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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 1:30am-2:01am IRST

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you said that in order to avoid problems, in article 24 of the business environment improvement law and article 30 of the business environment improvement law, which were amended in the law on issuing licenses, exactly these tasks are placed on the shoulders of the executive body before they read the circular. they should issue regulations and instructions , post the draft exactly on their website , and let the economic activists know their opinions, and after getting the opinions of the economic activists and at a certain time determined by the government, and now, apparently, they think i will specify two weeks so that it can be implemented after two weeks it's not like overnight the head of the executive branch or the trustees decide to change the regulations, well, in this report, just as mr. dr. sayah, the honorable president of the business monitoring center, has announced the exact information that exists or in complaints. what exists is that
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the executive body does not comply with the matter and this causes serious problems. i think that in any case dr. sia himself and also dr. khandoozi and now in the future government are the people who are responsible for this work. managers should deal with such violations of the executive body seriously if our executive body can't foresee the issues in advance and follow the necessary arrangements, why is it that because of this procrastination and short-sightedness , an economic activist suddenly changes, an economic activist is reduced to black soil, in order to prevent these things from happening, anyway, the law in the laws that he has established , he has put the tasks on the plate of the executive body, that the executive body is obliged to comply with these laws, and if in any
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case , yes, yes. do you think that the different parliaments of the government? why are there so many delays in the statement of the work of these articles that we are talking about and do you think that now that it has been approved and the regulation is complete, why are they not implementing it now ? it is precisely predicted that if transfer takes place in this law, it is exactly the study of issuance. with permission, we have come to criminalize if the agencies are delaying the implementation of the law, it is the duty of the inspection organization and the duty of the deregulation board to deal with them and prosecute the manager and the official of the executive agency, perhaps one of the reasons. this is that in the previous law, the law on improving the business environment, some discussion of criminality was not taken seriously, but in this new law, which completes the law on improving the business environment of this crime.
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onor has been seriously seen in the will and determination of the executive branch. anyway, now, god willing, we in the 12th parliament have a plan to revive the new law, in fact, the new production commission, and the establishment of this commission from the image of the last parliament, god willing, in the coming weeks. to be able to identify its members, who will seriously deal with the violations of the executive body with the help of the ministry of economy and the business environment monitoring center. god willing, you saw it. let's follow that if there is a delay , we can use our monitoring tools, which are questioning and warning, and bringing the executive branch to the judicial institutions, god willing , so that the boards that are laid, i think , in the meetings held in the 11th parliament by mr. dr. siav and we were their colleagues, or the reports we gave, now, unfortunately , the judicial branch has problems with the reports we sent from the parliament. he didn't react to it
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, maybe we in the parliament need to modify our monitoring tools a bit. in such a way that we are no longer waiting for the action of the judicial branch and through the court of accounts or through the accuracy of the criminalization that is done that anyone can find entry and the judicial system is obliged to deal with the violators, maybe if this is done , it seems that in this parliament we are talking about the implementation of the right laws, we are not responsible for the implementation, but we are responsible for the implementation of the laws, and wherever we see that the law is not implemented, we must see what it is, whether it is not criminalized or whether there is a so-called loophole and the executive body can escape from it. do it or not, we have to come to these things exactly in terms of legal reforms, we must see that this exact matter that your highness mentioned is not repeated. thank you, mr. qadri
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, for being with us. why did this take so long? 12 years of this constitution is as long as the previous governments. perhaps the accuracy means that this government does not have an equal. alhamdulillah. and followed up and articles 24 and 30 were approved, and of course the parliament also followed up . they want regulations at night, they come to their minds early in the morning, and the front means habit, process, and regulations, and they change them. inshallah , it will be completely removed from the minds of the country's executive officials, and they will feel that the economic operator must work, make profit, pay taxes, and share.
