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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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for the rest of the goods, which are even exclusive goods, like cars, we came and made orders based on article 44 of the law, where we came to the so-called regulatory department. we banned the transfer and said that if the government sets prices , it will cause losses. if he becomes a producer, he should go and compensate for that loss, or if we use this 8d, for example, in the field of welfare issues, or for example in the field of housing, when we come for housing , we say that the growth of housing, for example, should be an annual ok, then we came to the housing season, we said, "well
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, what is one of the issues that make the growth of housing difficult?" we brought a ruling, we went there, the obstacles that cause our petrochemicals to not have the necessary added value, we worked out a method, and we said, mr. government, you no longer have the right, for example, in the steel industry of this area. expand them, leave them, in the next 5 years, your policy should go to other links of the production chain in the petrochemical sector, in the industrial sector steel in the field of aluminum in the field of egypt in the fields of the automobile field, so i want to state that first of all, i believe that this is based on the fact that i believe that the seventh program of the expert capacity set of the
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13th government was of the 11th parliament and five or six months after this program was stopped in the parliament one of the think tanks, the institutions, the ministries, we sat down and talked. i believe that 8% growth is completely possible, while we have a solution with what requirements this should happen, that is, mr. drodian pointed out that it is almost half according to his analysis and expertise. in the fourteenth government, it should be spent the opening of the sanctions is a big part of the mandated pricing that you mentioned. what do you think is the priority of the 14th government to achieve an economic growth of 8 % now that with oil it is almost 45% without oil it is 3 % because of that in order to reach 8 in a sustainable way, what do you think should be the priorities ? let me complete my sentence first . we
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have a liquidity growth of 25% at least in the best conditions, which may be even higher now or around this time our employment situation, our unemployment situation and all these issues are put together, we have no choice but to increase production, even the jump in production and economic growth is connected to the government budget, because what are the budget capacities of the government resources now, the oil that we are selling in the queue. thank you for your presence. the second thing is the bonds, how much capacity do we have to sell the bonds and pay the government's expenses? the third thing is the tax . let's provide government resources, so the first point that we have no choice, we have to stand by the fact that this growth is right. but
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what are the requirements? well, we saw the requirements in different seasons, that is, if i say that we should see the program as a package, for example , let me give an example in the seventh season, which is the agricultural season. well, in the rate of our agricultural growth , that is, the share of agricultural growth in the country's economic growth is insignificant right now. in some years it is completely negative. finally, for example, maybe. well, we sat down and checked why this growth is not happening. one of the reasons is your presence in the field of water resources supply. one area is about increasing productivity per unit area , one discussion is about our import and export policies, one discussion is about the pricing of agricultural products. in article 32
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, in table number 6, we came here for all these cases, we created a so-called requirement for the government , for example, we said that you should allow me to say a product that i am only now involved in because it is closely related to our constituency, for example, saffron , the saffron that we grow in every hectare. we can easily produce 10 kilos to 12 kilos, now our production rate is about four kilos per hectare in the so-called lands under saffron cultivation , you can only increase the productivity by two kilos per hectare. how much wealth do we produce? therefore, i request you to
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ignore the capacity and issues that we have in different fields in the country. yes, the discussion of sanctions is important , no one believes that sanctions do not have any economic harm to the country. but the reality is that if the sanctions are eventually removed in the economic environment of our country , we can, for example, 20% 30% in our import costs or in our oil sales or in our exports , it can definitely create an opening. now that we are we facing sanctions or for any reason do you know its impact less than what mr. drodian mentioned? i definitely don't know much. you see , mr. droudi himself, you must confirm this . now, for example, in the field of oil , some debates were raised in these debates, some of which were not compatible with the reality and the country's budget. we are producing a ceiling, we
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do not have the possibility to export more than this, that is, if someone comes and says, sir, i want from you 500,000 barrels per day, i want one million barrels from you at all. oil. buy it, we have a production capacity problem in terms of returning the oil money to the country. yes, i agree here that it is possible for us to return this money to the country through a trust, etc. finally, for example, it may be 10%, 15% in the worst case 20 % we may have a decrease in the income of oil resources here, but it is not the case that if the sanctions are lifted today, we now have, for example, 6 million liters of oil production per day, we can export 5 million liters, for example, this reality does not exist at all. we have production , which means we have to invest in our production now let's increase it. in this area
