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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. greetings to you , dear viewers, at 12 o'clock with some news. we are you, the freight forwarders should not refer to the electronic service portal with zero tax. the director general of the tax audit office said that the withholding tax on the performance of 1,402 miners , business owners, natural persons was loaded from the beginning of this week. according to mr. rahimi , all fixed taxes will be loaded gradually by the end of this month and finally by the 10th of august. mr. rahimi also said that
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there is no need for the organization's electronic service portal for people whose withholding tax amount is zero. refer to tax affairs. the general manager of the tax audit office said that for these people, as in the previous period, a definitive form of zero will be issued and registered in the system. the director general of education councils said: the schools of the board of trustees are completely public and the right to receive an amount under according to mr. abedi, the registration of students in these schools is done only based on the geographical area. is it forbidden to take a test or special payment for registration? it is completely forbidden to take exams and it is completely illegal in these schools. i said we have no confirmation
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we do not consider any school for students within the geographical boundaries of the school to take the test in the schools of the mamaneh board, and no letter has been sent , and any school that takes a test to recruit students in the atmoni school has committed a complete violation. the schools are going to be implemented , is this optional or mandatory according to the rules of school management in a sustainable way ? it is completely optional and a fee will be charged for it . if a student participates in these classes , the fee must be paid . can be optional and knowledge training he can not use it and not pay any fees. the registration of doctors, medical staff and rescue workers for voluntary service in the arbaeen ceremony has started. announcing this news, the head of hajj and pilgrimage medical center, hilal al-ahmar, said: volunteers have the opportunity to register until the end of july. on the site
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of the hajj and pilgrimage medical center , loved ones can register as well as volunteers who are going to be treated in a medical procession. considering that they must obtain permits for the medical procession from the red crescent medical center, they must also register on the site. do the specializations that you must register and what specialties do you need and what do you need? general doctors , internal cardiology doctors, pediatrics, emergency medicine , orthopedics, as well as neuropsychiatry, these are the specialties that we send and considering that our team is in iraqi hospitals. the surgery and anesthesia team will be fully at the service of aba abdeh pilgrims during these days.
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sefiran mehr is broadcast every day at 18:00 on channel 3. in each episode of this program, new muslim women who have chosen hijab as a great value are introduced to the viewers. sefiran mehr is produced by seyed majdid akrami, directed by fatemeh agha mohammadi and performed by ala khamiar. mr. president's book. i was published. this work is the first book for children and teenagers about the personal life of ayatollah raeesi , which has depicted the personality of the late president of iran from his childhood to his martyrdom, with the aim of introducing this age group to the personality of the late president of iran. sangarh cultural complex is the book publisher of this work. brazil in support of the palestinian trade agreement. azad between the union
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of south american countries known as mercosur with palestine, which has been waiting for approval for more than a decade was implemented. the ministry of foreign affairs of brazil announced that this agreement is to help palestine so that it can reach swat economically and sustainable peace. brazil recognizes the state of palestine and in 2010 gave permission to build a palestinian embassy in the country's capital. the palestinian ambassador in brasília called this decision of the brazilian government a brave and timely support decision, which is an effective way to support the establishment of peace in palestine. ibrahim expressed hope from the language of palestinian business. increase the deficit, which is currently 32 million dollars per year. trade union of countries south america, known as mercasur, includes brazil, argentina, uruguay and paraguay, and for the free trade agreement with palestine to come into force , each of the mercasur member countries must
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ratify this agreement. the palestinian islamic resistance movement announced in a statement. the minister of the zionist regime is still throwing stones in the way of the ceasefire negotiations for the exchange of prisoners. in this statement, hamas has acted in a positive and flexible manner to facilitate an agreement to stop the war in the gaza strip, but netanyahu continues to escalate crimes against the palestinian nation and continue the war. attempts to displace palestinians are aimed at defeating efforts to reach an agreement. islamic resistance movement. palestine demanded the intervention of mediators to end netanyahu's deception and crimes and asked the international community and the united nations to put pressure on the zionist regime to stop the genocide of palestinians in the gaza strip . in a statement, the islamic resistance of lebanon
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targeted two military settlements of the invaders in response to the aggression of the zionist regime. the southern regions of lebanon reported. lebanon's hezbollah announced that its mujahideen occupied the zionist settlement on monday evening yessud in the jalil al-ala area and the zionist military deployment centers in the town of mutulala in the north of occupied palestine were targeted with katyusha missiles . the islamic resistance of lebanon emphasized the missile attacks on these two zionist military settlements in response to the attacks of the occupying enemy on brashid kafr settlements. khune and hula took place in the south of lebanon. and a zionist official said that with the continued attacks of the lebanese resistance, israel is on the way to losing the galilee in northern occupied palestine. ronin marley, head of
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the nahariya town council, added that the rocket launchers and drone operations in the north are the biggest disaster in history is israel this zionist official warned. if these conditions continue, in terms of security , we will lose al jalid and the residents of shahrrak will not return to the north. thank you very much for being with us. in the name of god, light, in the name of god, light, light , light, light, light, light, light
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, light, light, light, light. in the name of allah, the light of the slave . in the name of allah, who is the master of affairs . allah, who created the light from the light, and sent down the light in the form and sent down the light in the book of the best, at the time of the time, in the book of the best, at the time.
