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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 2:00am-2:30am IRST

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sms the number 1 to 1065 70. hello at 2 o'clock: the spokesperson of the judiciary about the latest status of the case. crescent said that one of the reasons for the prolongation of this case was the numerous requests in different governments to stop the proceedings to conduct an expert examination. according to mr. jahangir , judgments have been issued and executed for a number of people in this case. there is an open case against some other people. the accused in the case.
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they have been notified of the necessary investigations. now, in relation to the investigations that have been carried out and the information that they have given , correspondence and inquiries have been made with the executive authorities, especially the ministry of oil. the case is in the part that is open after receiving the supplementary reports from the executive authorities, especially the appropriate actions and the results of the investigation. the national service of the loved ones will be offered. the spokesperson of the judicial branch also said that as soon as the report of the collection and judicial action committee is received regarding the helicopter crash case of martyr ayatollah raisi and his companions, information will be provided. indian muslim poets recited their own poems about ashura culture at the suibarai hosseini meeting. there were four words of yazid. there is hossein
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, the poets muttered in this meeting, in urdu , the writers of the summary of ashura had put up a flag somewhere the message of ashura, we wrote two sentences later, yazid was hussain , well done, very beautiful, yazid was hussain . this was a statement in a group of indian poets who write poetry in persian and urdu. the subject was the period of ashura and imam hussain (peace be upon him). the whisper of anger is the cause of the clouds. peace be upon that headless body. 71 stars that went on the spear. his name is aziz mahdist indian. but in persian poetry. he says: seventy-one stars that
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have gone to naza, saber, saber are tied behind you in respect, you pass with your eyes closed until the sun, from don't be ashamed to see you on pashtovan. like him , other muslim poets from india recited their ashura poems, some in urdu, some in persian. by the patience of the captives of karbala , let them free themselves , no one is bound by borders, land, race, or tribe. every moment, i am excited . there are many muslim poets in india, but their ashura poems are few, so one expects this. it is not a big incident. this incident is significant for the life of muslims, if muslims of india. the ground for writing
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ashurai and hosseini poems in different languages ​​available in india should be provided with a human perspective and the global approach of hassan abdul maliki of dehlina broadcasting agency, thank you for your cooperation.
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oh, my people, the sanctification of my children, the martyr of the famous hussain (peace be upon him)" to start muharram and mourning for imam hussain (peace be upon him) with the name of the decade of revival of the famous cause and
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to draw and guide all people towards this goal . a frieze of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil that everyone has experience or impressions of it. as is well known, sometimes words are not words. it is not a verbal warning or a verbal request. show people
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talk about the lack of education and culture. what are the methods? what is the law? what is your framework? so far, no one has explained these things to us. lack of training. in order to carry out this mission, the headquarters of amr be ma'rouf and nahi mankar, by forming a network of coaches, is looking for a better effect of this invitation to good deeds. the whole country has been followed up and a network of trainers has actually been set up, according to the social conditions, we have the necessary training for the popular models that will lead to a positive result and reform the society in the end. now the absence people's knowledge of the famous areas is the bane of the famous because it limits it, and when its name is mentioned, everyone
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only remembers hijab. our key word is the more important, the more important is the law of enjoining good and forbidding evil, so that the audience knows that yes, there is an agent of good and forbidding evil. . what legal protections can it have? the field of work is a broad social field that includes all matters within the framework of islamic government, such as business, such as employees, such as the powers that are doing executive work, organizations, organizations, and these demands can be very, very serious demands. dad, to our own contacts we had different layers, whether it was organizations or actually people's groups, and these were in two dimensions, that is. instilling the understanding of the audience that first of all, the foundation of the islamic government is the people , as the qur'an says, the people themselves
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have a role to play in advancing the islamic government's rules and goals. they have in front of them a ban on denying shahid rahe and the sensitive positions of the country by hitting the airport. its runways were in the air.
