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tv   [untitled]    July 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm IRST

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so, this is the second part of the question, sally, but one thing you said is that now this is about the trade balance, so what is the rest of the matter? we have 4 billion dollars in total imported into russia, which is one billion, or if we multiply it by two, it will be two billion . in fact, the balance of 2 billion is unbalanced or imbalanced, so what should we do about it? our point is that when we involve other countries with these agreements, then we will be able to do so. to eliminate that imbalance in its reverse imbalances with other countries , it is true that we must go, this is the order of our colleague and our dear friends who say let's create a balance of trade with countries, but sometimes you can't really create a balance of trade, when two countries have similar economies, for example, two right shoes will never become shoes, one must be left and one should be right. you have 6 right shoes. even if you have a pair of shoes, the economy of iran, russia, they have a pair of right shoes. we both
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have energy, so i give him energy, and he wants to give me energy, but the economy of iran and china complement each other, the economy of iran and turkey complement each other, and he wants energy from me. he wants to give it to me, so we can never establish a trade balance with some countries. this is because we know that because there are countries that we can never establish a trade balance with. what should we do with them? let's include other countries in these agreements, for example, suppose that i have a trade deficit of 2 billion dollars with russia , russia has a trade deficit of 2 billion dollars with china, and i have a trade surplus of 2 billion dollars from china. i brought china, it does not mean that this is it now now, i mean, every other country that this cycle can happen to, once this stable foundation or this multilateral balance will multiply , so we, as i said, we designed a model , we designed a model with the aim of
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carbon copying this, so to speak. our colleagues in the central bank of russia, we want to give this to other countries later, so that we can raise this trade balance multilaterally and increase the use of this mechanism, so if it is said that the trade balance is good, then it must be so. because it makes the work of the banking network much easier when the trade balance cannot be provided, we have to go to other countries, which i will say right now that we are in this trip. and in these agreements that were made, we agreed with the other side to go to the brics countries and invite and involve them in this mechanism and reduce our dependence on the dollar of the rest of the countries , and in fact, in this way, we the more we reduce the dependence on the dollar and the infrastructure of banking under the domination of the west , the more we harm their economy and their dominance. countries that i don't
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want to mention because of the name of the country, but you should know that countries that are either under sanctions or are worried about sanctions are very prone to enter into these framework mechanisms, that there are many countries that are worried about sanctions, all the countries of independent economies are all worried that the same behavior that the americans do with some independent countries like iran, russia and others, so there is no need for a sanctioned country to enter these mechanisms , even if it is worried about sanctions. it comes that groups like shanghai brics eurasia are a group they are important economically, recently in the 13th government , iran became an official member of them, now the infrastructure is in place for the next government to want us. he may have years, for example, that he can take his hand and go and start working, but that country and that country, that is, russia, our counterpart country, he
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is also ready to bring his successful experience with iran to share the market of other countries. therefore, this is now a model, not words on paper anymore it is possible to take the same practical action, the same accompaniment of a large economy in this acceptance of the rial and our infrastructures. now, i just said that my rial, in the last one or two years, when these measures were started , we removed many of the infrastructures under the domination of the colonial system. let's say that swift has not been working between iran and russia for over a year now. and our national infrastructure called sepam with the russian national infrastructure called spfs, connecting all our banks with all their banks, if they want, they can connect them together and send swift messages in the mechanisms of national platforms. let me tell you that we have also taken other measures with russia, and it is also a model, and now it is the mir and shatab connection. god willing, your conversation, mr. amini, is one of the ways. now we
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are talking about making the sanctions ineffective. one of the points that can be pointed out more precisely in the 13th government was the discussion of the clearing of goods with oil, which was done to diversify the materials of tsafiyeh. an action that was on the agenda in the 13th government and followed by the discussion of diversity of import sources the methods of currency settlement were the ones that were followed and followed up. it was one of the measures, perhaps we can say that the first step in this field was the discussion of oil and basic goods with the country, in fact, it was through china, and our exports to that country, parenthetically , this is always a negative point, perhaps as it is sometimes said in oil in terms of food, if we
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want to calculate it like this , we can say that we have everything compared to everything, but after all, we are exporting to meet part of our import needs , and part of these import needs are also basic goods, now because you supply them from this country. don't supply from another country, it doesn't matter , there is an argument that we can actually use our oil resources for the development of the economy, for big projects and for investment, which is a correct argument, there is no prohibition, but in the end , you must be a part of allocate your export resources for basic goods, that's why it doesn't matter if it's in that country or another country , and it is said that oil is more than food and so on, it's actually a political attack on this. the subject , especially considering the benefits it has brought to the country, and especially to know that this discussion is dysfunctional oil and basic goods in a larger puzzle, which is the adaptation of the horizontal map or the variety of imported materials, and the first step was that we were moving in that direction
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. what happened? it was implemented, it was approved by the first vice president, and we had to, in fact, when we sold the oil, the money was transferred to our trust account , and in fact, it had to be converted from the yuan to dirhams and euros, then it was allocated to the importer of the basic goods. he would enter the country, and the person who exported the oil would enter this possibility for everyone producers were created to be able to take oil and actually enter the country in exchange for that basic cap. this work was piloted and implemented for nearly a billion dollars and is on the way to implementation and completion. now we are in the last shipment, which is actually our last shipment , this issue has reached 15 percent savings for the country , that is, compared to the normal situation that we wanted, that is , 15 percent of one billion dollars, not 15 percent of one billion dollars.
