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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, rahman al-rahim salam, the acting president at the meeting of governors across the country appreciated the efforts of the executive officials of the provinces in holding the recent presidential elections. mr. bakhar, referring to the emphasis of the leader of the revolution. about performing duties until the last day, like the first day, islami asked the governors to perform their duties efficiently until the end of their duties. the biggest monument of ibrahim was in yest province. today , the governors reported to the acting president what plans they have and what plans they have completed. 479 villages have been supplied with water. 276 have been interpreted. 23 to samah. it is the future, sir
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the informant also appreciated the efforts of the governors during the elections and said that they should finish the half-finished projects at the same time, if they had to be finished by this time, then finish them, mr. vahidi , god willing, help me, i will get help from the budget program. the governors wanted to remove the managers who did not take the work seriously in the past few days. every manager who is loose in the province now has a cut. if you see a device that an administrator has lost, in short, he has not seen it, and if it becomes yours, the result is that it is okay to leave it again, but you must do this. follow us, don't leave the device, we have a duty
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, we have to do what needs to be done until the last moment. the governors told us that the service will not stop until the last moment . there are some half-finished projects . there are agricultural sectors. my interior minister, who has held several elections in the last 5 months , gave some advice to the governors. all our dear governors have said this and that they will continue and the end of this program is a souvenir photo of the head of the presidency with a group of governors . yousef salami, reporter of the sada wasima news agency, picked cherries in maraqa qutb, the fruit production hub of east azerbaijan , and registered a new plant, fruitful branches. kilas
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reports of a good harvest in this orchard. thank god , our harvest this year was very good in terms of quantity and quality . we are satisfied, thank god. most of our plants are monocotyledonous and alhamdulillah we have a good crop this year the type of glass is single-grain. we have three types of glass here, single-grain mashhad and asali. using the recommendations of experts, this year's production of this garden is 3 times more than the average of the city's gardens. the average production of glass in maragheh city is 15 tons per hectare, but in this landmark garden where we are present now , we produced 51 tons per hectare due to compliance with the technical instructions. in order to introduce the index garden with the presence of experts of agricultural jihad, the product of this kalgiri garden and assessor.
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in terms of quantity, the produce produced in this garden is one of the best in the region, and in terms of quality, it is a healthy product in the region. harvesting of cherries from maragheh orchards as one of the production centers of this product in east azarbaijan has started for a few days. in maragheh city, the area of ​​our glass orchards is 80 hectares and we expect to produce about 1200 tons of cherries this year. a large part of the glass product is sent to tehran and neighboring provinces due to its high quality. management is the main factor in increasing the quantity and quality of the product in this garden. ahmad talebi of sed and sima news agency, maragheh, the next part of the news at 3 o'clock.
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, hello , welcome to the world today, the victory of the unity of the left the french parliamentary elections and the resignation of the prime minister , whom emmanuel macron said, "stay put, paris is ready for more protests tonight, in addition to the issue of the cease-fire negotiations between qatar and cairo." we will also talk. before starting the talks, some short news from around the world. an official of the us department of justice announced: boeing airlines has accepted criminal charges to settle
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the dispute with the us department of justice regarding the two fatal crashes of the max 737 aircraft in 2018 and 2019. they happened to admit that he said as part of this agreement, which a federal judge must approve, the representative of the us department of justice also has to pay $243,600,000 in criminal fines . hungarian prime minister viktor orbán after his trip to russia where he met with the country's president vladimir putin. currently in peking with president xi jinping. the republic of china speaks the prime minister of hungary, who is close to russia , arrived in china for a peacekeeping mission amid the war in ukraine. this unexpected trip to the chinese capital after viktor orban's controversial trip to moscow on friday done. the philippines and japan
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signed a defense pact. an agreement that allows the deployment of forces in other countries that have signed this agreement so that they can strengthen their relations to fight against the influence of china. the philippines has already signed similar agreements with australia and the united states and is considering concluding a new agreement with france. . panama closed its border with colombia to prevent the crossing of migrants who intend to enter the us territory. this is the route that tens of thousands of people from central america use to reach america. last year there were 20 year. 520 thousand people used this route. in canada, according to the telecommunication companies, the theft of copper cables has become a serious problem, and they have demanded stricter penalties to prevent this process. copper wires
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are a valuable commodity in vancouver salvage shops. the theft of metals, including copper cables , is increasing. some canadian states have added regulations that allow anyone who wants to. to sell metal trinkets, he must do so with an id card, but the canadian telecommunications union has said that we need stricter national laws. we need the consequence of stealing copper cables to be more than the income from its sale. china plans to send the tiananmen 2 probe to a near-earth asteroid to collect samples and bring the samples back to earth for analysis. china's tiananmen 2 probe. it is supposed to be launched next year with a long march tibi rocket. a landslide in central indonesia left at least 11 dead. about 20 people were killed in this incident. landslide in indonesia
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occurred due to heavy rain. indonesian search and rescue efforts continue to find the missing people. results final parliamentary elections. in france, the leftist coalition won the most seats, but no coalition has won a parliamentary majority. according to the results of the election, the extreme new people's front led by marine le pen's national community party has won 143 seats, because none of the coalitions could win an absolute majority of 289 out of 577 seats. combination of body formation. with the announcement of the election results, the prime minister of france
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announced his resignation from emmanuel macron's party. but emmanuel macron said to stay and request for now gabriel did not accept the suspension. some news sources announced that france is likely to protest and declared abadeh bas. by counting the votes of the second round. the early elections of the french parliament showed results contrary to the predictions of political circles and polls . according to the announcement of the french ministry of interior, the coalition of the new popular front won 182 seats, macron's coalition won 163 seats, and the national union party, which had won the most votes in the first round, won 143 seats. the french parliament has 557 representatives and the parties are facing a challenge called an absolute majority, that is, acquiring at least