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the charter is as much as possible for allah the great. god is great, god is great, god is great. i testify that there is no god but allah . i testify that there is no god but allah. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god
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. i testify that muhammad is the messenger of god.
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hail ali khair al-alam hail ali khair al-alam , god is great
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, you are the burden of trust, stand up, first page, first row, first row, the row of service, the row of humanity, you are the stronghold, your stronghold, this is the table and there is hope for you on the other side of the table, there is a martyr in your eyes, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. good service dear viewers, welcome to another program on the first page, i hope
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that all of you dear ones are doing well and that your prayers and prayers are accepted by the door of truth. simultaneously with the day of enjoining good and forbidding evil. we are the host of the respected secretary of the headquarters of commanding the good and forbidding the evil, dr. mohammad hossein sahari haj haj, greetings, good time, and welcome to your service . colleagues to prepare with let's see, let's return the conversation to serve you and dear viewers, shahid.
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i am not indifferent to the beauty and ugliness of society. a duty of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil that everyone has experience or impressions of it? it is well known that sometimes words are not words. in my opinion, showing our actions means making things famous. as far as i could, if i didn't really do it myself, i
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didn't see it as ugly, and if i saw it as positive, i tried to accept it somehow. a society that, in addition to various questions, why is it all the people's neck? why do the authorities do nothing? people from the lack of education and culture they say about it. what are the methods? how? what is the law? what is your framework? so far, no one has explained these things to us. the lack of sufficient training to carry out this mission, the headquarters of the command of good and forbidding evil by forming a network of trainers is looking for a better effect of this call to good. but since the blessing of amr be maruf headquarters and this work that has started and a network of trainers has actually started the necessary training for amr be maruf models that will lead to a positive result and reform the society in in the end , our key word is more important, law is more important
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it is the order of the good and the prohibition of the evil that the audience knows what legal protections an amer can have. the famous field of work is a broad social field that includes all matters within the context of islamic government, such as business, such as employees, such as the powers that are doing executive work, organizations, organizations, and these demands can be very, very serious demands. responsible society with role-playing of people who have a role model like imam hussain (peace be upon him) in front of them. thank you very much to our colleagues for preparing a good report, just like i told you in the day we are the host of the honorable secretary of the commanding for the good and forbidding the bad, haj
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mr. taheri, haj, i think this year is the first year that the day of the good is officially included in the country's calendar. i would like to congratulate you on these days, and i would like to congratulate you on this participation. of course, we had unofficial revivals in the past ten years. parsha was approved in the umumi culture council. the second day of muharram is celebrated due to the arrival of imam hossein karbala is the day of good deeds, forbidding to call evil things, and from there until the 8th of muharram, in fact, it is the celebration of the revival of good deeds week, and in the first decade of muharram, this naming and anyway this affinity was made,
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it had a special purpose, it had a special reason, it has a philosophy. i am in other departments. the reason is that imam hussain says, "i rose up to revive the religion " . in the hijri that mu'awiya announced this , imam hussain took a position in madinah in the prophet's mosque until he was martyred in karbala, which culminated in that famous letter. yazid said to the ruler of madinah, who pledged allegiance to three people , one of whom was not imam hussain, hit him on the head . look at the words of imam hussain and the behavior of imam hussain. you will see that this
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noble imam (peace be upon him) is continuing a line of thought that later became known to the martyr. what happened is that in an apparently religious society, he claims to reform the nation of his ancestors. this is an important point. the people are religious. apparently, the prophetic tradition is being implemented in the society. the quran is apparently common among the people. hajj is common. everything is common. the prophet disagrees. has then he says that such a person is an islamic ruler differently, at the end, he says here that this path that i am talking about is the path of martyrdom. he even says in one place that you made me hesitate between salah and zahlahat manzalah
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. why is imam hussain saying this? this is the whole of ashura in this one word that the imam used to say. i want to revive religion in the society that looks like religion, this is because now in today's political system they call it philosophy, in political philosophy they call it governance. that is, imam hussain does not want only prayer in the community, be it hajj, be it zakat, not hajj prayer, zakat under whose banner, under the banner of god's will or man's will, this is what is happening today the form of hadaf homanism flow is basically governance, that is, it should not be the relationship of person with person, person with society, person with the right government, person with family, who should determine this? that is , the human sciences are implementing this, he says
