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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 3:30am-4:01am IRST

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[000:00:00;00] he was waiting for a reaction from the imam on the subject of allegiance with yazid, he thought that hussain bin ali had left medina . yazid, the title that they used to call him at the time, was amir al -mu'minin. they knew the believers, however. the biggest problem was that yazid , in the form of being the amir al-mu'minin, was determined to collect everything, but this was hidden for the people , except that it seems that he does not grow up , and does not believe in islam
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, and does not believe in it. the emotion neither in feeling, nor in categories, nor in culture , nor in behavior, nor in love with others , is the islamic value, while you find that imam al -hussein, peace be upon him, stands with his brother, with his cousins , with his family, with those who tried to advise him, and therefore they know that he is on the right. both ali badal and ali khata, before imam hussain (as) rejected the pledge of allegiance, the umayyad family conspired to kill him . before his death, mu'awiyah proposed and created the foundation for yazid's fiefdom. considering the inappropriate character of yazid, the opposition of a person like hussain ibn (peace be upon him) and his lack of allegiance to yazid is obvious to it seemed the umayyads had to think carefully so as
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not to lose the position of president. but if there was insistence on killing imam al-hussein because of his nest, it would lead to political domination. if imam al-hussein was alive, because of his nest, he would represent the opposite project to the law of al-qahriyyah, in which the beginning of al-umayyad al-dawlah, and therefore, the position of imam al-hussein in the ummah, peace be upon him, is also in the ummah. the lineage of imam al-hussein. all these things make imam al-hussein al-wahidi the only one who is qualified to be the alternative, and this alternative is not an alternative. imam hussain (peace be upon him) was asked in madinah by marwan ibn hukm that why you
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do not pledge allegiance to yazid, why do you want to. the prophet said to marwan, "i see that the foundation and values ​​of ignorance have returned, so i will confront him ." he drinks alcohol. peace be upon him. if someone like yazid wants to take over the government, he should say goodbye to islam. the imam, who is concerned about islam and the happiness of people on the path of true islam , does not want to let the religion disappear the works of the jahili period come alive. he
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sacrificed his life to fulfill this ideal. if imam hussain pledged allegiance in madinah, it would have been resolved with the governor of medina , he would have remained in his own city with great respect, there would have been no problem for him, if he had made any conditions for this allegiance with yazid, they would have accepted the rule of any place. he wanted any amount of wealth. he accepted whatever he wanted. imam hussain, peace be upon him, leaves the prophet's mosque to hear the news and be informed about it. marwan ibn hakem sees their order and says: i order you to pledge allegiance to amirul momineen yazid. but imam rejects his request firmly. marwan goes to darul amara and
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conveys the same news to walid. waleed also sends a letter to yazid in which he writes that hossein neither obeys us nor pledges allegiance to us. hussein was an ideologue who was ready to sacrifice everything. he blocked him with his own blood. when yazid
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read waleed's letter, he became angry and said that if hussain does not pledge allegiance to us, his neck should be beheaded. of course, yazid is invalid. it has been established that in the belief the people's opposition to imam hussain (peace be upon him) means his exit from the religion. this poisonous situation
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originates from the presence of court scholars and elders , who are also trapped in the world and the low position of the earth, and they do not speak except for the consent of their rulers. incorrect and distorted beliefs. yazid sent troops and said , "go and kill hussain, kill imam hussain secretly. there was a hidden fire. the prophet left medina for mecca . imam hussain was not caught in medina. why now yazid wanted to kill hussain secretly because hussain bin ali was sanctified in medina itself. it was as much as if he wanted. fire if he created an open place in madinah, the people would wake up , yazid should strike all of me, he would be an obstacle to me, and
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i would be the originator of everything . he should allow everything to be permitted. many elders of the islamic community pledged their allegiance to yazid bin muawiyah in the morning . there is a concentration of capital. al-sultah, especially in the surrounding area, especially in the area around al-jazeera al-arabiya and al-sham in particular when these states become the absolute source of wealth , the vast majority of human beings can be deceived without
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words, it is easy to be deceived, but it is possible to be deceived and easily manipulated, but this responsibility rests primarily on the social class and the religious class. there is no misguidance, and the opposite is completely correct. if this al-safawa is the one who is obligatory on her and belongs to her competitors, the salvation and salvation of the nation is to take allegiance with the blade of the sword. now, for the first time, the self-proclaimed caliph of the muslims takes the oath of allegiance with threats and intimidation. this method is similar to the tradition of allegiance in the days does the prophet of god have life? al-husayn ibn ali
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raghaba was not in the domain of qat, which is the domain that is considered as the adultery of his father. al-hussein bin ali is not one of those who are interested in the world, but on the contrary, he was a murderer and one of those who tried to hide the lights of the lord, the character of muhammadiyah, they were also those who were interested in the world. they didn't understand the concepts of islam, they didn't rise to the level of islam, they interacted with islam in the logic of ignorance, in the logic
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of villagers, in the logic of nomads. it was the first in the aqaba treaty. so that was the position the messenger of god is recognized as the representative of the divine law. the prophetic movement, the movement of the messenger of god , peace and blessings of god be upon him, was a movement that changed the social reality in the arabian peninsula, raising people and lowering people, raising people to be nearer to god, for their honor, for their honor
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, to teach them the truth and the people of the belt in the way of righteousness and lowering people . because they deserve to be leaders in the new project in the divine project. the day ends. imam hossein once again at the grave of his grandfather.