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after a year and a half of the revolution. to the people who are just passing through the end of the tyrannical regime, there is a coup plot paris is drawn. when the american government imposed its economic sanctions and military threats against these people . it was estimated that the economic pressure made the people dissatisfied with the government and the revolution of the summer of 1959 did not last longer. internally, those affiliated with the pahlavi regime and opposition groups were blackmailing the revolution and its future . we felt that they were taking advantage of us. this country is a lost country. and it is not the country that we expected, all the facts in the form
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of rain, what was happening in the society, if they feel that this is a bit harmful to them, it is over. it is possible that they bring it, make it big , give it head and wings, and take advantage of this. and in our brains, the cia and musa organizations started identifying and recruiting counter-revolutionaries, and infiltrated the government with our epic line with mr. ehsan. i want it as a branch in the work brigade let's do the children you know. they are nationalists and idolaters . let's talk to them and prepare for an action
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ahead of us. work on people. after some time, about one to two months, mr. bani ameri's friend returns to europe from america and calls mr. bani ameri from athens that the opportunity you were looking for and the position you were asking for is now. it has arrived and with the talks we had , the green light is necessary to carry out operations in iran if you are able to do so. granted, this is the first meeting that i attended with mr. bani ameri , what he said to me was that i
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came to this conclusion when i was in paris, and in order for the result of my own speech to explain and emphasize for me i remember this issue especially precisely when he told me that he contacted the representative of the iraqi government and the representative of the mossad , and financial support was entrusted to saudi arabia and the reactionaries of the region. to start the book , the crown prince of saudi arabia gave a check of 10 million dollars . a little further, saddam has recently taken power in iraq and is on the verge of revolution in iran. i know exactly that it was 10 million dollars that was provided by saudi arabia. the iraqi government had also promised to provide weapons if needed. what for partner units operating in inside iran, both for the nomads and up to the border, in
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the border area of ​​one or two of my countries , use artillery fire to support the forces that want to be leveled. also in that committee of the second administration of these. the influence of that ghadiri, the brother of ayatollah ghadiri , was one of the influencers of the monafekins, that is, he was in charge of the information of the monafez, who was in that committee , he was also a kashmiri in that committee, and these things are in the process of their confessions, he officially and publicly announced that we are with the organization mojahedin khalq we reached an agreement, about 10 days, a week, 10 days before all of this, they coordinated in france
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, centered on shapour bakhtiar, the last prime minister of the shah, who after a period of secret life was now constantly holding political meetings in paris. bakhtiar announced that he will lead the opposition movement with the aim of overthrowing the regime. the west and the arab countries of the region also supported him. bakhtiar was publishing a newspaper titled qiyam iran and started broadcasting farsi radio programs during the campaign . the goal of all these united. the opponents of the system were the survivors of the court and the internal power seekers the implementation of a coup called niqab, whose plan was completely calculated, was carefully designed. due to the complexity of the work and the influence that
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they have in various military organizations, they consider this very unlikely. i spoke with mahdiun, who was the commander of the operation, and said that it is better to go to the shahrokhi base, far from the capital, and start the operation there, then move it to tehran. one day they told me that we want to take mehrabad and operate from mehrabad. i said that mehrabad is not good because it is almost a very crowded place. an isolated base like shahrokhi was considered, which was my suggestion. after the base was disarmed, a researcher would go there and take over the command of the air force, the phantoms would fly and bombard the sensitive positions of the country
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. on the night of the 18th of july, a group of 300 paratroopers went to the designated locations near the nojeh air base in hamedan. at the same time, 20 pilots under the command of brigadier general mohagheghi and sotwan rokni joined together in tehran's laleh park and moved towards nojeh. others join.
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the military wing of the coup guarantees the flight of about 30 planes did. the most important airbases where the coup plotters were present were mehrabad airbase, the third shahrokhi airbase in hamadan, and vahdati airbase. in the ground force, forces from several divisions and military bases, and even the gendarmerie and police, were the focus of the coup plotters' organization. some border tribes had already coordinated with the coup organization to riot and drag them to the borders in order to empty the capital of the security forces. the plan was that the operation inside was coordinated with iraq and a representative was outside the country. the government of iraq is not coming bakhtiar bakhtiar has a representative in iraq with the iraqi government who coordinate each other's work. yes, i
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was responsible for the coordination of colonel bani ameri or ehsan. two countries bombarded them as if they want to go and suppress them , they get up and on the contrary, instead of west , i went to tehran and qomi and bombed the sensitive positions that we will say later, from the point of view of the coup plotters, the main blow should be the political and administrative center of the country was hit because iran's warplanes were armed on the day of the coup with the coordination of france, the iraqis were given permission to start their artillery attacks against the west of iran from the spring of the 50th, so that the iranian commanders would be forced to keep the fighters of the air force constantly armed. the plan was that at dawn on july 18, 1359, the kharabans would take control of the nojeh 4 and f-5 fighter jets and
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bombard locations in tehran and qom under the cover of a response to iraqi military operations. the imam's house, the physiyeh school, the building of the irgc headquarters and the headquarters committee of the revolutionary court, the prime minister's office, mehrabad airport and several other airports, one of the most important centers it was discussed that the shura assembly was the representatives, but because the coup operation had to be carried out at 5:00 in the morning and the members of the assembly were not in a place where it was possible to arrest them, so the line was generally drawn around it and it was said that we cannot do anything with the members of the parliament. if we have to send 200 representatives to 200 units, let's arrest them in 200 different places. at all, it was an impractical task . imam's view was in the plan. supersonic from tehran was in the plan. hitting the mehrabad airport and its runways
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was in the plan. possibly hitting a bridge or a point where the road could be blocked, not the destruction of tanks and risal. heavy motorized vehicles can be rejected and i will never. i want to announce to the pilots that there should be no attack on the presidential palace. this was the task that was assigned to me in that meeting. but because the meeting continued and i was there too. the conversations between mr. qadsi and the gentleman who was responsible for the assassinations and arrests. i came to the conclusion that, in general, a team has been designated around mr. bani sadr's palace and the task. mr. bani sad also took over the protection and protection. the coup headquarters had left the hands of its operatives to kill up to 5 million iranians.