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289 seats. the victory of the new people's front coalition in the elections of the french national assembly brought the supporters of this pro-palestinian coalition to the streets. raising the palestinian flag on the floor of the french parliament by the representatives of this coalition a few days before this election. abad had faced various reactions. in some cities , such as paris, rennes and nantes, clashes between party supporters were reported, and some looted stores and shops. which was accompanied by the intervention of the police and the firing of tear gas. in the city of nanter, an anti-riot police force is in effect. throwing the wounded keketloff suffered burns. the formation of the triangle of power in the
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french parliament is the work for the president of this country until the year 2027, which is about power, will make it very difficult. shahsovar hosseini of paris radio and television agency. i will talk more about this with ms. sanaz fakhravar, a reporter of sada and sima news agency, who is a guest of jahan today program. welcome ms. fakhravar. you especially follow the news of france and the developments in france. this incident happened and mr. shahsawar hosseini also said that there is probably a challenge for the current french government, for the government of mr. emmanuel macron , where exactly do you think this challenge will arise for the french government? hello , i would like to ask you to see macron by dissolving balman actually gambled and... now he has lost the relative majority he had in the parliament. in fact, now the radical leftists
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do not have the majority, but they have the most seats, and they do this for approval. macron's future plans make it difficult. in the same way that we go , if we have a historical perspective, france is not very coalition-oriented, the government is not very negotiation-oriented, its factions that want to negotiate and form a coalition, for example, germany is not like that now. they have a coalition called a coalition, for example, the green light, where 3 parties and 3 factions came together to form a coalition and they are working. they are doing this last waste, for example , the successful waste that we can mention is the waste that happened during francois mitterrand's time with almost similar conditions when the parliament was dissolved, then prime minister jacques chirac came to work, who was from the republican party, and mitterrand was from the socialists. but practically no coalition was formed and in the end all of the government was elected from the same republican party, which means that there was no cooperation between the parties, that
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is why macron will also face the same challenge , that is, we will see that in the future in the approval of the plan those he has in his program, well, macron until the end of the year he will be the president in 2027 , he will definitely face challenges, he cannot have a majority , just like in the previous parliament, for example, the previous prime ministers had to use article 493 to approve many laws without the need for a vote of the parliament, which is very has brought dissatisfaction , now he will probably have to do the same thing again, increasing these challenges, even possible. if the crisis is brought to the street, there will be protests again , just as we saw protests during the approval of a plan such as economic reforms and pension reforms, and by the way, this may happen again. what is the story of the resignation of the prime minister, why did he leave his post before he was welcomed? well , normally, the prime minister should
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be elected from a party that has the majority in the parliament, so now the majority is no crime. he didn't get it, but the most seats were won by the extreme leftists, in fact, the new people's front got it, and they should have it . they started immediately from last night, when the election results were announced, to start applying pressure and announcing our candidates. we are introducing ourselves and our candidates, then they say that this is it it should be at our disposal. the prime minister that macron chose and is working now is not legitimate. due to these pressures, gabriel atal announced that he would resign, but macron did not accept it. now , one of the reasons why this choice did not happen is that france will host the olympics in the next 18 days, and it will make it much more difficult for him , and there are security challenges ahead. well, the prime minister, as the prime minister of the country that hosts the olympics , has a lot of responsibilities, and the instability that
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is created in the country with the absence of a prime minister and the election of a new prime minister makes the job even more difficult. macron he can ignore those people like you said that it is possible that these things have happened in the parliament and some people have the majority seats, of course not the absolute majority, but anyway the president can ignore this majority and his work. continue to see . legally, macron is not under any pressure . legally, there is no specific timeline that macron must choose the prime minister right now or, for example, he must introduce the members of the cabinet right now . there is no change in the members of the cabinet. it is not legally pressured to be created, but from considering that the country will be brought to a dead end , plans will not be approved and such challenges will arise in the country, it will be forced to do this, and in addition to the street protests, yes, the street protests that have started since last night, we witnessed it
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, is another incident. it is falling and the police should be ready and ready. you know how effective it is for me. the issue of the olympics, well, this destroys the image of france a bit more than in the past, because in the last few months, france has had a very secure atmosphere, there have been repeated incidents, now the killing of nayel marzouq, and then the pension reforms. the violence of the police has made a lot of noise in france. well, france has one of the most violent police forces , almost in europe. now these conditions have been created . and this new front of the people who won the majority are also supporters of the formation of an independent state of palestine . yes, in general, the french leftists since the beginning of the gaza war , well, being supporters of palestine, have repeatedly
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announced their support, even now immediately after the victory. that within the next two weeks, the establishment of the palestinian state will be brought to the parliament and approved. thank you very much, ms. sanaz farghdavar, reporter radio and television news agency, which was a guest of the world today program, but a report in this regard about support for palestine, which now, as a result of the elections in england and france, has caused people at work to say that they support the formation of an independent palestinian state. we will return to see a report on this matter. the evolution of the recognition of the palestinian state among the europeans. starmer, the new tenant of the building number 10 downing street, england, who has recently assumed the role of prime minister of this country , discussed the recognition of the palestinian state in a telephone conversation with mahmoud abbas.