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, dear viewers, this question may come to them , why don't we increase our oil production? well, this requires foreign investment, and sanctions, which makes foreign investors not come, so to speak. invest in the country, well, we discussed this in the 7th plan. one of the debates that went back and forth in the assembly and in the supreme supervisory board almost until the last few days was the same debate as to why we use the capacity of our own development fund, which is also a big demand from the government. because of the amounts given to the government in different years , why is it from the development fund and that capacity of 40% share export. we do not use the development fund to invest in new fields or joint fields. however, my suggestion is that if we want to relate this to the sanctions, sir , the sanctions must be lifted so that something
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happens to us, even in the same year 1995 when we had an economic growth of 12. friends, go and study that year when a the next year, the jcpoa was the jcpoa. it was done . it was the first year that the european countries and the so-called countries that embargoed us wanted to finally have something happen. you go and check the growth factors of 2015. how much is this lifting of the embargo? for example, it caused us to attach a so-called special share for economic growth to the sanctions of that year. stay with us, mr. zangir. please, how many more minutes do we have? i will get back to you again, mr. drodian. we have more than 20 documents that the government must meet the requirements of this 8% growth in one year, and how do you think it is possible to set a target first, then let's go to the requirements of how to do this
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now. i would like to say that you see the sanctions from the point of view of just selling oil how much oil do we sell and how much money do we get back? of course, this is an important issue. in the short term, this is a very important issue, but the thing that will ultimately increase our economic growth in a sustainable way is the expansion of private sector investment, which means that the key issue of our oil income is, as they say, even if it improves. it reaches a certain limit, which means that no more than that can be sanctioned . it is actually exchange costs and those are the so-called things that fall . the ability to expand the investment of the qorsi sector and the vision they have, and if we look at it from this point of view, it is actually considered a more important factor. you see , i repeat again, we cannot
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be too proud of our economic policies. as you can see, i said that a part of our policy-making aimed at economic growth should be the reduction of interventions, which i said somewhere in the discussion of targeting interventions, which means that we should do targeted interventions, targeted support for what in certain sectors. in certain sectors that have high growth capacity, see, for example, the construction sector for almost 10-12 years, our economy has been really humiliated, in the real sense compared to what it was before, that is, the role it played in our economic growth. in recent years, but the rest have all been negative growths. after me, you will see the housing prices skyrocket. after all, there are many fields, and then you will see very good talents inside. there is almost all of it, if not 100
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, about more than 90% of what is in the chain. there is an infrastructure inside, so here we have rings that are separated from each other and can be connected, the housing part, the transportation part, the planning part, which generally leads to the improvement of energy consumption, especially gas, because if we spend on gas, it goes directly. it increases our production and our exports , these things actually. special sectors and special companies in those special sectors are special companies , which means high-growth companies, young companies, neither young nor old, companies that have a medium scale, and companies that are not necessarily startups. be a very knowledge-based company those who have been able to show higher growth than themselves for several years, these should be in those special sectors , target setting, government policy support. thank you very much , mr. zangeh. regarding the same orders that i presented to you , this undocumented document written by the government should
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be handed over by exactly when, and i would like to request your presence in your conclusion that in order for this growth to be sustainable and as you say, it will take a series of years. if it is not special and the plan is realized within 5 years , what should the next government do? yes you see, in article 119, because my friends of the supreme supervisory board participated in the meetings, they believed that some of the policies announced by the supreme leader in the program were summarized in the fact that we obliged the government, which is now included in article 119 that some of the program those who are focused on those policies should compile these during the first six months of the program and convey to the parliament that these will complement the 19 so-called 100 articles that we saw in the 7th program. executive road operations. he defines it . let me say 2 points as the end of the case
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regarding investment, mr. davodian is right , the removal of sanctions is definitely effective, but i want to say that even now, when countries and investors from our neighboring countries are ready to invest in the country , unfortunately, we provide the conditions for this investment. we didn't. just today, i had an objection from the country's investors. the neighboring country is our eastern neighbor afghanistan and pakistan , they say that they have come, we have come so far , we have invested in the country, now it has reached the limit, but even now we are not satisfied and the conditions of investment it is not available for us, so we see many of these obstacles inside. the last thing i would like to say is that the discussion of energy saving is mentioned in table number 10 of the law of the seventh plan. thank you very much, mr. zanganeh, for
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being with me in this program, a member of the islamic shura majlis budget program commission, you are drodian, an economic expert , to all the good viewers of the economic table program, who accompanied us until this moment, may god keep you safe in this.
