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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. in a message to secretary kalbollah of lebanon, the president-elect called the islamic republic of iran always a supporter of the resistance of the people of the region against the illegitimate zionist regime. mr. bizikian, thank you for the congratulatory message of seyyed hassan nasrallah. kurdish support for the resistance is rooted in
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the fundamental policies of the islamic republic of iran, the ideals of imam khomeini, may god have mercy on him, and the guidelines of the supreme leader of the revolution, and will continue with strength. the president-elect noted: the resistance movements in the region will not allow the zionist regime to engage in warmongering and criminal policies. his actions against the oppressed people of palestine and other nations of the region continue. another news is that following the congratulatory messages from the leaders and officials of foreign countries , the head of the political bureau of the islamic resistance movement hamas, in a message to the president-elect , congratulated the head of the judiciary on the successful holding of the presidential elections and the election of mr. at the meeting of the supreme judicial council , he asked all institutions to
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help the elected president to fulfill the expectations of the people. elections were held. done. the people chose their desired president with a majority. acknowledgments of the head of the department judiciary from the intelligent participation of the people in the presidential elections. people from different walks of life came to the square more enthusiastically and with a better feeling. and with a gap of one week from the 8th day once and again on the 15th day, more than 55 million ballot boxes were cast into mr. mohseni's special fund, in the meeting of the supreme judicial council , he stressed on accompanying the elected president in the way of implementing the program and solving the people's problems. kurds, we should all help each other with empathy and like-mindedness, let's help the government to be active in you and
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at the level of the islamic republic . the head of the judiciary also issued several orders to the high judicial officials. the first order to the country's prisons organization is to check that prohibited items and prohibited items are not brought into the prison. it is accepted so far, but the way of inspection in these inspections should respect all aspects of shari'ah law and the dignity of individuals , and the next order is to protect the information of the judiciary from the influence of incompetent persons in various ways within the judiciary in approaching individuals and then harming their dignity. and prevent people's trust in the judiciary or our judges or our iranian officials
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but in the next part of the meeting, the head of the country's document and real estate registration organization gave a report on the implementation of the electronic document of legal entities. improving the business environment, clarifying and preventing forgery and fraud and economic crimes are among the effects of electronic documents of legal entities. to date , 1,500,000 electronic ownership documents have been issued and stored in special electronic documents. the head of the development center of the conflict resolution councils of the country, the campaign for the love of imam hossein continues from the beginning of muharram until arbaeen hosseini for the release of the prisoners of non-criminal crimes . maleeha pejman, the news agency of satisfied radio and television it was obtained in retribution. the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs considered the smooth and transparent holding of elections inside and outside the country to increase the country's authority and said: "the presence of iranians abroad
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, despite some problems in some countries, the ballot boxes show the efforts of all iranians in the path of prosperity." national referring to the 20 percent increase in participation in the second phase of elections abroad, mr. kanaouni said: the canadian government's ban on iranian citizens from voting is against the country's human rights claims. there is a lot of prejudice and confusion , it is up to the public opinion of the world to judge how it goes a country can claim the human rights of democracy, but prevent the use of a large society. iranian citizens in that country should have their citizenship rights. the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs said about the foreign policy achievements of the 13th government: attention to international relations, interaction with neighbors and effective membership in global and regional institutions
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are among the most important achievements, the result of which is iran's authority in the world arena. . we emphasize that alhamdulillah in the field. regionally and internationally , the islamic republic of iran is in a position of authority , and to realize the interests of the nation, it is definitely the pillars of the system and the government they will negotiate with the authority of dialogue and at the appropriate time they will actually act as necessary with the policies they will determine, god willing, the zionist military media reported in the past 24 hours during the battle with the palestinian and lebanese resistance fighters. the spokesman of the army of the occupying regime said: 17 of these soldiers were wounded in the gaza strip and 6 were wounded in the northern borders of occupied palestine. the
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media of the zionist regime boasted that the real statistics are much more than what the army of this regime declares. a zionist regime commander. also referring to the failure of the army of this regime in the mission he himself said in gaza: when the army of this regime is not able to defeat hamas, it certainly cannot defeat hezbollah in lebanon. ishaq barik, general of the zionist army, added: "the continuation of the war will only make israel's defeat more painful." the results of the investigation into the performance of the zionist regime army in the wake of the al-aqsa storm will soon be available to the chief of the general staff of the 3rd regime army.