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it has not changed for the peace process in this regard and this is the indisputable right of the palestinians. the most prominent figure of the left coalition in france said that at the international level, we must reach an agreement on the recognition of the palestinian state. palestine also had a strong presence in the victory celebration of the supporters of the french left parties and was celebrated many times. before
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england and france, it was about a month ago that the authorities of three european countries, norway, spain and ireland , each announced their position on the recognition of palestine as an independent country. 9 months since the attack of the zionist regime. it passes by oath. and the world is a witness victory was the occupation regime. nasrkashi, whose statistics reached about 16,000 children. the crime that has been going on for 9 months has raised the voices of people all over the world in protest against this regime and support for palestine and has forced the european authorities to back down in support of the zionists. sona tohni of radio and television news agency, i am talking about the details of this news with mr. emad hamroni, an expert on french issues, who
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is a video accompanying the program of the world today . mr. hamroni, welcome, what happened that, contrary to the expectations of the left alliance, won in the french parliamentary elections , maybe this is let me ask the question in such a way that the context what was their vote?
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this is that the second election cycle of the left-wing parties and part of the moderates actually won in the eyes of the voters and the people of france up to the front. nationalist as a nationalist front and extremists should be removed. in fact, the french people wanted to send two messages. in this regard, their first message was that they are not racist. french society is not racist and they do not want racism. their second message is this. president macron is against president macron.
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but he didn't get the majority of the votes, the absolute majority of the votes . today, the situation in france is like a crisis the political situation is facing and there is a new popular front and one faction of the president is with each other for the republic and another faction is the extremists. the political situation in france is in a crisis situation . what will happen to mr. macron, what scenarios or options will he have in front of his opponents who have now won the majority of parliament? the fact
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is that mr. macron is very intelligent. when he decided to dissolve the parliament. it was intended to confuse the weight and therefore today there is no faction that the parliamentary majority obtained and can be used to form the government , but there are three scenarios. the first scenario is that he obliges the head of the prime minister from the new popular front, in the sense that the government chooses moderate leftists. to be elected , so he does not want macron, in fact , they are not what they want. the second scenario is also a coalition between
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the socialist party. it is with the new party and the republican extremists, in the sense that the future prime minister will be among the extremists, this is also very difficult. the third scenario is that the president decides to form the technocratic government. give a government that is free of political color and this also the political situation in france. will complicate, therefore, the current talks are very difficult and complicated between the new popular front and between the faction with each other for the front for france and for and between the french faction, so he wants to remove milonson because his party represents the will of
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the french people and in fact the votes of in relation to foreign and domestic issues that are contrary to the views of macron, for example, in relation to the issue of workers and health, and in foreign matters also in relation to the war in ukraine, especially in relation to the war in gaza with they are different from each other and they are still supporters of palestine and for the recognition of palestine and are not among those who want the end. there is a war in the gaza strip. let me ask you a question about this. in your opinion, the tendency of the majority of the french parliament to form an independent state of palestine is acceptable by france's allies such as america or england. yes, it is an important point.
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ignore this difference that has arisen and now this majority of the parliament that has fallen into the hands of his opponents , how long do you think the french public opinion will endure that the current president emmanuel macron ignores
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get their votes. and that choice they have about the parliament? yes, in fact, i must say that mr. macron has made such efforts half-heartedly, and in fact he is standing in half of these factions, and he does not respect the will of the nation, he does not respect the french nation. this is against the will of the people, macron wants to besiege their town and wants some zionist socialists to become prime minister .


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