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tv   [untitled]    July 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm IRST

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he wanted to come with yazid all the time. the call of ashura attracts people from every religion. death with dignity is better than life.
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after the death of the great prophet of islam, four caliphs rule the islamic ummah one after the other. with the end of the reign of the last caliph, the government goes to muawiya bin abisfian and the state of the islamic society. deviation from the path of the imams of ahl al-bayt for the dawn of religion itself depends on the political approach, and this is a well-planned and thoughtful matter , so the issue is not only muawiya's, nor yazid's only , but if there is an approach he wants to remain. islam is in
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the form of al-khatriya, while it is the complete rule of all the financial, political, and security dimensions are in the hands of a single group of people, and this is our aim, the qur'an , the period of mu'awiyah, the period of changing the standards of administration of the affairs of the islamic land and the government system. the rulers of the government sought the skin of islam.
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after the death of muawiya, the government will go to imam hasan , and if imam hassan, peace be upon him, is not alive , it will go to his brother imam hussain, peace be upon him. after the peace of imam mujtaba, peace be upon him, when muawiya left, he came to occupy kufa, the center of the caliphate of imam hassan , peace be upon him. he says, i did not fight with you to force you to pray, fast, and go to hajj. and doing these devotional things
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you did i fought with you only to gain power over you. after the death of imam hassan, many people demand allegiance to his brother imam hussein. but the prophet said: may god have mercy on you, stay at home and be careful not to be suspected as long as muawiyah is alive. if god willed and i was alive after muawiyah, i will tell you my opinion, in this way he will prevent sedition and division with his honorable secretary. people consider him mortal in islam, so he has an inside, a pretense inside , it is not a line that is islam. that is, what is the goal inside?
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the same war destroys the prophet's parties , no one else's goal is the goal of islam. he informs muawiya that men from iraq have approached hussein and with hossein has made a promise with us, he is not the one who does not keep his promise and violates it. do not attack him. but will the people around muawiya
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remain loyal to the agreement they made? it is natural that muawiya really wanted to do what his father and others like him could not do in jahiliyyah. to achieve the result in islam means the destruction of islam. well, abu sufyan and his companions came forward with slogans and symbols of idolatry and polytheism. the same goal of muawiya during his rule, which lasted for more than 20 years, was to pursue loyalty to yazid in different circumstances. and this was against the provisions of the peace treaty. muawiya wrote a letter to ziyad to prepare the people for the rule of my son. how can i
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introduce you to people? how can i present jojodan with the presence of people in the islamic world such as hussain bin ali, abdullah bin abbas. abdullah bin zubair, how can i say that this is a disgrace, he should say how many years, two years, so-and-so, for example , do the right things, behave like them, maybe we can change yazid's immeasurable personality and his suitability for the government was not a matter that could be hidden from anyone, that is why even the governors whom muawiya had to accept the caliphate of yazid after him and to gain the consent of the elders of the tribes were forced to give money, position and bribes, and
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so on. silence the voices of protest. muawiyah wanted to destroy islam. however , he was afraid of the presence of some of the prophet's companions , so he assigned this mission to him by appointing his own wicked son to be the caliphate, and in fact, it was intended that yazid would finish the work of islam and root it, and if he did not have the pure blood of hazrat seyyed al-shahda, peace and blessings be upon him, and standing in before him, islam was completely destroyed. muawiyah returned to medina shortly before his death. he goes to pledge allegiance to yazid himself. ayesha is the first person to meet him. when he understood muawiya's intention, he protested and called the caliph to observe divine piety. this man
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is the same as islam in this dimension. after that, muawiya was alone with hussain (peace be upon him) and asked him to swear allegiance to yazid. imam hossein says: do you want to mislead people about yazid? it is as if you are describing a person who is hidden and people do not know him or someone you introduce that is missing. yazid has introduced himself with his behavior. muawiya returns to syria while he is called to take allegiance from some. what is the solution? does his plan need trickery to succeed? we should be careful that mr. muawiyah was old when his power became absolute, that is, muawiyah is almost 65 years old when his power ends. he
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has no time to bury him except by burying him. a suitable force for the caliph orders a person to stand up in praise of yazid after the end of his sermon. he also agreed with some others that immediately after the end of the sermon, they would remember yazid as a great good and ask muawiya to appoint him as his crown prince. the request of yazid's governorship leads to the uproar of the crowd. will these tricks work? and after that, will the people be able to tolerate the yazidi government? and there is that famous story. this is when the man went out and the caliph said this and pointed to muawiyah with a sword, then he is dead. this is and he pointed to
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yazid with a sword. and abi, this is what he raised the sword for the people . the world is not the world and these are the aqdaq for them, muawiya al-atta, muawiya's letters to the people who oppose him. he writes and asks them to pledge allegiance. imam hussain's reply to mu'awiya contains frank points and to some extent expresses the pain that penetrates deep into imam's soul due to the ignorance of islamic leaders . you want to put yazid on the pole of the people, while he is a person who drinks wine and plays with dogs. you betrayed your trust , ruined your subjects. you made up and did not follow the advice of your lord
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. allah, may god bless him and grant him peace, here is the message of the messenger of god, may god bless him and grant him peace , and his messages to the people, and here is me who came later to carry this message and preserve it until god inherits the earth and its people. and the ahl al-baytah, as well as the companions of the ahl al-baytah, may god almighty be pleased with them and be pleased with them, if they carry my trust, al-ayar al-thaqeel, meaning the most diligent and the most extensive, so we believe that imam al-hussein is the authority of god, with the validity that he is the descendant of the prophet. the result has been reached and many people
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agree with yazid. in 60 a.h., muawiya dies and yazid comes to power. the religious government of the prophet, may god bless him and grant him peace peace and blessings be upon him with his many efforts during his honorable life. and the lives of their sincere companions and helpers had come to fruition, now it is in the incompetent hands of someone who only has the name of islam with him. what can be the result of this stormy and shameful situation except the collapse of religion? all the internal data of this umayyad tribe will be transferred to yazid.
