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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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the treasury of the country will eventually accumulate, which means that it will be beneficial for the country in several dimensions, which entered hamadullah sanat petrochemical company. with the guidance of the petrochemical company and the strategic plan of the ministry of home affairs , we moved to ahmadullah. then the gases from the east of karun, so to speak, will go to the gas refinery called beit bland there. ethan is made there and etan. it comes from the ved boland area near behbahan, it comes to the gajzaran petrochemical area of ​​gajsaran, which i mentioned before, this crisp is a source of blessing and there it is converted into ethylene, and the ethylene comes to the next units, it is converted into polyethylene and into the term "polymers" has various uses . we will see a report of my colleagues preparing this report. then we will discuss another part of the petrochemical industry. creating added value, offering,
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creating jobs, eliminating deprivation and completing the supply chain of various industries in the country are among the development objectives of downstream petrochemical industries. we will do whatever we can downstream in the downstream sector that can create added value for the country . one of the emphasis of the supreme leader to me and all those involved in the country is to prevent the sale of raw materials at different levels. it is possible we should not sell raw materials in one part, but open the ratio to another part . as much as we can create added value in this work process and prevent the sale of raw materials in the downstream industry as much as possible, it will definitely create wealth for the country and create jobs for the youth. and
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it follows the growth of production. in the 13th government, the petrochemical industry put into operation 17 projects worth more than 3 billion dollars and started 14 petrochemical projects. in the discussion of the downstream industry, another one of the projects was locked. industry supplementing the downstream chain, especially in the field of petrochemicals. you ask questions. look at how much we have invested in the downstream petrochemical industry in the different provinces of the country . we have used the power of our investors . we went for fuel oil, we went for the production of sponge coke and for the construction of the downstream industry in petrochemicals in the less fortunate provinces . answered. simultaneously with the start of work
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13th government in 1400, 50 petrochemical projects were active in the country. and now, after 3 years of the government's activity, 127 petrochemical projects are being implemented in the country. 22 projects in mahshar region, 24 projects in slaviyeh region, 53 projects in other regions, 13 projects in kangan, deir and siraf regions, 4 projects in mokran region and 11 projects in our parsian energy region , apart from part of goods and equipment 100 we are self-sufficient. currently, the complex is being serviced with a capacity of 100 tons at the rate of 400 tons per day. it is one of the good options for exporting to countries like iraq and afghanistan. direct employment that this the plan has more than 400 people and indirect employment of more than 5 thousand people. fulfilling the promise of localization of industry catalysts. petrochemical
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was another important achievement of the 13th government. railing in this government in the matter of exporting oil, oil products, petrochemical products has been established, no matter which government in america is assigned, they cannot stop the issues . rana zarbanian, sed and sima news agency. excellency. we had in the report that almost all of our country is building petrochemical units and in some places they have been built. it seems that the petrochemical industry is an industry with very advanced technology and naturally in sanctions are still applied in this area and no country is willing to provide technology to the islamic republic. where are we now in the field of technology
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? the right path he has chosen will always be threatened with sanctions and sanctions , unless we are digested in the global digestion, which is from iranians and the iranian jamaat hihad, and from time to time , there are disturbances, so we must make ourselves strong and powerful. various industries in the industry. oil, if our oil exports are our livelihood for export, we must come and invest in the petrochemicals sector in order to turn our own oil and gas into products with
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added value several hundred times after the initial consumption in homes and the so-called basic needs of our country, and then it is less needed the pursuit of tracking and sanctioning is very high, our engineers and specialists who are pursuing , in fact, on a daily basis to acquire new knowledge and with new science and knowledge , convince them that immigration and other harms that are caused to the youth this document must be expanded as we are talking to each other today , we were able to reach the top of catalysta in less than 3 years, which means that if we were dependent in these 11 and 15 years, seriously, on the 7th of january, 1400, we became partners with everyone. let's all come together to
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localize this strategic product which is the bottleneck of the petrochemical industry and this happened now that we are talking to each other. catalysts are needed for catalysts, as the old people say, and we understand the catalyst. why, because to get a catalyst, sometimes you have to go to several countries. beg to take the desired catalyst from them , sometimes they make an excuse that this catalyst has multiple uses, in military uses, in the uses that they say are not approved by them , so they actually harassed us and tried to deprive us in this field. today , not only we have the technology in the field of catalyst manufacturing , that is, we have the license, we have the knowledge, we have the style, but we also have the variety of catalyst manufacturers in our future program, 99 catalysts or
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attractors that are used in chemical processes and reactions in complexes and reactors and so to speak in general it is consumed in our petrochemical industry complexes, and also the initiators, these are the classifications that we make . there are 99 toasts based on the official announcement of the technology research company , which is actually a scientific company of this sector. in fact, its localization is being prepared, although it was done in the laboratory, but its documentation will be done and we will become practical. as a limited part of the countries that own all the catalysts, i heard that some countries actually, well, at first, i usually don't believe it, but after coming and using these, i see that it
