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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings to you , dear viewers, dear and respected countrymen , we are in your presence . we present the news of 18:00 together with my colleagues. the list of 17 super- debtors of credit institutions has been updated. the bank updated the credit institution such as. this list related to the facilities
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granted to persons related to banks has also been published for 19 banks and credit institutions. the spokesperson of the judiciary said about the latest situation of the crescent case that one of the reasons for the prolongation of this case is the demands many in different governments have been in order to stop the proceedings to conduct an expert. according to mr. jahangir, for a number of people in this case. the decision has been finalized and implemented. there is an open case against some other people. the defendants in the case were notified. necessary investigations have been carried out , now regarding the investigations that have been carried out and the information that they have given , correspondence and inquiries have been made with the executive authorities, especially the ministry of oil, regarding the case in the part that
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is open, after receiving the supplementary reports from the executive authorities. especially the appropriate actions and results additional services will be provided to the loved ones. the spokesman of the judiciary also said that as soon as the report of the collection and judicial actions board is received , the information will be given regarding the helicopter crash of martyr ayatollah raisi and his companions . this will be done. 114 fraudsters selling fake exam questions have been arrested since the beginning of the year. the fata police chief said that these people were the main administrators and operators of pages and channels related to the sale and distribution of fake exam questions. sardar majid, stating that so far, no samples of questions related to this year's national entrance exam have been discovered from the accused. not said
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46 websites that were selling exam cheating equipment were also monitored and 3 people were arrested in this regard so far. the head of the civil aviation organization said that the new prices of plane tickets have been uploaded on the internet portals of the airlines. mr. mohammadi bakhsh said: regulation of supervision and control that the supervision of the aviation organization has not been canceled and it is still in place to monitor the flight network. we made a table of the sensitivity rate of fuel price to the price of a plane ticket. the number of 600 tomans is also a number that is 60 cents as the fab of the persian gulf. we give abroad, of course. the distance between these two with the amount of consumption of our domestic companies is known and the effect is clear. this is karshan's opinion.
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we have given the government's economic commission a definitive opinion and we have announced our opinion. naturally, after the approval of any opinion, this rate will be sensitive to this price and will have its own effect . a 2000-year-old ancient statue of ateq smugglers. in the capital , the head of the prevention police of the capital said about the arrest of these smugglers that we were able to do two things in the intelligence work let's identify the smuggler who wanted to transfer an ancient metal statue from the south of the country to tehran and sell it. toman to buy. according to colonel qasimpur experts
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declared that this ancient statue is 2000 years old. lebanon's hezbollah once again showed off its intelligence aristocracy. the lebanese resistance group has released the second part of the images recorded by the hodeh drone, which the intelligence elites sent to military and security bases. the zionist regime reveals. channel 12 tv of the zionist regime reported. these images show that the hezbollah drone flew without any obstacles in the residential areas of nahariya, akaf, golan and al-lafa and recorded information. the time of these images is not known, but according to some indications , they were recorded during the last 9 months. the media of the zionist regime have called the strength of hezbollah in lebanon worrying and said: it is clear that hezbollah has more capabilities and can
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set a series of attacks in motion and will do so in the event of a war. thank you very much your attention this is a sports equipment store in a large iranian store , where you can easily choose your favorite sports equipment from among all the impressive variety
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, then take it to your home with free shipping at an unbelievable price for a long time . sports equipment store in sarai big iranian big iranian store in the cities of qom and wesfahan and the only branch in tehran in sarah afsarieh gorob. on the 17th, 4, 133 and 599 employees
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were working in my office at the qasr intersection, which later became the shahid qudousi intersection. it was near sunset when a few people seemed to be in my room pointing. i have private work, i will come slowly to tell you that a coup d'état is going to take place tonight, that is, the night of the 18th, and you should be prepared to deal with this. the topic was not opened much, what is the issue and for how long, because the issue was almost never raised, only to briefly say that something like this happened and that the
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children are trying to neutralize the coup, and it is appropriate that they wanted an arrest warrant from us. they should inform me. apparently , i was the first person who was informed about this incident in the judiciary on that date. a committee was formed in qast poze, the name of which was called the task force committee. it was a task committee. we coordinated with this committee for the people who were identified as members of the coup, whether in laleh park, where they were supposed to get into the car from there to work, and go to the martyr noje base, or those whose homes were identified. it was decided that this committee