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i hope that the new government will have this mentality in mind and soul. these dear ones, who suddenly banned the export of potatoes and onions in jihad , are active importers and activists they are making trouble for our economy . he is not aware that if this means, you know, we were an oil country for decades, 50, 100 years. if we feel that there is no oil and the economic operator should make a profit by paying taxes so that i can buy bread at night, then our behavior with the economic operator will be correct, then we will not bother him so much, then
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we will not suddenly change the regulations so much that he becomes poor. do you think that this is just a habit or not, we can imagine other reasons for it if you look very pessimistic. it happens that they put a stick on the wheel they say, "well, let's count together so that they will remove the sticks . this is very good. we are in good contact with mr. shahbazi. the secretary of the economic commission of the government. mr. shahbazi. hello, please tell me why, despite the fact that we are talking, the 13th government tried so hard that after 12 years, this the regulations should be implemented and approved, why are some government agencies not complying with them ? dear guests, thank you for convening this meeting. i will give a report. well, this issue was discussed for a long time in the economic commission of the government. there were considerations and concerns that despite
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all these considerations and the concerns of the government, the government made this decision . what were these concerns? we have a situation where a problem arises in the field of agricultural jihad, in the field of industry, in cross-sectional discussions, we have to make decisions so that we can, for example, manage that field . if this is the case, we have to change the regulations every day , and practically there is stability and predictability in the regulations we don't really have a face, what does it mean? this means that in fact, we should not close the queue of up to 100 devices and no device will be
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able to make a decision . i don't know that the highest authority of the organization should decide on a force majeure or a change that is really necessary and should happen soon, not the general manager. a collection and whoever comes to announce a regulation, so i wanted to say that this consideration and concern has always been in the governments that in fact, there are two sides to the story. one is to say that no recipe or regulation should be changed unless it takes 3 to 4 months. from that point of view, the hands of the executive and the government would be completely closed , so we have to see both sides of the issue. what is the side of the matter of seeing? this is that we protect the rights of the consumer , for example, if a product appears in the market , there will be a deficit. well, the ministry of jihad has been like this before, sir, to ban its export and impose a duty .
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it means to see that, for example, in the field of needs basic, basic agricultural products, transverse topics , what is going to happen in the next month, what is the forecast in the next 6 months? we have it from the market. well, for example, for this case of agriculture, for example, for dates , it was not predictable that the time of ramadan is specific. for example, in the field of basic goods and agriculture , the ministry of home affairs assigned us in the 5th plan , we had the 6th plan, we had an assignment to go through the tools, for example, pre-purchase, you want to regulate the market , so buy now, in 6 months, the market demand is high, direct supply by cooperative government companies. and i swear it's not that we don't plan and see if, for example, dates are in short supply, i don't know, onions are in short supply . now let's ban it. i wanted to say that when the question was asked, why did it last 11-12 years, one of the concerns was
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that the device, sir , will finally close our hands, and what should we do with the consumer, it is not the producer, so the answer is that yes, we have to see, for example, if something really necessary happens , if the minister determines that this should happen, for example , but then the deputy director general and a directive of the director general of a province and so on will be messed up. really space the business in the country, finally, the government took this decision with all the considerations and concerns, the government of the martyred ayatollah raees, and it was a brave decision to finally approve this regulation that was left on the ground , but see, this follow-up of yours is very good, and i am completely in actually , i think this is a good thing, but we really need to look at it from the point of view of the government and the government . let's say that once the regulations have been approved, but some agencies are still moving forward as before, or for example
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, the circular issued by the legal vice-chancellor that any regulation in the country, if it wants to be enforced, it should be on the website of the legal assistant. i can't go and look in the drawer of a certain manager to see, for example, a new directive has been issued. no , there is no reference site. this is a bit of bureaucracy and bureaucracy that i am not used to. we were during the past years. and these with continuous follow-up , even though the top institutions, for example, in my opinion, it can be declared that the institution that issued the least directive, for example, extraordinary or force majeure, for example, these are exercises in fact bureaucracy and exercises in fact improvement of governance in the field of business, which i think as much as the media can help economic activists to announce their protest, this should really be an exercise in how to regulate. which will definitely help the stability and predictability of mr. shahbazi's economic environment. one thing that exists