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qasim, therefore, the imam, fafazl, did not go out of madinah i was afraid of confrontation, but he was used to confrontation, but if the imam was thinking of investigating as much as possible , the goals of what was called the exposure of the ruling system and the overthrow of the ruling system, then the choice was to leave mecca and the first step was to go to mecca until things were clarified. and his nephews and a number of other members of his family
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decided to leave medina. the truth is that some of them said that it was recommended against him to go to yemen and live in al-badiyyah . i did not want it to be al-madinah, makkah, it is the location of the destination in order to find the proper starting point for the confrontation of the umayyads
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, yazid imam al-hussein, who is the leader of imam al-hussein, means that he is capable of self-sacrifice. how do i choose on this. should i overcome being killed, or if i do not overcome being killed, where should i be killed, which creates an awakening , then the choice of this hand of hussain bin ali is in me. his medina will definitely be killed , there is no way to overcome it, but if he is killed here, it will have no effect on leaving medina. imam hussain, peace be upon him, visited finally, he gives a will to muhammad bin hanafia
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, in which it is stated that i am not leaving for the evil of corruption and injustice, but for the reformation of the ummah of my ancestor, the messenger
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of god, may god bless him and grant him peace. all these things people can resonate. we might say that in sha terminology, this is a reflection of every day being ashora and every place being karbala, but in some way we need to actually bring these out so that human beings can see and appreciate them. imam hussain, peace be upon him, along with his children, brothers and nephews. and a number of other members of his family leave medina, while he used to mumble like this, fakhrij minha khafe, rabi najni min al-quwm zalmin musa, while
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he was leaving the city with fear and worry, he said: o god, save me from the people of wrongdoers. it is the summer of 1959 and the waves of foreign attacks and internal anti-revolutionary movements have severely affected the two-year system of the islamic republic. in july 1959 , a network of unqualified soldiers from the imperial army along with some fugitive royalists planned a coup with the support of several foreign countries . the coup plan is very calculated. 700 to 850 soldiers and about 400 civilians have been organized . donations on several occasions in the hands of leaders the coup is coming. victory announcements have also been prepared . shapour bakhtiar, the last prime minister of the shah, who
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had been hiding for a while after the victory of the revolution , was found in paris in july 1958, and announced that he was stationed with the core of the niqab coup at the nojeh air base in hamadan and was trying with the cooperation of a number of this is the issue that
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rukni raised at that time and said that this issue was not resolved for me when it was decided at the beginning of our coup headquarters to make a decision and change the regime. at first, mr. bani seder was supposed to be among those ok, let him disappear, but gradually we saw that in the meetings we had in this regard, the issue regarding mr. bani sadr is getting easier and that if he is not there, he will be destroyed and, for example, he will be imprisoned, until finally when we decided to stage a coup in those last nights and the last meetings are like this. it happened that the best guards of the coup and the most skilled bodyguards of mr. bani sadeh will be decided in the last consultations for the coup on july 18. dozens of paratroopers in small groups
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will go to the designated locations of hamadan air base on the night of july 18, and at the same time 20 pilots will the command of brigadier mohagheghi and sotwan rokni should join each other in tehran's lali park. according to the plan, the pilots are supposed to take control of the bombers and f-5 fighter jets to attack the designated targets at dawn on the 18th of july. the targets of the first phase of the operation are hosseinieh jamaran, faiziyah school, islamic council, irgc and islamic revolution committee headquarters, prime minister's office, mehrabad airport, and several air force centers in tehran and several other cities. in the second stage of the operation, a group of ground units will be responsible for arresting prominent officials of the revolution, and in the next stage, groups will start street demonstrations. struck and at the same time as possession. and the victory of the coup be officially announced on television. although the design of the coup plan
