the previous years. my most important indicator was that this law trusts our private sector every year if we want to discuss the renewal of the fleet , we should definitely anticipate low interest rates.
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they used to say that whenever you take a fish out of the water , it is fresh. what does that mean? it is never too late to do what we have not done. it is never too late, for example, continue studying , create a new job, start exercising and dieting from saturday, and in general, correcting consumption habits, managing electricity consumption, and so on. some people's consumption is out of the consumption pattern, and if they move a little and increase their accuracy , they can definitely return to the consumption pattern. take 5 minutes to check all the common electrical appliances in your home, for example, lamps can it be changed from this to this, no, yes, and
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my consumption will be 90% less than before. part of our electricity consumption is due to the devices that are not used, i.e. in ready-to-use mode or in sleep mode, such as coffee makers, tea makers, microwaves, computers, tvs, etc. these are the electrical devices that consume electricity when they are off and should be unplugged when we don't need them. indeed, sometimes we pay attention to the lamps in the bathroom and toilet, but we leave the air conditioner on for hours, which mostly use a lot. in the end, you see that not only in the pocket you have done a great favor yourself, but we have also taken a big step in the direction of protecting the environment and vital resources of the country.
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the arrival of an unknown shia in the front of the earth. my runic says it's broken. he says better, what do you say? that's right, it's ronix. romius. ronix is ​​the last tool you buy, it's a quick mirage, i'm sorry for you
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. irani, the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh, with incredible prices and long-term appointments and without prepayment in a large iranian house, from 2 to 32 people , install video calls with the yes yes application and easily in be in touch by sending a message to 1058 82 yes. hey dad, this washing machine is weak, it makes the place where it cleans the dishes dirty. it was a good question. i said there is a problem. why don't you buy household appliances from the city ? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no. why is it nice to buy household appliances? why, because it has both quality and discount , discount, discount, not discount, discount.
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cars and hundreds of billions of tomans worth prizes, for more information, dial star 21/15.
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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful , i greet muhammad and his family in the presence of you who are interested in sports news. iran bodybuilding team with 24 medals farang became the champion of asia. the 5th edition of the asian bodybuilding championship was held in mongolia for two days, and the country's 22-member team won 14 gold medals, 6 medals and 4 bronze medals. chinese and japanese teams too


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