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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm IRST

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hello, welcome to the half-day news. the record low temperature in some regions of the west and southwest of the country and the reduction of working hours and closure of offices in some provinces, including khuzestan. the ministry of energy asked the countrymen to help the country's electricity management with optimal consumption. continuing the meetings and telephone conversations of the president-elect in the presidential institution , the speaker of the presidium of the majlis murad. the finalization of the bill
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to organize and unify the payment system of government employees in the cabinet of ministers, the privileges that are related to government employees in the laws are foreseen due to the very long time from the approval of the employment laws. a country and management law is passed, it can be realized and an effective supervision. it is possible to make payments outside the framework. another horrible crime by the zionists in the gaza strip. the zionist regime killed 29 palestinians by bombing a school in the east of khan yunis. next in
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the economy desk, we examine how the development of monetary agreements has helped to weaken the sanctions , what measures the 14th government is taking to complete these agreements. i do to the section. attention here you are. with the relative increase in temperature in some regions of the west and southwest of the country, the working hours of offices were reduced again today in some provinces. with the aim of saving electricity consumption, the governorates of lorestan, ilam, khuzestan, isfahan, qom, markazi, semnan, zanjan, south khorasan, chaharmahal bakhtiari, yazd and sistan baluchistan, reduced working hours and closed again.
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they notified the departments and executive bodies tomorrow. service, relief and treatment devices are exempted from this rule. in south khorasan, offices are closed on thursdays until mid-september. in khuzestan, due to the passing of air temperature offices will be closed from 50 degrees on saturday. shaban karareh in busher province with a temperature of 53 degrees. it has registered the hottest spot in the country. according to the minister of energy, the electricity consumption has exceeded 77,000 megawatts, while last year's peak electricity consumption in these days was around 71,000 megawatts. the maximum consumption requirement of the country's electricity network since the beginning of this year is 77,151.
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it was 7 megawatts compared to the same period last year. grown. well, i am talking to the managing director of tavanir and the spokesman of the electricity industry, mr. rajabi mashhadhi. hello , tell us and the viewers that in the last day, the witness it was then that an sms was sent to the subscribers by the toani company regarding the warning of electricity consumption. please tell me what this warning means and at what levels it was issued and tell me what plans you have in mind to manage electricity consumption in different sectors from home to commercial, office and industry? in the name of allah , the most merciful, the most merciful, i offer my greetings to your excellency and all dear viewers, as you said , yesterday we experienced a new installation in the electricity consumption of the country and we reached the number of 77151 megawatts. today is also a great day. our prediction is
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that we will definitely have a new system in this regard these new installations mean more electricity consumption and that we have to make more efforts to provide electricity. different regions of the country, especially the surrounding regions , for the participation of our dear compatriots in this increase in consumption , last day a text message was issued to six provinces of the country, which are mainly the warmest regions of the country, at alert level 2 , meaning that if they can, during the peak consumption hours of 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. don't use high-consumption ones, those in normal areas, use air conditioners far away, and those in normal areas, use gas air conditioners. they use a temperature of 24 degrees and above, especially in hotter areas each degree increase in the temperature of the coolers that they regulate reduces the electricity consumption of these coolers by 3% , and this helps us to be able
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to supply electricity to all parts of the country, especially warmer areas. let me tell you , if the temperature is adjusted from 17 degrees to 25 degrees or 24 degrees, we will see a 20% reduction in electricity consumption in the country. certainly, the conditions of electricity supply are currently stable. the national electricity grid is stable, so called dear fellow countrymen, i am asking if it is possible for them, especially during peak hours consumption from 13:00 to 18:00 and also from 19:00 to 22:00 should not be used by them . we have managed to save almost 1200 megawatts. in the administrative sector of the country, in the commercial sector, my request is this
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: the big commercial centers that have generators should put their generators in the circuit during peak hours . i would like to thank the big industrial subscribers of the country. that's a good collaboration. with the electricity industry to have let's be able to get through this hour when we have the maximum consumption, there is a lot of pressure on the electricity grids , and we can use the electricity grid stably in the last two or three days when we had the conditions of increasing electricity consumption in the country. if you have any questions, i am at your service. also, i would like to ask all my compatriots to participate in the energy campaign, first of all, to take advantage of the electricity consumption bonus, and secondly, by reducing their own consumption, they must be one of the winners in this energy campaign and help to provide sustainable electricity to the country. from you, mr. rajabi mashhadi, ceo of tavanir and spokesman for the electricity industry. the meteorological organization