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will arrest those who have a warrant to go and deal with them, which is about 60 to jesse . 10 colts, a few yuuzis and other reforms , a lot of cable push-pulls, in front of you , a speaker, a flashlight, which, of course , was talking about a coup. they are advised that they will continue the investigation. of course, some of them ran away. the official narrative about how the coup was revealed is that hamid nemati, a pilot who was assigned to bomb the imam's house , was troubled and tormented by his mother's insistence the night before the operation began. ayatollah khamenei, who was the imam's representative in the army,
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informs about the impending coup. two clues were obtained from the coup, the first of which was much more important. one of them was through a pilot who was supposed to be one of the collaborators of the coup plotters from friends with him. he was familiar, but he refused to meet with me. they recorded a video of what happened and what happened when he came to the service of the supreme leader and when i was in the revolutionary council to raise the issue, he said this in a tape that i brought in my memories and the important point here is how much a mother can really play a role in neutralizing a conspiracy. azim, a mother, a person , the person who caused the first one to stop this operation
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was an air force officer, a pilot came to me and told me what was going on. it was to take shape and spread from there to tehran and other places. an element of the air force made a mockery of all this in another way, which reached the committee of the second department . let me tell you, one day someone came in a hurry and said
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to take part, but this two ways met each other anyway. it was tied together and laid the groundwork for both the ground force of this incident to be discovered and the air force, which was thoroughly exposed to the details of this conspiracy, a conspiracy that two days after its failure, imam khomeini says about it, if it had been implemented, the revolutionary people of iran would have condemned it. they see that with four, for example, soldiers who
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do not agree with this, with four people of this rank, for example , like these, a country of 40 and 35 million people, who are all equipped, can lose this wrong thinking, they did not understand that the soviet union with all power which he has and with all the tools he has and with all the modern weapons he has in afghanistan . let them do something like this, something like this , for example, they don't understand what if. my son , you left the base of hamedan and came
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and suppose you hit a few places. you have to come to my land . you will stay with the same sky. after the coup d'état ended , there was a meeting with the clerics two days after the coup d'état ended . and tell the way to prevent it. very important point is. imam emphasizes that a coup d'état is not a danger to the revolution. this revolution cannot be coup d'état , that is, a military coup , they emphasize that this revolution will not be defeated by a military coup and i do not feel any danger from this. then
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they explain this in detail until they reach the end of what i have. he says that we are not afraid of these things. we are afraid of our own egos. make orders. i am afraid that we will not be able to do what some of us are responsible for correctly. then. then he says that this point is very important don't do it. they are still desperate to do this work in two or three days. if they can do it now, if they can't , they will plan to do it in 50 years. don't give up
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. separate them, don't think that they are too busy to do this work in just two or three days, if they can do it now, if they can't, they will plan to do their own work in another 50 years, they will not stop , and the plan is one of the most important plans. what separates the strata of the nation is to separate the clergy from the nation. this is a blow they ate from the clergy, they didn't eat anything, because they say that the blow is from others who hit us , forcing them to build mosques, and forced the people, so we have to start breaking the mosques, because the basis of this revolution is, in fact, if we want to root
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for the victory of the revolution. this is where people's trust in rouhani comes back. the intention and at the head of them is the imam , that is, this caused all the tribes to unite and win this revolution. this was the main story. now, what do they call this strength ? to force the people, then we have to the mosques let's start breaking it. now you can see what they are doing with the mosques, what they are doing with the youth. what separates them from the mosques? don't be afraid of phantoms . don't be afraid of america and the soviet union . be afraid of that day when you turn your back on islam. he says to turn your back on the mosques. fear that day . the leader
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of the enemy's program said today. after being disappointed by all other things, creating a gap between the islamic republic system and the dear iranian nation, this is their stupidity, they do not know that the islamic republic system is nothing but the iranian nation, they cannot be separated. the divine power connects us with more and more people day by day. we should all look for the fact that whoever questions the national man for any reason, this is dangerous for the revolution, he is hurting the revolution
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, for whatever reason , he wants to destroy the national unity for whatever reason, this is hurting him by not getting closer to the people. the revolution, not avoiding aristocracy , the blow to the revolution of the niqab operation, according to its designers , the plan was drawn on paper in a very precise way, a plan that was said to be able to be implemented anywhere else in the world. against this the land is still limping in one place. they have not known these people.
