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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 1:30am-2:00am IRST

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iran should be able to work as much as the share of our exports to russia, so the most important obstacle for this development is the fluctuation of the currency value, yes, and the multi -rate system. we had advanced and good tools to convince the central bank of a country to see the equivalent of one billion dollars, the same as they say , to work with us for the equivalent of one billion dollars of rials in one year. we sought to create a model and successful experience that would make it easier to convince other countries now, i will tell you later on card payments and when we get there quickly, we had the same command regarding russia again , sir, we were looking for a successful experience with russia, and then we will go to other countries , now we are with china. we are ready to apply and introduce this. let's be a model, because this model
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has entered the operational phase after being hammered, and almost all the transactions are going to be formed, god willing, on this framework, and this itself will become an example and a prototype, i want to say a practical example, so that others will believe and this model will be believable. to be able to work, this is more than this , the application of this model has started in working with other countries , which means that building trust was one of the most important components of this process. in every contract , especially banking and monetary contracts, this mutual trust is very important and we were able to do this by the grace of god. mr. amini , how much do you think this tool can help in the 14th government, and basically, how much should the 14th government of mr. to use these tools or not, let's go to other ways that i was talking about before, in my opinion, to remove the embargo. even if the government's approach is that i go to pick it up. sanctioning
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has no way other than neutralizing the sanction, which means that when you go to the negotiating table, the person who sanctioned you sanctioned you for a reason, and the islamic republic has an international regional development and is gaining strength. and for this reason , your opposite party has come to the conclusion that they should sanction you, so the reason for the sanctions that have not been lifted is that we still have them. after all, our country is growing and growing. after all, our economy has been challenged , it has caused costs to be created on our economy , so the reason for the embargo has not been removed, not that the embargo was arbitrary, but it has had an effect on our economy, so when we have such a situation, the enemy is the one who embargoed. has imposed and is putting pressure on our country, it is not going to lift the embargo unless it is short-term. either
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it's a show or he wants to put us to work, so the embargo cannot be lifted like this. the embargo is lifted when it becomes ineffective . there is only one way to become ineffective. the central bank is struggling to provide its infrastructure , which means that now we can claim that the infrastructure for this work is provided with russia, but what is the basic task that the 14th government should go towards? for example, let's do this in a high volume, because we are not on a trading scale with china, we should have a large volume of exports to china, but our imports are much less . we import nearly 5 billion dollars of basic goods from brazil we will do it. well, our export, for example, is a maximum of one billion dollars. it's about a balance. well, yes, this balance is not there. actually, if you have infrastructure. in fact
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, create money in the part that your business scale answers, more than that, if you want to use this infrastructure and expand it , we must create that balance, so the 14th government must definitely have this as an important priority, which i think at the level of the president. the president at the level of the first vice president should follow the same discussion of the adaptation of the commercial supply map and the level of commercialization with the main countries, which is demanded by the first vice president or the president himself, he should not only the central bank or only the ministry, why at all, because this is your most important action to impose sanctions and then remove the sanctions, so different institutions must be involved, and when we talk about this issue, the ministry is involved, the central bank is involved, the ministry of javad agriculture is involved. the ministry of oil is involved due to the multi-pronged nature of the issue, which is not the mission of any of these institutions. it should be followed at the top level of the government . the creation of the infrastructure that you mentioned by the central bank has been done . our business is in fact
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we have exchanges with, for example, russia, and the costs are gradually decreasing. instead of going to the direction of converting these widths to each other, for example, how many percent there is 34, for example , it may have a maximum cost from, for example, one percent to 34, it is said to convert the land of my width to your presence, this is the lag and the distance that falls in this currency conversion and these events are completely comforting . it means that our trader can completely equate with rial, the trader on the other side can also equate it without actually knowing that now the parity rate is changing , and these are the sensitivity of the question of a digit number. mr i will ask crimea, then there is a frequent question. mr. karimi, we can talk a little bit with numbers , for example, how much easier our businessmen's work has become , how much cheaper their exports have become, or how much faster and cheaper our imports have become. you see, right now, we
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are talking about the size of our trade balance. we used to have to supply enough for all our imports from russia. we used to buy, even if we wanted to do it with rubles, we had to have currency resources to convert it. we should import in rubles from russia, but now it's dollars , now it's dirhams, euros, dollars, euros. in any case, we had to change the currency, we have come now and we have given 1 billion rials to the other party so that he can pay us. it means that i am already one billion dollars of our contract agreement , which means that we have reduced our need for currency and he accepted that he needs this one billion dollars of rials to import from me and we convinced him. we decided that in order to import from me, you must import riyals from me, and