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he came back in the morning in some place, for example, karaj or falanja , he is having a public meeting with the people why did you sleep after the prayer? don't be tired , good sir. he really believes that we can
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solve many of the country's problems by relying on our internal capacity. one of the most important characteristics of mr. may the person who is the head of a country's executive branch be able to have and follow the set of these practical, intellectual and heart qualities together. the election is over. the people elected their desired president with a majority. the appreciation of the head of the judiciary for the intelligent participation of the people in the presidential elections from all classes and different strata of the people, that is of all those who are really qualified to vote , from different strata of people , they came to the square more enthusiastically and with a better feeling, and
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once a week from the eighth day and again on the fifteenth day. once , more than 55 million people cast their votes in mr. mohsen izhe's fund at the meeting of the supreme judicial council . he emphasized the support of the elected president in implementing the program and solving the problems of the people. we should all help each other with empathy. let's make the government really active in the selection of the cabinet and in the direction of the islamic republic at this point . advanced i said these promises that it has been given and these actions that the people want are expected to help them. the head of the judiciary also issued several orders to the high judicial officials. that a
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prohibited object or a prohibited issue is not inspected inside, very well accepted so far , but the way of inspection in these inspections must respect all aspects of shari'a and legal aspects of the dignity of individuals, and the next order is to protect the information of the judiciary from the influence of people who are not qualified to different shapes inside the power the issue is in approaching people and then harming the dignity and trust of the people in the judiciary or in our jurisdictions or in our employees . had legal entities. one of the important effects of electronic documents of legal entities
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will be the possibility of online monitoring and identification of paper and syrian companies and the subsequent postponement and deactivation of these companies. improving the business environment, clarifying and preventing forgery and fraud and economic crimes , including the effects of electronic documents of legal entities. to date, one million and 500,000 electronic ownership documents have been issued and the documents are stored in the electronic warehouse. the head of the development center of the dispute resolution councils of the country also presented statistics on people's forgiveness in cases of retribution and the release of prisoners. last year, several campaigns were held. rauf, peace be upon him, i will forgive 422 people from retribution. found and consent was obtained. 6847 prisoners were also released. 171 collective system also ended with a compromise peace. in the
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second survey, 99 people were satisfied with qasas. 475 prisoners released. 43 the collective struggle also ended in a peace compromise. the third campaign in honor of the holy prophet i give peace 97 satisfaction in retribution. he announced a 30% increase in the export value of agricultural products this spring compared to last spring. with the realization of half a million tons
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of exports, our agricultural products have reached 918 million dollars, which we saw a 24% increase in value and a 30% increase in value. the most important export goods of iran in the field of agriculture this spring are pistachios and pistachio nuts, tomatoes, apples. during this period, the total more than 185 million dollars of pistachios have been exported from our country , which has increased by 20%. tomatoes and apples are the second and third items of export agricultural products of our country in terms of value. from the beginning this year, until the end of june, 128 million dollars of tomatoes and 14 million dollars of apples have been exported from the country. these three items had a share of more than 45% of the export agricultural products of our country in the spring season. the export of these products in 1402 also recorded an increase of 23% compared to 1401 . in 1402, the number of exports
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of our agricultural products and food industry reached 5.9 billion dollars, according to the customs statistics, which compared to 1401, this number was a 23% growth, so it can be said now . with the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, help to return the width of the export of this. products per year saudi arabia has not been unaffected in this process in the past. creation of exchange capacity for a major part of agricultural goods and food industry products. it means that we can import a wider range of products in this area in exchange for the exports that we currently have in the field of agriculture and food industry. with the official participation of our country in international organizations such as brics and the signing of the free trade agreement with the economic union of russia, new markets for supply and the sale of agricultural and food products has opened up the economy of these five countries, which means that the majority of the products we produce are in our industrial field
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our scientists, our medicine and medical equipment field , our clothing field, even some of our agricultural products are highly needed by these countries. 40% of world trade is done by brics member countries, so most of all countries are russia. i have these countries, they can easily export these goods to the world through iran through the southern ports of iran. paying attention to international standards and strengthening the country's logistics is the necessity of a bolder and more literate presence in the world markets. the private sector should know the tastes and interests of its countries and standards and adapt itself according to these components. give even in the type of packaging, a series of countries now pack with a series of colors. they don't accept it, and many of our producers don't know how to produce products according to their standards
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, similar to the pepper flow 2 years ago. we have to take shahid rajaei port from there to jebel ali port , it will stay there for 15 days and 20 days until the ship arrives and leaves from there . has taken steps. discuss the supply of containers refrigeration, the issue of the supply of tractors, the issue of refrigerated wagons were among the issues that we followed up on, and we followed a series of interviews through sadad, the economic coordinator of the government and the honorable first vice president. there is cooperation between the ministries. according to the officials of the ministry of agricultural jihad, the development of technological cooperation with the members of eurasia and berics will also provide the basis for the intelligentization of the agricultural industry.
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o people of the world, i can't speak now , the month of muharram has arrived, it is a rebellion that is in the creation of the world. peace be upon ali al-hussein and ali ibn al-hussein. to put hossein on the shoulders of science again in every alley
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of india and with.
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all hats in the reference. specializing in household appliances, the city of household appliances , in the name of allah, the most merciful , the most merciful. greetings to you, the respected viewers of their watch. we are at your service with some news. electricity consumption in the country crossed the 76,000 megawatt mark. the minister of energy said that this year, compared to the same period last year , we had an increase in consumption of more than 5,000 megawatts. according to mr. mehrabian , due to the increase in air temperature, the electricity grid is stable. and for the continuation of these conditions, consumption management should be used.


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