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, while in the revelation system, god says through revelation that we should give orders to god, what we should eat, what we should wear, how we should do what we shouldn't, well, when you live in a society that is ruled by a yazidi who openly drinks wine. he plays dog in public, he gambles in public , he does this publicly, then he says, i am an islamic ruler, i want to carry out god's order, this duality must be done. the society will go towards hypocrisy . now i am saying this. what is the duty of the people if one day the officials go to the wrong side? according to the direct lineage, like the prophets who bring a miracle or the message of our prophet, this becomes an imam or a prophet, or it is expressed by the general lineage, which means the conditions. that's why imam hussain came for religious rule and the highest order of the
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good is to call the government for good, so that people, yes , you can teach a good thing to a small child, to parents. respect it, this is a well-known matter, don't lie, it's true , this is a prohibition against evil, but the highest order is that the government is in budgeting. the division of this appropriate government in government relations, everything that is under the command of governance comes under the command of imam hossein martyr . this is why the choice of this decade is the reason . very well, now what actions is the headquarters taking in this decade? we are not in line, that's right, so we are not looking for big and cold operations. the operation is carried out by mobilization and popular organizations, but we make plans, we make policy plans and coordination yes, coordination, of course, next time we will find a place in the implementation, we help with the help
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of other institutions , we usually have a few basic tasks in the revival decade, because we have a program during the year, now i will explain it during the program. we are strengthening the process of education and cultural building, which is a very important issue. one of them is that we are strengthening, one of them is to revive the important messages of imam hossein in popular organizations. now this can be in the form of a meeting, in the form of a conference, in the form of commemorations, or in the form of works of art that have a great impact on media productions today. one is presence in the institutions, because of that discussion, that is, many tasks that i will present to you in the process of the program, god willing. we are trying to
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put this cultural point of view in the society with a positive view . if we were indifferent to our own country in culture, our own society islam, dear prophet, islam is an art that we will explain if there is time, this is our priority, of course, along with it, the discussion of popular organizations and the discussion of councils of institutions, which are our duties, sir, if you allow me to come a little further in the space.
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in today's society , let's talk about the matter of public interest, the fact is that what is happening in the heart of the society now is that many people may be interfering in their private lives. what is this criticism? this is a good question . it depends on how you define the famous. it is what islam has defined. i will give an example. if someone fasts in his own home, wears a hijab , has a party, it has nothing to do with us or not, so we have nothing to do with our individual lives, even you, in the case of these iranian platforms that were supposed to be activated one day. we do not interfere and do anything in this field, as the saying
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goes today. this cannot be checked. we have nothing to do with individual lives. it is in the social sphere. you will see the same day if you do it to the society. this is called breaking the norm. you speak in the community when you cut down a tree, when you see an animal that belongs to nature, you are entering the community. i understand, so i have to come to the conclusion that the visualization was not done correctly, so what did you do to correct it? we did a pathology discussion at the headquarters with the help of some friends and some critics , and we listened to their words and
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examined field discussions and some statistics. its own ability because we are the head, i emphasize again, we are not in line to be an organization, we have thousands of employees, and we are not here in the same area, we have to find an entry in that area of ​​decision-making, and we put two and one campaigns that if i were the secretary, how many thousands people participated in that survey. well, usually, those who are concerned participate in such surveys. we did not go. the thing that should be the basis of our work that we have reached is that education is not done properly , this quran is also a book, this is the important point of cultivation and what do you mean by education done properly
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, you have to learn many things in culture building. a bad when a child wants to grow up in the society , parents forbid many things until a certain age . it's true. if you say no, your children are free to do whatever they want. well, the child goes in the morning and touches his hand, for example , the heater burns his hand and so on. as you get older, this becomes less until you reach maturity. when you change a society , after our revolution, you have to do this step by step, and this is a cultural thing . we have not been taught the right and proper manners , we have not been taught, nor have we cultivated our behavior. i say, when the father is at home, for example, the phone rings, the child picks up the phone and says, "he's not home , tell him he's not home. what are we teaching the child ? look at these small things. then if this child grows up with this lifestyle, then he will be responsible.
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how did he become responsible in this society? it works , that is, he accepted it. you can see the behavioral discrepancies with the double behavior. when you look at it , we even said this in the meeting with the minister of education. let's teach, i don't know, let's teach the child why we don't teach life lessons, why our children in the first two or three years, just collect the books at all, let the child learn, sir, learn discipline. order, respect the law , respect the elders, respect social life before anything else, remember to respect nature, respect the rules of driving in the class, walk, this is the work that is very important and interesting, in addition to the research and discussion of your education, you took a special action in the education , see a great work we have done two or three big things in the one year since we came, in two areas specified by the law.


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