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yazid was a skilled swordsman. yazid was very reckless. as a result, in the opinion of the elements of disbelief in this clan, yazid is great for this great work. not an hour has passed since muawiya's death. that yazid in al-khazrai palace of damascus on the basis of single power. and writes a letter to walid bin atba, governor of medina. not long after the night, the letter reaches walid. a letter that smells like a big robbery and again a trick. of course, all i do is take something that is not for him, steal something that is not for him.
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he came down and said, "lah wasdni, ho musani, mu'awiya said , yazid said, "la ma'amr, he is abuk musa, the father of musa , you are in the grave, so he went down to the grave, and when he was under the grave, he put the sword above his head, and said like this , and said, "but you will not believe now, but i will make you above." he said, "it's mine and i don't want to make it, but he finds the situation very difficult. it's clear to him that imam will not bow down before yazid. therefore, although he already had a misunderstanding with marwan bin hakem, he called him to the palace for consultation and consensus. marwan al-hakm also in al-madinah, that is, when he intervenes after the call of al-walid to imam
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al-hussein to accept the pledge of allegiance, in marwan's opinion , it is a very urgent action at that moment to prevent the possibility of any chaos. he tells the governor: until the news of muawiya's death spreads in the city, it is better to confirm the allegiance , otherwise there is a possibility of rebellion. imam. hossein peace be upon him has never had the foundation of disobedience and incitement of people against the government. they remained loyal to the peace treaty that was established between their brother imam hassan (peace be upon him) and muawiya until the lifetime of muawiya. quaid and waquaid hazem yaldivar clear. when
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walid's message reaches the imam, how many he places the youths of bani hashem and his slaves in the process of going to dar al-amara and asks them to be armed and accompany him. the imam's companions are supposed to wait outside the building and if they hear the imam's call, they will take him inside, and if not, they will stay until he returns. i mean, it's lis mogharra to. imam hussain (peace be upon him) enters dar al-amara. walid informs the imam about the news of muawiya's death and starts reading a letter that yazid sent to him. yazid
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, who is greedy for the islamic country and is thirsty for power and position, wants to remove all the obstacles to reach the caliphate. even if it is an obstacle to the beloved descendant of the prophet of islam. marwan urges waleed to take the imam's allegiance as soon as possible, otherwise he will finish the job right here. the purpose of marwan, i think , is that he is going to embarrass imam al-hussein and try to take the pledge of allegiance from me. the imam's response in those critical moments
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shows his tact and wisdom: tomorrow, when you ask the people to pledge allegiance to us as well, walid is satisfied and turns to the imam: "you said well, then go and come back tomorrow with the people so that we can take the oath of allegiance. after the imam leaves dar al-amarareh, marwan walid scolds you for saying that you should have finished the work, and you will not be able to reach him again. there can be no second person in this stage of the establishment of this world except imam al-hussein, who supported him with his transparency and courage.
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glory be to god, you ask me to do something in which it is the destruction of my religion. should i kill hussain because he says that i do not pledge allegiance? i swear to god , i have no doubt that anyone whose hands are stained with hussain's blood.
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human concern that people can resonate and sympathize with, and therefore they can draw lessons from it into their own lives. how do i
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react when things are happening in society that i don't think are right, how do i engage with others, how do i show a leadership role? where should i take my stand? we see that, the loss of the legacy of the beloved prophet of islam, not pledging allegiance to him is also the ignition of the uprising in medina. third, the ignorance of the people who
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did not have the necessary knowledge and insight regarding the conditions and were unaware of what was happening among the rulers. who can help imam in this difficult situation? will there be any help ? sakha tefalanei janani esfai tafland ain traditional tradition of knowledge
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of bandandi on the threshold of ashrafieh mohiban hossein o mohiban hossein. hussain is a collective, which means it is the love of hussain and the love of hussain that brings us together under this knowledge, we are the lovers of allah hussain. and we have to
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continue this old tradition after us on the first days of muharram, the traditional ritual of alamdi is held in many cities and villages of gilan.
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famous poets of persian literature in the safavid period. mohtashm is one of the leading methods, which we call the school of occurrence, and finally, the way of telling the story of 12 stanzas , and mohtsham is the story of care, and the devotion of hazrat zahra
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, peace be upon him, is seen in the world of dreams, and they complain to her that you are praying in the souk of your brother. you did it, but you didn't say anything to my son, imam hossein . again, what kind of rebellion is there in the creation of the world? do it and sing these 12 eternal and unique stanzas, 12 stanzas which are the salt of fasting and the reason for the revolution in the heart of the listener. it's your eminence, as soon as i want to whisper my most beautiful poem, i myself first get upset because i consider this revolution to be the result of the signature of hazrat zahra, the prophet of the ahl al-bayt, imam hossein, the basis of this poem is 12
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. the study of mohtsham reading on the tomb of mohtsham has a long history. 12 rituals and mourning ceremonies have reached the national register. the first of muharram is the day of mohtsham in the calendar of our country, and poetry and ritual literature is the day when poets and praisers receive help from mohtsham's poem for the servant of aba abdullah al-hussein , peace be upon him. hamed abbasi, kashan broadcasting news agency. from two people to 32 people , install video call with the yes yes application and be in touch easily by
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sending one to 105 in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. and news from khabar network. acting president announced the 7th five-year plan law to the program and budget organization. this law was approved in the public session of the islamic council on tuesday, june 1, 1403, and approved in the session of the expediency council on july 2, 1403. speaker of the parliament also sent this law to the government on 12 july. program law.


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