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has the necessary work, which means that we can produce let's reach mass export in the field of catalyst technology. yes, i apologize for being a victim of your order. not the highest necessary quality, that is, we are the needy countries on which the western sanctions were applied, when the so-called catalyst was poured out of them in our region and in the so-called asia , they provided the catalyst anyway, because they are iran's partners and allies. it is not necessary for me to mention the name of that country in this position, and in any case, it may affect our various relations , the catalyst is buying from that country, taking, loading in iran's neighbors, and the necessary result and necessary quality. rad, finally , we have prepared our engineers and specialists to refer to us from this side, with
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iranian catalyst, and in the west of the heart of the heart , we have loaded the reactors of our neighbors, and their complex is the product. what he gave was far better than the product of the western side, which is celebrated and today they will buy iranian catalysts with full confidence, if possible. if they have problems with uploading, usually the owner of the technology himself needs guidance , we help them, or they appoint their own group of experts , and here we train them in iran petrochemical technology research company means that in this sector, fortunately, today we are the owner of the technology, and it is known as the proud owner of the state engineer. how is our human resources, that is, in terms of capabilities, because reaching the peaks
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of knowledge or the edge of knowledge in various fields, including in the very important and advanced oil and petrochemical industry , requires a great and enormous knowledge, and how is the state of our human resources? iranian young iranian engineer, iranian educated iranian specialist , we believe he is a genius. it is elite unless it is proven otherwise, because we follow up on impossible things we did the same in the oil, gas and petrochemical industry . mr. doctor, why did they all leave our oil industry after the day of the revolution , while before that they did not allow an iranian expert, an iranian engineer, to approach the facilities. be and learn its secrets and techniques. well, they thought that the entire oil and gas industry would be abandoned. we are losing and our country is not sleeping like this, with 6 complexes that were abandoned and gone and
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10,10,11 petrochemical products, today we reached 550 products, we turned 6 complexes into 80 petrochemical complexes and by the end of this year, more from 90 even the petrochemical complex is placed in orbit, and when i speak at universities and other centers , i say, gentlemen, during the victory of the islamic revolution, that is , before the revolution, in those 20 years from 1957, when the shah said in his own words, i am an american. they are together, the europeans are together, 6 complexes were formed after the embargo, the war , and the topics we talk to the students, do you think that now with all the restrictions and sanctions imposed, that 6 tenths of a million tons that i mentioned at the beginning , where do you think it got? some people say 500 thousand tons is one million tons means it will decrease, it should have decreased when i say that we are more than equal, so this means a miracle, who did this, iranian human capital
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, iranian will, the belief of young engineers and specialists , and we, alhamdulillah, mr. doctor , are now exporters of specialized manpower of petrochemical engineers. in latin america, we carry out repairs and implementation of plans and projects there, and we do not have a problem with manpower inside the country, except at the beginning of the revolution. we were dependent, that is, the designs that are announced today that western companies should have done an internal design and the company iran's internal affairs and our youth, our specialists , our university professors, our researchers, those who gather together form a nucleus and run a company that does the design , another company does the execution, another company comes to start up. rahnda, because the setup is very complicated, all these units, the disciplines must be chained to each other, so that a unit
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slowly comes to life and comes to the product . the opinions of our experts are what they believe and in any situation sanctioned makeup immediately. the sanctions imposed by mr. doctor and our dear people on our oil, gas and petrochemical industries, if 1% of them were imposed on the industries of those countries that have accumulated domestic capacities like ours , it would have paralyzed and shut down that document. now we have nothing. we don't have a problem, engineer. there is a point that sometimes when we talk about petrochemical products, maybe it's simple. the ministry of petroleum
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was there. i saw there that even medicine is one of the productions of petrochemical products . how are you doing in these fields? i mean, how much effort did you make to show and produce these things? well, if we can conquer all the technologies . crime in various chains, including one of the chains that has a very high added value for us , is sometimes several thousand times our crude oil and gas. once you bring the crude oil to the refinery, for example , it can double or for example 60% , but when it goes to some chains, such as the drug chain, we cannot say double , 100 times, sometimes several thousand times the value. fortunately, you
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probably saw it in the drug chain last week we had the pharmex event where i was honored to represent the efforts of the oil industry and presented part of the capacities of the petrochemical industry for the development of the industry and the pharmaceutical field and the field of medicine and treatment, which fortunately two of our holdings are focused on completing and we are developing the drug chain, that is, today we reach from aromatics to acetaminophen codeine diphenhydramine. medicinal glycerin and products of this kind that we are pursuing one after the other. my advice to them was that investors who have financial ability and capital in the field of medicine and treatment. we are ready to give them the basic consent and immediately prepare them to produce a large amount of available and
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stable cheap raw materials from the benefits that we have in our ports, including in the mahshar and banddar imam areas , so this is one of the chains. chains are dyes and resins, leather and so-called various artifacts, and many of today's artificial proteins, which are the feed of our livestock and poultry , today come from the petochemical industry. in general, in some countries, more than 96% of the industry in that country is all raw materials. from the petrochemical industry and in some depending on how many countries have gone through the commodity chains, it is more or less. in some countries, 90% in our country, almost 90% of our various industries or all its raw materials come from petrochemicals and are bought, so to speak, and finally in is it possible for them to decide whether a percentage of