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is that some people say economic activity. i just think that now the time is one month. look at the correct point, the proposal that was made in the economic commission of the government before it went to the cabinet , we had more time, that is, in the meetings of our commission, we had reached the time of 3 months and so on, but i said the same thing. in fact , it was a matter of deliberation. it was a matter of deliberation, whether or not this resolution would be announced. after all, the considerations that the authorities have , sir, we are now in a situation, for example, in the field of currency , well, many issues are raised, sir , something really happens at once. i don't know that our discussions are turbulent. it happens, i say, the conclusion was that that time should be shortened, but really , according to the interpretation of friends, that one month should really be observed , which means that there is actually something here. it is not necessary to say that this was the least possible that it was approved
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dr. sayah in the ministry of economy can help us in the government. in fact, the whole government can help. the next government can have an axis that monitors the devices . give me this, i'm really telling you, something that we haven't practiced before, our devices have a habit of having a door, and surely with the follow-up of both the private sector , the media sector, and the government, it can be helpful. thank you , mr. sayah. he did not comply with the existing law, what is the punishment for him? it is a problem we have a small one, and that is mr. dr. qadari, who took pains to point out this case 243, unfortunately, we do not have a strong executive guarantee
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, but because the legal support is behind him, and on the one hand , the honorable prosecutor is actively following up on the matter, the honorable prosecutor and the chief inspection organization. dear inspection organization, your attention has been drawn to the matter . they are trying to avoid the implementation of article 243. and with sudden directives, they take the economic activist by surprise and subject him to legal prosecution .
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it must be declared that this is your right and duty you are carrying out something confidential, you have no right to ask an activist to do something, that is, if, god forbid, our brother or other activists see a confidential letter , tell 20 that they are in charge of their activities, and we will follow up, because this law means so much. violation of the law and loss of the right of the second parenthesis that mr. dr. he said that it is not the case that any government official can issue a directive, the legal vice president of the presidency has to do it. he is now asking the agencies what directives you see and when he issues the directive. now
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we have some places where the deputy director general is somewhere a province issues a directive for itself, all must be implemented. he does it, and he makes the poor simple man say that you should do this thing, he says that we should not do that thing, sometimes it is contradictory, the legal provisions are not respected, the other laws are not respected , the republic has come to the fore, and in the implementation of article 3, which mr. shahbaz has to bother with. he is saying who from jihad can sign, and it is difficult
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for me. can. mr. qadri, please let me know that we talked about the fact that the parliament also wants to follow up and held meetings on the monitoring report of the parliament on the implementation of the law and how to implement the law on improving the business environment, and the monitoring report is being prepared. at the end of the 11th parliament , we prepared a plan under the so-called plan for the implementation of notified policies in legislative affairs . in the joint commission that was formed, this plan came to the fore because there was no time . and of course
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, it is one of the priorities in the 12th parliament it should be taken seriously, i think it's a lot of laws. the basis of the constitution is that if the government board drafts a regulation , then another point should be mentioned, we are now on the basis of the laws, anyway , there is a board in the parliament under the name of the board for the implementation of regulations and laws, which immediately warns the government. if the government amends the regulation, if it does not amend it, it will cancel the government regulation itself . as for the directives, the instructions and regulations issued by the ministers or executive bodies, unfortunately, such permission is not given in the constitution and in the normal laws. also allowed it is not given. we must see this in this
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so-called plan for the implementation of the policies announced by the supreme leader in legislative affairs . we must also see that the law implementation board can, in addition to the government's approved regulations, issue approved regulations. ministers, the directives , the instructions issued by each of the executive bodies , warn them immediately, if he gives a warning and does not pay attention, he should cancel it. this is a very good executive guarantee. let's bring it and make it a law to be determined exactly now. there is a law , so to speak, we prioritized it in the last few days , but in any case, the representatives are worried that if we allow a
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joint commission based on article 85, maybe the representatives themselves will not be involved in it anyway, and they are worried about this issue. we thought that maybe the guardian council did not confirm the necessity of its implementation. unfortunately , there was an interpretation by the guardian council that has room for complaint. we also have complaints from our friends in the guardian council. however, if we believe in the parliament that this is within the jurisdiction of the parliament and the guardian council, it should not enter into this, and the guardian council should come to check its compliance with the constitution and sharia , but whether it should be dealt with normally or with the capacity of article 85 should be addressed. next year, this incident that happens at the end of each session of the parliament, when we
