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tv   [untitled]    July 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm IRST

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they face the reaction of germany and france, because this is to the detriment of the germans and the french, it cuts off the flow of energy to europe, so we see that they have conflicting interests within nato members, and each of them tries to so that they can achieve superiority and leverage against their competitors and in fact against their own organizations. we are seeing now and in my opinion, there is a situation where the europeans have to face the reality. america wants, in fact, it is doing something to weaken the rest of the nato members, it wants their infrastructure. so, i don't see a bright future for nato, and i think that nato will continue to face problems and become weaker . and
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let's examine its challenges and take a look at the perspective and situation of this organization. now, taking into account everything that we said together, do you think that this nato meeting in its 75th year will achieve and have a special output for the next two or three days when the meeting continues? it has absolutely no result. there is a way and the conditions are such that they actually have problems, that is, they cannot easily if they achieve their goals, nato wants to show its unity and solidarity, and in fact it pretends that it has unity and solidarity, but they are suffering from economic problems and... number one
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is that now the countries are suffering from economic problems and this is for the western countries. in order to convince their own people that we should spend the money to buy weapons and give them to ukraine, they cannot satisfy and convince the people . a few days ago, viktor orban, the prime minister of hungary he went to russia and actually leaned towards the east , he talked with putin and this shows that they could not actually maintain their solidarity and gather those countries that are their target around them. this narrative that they
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are trying to insinuate that nato is united and nato is continuing its activities with strength has not been successful and no one can believe it. now they have come to america to pursue two issues. one is that say that trump can't actually lead. and another issue is that the americans also want to join nato, in fact, the other members of nato make sure that even if trump becomes the president, he is not the person who wants to make decisions and somehow reduce the concerns of europeans about trump.
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he is not very happy with the current american government. they say that we cannot follow the speech and in fact the views of the biden government and we cannot rely on him. mr. nixon, thank you for this conversation with the news network. you did.
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the fire of insults and distortions of the opponent will not become the truth. now together we see the world according to the picture.
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d'autres avions d'autres mobiles aériens volant en même temps que que le volocity.
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in the rest of the world, today we want to review the results of the second round of parliamentary elections in france
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, in which the leftist movement, in alliance with the ruling movement led by macron, were able to prevent the far-right movement from coming to power for further investigation. on this issue, we had a conversation with mr. thierry polwalt , one of the founders of the yellow vest movement in france and a political and social activist. at first, i asked him his opinion about the election results. the result of the legislative election was a real surprise because of the national assembly est arrivé en tête au premier tour de cette election et pendant une semaine. il a eu des appeals, il a eu un front républicain pour faire barrage justement au rassemblement national, tous les parties que ce qui sont à gauche, donc c'est-à-dire le parti de la france insoumise de jean-luc mélenchon jusque glugsmann et jusqu'au parti d'emunuen macron
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se sont tous mis ensemble pour faire justement ce barrage au rassemblement national parce que beaucoup étaiten conveniens qu'ils aurait majorité, aucune majorité. absolu pour le rassemblement national et aucune majority tout court pour le rassemblement national, ça a été un échec et un désaveux pour le parti d'extrême droite et il faut aussi constater que emmanuel macron sur ce coup-là eu beaucoup beaucoup de chance parce que que ce soit les gens comme moi, les analysts politiques et aussi les gens de la presse, personne ne l'avait prédit. what effects and consequences these results will have on the french political scene. we see the answer of mr. polwallas. alors ces résultats ne vont pas être sans conséquences sur le political power c'est-à-dire que finalement il n'y a pas de perdant et il
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n'y a pas de gagnant, personne n'a atteint majorité, ce qui veut dire que la france aujourd'hui, elle n'est pas governable, elle est ingovernable, donc les partis. de droite et du center doivent trouver des accords politiques pour pouvoir governer la france, pour pouvoir proposer un prime minister et pour pouvoir constituer. un gouvernement et finalement, le front populaire qui est arrivé en tête, c'est le parti de la gauche, mais le parti de la gauche, il a la gauche douce avec le parti socialiste, et il a la gauche radicale avec jean-luc mélenchon, seulement aujourd'hui emmanuel macron does not want france to participate in the government and par ailleurs le parti socialiste également , ce qui veut dire que la france politique. practiment va être blocked pending severales semaines voire pending