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those petrochemical products will go, for example, in textiles, a part of it will come from natural resources such as cotton or wool and non - zalak. what has happened in these two areas, the strategy is actually the industry what happened to petrochemicals? yes, we have 5 water sources ready for exploitation, and some of them have been working in the past. raw and semi -raw materials that are produced in our country from refineries and petrochemicals, we must direct them to the middle chains to the end of the chain. therefore, one of these basic products of ours
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is methanol, which has been programmed two or three minutes before every. the reason is planned and we have mass production of this raw material in the country, which we have to export now . if the target is not set correctly, it will be threatened, because it is liquid production, your reservoir reserves have a limited capacity, then we have to export , if the buyer does not buy from you or you do not agree on the price , what should you do? it works, so we should have directed this towards the chain and the completion of the chain, i.e. the downstream units that you mentioned, one of the new petrochemical areas, which is defined as the energy zone on parsian , is adjacent to the asaloi area, that is, the annual ethylene line, which is the methanol line that is implemented it will be designed and planned
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7 to 10 million tons have been provided for us to implement every year. methanol of asalouye region is actually transferred to the energy region of parsian and more than 21 intermediate and downstream complexes, then it goes there because the product that comes there is converted into propylene and the chain either goes to its polymers or to other chains. do we have a territorial arrangement in the middle and downstream areas in the country or not? they are more in the south. yes , you see. mainly, when we say the level of the petrochemical industry , the upstream, middle and downstream areas are mainly energy-intensive, and they are also capital-intensive. so. these are even the downstream chains , if they have high production and high capacity , it is natural that on the coasts of the sea, especially in the south, where
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the upstream feed is at its disposal, from there it actually goes to the intermediate chain and the inter-complex feeds between each other. it is made available, but some units are applicable even in hot and dry areas, that is, chemical cities, so-called downstream products from the areas that i mentioned , we have an upstream unit from there, it is transferred to tehran, in qom, our town that we have in qom is an important part. from the downstream units in the so-called city the splendor of qom is in the cities of tehran, in the hasanabad area of ​​tehran, shamsabad town in the west of tehran , towards karaj, where we go to the city and downstream units with more added value products. so, depending on which unit we choose, that unit can be selected. for example, i
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went to pick up a unit in torbat heydari region last year in bijar region . bijar and investments are made there, or the basic products that should come from the asaliyah area are in fasa darab, jahrom and here. be changed and this it will help official diplomacy and it is also effective in the economic field. now, although opec is in the oil field and opec is an energy diplomacy, in the petrochemical field, we want to talk about the export of materials, the export of products, and even the dispatch of specialized human resources to these countries. in the field of dipl. fortunately, an intensive action was started in the 13th government, from areas to the vicinity of siberia in the
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russian federation, the countries of the cis region, that is, central asia , as well as the caucasus and such areas in the far east and to latin america in africa and in the region of the islamic world in the west. asia is fortunately compact with we had intensive negotiations with the countries on our side . some of these, i mentioned in my speech, led to the export of catalysis, and some of them led to the implementation of projects . in latin america, we are currently implementing their half- finished units. asia region as well, well, when the capacity is reached, mr. dr. abedini , now. we are reaching 10 million tons from the so-called border of 95 million tons, and from 10 million tons in the next 10 years, we will reach nearly 180-90 million
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tons. we did not, and in the domestic sphere we tried to make domestic productions to downstream industries and downstream chains in the form of so-called credit supply , in such a way that in the previous year, 80 thousand billion tomans was a gift from the upstream petroshim senate to the downstream units that came to life and it is an easy miracle move, which according to one's own words
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, it was a revolution. god bless you, peace be upon you aba abdullah
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by god and by god, we are responsible for this case, i swear to god, we are oblivious, i swear to god, the case that made the heart of the holy prophet bleed today, this is the case , this is the story that made the heart of hossein bin ali sing. if we want to value ourselves, if we want to value the mourning of hussain bin ali, we must think . if hussain bin ali was today and he said to mourn for me, who would say chant? if it was hussain bin ali, he would say, sir, if you want. mourn for me, beat your chest for me, chain for me , your slogan today should be palestine, number 1300 a year ago, the man went to know your number today.
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come and change your car floor mats before your trip. your floor mats sound like a train whistle. it's obvious that your disc is worn. i'll put a statue mat on your car so that it wears itself out. disco, choosing the right modern brake pads. hi at 5: the assistant head of the national artificial intelligence organization said that it is planned to be one of the top 10 countries in the field of artificial intelligence in the form of a 10-year program. referring to the opening of the national organization of artificial intelligence, selakhshor motaghi said that in recent years, preparations have been made for the strong presence
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of iran in the domain. artificial intelligence has taken place in the world. in our future, if we want to imagine something without artificial intelligence, it may not be possible. this future may be less than 10 years from now.


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