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is detailed and calculated, god is lurking. the first news about the coup was revealed by a pilot who was supposed to target imam khomeini's house on the 18th. before the operation, this pilot, who was worried and tormented by conscience, at the request of his mother, went to the house of ayatollah khamenei, who at that time was the imam's representative in the supreme defense council. was delivering ayatollah khamenei shabana transmits this valuable information to other officials and commanders of the irgc. he is the one who caused this operation to fail in the first place he was an air force officer. a pilot came to me he told the story. the device has been notified. to prepare . a huge movement that was supposed to take place in the martyr noje base in hamedan and
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spread from there to tehran and other places, an element of the air force was humiliated. all this was from the air force . it starts with the gathering and transfer of the coup agents to hamedan. an hour later , at 9:00 a.m. on july 18, the hamedan corps surrounds nojeh base. they are arrested one after another. arrests continue. 19 8 airborne personnel are caught in an ambush by the guards. in some other cities, a number of soldiers are arrested on the charge of participating in the coup. the role of the revolutionary forces in defeating this coup is commendable. the details of the coup plan show the dangerous thoughts of the anti-revolution movement . according to the differences that interface. he coordinated them at the hoval air base, which is the same shah rukhiye , as if iraq attacked, if you
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remember, iraq also attacked that night, yes, as we want to move in front of the iraqi planes , get up, but instead of going to iraq together iraqi planes, come to tehran, irgc plays an important role in uncovering and debunking the complex plan of the coup . the khal sala base becomes a researcher. he used to go there and take command of the air force . bakhtiar has a representative in iraq with the iraqi government who coordinates each other's work. research shows that israel, egypt, the iraqi baath regime, the united states, and saudi arabia played a role in supporting the coup. imam khomeini , shortly after the discovery of the coup, called the enemies' attempt to overthrow the islamic republic a crude fantasy reads. these idiots do not understand that with four, for example, soldiers who
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do not agree with them, with four people of this rank, for example, and the like, a country of 4.35 million people , all of whom are equipped, can be conquered. this is wrong thinking with due to the arrest of a large number of people , all borders of the country will be closed for a week in order to prevent the escape of the remaining people. the interrogation of the coup plotters begins. after the arrest, many people were exposed, especially naser rokni, maybe about 100 people were exposed by rokni alone. nasser rokni, an air force officer, and from members of the main circle of manure. it
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reveals the financial assistance and support of countries like saudi arabia and the united states, for example, one figure is a figure of 10 million dollars of the arab world. defense minister chamran, appearing in the parliament , considered the coup plotters to be separate from the armed forces , and the ones who discovered toter were inside the army, the same islamic associations and other officials who took care of this issue, they were also among the army personnel. not being outside the army , they swear to the great god, there are officers in this army that i
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have prayed behind them with full courage and boldness, and i pray, it is not bad than one from clean officers. i will name him major sayad shirazi. purity, piety, faith and courage, whatever you want, are unique in this officer. in this way , the coup that was planned with the conspiracy of america, israel, the debate regime and several other warring countries by the hands of fugitive politicians, will not succeed. the announcements of the victory of the coup never leave the warehouses. ain traditional tradition of scholar in astana ashrafieh. o lovers of
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hossein. o lovers of hossein. it has 20 years of service and it starts with the movement of old science by rish sefida. the traditional science is closed in the corner of seyyed jalaldin ashraf's shrine, and the delegation goes to asad mohammad's tomb in the same city it moves until there, the science of the body is on your heels , the darkness of hossein, this science is a sign of hossein's love, that is. it is hussain's love and hussain's love that brings us together under this knowledge. we are the lovers of ababla al-hussein and we must continue this old tradition. on the first days of muharram, the traditional ceremony of alam bandandi
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is held in many cities and villages of gilan. ashrafieh, this is gymnast publications, we have always tried to serve you with the most up-to-date methods, and today it is supposed to be 60% resources. training you face we will offer it to you completely free of charge by sending 55 to the sms system 308 55. get 60% of your educational resources completely free now . get 60% of gilna publications as a gift by sending 5 to 30085, which was supposed
4:00 am
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