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many streets were flooded and the movement of buses and trains. it was disrupted for several hours. in turkey, while people are experiencing nearly 50 degrees and fires in forest areas. in the north of the country, there is a flood take heavy rains that started on saturday evening in the coastal cities of the black sea in the north of turkey . yesterday evening, a person was flooded in the city of urdu tomeh. in nepal, the death toll from heavy monsoon rains has increased to 62. some of the victims died due to flooding and others due to landslides and lightning strikes. landslides and floods are common in nepal during the monsoon season, killing hundreds of people every year. increased theft of copper cables
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has become a new problem for canada. canadian telecommunications companies, with the increase in the theft of copper cables, act strict penalties for. according to the cbs news network, since copper wires are a valuable commodity for scrap shops in vancouver, a large number of people try to steal them. according to this report, thieves often steal the copper cables of telecommunication posts, and this has caused service interruptions, disrupting the lives of thousands of canadians. according to officials, economic problems, increasing drug addiction and problems. one of the brokers is increasing the theft of copper cables in canada. the next part is at 6 o'clock.
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the people of iran who died a few weeks ago the president and his companions had turned into a national epic. on friday, the 15th of july , he appeared at the voting booths with a conscious presence and elected mr. masoud al-madijian as the president of the islamic republic of iran to examine the effects of the 14th election on the international status of the islamic republic of iran and also, the reflections of this election in the media. mr. dr. ebrahim motaghi
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, we are a member of the faculty of the university and an expert on international issues. i greet you and welcome, i greet you and all your dear viewers, mr. after the election of mr. medzikian, we saw that many countries congratulated the elected president of the country on this title and this election, including these countries . china, russia and other countries, why the election of the islamic republic of iran, the presidential election was so important for the countries and this election. in the name of god . moving in countries like iran
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the main and strategic brokers have a decisive role in the direction of the country's foreign policy. it is natural that visible changes occur with the change of presidents. although the direction and orientation of iran's foreign policy is formed and regulated by the leadership and every president must implement the field related to foreign policy and domestic policy of the development plan, but it is natural that agents play a very decisive role in relation to policy trends. have foreign in the foreign policy of any country,
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we have two separate parts that are related to each other to some extent. one orientation or orientation and the second role national in iran, striving for foreign policy, which is the same as the country's macro policy, is in the field of leadership. but implementation and determination. the role and patterns of behavior are related to the president and the team he chooses. the international system was worried about whether the cooperation-seeking trends of iran's foreign policy, which had been formed during the period of ayatollah raisi, would continue or not. the fact is that in ayatollah raisi, we
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experienced several levels of diplomatic action with different countries, one level was official , which was implemented by the ministry of foreign affairs, and another level , we call it the second step or the second path grounds for the negotiation of informal authority theorists. and those who have a place in the political construction of countries are born. we have another level called secret diplomacy and our secret diplomacy was held in iraq, doha, qatar and oman in different historical eras. these discussions were mostly with the americans and in some way an effort. it was to determine what share we would get from the jcpoa
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and what commitments we would make within the framework of the jcpoa. the fact is that after the withdrawal of the united states from the jcpoa, serious challenges arose for iran's economy. americans expect us too respond to our own obligations before the agency. also, linking the lifting of sanctions to a bilateral issue, what iran did was to end its obligations, especially in relation to the additional protocol and the issue of inspections. the second point is that he improved the uranium enrichment process , i.e. it reached 60%. americans feel that they are in a state of danger and threat. that is, their argument
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was that if iran continues this process, it may be on the threshold of nuclear power. it was here that the american who always attacked from above. when iran has its own capabilities increased, it was america that asked for negotiations and part of these negotiations in a bilateral or tripartite situation based on the atmosphere of partnership. the host country was obtained. so this process was a very effective process. at the same time, iran was able to
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promote diplomacy in connection with the jcpoa, the expansion of cooperation with european countries and, in parallel, the level of cooperation with russia and china within the framework of shanghai, as well as bilateral relations. we had applied for and been accepted as shankai observer members for years. last year, the ground was created for iran to become an official member accepted. but there is also a point. we are not yet enjoying all the benefits of shankai. why? because the americans imposed sanctions. these sanctions create restrictions for some countries, including russia and china. this is where iran put the policy of orientation to the east on the agenda. i think that a type of multi-branch and multi-branch policy
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has emerged in iran's diplomacy, and i am sure that the process that took place during the era of ayatollah raisi in the field of foreign policy for official bilateral negotiations, official multilateral negotiations, left behind secret diplomacy and diplomacy the famous promise of an organization was formed from now on and it will continue with the same strength. may we continue this discussion during the presidency of the aghasi government. we became a permanent member of shankai . we experienced meetings between the presidents of the countries for the first time. many trips
