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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 5:30am-6:00am IRST

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[000:00:40;00] i hate the iranians abroad who vote despite threats, insults and intimidation. in front of me is khamenei's sacrifice of the iranians who used their right to vote. a joint response to the monarchists and
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subversives of the owners of sada and sima news agency has been added to our group, madam. sharifi, i greet you , let's talk about ms. eizdhar's report, and of course, the production of such content that we had on the voting day in both periods of the 14th presidential election in the virtual space and the reactions that were received. at your service, dear colleague mrs. emami and dear viewers of khabar zant channel the revolution of anti-revolutionary groups, and i should say anti-iranian groups, is one of the things they do in the first round of the elections on july 8th and the second round of the elections on july 15th. they use obscenities just like us , as the bbc reporter said here, if you want to vote, you have to sell anti-obscenity vests, and this was an example of what he
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did in the real world. with all this, the representative of the country's election headquarters told iranians abroad that if we want to compare, the second round of participation the voters outside iran are four times more than in the previous presidential election in 1400 , which shows that despite all this , they were not successful, and now the atmosphere of majid is insulting and far from freedom of expression in the cyberspace. the data mining provided to us by the national center for cyberspace said that from the 8th to the 15th of july, between the first round and
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the second round of election boycott campaigns. they insulted and even incited people. they are creating an atmosphere of polarization and mistrust , so that you see that if you vote badly, it will not have any effect. there were 17,000 posts in one day , 34,000 tweets in one week, just because you didn't come to vote. now , what about the instagram social network? now, because it's a story, they couldn't read the story, those data mining systems couldn't read the story. calculate
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and only those pages that are open. they posted 563 posts on instagram and now there are groups in my telegram network with 3 thousand channels in this one week. in order for people not to vote in the second round , they were working to ensure that the content of each of these had 45 million views, so now i i said in the second round, what about the first round? yes, wait a minute, ms. sharifi, manage your time. yes, in the first round of our elections, the spokesperson of the national center said that 75% of these groups produced content that increased people's anger with the aim of reducing participation in the elections. they wanted people not to vote. and from the collection of 100% of the contents in the cyberspace data mining in the first round, which was between june 27th and july 6th, 75% of the key contents of our contents were insulting behaviors, behaviors that were not ethical, and
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were based on fake news and fake news, although we in the world, this is the time of the election we have campaigns that spread fake news and spread false information with the aim of polarization and distortion of reality, but in no country, but if we check the social networks in the world , there is no country like iran with this volume of sanctions distortion campaigns. the elections were not held , thank you very much, fatemeh sharifi, sada vasima news agency reporter , i bid you farewell, mr. dr. motaghi , let's focus on the report that was aired, mrs. sharifi's explanation, why these people and anti-iranian currents are so focused on the participation of our fellow countrymen. our women abroad tend to behave like this we have a discussion that the action may be social. every social action has a democratic nature.
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what was formed abroad was by no means a social action. in other words, it was a security action. security action has 2 dimensions. a security factor for the purpose of that action is to create a kind of psychological pressure and behavioral pressure on the people who want to vote . cultural politics. economically, both inside the country and abroad, they can speak and approach freely hit, but there is a time when you see a project to put pressure
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on social groups and you see that the space becomes security, which means it shocks the society . they were charged and directed from the regional countries. their effort was to put the press policy in the so-called social space of iran on the agenda, that is, to say , "well, if the person ever wanted." vote freely and defend your social rights in some way and say sir, i like to vote or i don't like i want to vote now, i want to vote for this person
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, i want to vote for another person, that is , they wanted to secure the atmosphere of democratic action , put pressure on it, and for this reason, we witnessed some kind of conflict. they created things so that the policy of pressure and pressure would create a kind of intimidation that would minimize the level of participation , but the reality was that the iranian spirit , iranian thought and iranian will abroad are stronger , more precise, more effective in the atmosphere. the election played a role . we have about 3 minutes until the end of the conversation , mr. doctor. i want to be religious about the elections let me speak french. now, at the same time as the elections in
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the islamic republic, a few days ago, we had the parliamentary elections in france. iran held elections in safety and security , the results were announced and there was an analysis about this issue. the fact is that in the election space. iran, we had the elections in england, and in france, the english mind is a mind controlled by the english police. his approach is the approach of creating deterrence in order not to create collisions, but unfortunately in among democratic and european countries, the french police is the most violent. the reason for the brutality of the french police is somehow in the social structure and the pattern of protests. we know rival groups.