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the second phase of the coup began after the end of the bombing and the breaking of the sound barrier. at this stage, a group of ground units were responsible for the engagement of prominent officials of the revolution and the capture of sensitive points. even groups were predicted to launch anti-government demonstrations. and it was even said that after capturing the radio and television, the members of the civilian wing of the coup would take control of it and by broadcasting statements of the military government , they would encourage the military forces in other cities to seize the city and join the coup organization. after this was coordinated and radio and television took a sensitive position the policemen, who are also in the bakhtiar line, contrary to some ideas, these are the guerillas who escaped before, or came from other places, or there are a number of israelis , iraqis. between 1,500 and 2,000 people were being prepared in
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iraq. they were entering iran from the border in front of karwanshah and trying to reach tehran so that they could reinforce the forces that occupied radio and television and other places. to announce. and many people were arrested and killed at the same time, for the first week, they were making a big effort to put the supporters to sleep, and then political factions like the iran party came and they came in the middle of fighting and demonstrations, trying to establish a political line and stabilize the issue. however, the coup was revealed on the night of its execution and its perpetrators were identified and arrested. april and
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may the keys of the year. genrag announced a 30% increase in the value of agricultural products exports this spring compared to last spring. our agricultural products reached 918 with the realization of one and a half million tons of exports. million dollars, where we saw a 24% increase in the situation and a 30% increase in the value. the most important export goods of iran in the field of agriculture this spring are pistachio nuts, pistachios, tomatoes, apples. during this period, more than 185 million dollars of pistachios were exported from our country, which has increased by 20%. tomatoes and apples are the second and third items of export agricultural products of our country in terms of value. since the beginning of this year , 128 million dollars of tomatoes and 14 million dollars of apples have been exported from the country. these three items
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had a share of more than 45% of the export agricultural products of our country in the spring season. the export of these products increased by 23% in 1402 it has been registered since 1401. in 1402 , our agricultural and food industry exports amounted to 5.9 billion dollars. according to the customs statistics, this number compared to 1401 had a 23% growth , so it can be said now. with the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, helping to return the width resulting from the export of these products last year has not been ineffective in this saudi process. creation of exchange capacity for a major part of agricultural goods and food industry products . that is, in exchange for exports that, for example, are now in the field of agriculture and food industry. we can import a wider range of products in this field let's do with the official status of our country in international organizations such as brics and the signing of the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union.
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new markets have been opened for the supply and sale of agricultural and food products. the economy of these five countries is a complementary economy, that is, the majority of the products we produce, our industrial field , our academic field, our drug and medical equipment field, our clothing field, even some of our agricultural products are badly needed by these countries . it can be done, well, more. of all the countries, russia is the leader of these countries they can easily export these goods to the world through iran through the southern ports of iran. paying attention to international standards and strengthening the country's logistics is the necessity of a bolder and more literate presence in the world markets. the private sector must know the tastes and interests of its countries and standards and adapt itself according to these components. even in
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the type of packaging now. well, some countries do not accept packaging with certain colors, and many of our producers do not know how to produce products according to their standards . some of our caps, which are food or medicine , have taken 65 days. we have to take them to shahid rajaei port. from there, they will go to jabal ali port . they will stay there for 15 days and 20 days, until the ship arrives and they will go from there to china for the ministry of agricultural jihad. it has taken steps to solve these problems and support exporters. the issue of supplying refrigerated containers, the issue of supplying tractors, and the issue of refrigerated wagons were among the issues that we followed up on, and we conducted a series of interviews through the voices of the economic coordination of the government and the honorable first vice president, and we followed up on the cooperation. the ministry has a position. according to the officials of the ministry of agricultural jihad, the development of technological cooperation with the members of eurasia and birix in the field of industrial intelligence.
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media and communication technologies are becoming more and more complex every day. a knowledge-based company has succeeded in producing several knowledge-based products in the field of hardware and software of this technology. television needs a lot of equipment, from the moment the camera captures the image to the moment the image is received on the audience's televisions, various equipments are needed in the nodal discussion of terrestrial communication to transmit the signal. i can tell the senders about 70-80% of this
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equipment until it is sent to our final audience in china. the users of this company's software products are not only tv channels. one of the most important softwares we have is a pms media, with this software we can actually manage any media process . where are media processes used in any company or organization that has a large volume of media files, such as sound and video networks , studios that actually produce media files, or any organization that has public relations units that file. effort so that iranian products can compete with the best products in the world market . the production equipment of our group is being produced according to the requirements that exist in this industry and the images must be produced in the highest quality. our products are compared to american and japanese products in particular
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, and compared to companies that produce equipment in those countries, i can say that because the ranges are different, in some places, 30%, in some places, 10%, in some places, 20%, in some places, maybe higher products. it is more economical for us to use high technology in the software department, the work has been made fast and easy . our software, using artificial intelligence , can convert any text, any conversation that is in the media files, for example, a person who is talking, into text with my intelligence. and people can search in this text that actually with our intelligence we can recognize different faces in media software . what topics will artificial intelligence talk about, it will facilitate this work, it will come by itself he tags these files and then the public relations officer of the organization can easily find the desired file.


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