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were made. the presidency that led to the election of mr. masoud mezikian as the elected president. we had this presence and this participation which led to the election of the president-elect , look at how much he has achieved in stabilizing the position of the islamic republic of iran in the international arena, and of course he will achieve better situations and other improvements in the future. the political structure of our people is the foundation both the supreme leader and the imam are always on this issue. emphasizing that people are the main backbone of national power. some countries ' national power is based on technology, some is economic, some is military. iran has always emphasized this issue. therefore, the discussion that existed was that there should be a situation in this new election process
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society and community groups should be formed. be present why? because the idea of ​​the political construction of grassroots people and grassroots society is important because it gives strength, legitimacy, and identity to the behavioral pattern of the political system. there was this mentality here, which is a manifestation of political obstruction. it has been formed and there is no basis for, for example, the participation of competing political groups. the fact is that the election. the alternation of the elites showed what vilfredo pareto puts forward in relation to political constructions, and
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he pays attention to the fact that the elites must have the tendency to accumulate and continue. if it has come into being, it means that on the one hand , there will be a shift in the elites and brokers, on the other hand. the clauses of iran's foreign policy in relation to resistance, in relation to bilateral diplomacy, in relation to the expansion of relations with the international system , are on the agenda, and we witness that the congratulatory messages given to dr. desire it has been created to expand cooperation and this desire is a significant part related to the fact that iran
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has achieved a strategic power and a regional deterrence capability when the infrastructure of power and the support of power if a country is promoted, in that situation, diplomacy can take a good path, the path of seeking cooperation. iran has always supported and welcomed negotiations, cooperation and bilateral and multilateral commitments in all historical periods. the fact is that the americans felt that diplomacy, which many iranian agents felt was a kind of unraveling of iran's strategic fields
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, put an early end to iran in a tight situation and iran was forced to adopt a policy of reciprocity. it doesn't matter what the agenda is for iran is it mr. rouhani? be it mr. raisi or mr. bizikian, in the strategic fields, all these people put the policy of threat against threat on the agenda, and this issue shows that there is a strategic consensus in iran in relation to the country's macro policies, mr. dr. motaghi, our weeks. leading up to the election , we review the media's letter, which has now become very widespread, stating that
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they want to eliminate a disappointment among the people. to people who are ineffective in holding are ineffective in the results of the elections and of course the important issue that they always and always follow in many and different elections is the boycott of the elections, the boycott of the participation in the elections , the statistics of the two holding periods , we see that the same point you mentioned the people's system is the basis of strong social capital that always makes the islamic republic successful in various fields, i.e. the people, why follow this, as opposed to never getting results from it and still failing in this case, look at the approach in the competitive environment. these two approaches are related to a manifesto iran has four indicators, one participation, two
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competition, three health and four security. the initial discussion of this manifesto is related to the partnership , when will it be formed, when there is competition, in this period of the presidential election competition, the competition was very serious. we had candidates and each of these candidates had a speech. this discourse could be an inspiration for social groups, but the society has 40% of basic necessities in the first phase of election funds. the agreement showed that in that period the polar society was not peaceful in the second stage to the extent that
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number. candidates decreased, the ground for polarization, but peaceful polarization was created, of course , there were immoralities on the part of some headquarters, which naturally the society did not pay attention to these issues, these immoralities could have an effect on the participation. it is, but the atmosphere has become a polarized and peaceful situation. many people who did not participate in the elections in the past years, this polar atmosphere will drag them to participate . the ripeness of their arrangement. in the second stage
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there was a general increase in the scale of the first stage and secondly, a wider range of social space was addressed to themselves, that is, it showed that the society needed a kind of electoral shock. since these years , the expectations of generational groups , identity groups, language groups , religious groups, in any order, have not been taken into account, and this issue created a kind of gap, which, in my opinion , created a shock in the framework of the fund. participation and
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interactive action of society and political institutions is a kind of solidarity and, of course, contrary to the scenarios that they tried to turn into reality and failed, of course, the international media, in the same way that we consider participation and competition as a sign of power, they also tried to reduce participation and show competition. what is the body? there is no such thing as competitive action, while the reality is that at least in this period of election contests , when iranian citizens are being beaten up when they want to vote abroad , the reality is that the space it was extremely competitive, it was extremely popular participation and what was in the atmosphere
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abroad, in connection with those who wanted to vote , i would like to talk about the principles of democracy, the principles of democratic action, and the principles of human action . we talked in the studio, let's go back, ms. sharifi, sada vasima news agency reporter , was added to our group. usually, when we go to the battlefield , we take a bulletproof vest with us, but here you must definitely bring an anti-obscenity vest with us. on july 15, 1403, voters iranian resident outside the subversives and royalists hearing a common question, you went to vote, you voted , you went to vote, you voted, you voted, what if everyone who was present in or around the polling stations encountered these expressions, so you went.
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you pass by obscene crowd, you are too hot to vote, royalists and subversives, for more disturbance, don't come, don't come, take the video, even from the car license plate, pictures of people's faces and even the addresses of the voters' residences. i hate iranians abroad who vote despite threats, insults and intimidation . they had monarchists and subversives


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