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shipments such as sarjam have started. how much currency has been saved ? i mean, you have to calculate the total amount . now i don't have the total number, but the important thing is this big number. important in that one billion dollars, which itself was not a number, or, for example , it was one billion out of the 15 billion dollars of the import of our basic goods , i want to say that this work has been implemented and it is possible, and it has reached good points in the recent shipments, it has reached 15% of foreign exchange savings. what does that mean, if we wanted to use the same current procedure and within the same framework, in fact, we would go for sanctions exemptions , we would import basic goods , we would have to spend 15% more, if now it has reached the point where we have 15%, we will spend less. do it for import and more importantly this monopoly. come in the exclusive importers that are mentioned, sir, how many big importers are there, this was also broken for the first time, and in fact, many other importers were added at a lower cost, not that the cost will increase, and we have agreed to do our will for in fact, the import of basic goods
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became very formalized, that is, for example, now it was decided that a certain product was needed, for example , it would enter the country within a period of, for example, a month, a month and a half , while in the previous procedure, for example, it was possible that some of you this follow-up and import, for example, may take 3 or 4 months, even though this is not the case the government again made this issue very clear and improved. well, this shows us that what we are talking about about making the sanctions ineffective and making them ineffective is a possible thing that has happened on the ground, now we have to go to let's develop it, enlarge it, and i hope that the 14th government will take advantage of this opportunity . we did this outside the system of sanctions exemptions. look, sanctions exemptions are imposed. well, what's wrong with this? the problem is that you still you are playing within the sanctioning framework, which means that it can still restrict you, it can create costs for you, it has happened several times that it has created a restriction or
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a bank, for example, with which we used to exchange in europe, in fact , that access has been lost and one time, for example, we see that the price of our basic goods has gone up, creating a horizontal fluctuation for us. ok, well, this is the game that our father is playing, the embargoer is doing within the framework of sanctions exemption, he says sanctions exemption, but he is still putting pressure on us, but this is what he is doing. it was done under the title of exchange of oil and basic goods that work before. young people were gone. finally, in this government, the influence of the ministry of oil took special measures. the ministry of jihad of the central bank took a lot of effort. this work made us able to optimize the import of our basic goods outside of the framework of sanctions exemptions, to reach 15 to the point where it is now 15%, foreign currency is spent on it, and that is actually an increase in the cost of trust and unofficial accounts on our economy due to the sanctions. it was necessary to reduce this and this action should be done by you may the 14th government develop, i hope that it will definitely happen that the 14th government
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will finally take advantage of these optimal measures and be able to develop it in order to optimize the economy and even achieve the goal of actually removing the embargo because once when he sees that in fact, the sanctioner is tired of his sanctions and it doesn't matter that this is one of the important measures , then he goes to remove the sanctions and finish the job in short. thank you, mr. karimi, one of the points we talked about in yesterday's program about economic growth was that in order for us to attract investment and for money to come, capital comes, we have to accept a series of agreements . now, we are talking about playing outside the framework of sanctions and bypassing and making sanctions ineffective. one of the points that it was discussed a lot in the election debates. it was necessary for all these if we want to have investment, the growth of investment. let's have the acceptance of how much
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is related and necessary to each other in your opinion, must this happen or not, without this, the same thing has been done and will be, this is a very good question. it was a bit of a shock to you because it was not related to the topic of the program, which is monetary agreements and the creation of sanctions, but indirectly, yes , indirectly, maybe you can say that it was related to the conversation of your meeting yesterday. i just want you to approach that. which we followed until we reached this success that god gave us in persuading the other party to accept our facilities and infrastructure, the most important of which is the standard infrastructure of our bank, our national money, and these . etf, i have done a lot of work, i know the conditions. with what are the details? i want to tell you that our approach should be to
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convince our other parties of the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing measures that we are doing . unfortunately, we did not do this. before we go to the other side let's convince them that we are doing this , we have been doing it before, and therefore we should be able to report this well. in that format and framework, let the opposite parties understand and accept that we are doing this, we fell into the political climate. internally, this issue is a very specialized issue , it is not a political issue at all that we want to have a political discussion about. in fact, in the past few years , maybe a decade, this issue has been discussed . i feel that the main damage to the category is the politicization of this category. at all, this category does not take credit from anyone, they say you got