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has predicted that the heat will continue in most parts of the country, especially in the west and south-west until the beginning of next week. well, i will talk to know more details. with the expert of the meteorological organization, mrs. salami, please tell me in which areas the heat of the air and the increase in temperature will be more. in the name and memory of god, i greet you, mr. sadeghi , and the esteemed viewers. as you mentioned in the news , the hot weather will last until the beginning of the week , especially in the west and southwest of our country, the weather is hotter. during the last day and night, ahvaz also had a temperature of 48 hot degree it was reported as the center of the province. considering that the temperature is increasing , we expect ahvaz to record 50 and 51 degrees for the last days of the week. during the last day and night , kurd city reported a temperature of 10 degrees in the coolest hour, which
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was the coolest center of the province in our country. at the level of the country, busher province reported a temperature of 54 degrees at shaban kare station. so hot the highest point in our country was reported from bushe province. after that, the temperature of abpakhsh was 52, brazjan was 51 and khormoj was 50. we expect the warm weather to continue until the beginning of next week to be especially in the west and southwest of our country, the weather is warmer. therefore, we request our compatriots to do the necessary cooperation. the necessary savings should be made in electricity consumption so that we can spend these hot days without power outages. we expect scattered rain in the afternoon in the northern provinces of east azarbaijan, west azarbaijan, ardabil, mazandaran, tehran, semnan. similarly, for the eastern heights of hormozgan, the heights of kerman and the south of sistan baluchistan ,
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we will have an increase in rain in the afternoon. we expect strong winds let's have by the way, the wind is stronger in the eastern part of our country, especially in in the north of sistan baluchistan province, in the zabul region, strong winds and rising dust have reduced air quality and reduced visibility. in the center of the western and southwestern slopes of alborz , strong winds are expected sometimes. the persian gulf is also wavy . thank you for your attention. mrs. salami. i thank you . it was almost 12 o'clock, which means i felt like my brain was melting. the heat will reach its peak in most parts of the country for tomorrow and friday. it will rain. the heat is really hot. i wore short at all it's so hot, i have to come to work by car and the air conditioner doesn't even work. especially areas like khuzestan
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will experience heat above 50 degrees again these days. i am a khuzestan kid, i was born in khuzestan, but we were born in the same conditions, but it was hard for us to bear it . the air conditioner does not work at all. the minute he turns on the gas , the fan goes off outside. the heat is unbearable. this condition caused the temperature of most cities in the province to reach above 50 degrees. during the past days, ahvaz is one of the hottest cities in the world temperatures above 50 degrees were actually considered, and this issue has caused the issuance of a red alert for these provinces and remote work and closure of offices in some provinces. we want the offices to turn off the cooling systems half an hour or an hour before the end of office hours, as in the past days, and this is a very important role in providing stable electricity and consumption management programs. for us, during the last day and night, the temperature of 54 degrees in shabankare city of busher province
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has reached the top as the hottest place in the country, and this is a warning for the management of electricity consumption. now growing our consumption is very high, very high, that is , we have a consumption growth of more than 7%. this year, the rate of consumption behavior has increased significantly . we provide electricity. it is recommended to avoid exposure to sunlight and cool drinks as much as possible during these days . try to wear cool clothes and use protective equipment against the sun, such as a brimmed hat, and remember to carry water with you. despite the overwhelming heat of the weather these days, the meteorological organization predicts next week, the temperature will decrease. kurd mohammad ali golkhah of radio and television news agency, the leader
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of the islamic revolution, in the ruling of hujjat al-islam, mr. haj sheikh ahmed motahari attributed the original as the new representative of the jurist in east azarbaijan province and imam juma of tabriz, ayatollah khamenei in this ruling with great regret al-hashem once again praised the lack of hojjat-ul-islam and his way of serving the people. the text of the ruling of the supreme leader of the islamic revolution is as follows. in the name of god . mr. hojjat-ul-islam mr. haj sheikh ahmed motahari asl damat afazato with deep regret about the loss of tabriz's popular, hard-working and outstanding friday imam, the late martyr of hojjat al-islam al
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-hashim, may god bless him and grant him peace, who is surely a blessing for the people of azerbaijan, and with praise for his public behavior and service, he was one of his companions and colleagues. and thank god , you have been recognized for your good thoughts and actions , i attribute it to my representation in that province and the friday imamate of tabriz. i expect that the position of imamate on friday for the faithful, brave and revolutionary people of tabriz will be at par with their privileged qualities in a worthy manner, and that knowledge, sincerity, empathy and explanation are the focus of interaction with believing and enthusiastic masses of people, especially the youth , should be kept in close contact with scholars, academics, sages, and revolutionary groups, and sympathy with the sacrificers and the weak in the society should always be considered. i ask god for your success
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. seyyed ali khamenei, july 19, 1403. in continuation of the meetings of the president-elect this morning , the head of the expediency recognition council. nizam went to meet with mr. mezikian, also the president-elect attended the meeting of the guardian council. following the face-to-face meetings with the president-elect this morning , the chairman of the expediency council went to the red building pastor went and told virik about the success of mr. masoud medzikian in the presidential elections and gaining the trust of the people. in this meeting, the president-elect also thanked ayatollah amoli larijani and considered the synergy of coordination and interaction of all institutions of the country to be essential for progress. the working day of mr. masoud