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quelques mois, parce que ce n'est pas un régime parlementaire, la 5e république c'est un régime qui est semi-présidentiel, donc finalement pour la première fois de son histoire, la 5e république affronte cette crisis et cette crisis est inédite, elle est historique, et la question finalement de soit revenir un retour de la 4e république ou de... euh nous a nous sommes dans un contexto where il va y avoir les les jeux olympiques, la
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rentrée parlementaire ne se fera que au mois de septembre, donc il est tout à fait normal que gabriel attal nest pas demissionné, seulement la problematic, c'est que la plupart des ministres de d'emmanuel macron veulent demissionner et puis la moitie des ministers d'emmanuel macron have not been elected in this legislative election, so it means that... finally, it will fall to think about a new government and a new prime minister, now that the left has gathered avec le parti d'emmanuel macron pour barrage au rassemblement national, aujourd'hui elle doit se rassemblement pour pouvoir presenter un premier ministre, seulement ça va être très compliqué parce que jean-luc mélenchon, la partie extrême gauche, lui se revendique legit. au poste de premier ministre, ce que veut surtout pas le rassemblement autour d'emmanuel macron, et moi j'ai envie de dire,
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unfortunately, le gagnant finalement, c'est qui et ben c'est emmanuel macron, les perdant s' écrit, ce sont les français, parce que la démocratie ne va pas avancer, les français ne vont pas être pris en compte dans leur vote, emmanuel macron, lui finalement n'est responsable de rien, débrouillez-vous, choose un... prime minister, propose me a government and et je trouve que c'est terrible pour un countries qui se démocratique et et un countries qui donne très souvent des leçons à d'autres countries en matière de droits de l'homme et de liberté. the disclosure of some information about joe biden's parkinson's disease has attracted the attention of the american media
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. four months before the us presidential election, the disclosure of new information about joe biden's parkinson's disease is in the spotlight of american public opinion and media. is placed so that nearly 90% of the time. the press conference was held by the spokesperson of the white house. although he evaded and denied. i will answer your many questions about the president's illness in one place. mr. president, has he already been treated by parkerson or is he being treated now? no. has he or does he take the medication of parkingson? no , i cannot give more information than this because of security issues. american media revealed that in the past 8 months, a military doctor specializing in parkinson's
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has visited and examined biden at least eight times in the white house. biden has all the symptoms of a patient has parkinson's. if he was my patient or my father, i would definitely put him under medical care and special tests. although nearly two weeks have passed since the first election debate between biden and trump, the debate is still weak. biden's unprecedented inability is criticized by the american people . i asked a number of new yorkers their opinion about that debate. i really feel sorry for ourselves as american people. both of them seem not to know what they are talking about. biden was very slow. it was embarrassing. show the performance of each of them he said that none of them are capable of becoming president. in a new poll by cbs news
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, it was found that about 72% of the american people think that joe biden does not have mental and diagnostic health. they know for the presidency of this country. of course, from this point of view , trump's situation is not much better than biden's, and nearly 50% of the american people consider trump to be unfit for the presidency of the united states. ali rajabi, radio and television news agency, new york. in an agreement with the us department of justice, boeing admitted its crime in the case of the crash of two 737 max planes. making a fine agreed this company has been facing many problems in its planes in recent months. it was one of the most admired american companies. the giant of the aerospace industry, boeing, the enviable company that the american executive talks about, has now admitted its mistakes that caused the crash of two planes and agreed to pay a fine. boeing
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charged with conspiracy to defraud as a result of fatal crash. the two 737 planes that killed 346 people confessed. in 2018, the lionair flight crashed in the java sea less than a minute after taking off from the jakarta airport in indonesia. and all 189 passengers of this flight were killed. in 2019, an ethiopian airlines flight was shot down just 6 minutes after taking off from addis ababa, and all 157 passengers died due to the plane's software malfunctioning. now, after about 6 years, boeing has paid a fine of several hundred million dollar agreed. the fine that boeing pays is more than 243 million dollars. also, the company promised
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to spend 45 million dollars to comply with the standards. boeing has been facing numerous safety and technical problems in the past months . mohsen jalili for the simultaneous translation of the communication with well, at the end of the program , i would like to thank my colleague mr. washington. good night, god bless you.