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you must anticipate all the instructions and procedures and these, and you must consider all the effects and monetary implications of this contract, which took two years to finally be implemented. how many ways are there for the 4th government? how many ways are there for the 14th government? because we are talking about china, we are talking about other countries . yes, see. because your question was also about traders, before i answered your question, this is the new year. your previous one is not finished yet , your previous question had another part, that is now what benefit do businessmen get from this case? look, now the iranian banking infrastructure is completely on the banking rails, the commercial infrastructure of the two countries, that is. previously, traders had to trust each other , they sent the goods through the risky exchanges . they had a thousand and one problems. now, a businessman can open an account through a bank . an iranian exporter sells sweet peppers. every product sold by safi jat can be sent to russia. open an lc and when
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the lc is opened for his exports , he wants to get the money from his own bank, whether the exporter gives the money or not, it is completely a risk for the merchant. when the merchant can open a long-term lc , whether for import or export, he can have a production plan, that is, he knows that it has been open for a while now, 3 years, so i have nothing to do with the merchant anymore, i will produce a plan because he is committed to if he buys from me in this field and the money has to be paid to me by the bank, that's why i produce and develop , many producers have come to us in the past few years and said, sir, we are only doing our daily work with hawala, no production at all. we do not have many big business partners abroad they say that because you, that is, because you are an iranian economic activist , you cannot work with me in the long term, and i cannot count on you to give me the same kind in 5 years, so i will not import from you , even though it is cheaper and of better quality. bashi is
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a banking tool, when it is available, it cannot be measured at all, to say how many percent benefited the merchant, it is much more than that, in addition to the fact that it does not give the percentages to the middlemen , it is a tool that can make a long-term profit. and for a professional businessman , he understands how much this value creation means so this is the second part of the question, but one point you said is that now this is about the trade balance, so what is the rest of the matter, we are currently importing 4 billion dollars into russia, which is one billion, or if we multiply it by two, it will actually be two billion. the balance of 2 billion is unbalanced or unbalanced . what should we do about this? our point is that when we involve other countries with these agreements, then look, we can eliminate that imbalance in its reverse imbalances with other countries. the order of our colleague and friend my dear, we are told
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to create a trade balance with countries, but sometimes it is not really possible to create a trade balance, when two countries have similar economies, for example, two pairs of right shoes will never be a pair of shoes. one should be left and one should be right. you can't get rid of 6 shoelaces in the economy of iran and russia. they both have right shoelaces . we both have energy. well, i will give him energy, and he wants to give me energy, but the economy of iran and china are complementary. the economy of iran and turkey complement each other, he wants energy from me , he wants to give me industrial capital, so we are with some countries we will never be able to establish a trade balance . this is because we know that because there are countries that we can never establish a trade balance . what should we do with this? for example, suppose that i have a trade deficit of 2 billion dollars with russia , russia with china. suppose it has a trade deficit of 2 billion dollars. i
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have a trade surplus of 2 billion dollars from china. now if you assume that i mentioned the name of the country china, i don't mean that i am saying it right now, it means any other country that can do this cycle. once it happens, this stability or multi-sided balance will multiply , so we have designed a model, we have designed a model with the aim of carbon copy. in the words of our colleagues at the central bank of russia, we want to give this to other countries later, so that we can raise this trade balance multilaterally and increase the use of this mechanism, so if it is said that the trade balance is good, then it must be the same. this is because it makes the work of the banking network much easier, but when the trade balance cannot be provided, we have to leave in the direction of other countries, i would like to say here that we have agreed with the other side during this trip and in these agreements that
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we will invite and engage and reduce our own dependence of other countries on the dollar, and in fact to this in our way, as much as we reduce the dependence on the dollar and the banking infrastructure under the domination of the west , we will harm their economy and their dominance . which country will be the next country that we will use this method? but know that the country either they are under sanctions or they are very worried about sanctions they are prone to enter into this framework of mechanisms that there are many countries that are worried about sanctions , all the countries of independent economies are all worried that they will do the same behavior that the us does with some independent countries like iran and others, so it is not necessary for the country to do so. if there is a sanction to enter these mechanisms, even if he is worried about the sanction, he will enter, well, groups like shanghai brics. asia, these are three important economic groups, which
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iran became an official member of recently in the 13th government, so that the next government wants us, these countries that you are pointing out that you didn't mention the name, but you mentioned that it is easy for the government of fourteen countries to do this or not, and it may be for years , for example, that it can take over and go and start working, but that country and the country means the country. russia, our country's counterpart , is now ready to bring its own successful experience with iran. after these measures had started, we abandoned many of the infrastructures under the domination of the colonial system. now, for more than a year , swift does not work between iran and russia, and our national infrastructure, called sepaham, can be replaced with the infrastructure if they want.