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al-badzikian started by attending the funeral meeting of hazrat aba abdullah al-hussein and participating in the hosseiniyeh hedayat ceremony. salam alaikum, the elected president then attended the meeting of the guardian council and met and talked with the members of this council. the message of this meeting was the message of cooperation and empathy. finally, mr. dr now the president is elected by all iranian people. all institutions and organizations are required to cooperate with them. last night, in continuation of the congratulatory messages of world leaders, the president of syria, congratulating the victory of mr. medeshian in the elections , considered the relationship between iran and syria to be the basis of stability in the region and the main factor in preventing the imposition of foreign hegemony on the middle east. the president- elect also considered the development and strengthening of cooperation between the two countries as a strategic policy of the islamic republic. nicolas
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maduro, the president of venezuela, in a phone call with the medical doctor, expressed his success in gaining the trust of the people in... he congratulated the presidential election, mr. masoud mezikian stated in this conversation that venezuela has a special position in iran's foreign policy. in a telephone conversation with president of azerbaijan ilham aliyu, both sides expressed confidence that tehran-baku relations based on common religious, cultural and friendship roots will be expanded and cooperation in various fields will be developed. nikol pashinyan, the prime minister of armenia , said in the conversation between the doctors: "the relationship between the two countries is a privileged relationship that is not affected by any other factor." the president-elect also stated that the relationship with armenia is very important in the foreign policy system of the islamic republic of iran. last night, the office of the president-elect, while expressing gratitude to all the people of iran,
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announced the criteria for appointing people to serve in the 14th government. in this hajj announcement. 10 indicators and criteria for selecting the best have been announced, some of which are as follows. belief in the constitution and higher documents, reputation for purity, honesty and courage, having a national attitude, staying away from criminal, ethnic, religious and regional tendencies, believing in the necessity of developing justice, believing in the idea of ​​the voice of the voiceless and fulfilling the demands of women. young people and relatives, believe in necessity convergence and coincidence and national cohesion, who believe in specialization and merit selection, who believe in the necessity of companionship and coexistence, resistance and flexibility in foreign policy, and believe in the expertise of majid akhwan , sed and sima news agency, the swearing-in ceremony of the elected president will be held on august 9 in the islamic council.
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to be the spokesperson of the presidium of the parliament announced this news and said that after holding the meeting, he will present himself to the parliament for a vote of confidence. the swearing in ceremony of the president will be held after the supreme leader of the revolution has held the ceremony of rescinding the decree of the elected president. acting president at the meeting. cabinet he obliged the members of the government to prepare and present a comparative report on the state of the area under their management from the time of handing over the work to the popular government until the moment of handing over the work to the 14th government. mr. mokhbar also stressed on the implementation of baghut and away from any delay in the affairs of the government, the full cooperation of
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the cabinet members with the elected president and the government. the acting president considered the new necessary , referring to the identification of cases of dengue fever, and said that the ministers of health and the interior should fully investigate the matter in a joint meeting and take the necessary decisions and preventive measures in this regard. the minister of health and medical education also mentioned in this meeting the increase in the prevalence of dengue in the world and the increase in the number of infected people in the country. from 75 cases last year to 149 since the beginning of the year, he said measures to clean up polluted cities and increase surveillance in the border and end areas. border crossings are underway. on the sidelines of the government board meeting, the government spokesperson
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announced the government's agreement to send a bill to organize and unify the payment system for government employees. after the meeting of the government delegation, the speaker came to the reporters and told about the resolutions of the meeting. as mr. bahadur jahrumi said, the government by sending saman bill and a cloth making system for paying employees agreed to the parliament. due to the finalization of the program law and the fact that some of these provisions are still remaining, these provisions were provided in the form of a bill, so that, god willing, the concessions related to the government employees are provided in the laws , considering the very long time for the approval of the laws. the national employment and management law is passed so that it can be realized. in response to reporters' questions about the concern of some marriage loan recipients in higher tithes, the minister of labor said that any person who received a marriage loan was subject to higher tithes if let him know that the tithe will be corrected. if anyone
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across the country has changed due to taking a tithe marriage loan , be sure to tell us and we will correct it. the oil minister also had news about the economic growth of the oil and gas group. according to mr. oji, growth in 1401. during the lifetime of my government, i have said many times that our basis is to reach the production of 4 million barrels of oil. the mayor of tehran also pointed to the plans for the development of the tehran metro and said the supplementary plan for lines 2, 4, 6 and 7 of the metro. regarding the planning for the arbaeen ceremony, the minister of the interior said that he had reached an agreement with the iraqi minister of the interior regarding the cancellation of arbaeen travel visas.