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hasina's name is chanted for sayyed al-shahda, the curse of both hearts.
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the people whose love for imam hussain has been passed down from generation to generation, we are proud that we come every year in the month of muharram to serve agha abdullah hussain. may allah give the legacy of this love to the younger ones by giving a glass of water to the hands of the mourners .
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according to the announcement of the crisis management organization from march 27 last year until the end of may this year, the floods caused 320 billion tomans in damages to different parts of the country. during this time, we all went to the watershed and said a head.
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to increase the irrigation plan of the servant to article 29 of the permanent regulations of the program to the natural resources organization. authorized to use the 50% capacity of non-governmental organizations, but the statistics indicate that this capacity remains locked, lack of trust and weakness of social responsibility, the so-called responsibility and social capital, the least attention is paid to the sector they promote under the pretext of lack of financial resources and that travel and ticket costs have become expensive, and i don't know, fuel has become expensive, we don't have cars, we don't have power , the forces are retiring under various excuses , face-to-face promotion and in the field and working with the local community has decreased . mr. mirqasmi also said that using the capacity of local communities
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will reduce the costs of implementing water management projects. the cost of implementing the work for each hectare is one-fifth. the approach is to use external contractors. it means using the capacity of local people. and local organizations are affordable due to the reduction of travel expenses there was a reduction in the cost of accommodation, a reduction in the cost of catering, and the so-called sweat and interest that they have for their hometown and their region. at present , there is no significant amount of participation. the laws now, whether in the watershed area or similar areas, are more supportive of a type of government. instead of democracy , as mr. tabatabai yazdi says: the government's involvement in the laws related to watershed management and not giving authority to the private sector are other factors of the low participation of the people in this sector. i am surprised that in
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the existing laws, the model of sustainable development of watershed community management has not been followed the drafting of laws has not been used, so it cannot be expected that the current watershed measures will be able to attract the participation of the users as the main actors of the watershed areas, and the watershed measures are multi-purpose as well as water and
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soil conservation. it also increases soil moisture , vegetation grows better, helps improve the livelihood of the local community, causes carbon sequestration and so-called increases our adaptability to climate change, makes our floods so-called less flood damage. it will decrease in our hands this should be notified based on article 9 of the executive regulations of the amendment to note one of article 47 of the regulation law. part of the government's financial regulations of the beneficiary's customary rights can be waived by the government. in this law , no solution was considered to facilitate people's participation. according to the announcement of the deputy director of watershed management of the natural resources and watershed management organization , the amount of people's participation in watershed management is 100,000 hectares per year. haratian, sed and broadcasting news agency.
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sarai bozur irani opened a well-equipped and specialized digital salon in an area of ​​more than 5 thousand square meters in sarai irani qom. ryan's cell phone types.
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the farmers of isfahan province should make a contract. that 's why we dedicated a production line to support those seeking help . i hope other factories will enter and help the welfare of these loved ones' families. kavir motor with 24-month installments and 36-month bank facilities. dad, this dishwasher makes the dish dirty instead of cleaning it. it was a good question. i said there is a problem. why don't you buy household appliances from the city? unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no . why buy household appliances? why, because it has both quality and discount, discount, discount, discount, discount. amazing for all hats
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, ladies and gentlemen, greet us . please accompany the economic news. asking the opinion of the elected president from the private sector. the head of the tehran chamber said that the president-elect, as he had promised during the election campaigns, has invited the private sector to participate in the working groups for the selection of ministers and the formulation of economic plans. we
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are in the same way with our colleagues and the iran chamber


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