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transfer between 50 and 100 pending bills to the next parliament, so we hope this will not happen again. god willing, we will be able to implement this law to implement the policies announced by the leadership in affairs god willing, we will be able to approve the legislation soon and turn it into a law. thank you very much , mr. qadir. mr. sayah also tells about the details of your meeting today in the board, what approvals did you have? yes , i would like to inform you that today was the 8th and the third meeting of moqarzadaei hit. we are doing the main work of moqarzadaei hit. one approves the conditions for issuing licenses and makes it easier and follow up. he makes the devices perform their duties properly. second , he tries to remove the regulatory laws that hinder production and investment and which the secretariat identifies. two or three important things were done there today, except karai the license, which was a series of low and high licenses, corrections, etc., except for them, is a very important task in the matter of
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government contracts. they make contracts mainly with different departments of the government . they participate in disputes. if they object to the results of the tender and say, "sir, our rights have not been taken away , for example, there is a place where they can go and file a complaint according to the law." unfortunately, the process of filing a complaint is being implemented in a way that regulations and regulations are i don't want to say that this company is not going anywhere and i don't want to say that friends do whatever they do. they can violate the law and this poor company will not be able to succeed. we went through this with the help of the economic activists of large contracting unions and two cooperative chambers and the iranian chamber and... we felt where there is a problem with the law, where there is a problem with the regulations , we found 11 regulations and with the power and authority that the law that the board debt reduction is underway, today we canceled this
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, it will be announced in two or three days, and then i , the economic activist who wants to sell a product to the government , will sell another product or product if you feel like it. bringing the complaint system to the tender law is more complete and effective. the system is called the site. no, now this hand is not instead of a strap , we removed it and replaced it with a strap and
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made it efficient. it was that today we have about 500 basic land permits, about 800 types of basic land permits, and currently the most complained about permits are the permits of golkhone animal husbandry hotel, those that they are changing the use of this, we started this since last year , let's correct the process, now the process is complete, what is complete, now someone wants a basic land license, for example , he wants a petrochemical or animal husbandry, and this has to go. the medical resources were taken, changed, and the process took a long time. this is a world of inquiry. well, sometimes it happened that they said no to this inquiry at the end of the last inquiry, and this poor man would get the approval in principle, he would get a construction permit, he would
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make the final processes, and he would say it, sir. for example, somewhere a machine said, sir, for example, i don't have water , i don't have gas, i don't know, it means that the railway line is passing in the middle, or you shouldn't be here, for example, you were raising livestock, you were building a factory, and what is the effect of this unfortunate thing, all the provincial officials, the governor , and worst of all worse, if not stronger than all , the members of the parliament were looking for this activist, mr. dashat, why do you oppose, for example, he said, sir, according to the law, it is my duty , what is the reason for this ? basic land permits for the basic land permit is the most complained about permit another important thing is that the so-called premises police system firstly became a system, and secondly, the premises police came for the first time and exposed themselves to the eyes of economic activists .
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buy a shop, so a gold shop used to have to get a lease or take ownership of it, and then leave. sir, i am the owner of this place. give me permission to sell gold here. how is it now , with this new system, any citizen can speak at any point, sir. i can sell gold in this shop, the american police call it yeson it is possible to file a complaint, and for the first time online, this work will be done offline, and thank you very much, mr. qadri, mr. shawazi, mr.
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rahran and all the good viewers of the economic desk. for example, you have always accompanied us until this moment , may god protect you. swearing shoes, the quality is in sync with similar foreign products , the double-layer textured upper is very resistant and flexible , the pu sole is light and comfortable, suitable for long walks , sports and daily activities, the price is with a discount , direct purchase from the manufacturer, only 399 thousand tomans for
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2:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. in the meeting of governors across the country, the acting president appreciated the efforts of the executive officials of the provinces in holding the recent presidential elections. referring to the emphasis of the leader of the islamic revolution, mr. bakhar asked the governors to perform their duties in the best manner until the end of their duties. it was the biggest monument of ibrahim in the province. today, the governors reported to the acting president what plans they have and what plans they have completed. 479 villages have been supplied with water. 276 have been interpreted.


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