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sometimes it was a refuge for the needy and sometimes it was a destination for thirsty passers- by for people who were far from places of pilgrimage. saqqa houses are an important part of folk architecture. the architecture of kuche bazari dates back to the safavid era, but in tehran , the oldest works left are from the qajar era , such as this building of saqqa khaneh khoda bandalo in
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tehrani pamnar. i can see that this is among the rare. it is one of the surviving examples from that era. this is the only floor of the house that has not been touched,
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has not been changed or moved in any way. in the past, this was a place where people used to sleep and drink water in this cave if someone was thirsty. this is a pass. therefore, we can look at saqakhone from three aspects. a religious belief aspect. two. the aspect of oldness and aging and the three aspects of urban elements, on this basis, the bodies and organizations that can help the city in maintaining them or help each other, including the municipality , the ministry of cultural heritage, as well as religious organizations , such as the organization for the maintenance of mosques or, for example, hajj and these endowments are also possible. help and help each other by spending funds in maintaining these valuable buildings.
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azad salmani of sada news agency. and sima , in the name of god, i am mohammad hosni. from the city of bramin parandeh, the first winner of the second round of the washland lottery, an apartment unit, a car, one billion rials in cash and 10 years of fixed monthly salary
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, fahimeh abbasqoli from the city of qom, the second winner of the second round of the watchland lottery, i am sami zamani from the city of kurd. i am the third winner of the second round of the washland lottery. washland is a land full of prizes. does your washing machine work? yes, we wash it by hand we were heavier. you didn't buy from home appliances. no , unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no. what is the point of buying home appliances?
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millions of muslims displaced from their homes and their lives say that the only goal is to form a small government there . he knows that a small government can't live there after all, a big israel, whose domain may extend from this side to iran and to us, don't they claim khyber, which
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is near madinah, except today, he did not offer to the then king of saudi arabia, if you come and sell this to them , don't they claim iraq and your holy lands, and our god and god are responsible for this matter. by god , we are responsible. by god, we are careless. by god , this is the case that made the heart of the holy prophet bleed today . this is the case that made the heart of hussein bin ali bleed. this is the case . we should give value to hossein bin ali's mourning, we should think if hossein bin ali was today and he himself said mourn for me , what would he say chant if hossein bin ali was. he used to say, sir, if you want to mourn for me , beat your chest for me, ring the bell for me , your slogan today should be palestine, khmer, 1300 years
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ago. the beginning of the 10th of muharram and mourning for imam hussain ( peace be upon him) with the name of the decade of revival.
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it is not a verbal warning or a verbal request. showing our actions is not, in my opinion, it means commanding the good , we must take into account the conditions, because the command to the good and the prohibition of the bad also have their own conditions, a social issue that, in addition to various questions , why is it all the responsibility of the people, why are the people in charge doing nothing? people don't do it because of the lack of education and culture they say about it, what is the method, what is the law , what is the framework, so far
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no one has explained these things to us. lack of sufficient training to carry out this duty, the headquarters of amr be ma'rouh and nahi mankar, by forming a network of trainers, is looking for a better effect of this call to good things. three of them have been followed up at the macro level of the country and we have actually set up a network of trainers according to the social conditions to provide the necessary training for the popular models that lead to a positive result. and the society should be reformed, in the end, we currently have people's lack of knowledge about the famous areas, which is the bane of the famous because it has limited it, and when its name is mentioned, everyone only remembers hijab. know that yes, a famous amer.
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what legal protections can he have from a denier ? the field of work is famously a broad social field that includes all matters within the context of islamic government, such as business, such as employees, such as the powers that are doing executive work, organs, organizations, and these demands can be many demands. be very serious. we had our contacts at different levels, whether it was organizations, or actually people's groups, etc., in two. after that, it means instilling the understanding in the audience that first of all, the foundation of the islamic government is the people, the people are the people, and the qur'an says that the people themselves have a role to play in advancing the islamic government's rules and goals. they have imam hussain (peace be upon him) killed in front of them. forbidden to deny evil
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. greetings and courtesy to you, dear and respected viewers. have a good time. stay with us with a magazine.


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