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a loan, but this is not the case at all . dollars and the banking money infrastructure of america are all made for profit he and the rule are more his and now. what approach do we take to spend ? we are proving our own national currency. the rest of the world has to work with the national currencies of other countries in a way that is risk-free. it should be the same here , here we should have all the facilities, laws , regulations and dealings that we have in a systematic and procedural manner with the fight against money laundering and fixing terrorists . we should give this to the other parties . officially and unofficially, sometimes they seek to pretend that they are doing this doing while we don't need to pretend, we are doing it. let me give you an example . you can see that money laundering is done by scanning , which means that wherever bills are exchanged, it is assumed that it is money laundering. because it is a banknote , it does not leave any traces of itself, and therefore it cannot be traced and traced, what
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was this money for, and why? it is possible, but the economies around us are sometimes criticized by up to 50% , they are not on the blacklist of f, but the country we digitize everything. let's say, sir, we have this because the atmosphere has become politicized. if anyone wants to prove it, they will say that you are acting in the enemy's puzzle . someone wants to claim that i don't know , and put forward other excuses and other conventions. for some reason, i want to tell the truth. because it was not related to the issue of monetary agreements, but i want to say that we should not
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go to exchange and monetary agreements and things like this in order to discourage the embargo and the entry of money into the country. we have met sometimes in the past few years the countries are saying, sir , why did we ask you to comply with these recommendations? sometimes accepting , so my limit is that you put the subject of a specialized meeting and
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take this discourse towards a specialized discourse rather than a political one. thank you very much, mr. amini , i am asking you the same question. do you think that we are now using frequent methods regarding official payment and official payment tools? and we are talking about things like this. do you think that the 14th government should continue on which path? the requirement is that capital should be able to exchange. it is necessary to return to swift . it can be done now, just take a minute to summarize, look at our businessmen and those who are in the field and the reality of the economy. they have some issues, the government should go towards solving those issues, those issues are a series of issues, this is the monetary infrastructure, which he said is a series of issues, i request your presence to facilitate access to supply, facilitating access, facilitating trade, these are the real measures to appease trade, reduce trade costs , the discussion we said that the difference between oil and the basic commodity
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, oil is not against food, that's it, we finally have an export currency, we earn a currency , we import goods. well, this should be optimized, what does it mean, its costs should be reduced, its speed should be increased, its dependencies should be reduced, and none of these things have prevented ftf, that is, i have sat down with a businessman , we are in contact with various businessmen for this issue . other topics and economic activists to say now fe has caused that, for example, our costs will increase or we cannot do such and such work , if the embargo has caused it and we have to make the embargo ineffective, like the measures that have been taken to reduce these costs, they can work. thank you very much to both the guests of the program, all the good viewers of the economic desk, who, as always
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, accompanied us until this moment. may god protect you. it will be held this weekend. well, inevitably, with the coordination that it happened, we postponed the exam for two weeks and we will hold the exam on the 21st and 22nd. the exam whose youngest candidate was born in 1390, the most qualified candidate was born in 1322. our oldest is from 1322. there is one, there is a lady. from kermanshah and the year 1327, there is another woman from kermanshah, our youngest was born in 1390 , we have one person from kangavar and in 1747, the secondary and
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main schools are held in the twelfth grade. for art and language , these percentages will be 28 and 72. due to the the arrangements made with our loved ones in the ministry of education have determined that the results of the final exam of the twelfth year, dear ones. that the 23rd exam of june 1403, which is the saturday after the last nationwide exam, will be announced for our loved ones. it took more than 50 years until, in addition to the two- step process, the academic record was included in the entrance exam and admission to the university was not dependent on passing the entrance exam and test-taking skills, because the entrance exam should definitely