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there is an anti-immigrant wave in france. a wave has formed, as the famous french say, who always seek to create restrictions for other groups. therefore, the social construction of france is a strong protest against the construction of security and police. compared to england, france has a much higher level of violence , that is why in france we saw social conflicts with the police, while this situation in england looked completely different. thank you very much, mr. dr. ebrahim motaghi, an expert and analyst of political issues and a member of the academic faculty of the university. i say goodbye to you and thank you for your presence. who appeared in our gathering tonight by phone
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and as always and every night, i am grateful for your good company. good night and god bless you. the eternal name of the country in the morning, the hope of the country, let it be heard in the sky like an eternal seal, and my words burn like your song , i am all my soul, my country
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, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country, my country. every the color and language of all with the same name shows the difference of every color and language, all of them are happy and violent to the women of zalamat , young iran, to the origins of iran. i personally knew it was my duty to participate in this election, since this election will decide the future of the country, for me, who is a student and studying in russia , it is my duty. i was able
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to take part in the presidential election of the islamic republic of iran . show the name of javed vatan, the morning and the hope of the homeland . you are in the sky like the eternal seal of your homeland. soze my speech, which is also a song. you are my soul and body , my country, my country, my country, my country, and my words are burning , and my words are burning in this grass. this year, according to the emphasis
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of the honorable minister of education, mr. dr. sahrai, we started the first step of this plan to develop and promote the persian language and literature based on the book of golestan saadi's sharif. all over the country there are commemorations with the theme of golestan. saadi was held and, god willing, content production will also take place in this the field will take place both workshops and training and
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workshops of khanesh matun in the year. with the surname of saadi shirazi , the book golestan saadi has a special place in world literature. it is one of the most important books of saadi and persian literature. this book contains sweet and instructive anecdotes written in the format of order. in the reading workshops of our texts all over the country in karon centers for the intellectual development of children and teenagers, especially in both the literary workshops and the art workshops , various aspects of this great work of persian literature were discussed. there is a national plan and it is planned in a process-oriented way. its goal is that children and adolescents have a deeper bond that leads to a change of vision and behavior and a bond with the persian language and literature and the wisdom and treasures that
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exist in our persian literature . reinforcement. national identity, wisdom, cultural growth , god willing, in order to be able to reach the goals of this plan , it can be seen in several steps of this plan, the first step of which begins with golestan saadi , the plan for the development and promotion of persian language and literature using moton reading. golestan saadi and also the performance of the show of its stories will be performed with paying attention to the fact that there is a style available in the paper puppet show, and the puppets can be prepared quickly, and the text can be easily coordinated with the puppets . it is possible that according to different occasions, in order to be able to have a better education for the children, there are as many let's do this a lot. a book for children and teenagers is being compiled in
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the afarin shah unit. this book is easy to read and its approach is interactive. the audience is supposed to be able to connect with the text and enjoy it while reading the book. that literary text can have an opportunity to think and practice life and so on from this golestan idea generation campaign, we have that all trainers, teachers, students, teachers, all those involved in the field of children and teenagers can create their own plans to expose children and teenagers to persian literature and so on. specially for golestan , in this plan, a series of literary events are defined in our calendar, and we at the center know that one of our duties and even our own mission is to introduce children and teenagers to the history of our literature , of course, not the history of literature in the sense of a collection. from
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the archives of the history of literature, it means the introduction of the culture of the persian language and literature, that which represents identity our iranian is in the world. one of the great needs of our children in order to introduce themselves to the world and show that they have something to say as an iranian is to get to know the famous culture and politeness of the country. it should not be forgotten that the center is a very good place for talents to flourish and that i tell the children that if they are interested in the field of literature , they should get to know poets more than literary books and read a lot of books. they should say that i was an insignificant flower, but when i sat with a flower for a while, it
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made an impression on me. otherwise, i am the same soil that i am, they work mostly on your professors, and well , it flourishes here, and in my opinion, every child should come, at least now, as much as he wants to come and get to know this environment, so that he can discover his own talent, they said to me. have you ever seen or heard of a greater effort than you in the world, ahmed amin ferd of sed and sima news agency came as their representative. a day to introduce those whose blessings have been increased by thanksgiving. god bless
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us now on our capacity. cooperation with university of tehran and updating and comparing with global excellence models was updated and this model is now the basic evaluation model. to evaluate the companies that actually
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participated in this award, a total of 55 companies participated in this award. the ability to use all resources optimally, such as energy, human resources, etc. , is called productivity. we participated in 5 courses in the course that is being held. in the past few years, and of course in the 7th plan
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, as one of the focus points for creating added value and national wealth, it is actually of interest. in the past few years, we had a favorable growth in the productivity index of the mining sector, even in the year 1401, 12 percent. he
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registered that it is a very high number though. compared to last year, we had a two-fold growth in the area of ​​patrols that we registered, some of these patrols will be located in iran itself, near the border, god willing. they will be independent so that they can
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provide special services to all pilgrims who come from different nationalities for the border. these processions are from the countries of afghanistan, iraq, nigeria, pakistan, thailand, india, and azerbaijan to provide services to the arbaeen pilgrims of imam hussain (peace be upon him). throughout the year , we are at the service of innocent pilgrims and zahirin imam zaman on pembarrazm blvd. that
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close during arbaeen hussaini , we will have a program on the walk from najaf to karbala , god willing. for more than 10 years , we have been serving the pilgrims of abu abdullah al-hussein, peace be upon him . one of the goals of organizing these processions is to promote cultural and religious issues among the youth. cultural products should be strengthened . special importance should be attached to the procession prayers. the congregational prayer must be established in the processions. the presence of a clergyman in the processions is one of the necessities, and
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there should be a banner of the religious foundations of the religious issue be followed the role of young people is very effective. the capacity of young people should be used . hey dad, this washing machine dirty instead of cleaning it was a good question, i said there is a problem, why don't you buy household appliances from the city , unfortunately no, unfortunately no, what is nice , buy household appliances, why because it has both quality and a discount
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, a discount, a discount, not a discount. amazing discounts for everything in the specialized reference of household appliances in the city of household appliances. meters of reporters have landed. paora ohm mamte , imam of esteghlal azad, the role of our lives, the martyrs wrapped
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in the ears of time, your cry, payende mine. ro jabadan islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. king abdullah ii of jordan and president of egypt abdel fattah al-sisi sent separate messages to mr. al-madijian on monday evening to congratulate him on his victory in the presidential elections of the islamic republic of iran. iraqi prime minister mohammad shia al-sudani also congratulated mr. al-bizjian


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