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sede mehdi karimi saba broadcasting news agency o bartender of thirsty lips o bartender of thirsty lips oh my life. sonanen saqai tiflaneh na jan jan saqai tiflanum the travel capacity of the pilgrims in the first decade of muharram was announced. the deputy of pilgrims of the hajj ministry said that more than 9,000 capacities have been created for pilgrims to travel by the end of ashura hosseini, and applicants can refer to the pilgrimage system of the hajj organization.
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a sign of trouble. choose the caravan you want . according to mr. mohammadi, the pilgrims who are sent with the caravans of the hajj and pilgrimage organization are covered by insurance and their security is ensured and shahreh the condition for leaving the country and using government services during arbaeen days is to register in sama system . well, to know more details, i will talk with the head of the central headquarters of arbaeen, mr. mirhamdi. hello, you are very welcome to khabar studio 14.
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tell me about the latest resolutions of the meeting of the central headquarters of arbaeen and how many people have registered in the sama system so far in the name of allah , rahman, raheem. your excellency and all dear viewers, i have a greeting. i think that these days, well, our 13th government considers itself committed this year's arbaeen will provide all the necessary preparations in a proper manner, and the concern that our dear people, especially the pilgrims of arbaeen hosseini have, that problems will arise due to these changes in the government, we assure you that we will provide all the necessary preparations. today, in the meeting of the central headquarters of arbaeen, we reported on the preparations
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of the ministries and agencies. organization and the armed forces, as well as the commitments that these loved ones have that they must fulfill, well, these commitments are big commitments that mr. dr. mokhbar personally followed up on in the meeting two weeks ago. today, the report we received is that , by god's grace, the ministry of home affairs , honorable ministers, heads of organizations, and armed forces fulfilled these obligations better than last year. i am referring to a small part of these so that the volume of these measures can be determined. we have predicted more than 145 thousand cubic meters of canopy that different devices will help to create it under this 145 thousand cubic meters of sprinklers. jetfans create pleasant and cool air in the special heat that we are facing
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. we have pledged more than 205 million bottles of water and nearly one million molds for organizations the ice cold houses that had to be built in order to keep these, in order to clarify the volume of this issue , nearly 3 thousand trucks need to move only this amount of water, nearly 100 ice factories that need to produce more than 25 tons of ice daily. make sustainable water, sustainable electricity, health services , provision of passengers, the issue of their transportation, the issue of health and treatment, especially with the current conditions , the issue is both inside our country and inside iraq, hospitals that should be built , mobile clinics, my mobile hospitals in
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the sum of this promise. give me that all these preparations and the predictions are being made in a proper and complete manner and god willing, we will make a memorable 44. mr. mirahmadi, tell me how many people have registered in the sama system so far , more than 50,000 people have registered, of course, this year we started the registration a week earlier . my emphasis is that and the advice to the loved ones is that they must do two things as soon as possible . first, if they do not have the necessary documents to cross the border , a pilgrimage passport or any international passport , they should do it quickly because as soon as we reach the days of the third or second decade of the travel month, the delay of these for the number of passports will increase and it will reduce the possibility of planning. the second point is to register in
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the hearing system. yes , they should complete this registration as soon as possible, and the third issue is that, from our point of view, all the preparations have been made since the first month of the trip. our recommendation, like last year, is to start their own trip as early as possible, i.e. on the first month of the trip, and return as soon as possible, a successful experience for the visitors. those crowds were not faced with various problems, easy going, easy going, easy coming back. mr. mirhamdi , as you know, it has been many years since insurance is required to participate in the arbaeen ceremony, but unfortunately every this year, we see that some people participate in this ceremony without insurance. what decisions have you made so that these incidents do not happen again like last year? yes, this year we need 3 documents for each pilgrim to cross the border. we have one
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passport, two registrations in the sama system, and three that he has insured himself in the sama system . this year, the officers who are in control of this situation are determined to control it. therefore, since we do not provide any services at the border, of course, registration. name in the sama system and insurance at the border can be done. but it has its own problems therefore, because they are not able to do this, sometimes they are with their families, the parents of their children go, they stay on their own , or their children's spouses are delayed , they cannot pass.


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