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be there, but it should be prioritized that finally the exemptions they say there is no more with the green light of the supreme council of cultural revolution the year 1400, the academic record of the high school course made the path of this scientific marathon easier for the lower deciles of the society. the two-stage entrance exam is one of the best events that could happen to some students who could not study well this year . finally, we have two turns. our stress will be less. the competition, which has a definite effect of 40% on two dedicated days from the twelfth grade , will increase to 60%, so that the competition will be more fair and the worries will be less. he said that the electronic tests are taking shape we will conduct an experiment in the country, god willing. now he says that
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it is not possible to hold an electronic test with this volume. there is a point that in the million tests, we need to prepare heavy hardware tools in terms of liquidity volume. but it guarantees its health with detection devices generation 1 and 2. generation 3 is abundant in all areas. in sensitive areas , our sensitive areas have been explained. according to the performance of the data that we checked and analyzed, we felt that some areas are more sensitive. the initial results of the second round are again. raw scores the entrance exam will be selected in the last week of august , and the final report card will be published . which includes two stages of 1403 and two stages of 1402 , those who have participated in those two stages
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will be announced in the first week of september, the results of the first stage will be announced in the first half of mehr 1403. hossein kashanian of radio and television news agency. four months before the us presidential election, the disclosure of new information about joe biden's parkinson's disease has become the focus of american public opinion and media. so that nearly 90% of the time the press conference of the white house spokesman. although he evaded and denied. i will answer your many questions about the president's illness in one place. has the president already been treated by parkerson or is he being treated now? no.
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has he or does he take the drug "parkingson"? no, i cannot give more information than this due to security issues. the american media disclosed that in the past 8 months, a military doctor specializing in parkinson's at least 8 times in the white house should
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be considered mentally unfit for the presidency of this country. of course , trump's situation is not much better than biden's and nearly 50% the american people also consider trump to lack mental health and diagnosis for the presidency of the united states. ali rajabi, new york broadcasting news agency.
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sometimes it was a refuge for the needy and sometimes it was a destination for thirsty passers- by for people who were far from places of pilgrimage. saqqa houses are an important part of iran's folk and religious architecture , whose life can be traced in the oldest neighborhoods of tehran. entry history of saqqah khan. the architecture of kuche bazari dates back to the safavid era, but the oldest works left in tehran are from the qajar era, like this building. saqqah is the house of god bandandalo in pamnar, tehran. there are three types or three categories of saqqa houses. a group of them that you can see behind my head, this is one of the rare ones that exist in tehran, both because of its graphic design and because of the type of plan it has.
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windows and grids that represent the shrine, shamm and water , which is a sign of karbala, is a common visual element in all these houses. after the incident of karbala, muslims , especially shiites , built places in the crossings and passages, and people could drink that water, in addition to quenching their thirst, and this would also include an afterlife reward for them. this is where the foundations of the brothels are slowly being formed . tehran has nearly 300 brothels, which is one of the surviving examples from that era. this is the only drinking house that has not been touched, it has not been changed or moved in any way. in the past, this was a place where people used to sleep and drink water in this cave .
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let's look at it from three aspects. one aspect of religious belief, two aspects of antiquity and oldness, and three, the aspect of urban elements. accordingly, organizations and organizations can help the city or help each other in maintaining them. including the municipality ministry of cultural heritage as well as religious organizations such as the organization for conservation affairs. mosques or, for example, hajj and endowments can also help and help each other by spending funds in maintaining these valuable buildings.
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azad salmani of sed and sima news agency. big iranian saray, the only tehran branch in sarah afsarieh, with incredible prices and long -term contracts, without any advance payments. great iranian
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, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers, we are at your service at 16:00 with some news. the relative increase in temperature in some regions of the west and southwest of the country has reduced the working hours of the offices it became some provinces. the governorates of lorestan, ilam, khuzestan, isfahan, qom, markazi, semnan, zanjan, south khorasan, chaharmahal bakhtiari, yazd and sistan baluchistan with the aim of saving electricity consumption, reducing working hours and so on.


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