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connect them together and put swift messages in the mechanisms of national platforms , standard swift messages, so we also put dollars and this and that . now that is the connection between mir and shatab , god willing, mr. amini's speech is one of the ways we are now talking about making the sanctions illegal and one of the points that are in hand in the 13th government. it was work and it was followed. it
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was the discussion of the variety of import sources and methods of currency settlement that was followed it was followed up, one of the measures, we can say that the first step in this field was the discussion of oil and basic goods with the country, in fact, it was through china and our exports to that country, which is always a negative point, maybe yes, sometimes no, sometimes it is said oil versus food. after all, if we want to calculate like this , we can say everything against everything. but finally, we are exporting to provide part of our import needs. part of these import needs are also basic goods. now, if you don't supply from this country, you can supply from another country, it doesn't matter. there is an argument that we can actually use our oil resources for the development of the economy and for big projects and for investment, which is a correct argument, there is no obstacle, but in the end you have to allocate a part of your export resources for basic goods, that's why it doesn't matter if it is in that country or another country , and that it is said that oil is compared to food and
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all this is actually a political attack on this issue , especially considering the benefits it had for the country. and especially to know that this discussion of oil and basic commodities is part of a larger puzzle the adaptation of the currency map or the variety of imported materials was the first step that we were moving towards . what happened? it should actually be done when the oil is sold. we sold, the money was transferred to our trust account, and in fact, it had to be converted from yuan to dirhams and euros, then it was allocated to the importer, then the basic goods entered the country. were created so that they can take oil and in fact, in exchange for that basic hat, they should enter the country . this work
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was piloted and implemented for nearly a billion dollars, and it is on the way to implementation and completion . our shipment has reached 15% of the overall atmospheric spending for the country, that is, compared to the normal situation that we wanted, 15% of 1 billion dollars, not 15% of 1 billion dollars, 15 in recent shipments, that is , it started from 56. you have to calculate the amount, but i don't have the total number now, but this number is important, the percentage is important in it. it was not a number, for example , it was one billion out of the 15 billion dollars of the import of our basic goods . i want to say that this work has been implemented and is possible, and it has reached good points in the recent shipments. it has reached 15 foreign exchange savings. currently, in the same framework, in fact, we used to get exemptions from sanctions , we imported basic goods , we had to spend 15% more, if now it has reached the point where we have 15%, we spend less
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for imports that are more important than this import monopoly. how many exclusive producers are mentioned? up to the big importer. this was also broken for the first time, and in fact, many other importers were added at a lower cost, not that the cost would increase. it happened that a certain product was needed, for example , it would enter the country within a period of, for example, a month, a month and a half, in the case that in the previous procedure, for example, it was possible that some of them , in fact, in this process of width allocation and follow-up and import, and these, for example, 3 even if it takes four months, even in this government, this is the issue it was clarified a lot and improved. this shows us that what we are talking about about the weakening of the embargo and the ineffectiveness of the embargo is a possible thing that has happened on the ground , now we have to move towards developing it , great and i hope that the 14th government will take advantage of this opportunity. we
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did this outside the system of sanctions exemptions. look , sanctions exemptions are imposed. part of it is true, so what is wrong with this ? the problem is that you are still under the sanctions you are playing the game, which means that it can still limit you, it can create costs for you, it has happened several times that it has created a limit, or a bank, for example, with which we used to trade in europe, has failed and actually disappeared. that access is gone and one time, for example, we see that the price of our basic goods has gone up, and a horizontal fluctuation has been created for us . he imposes an embargo, he says he is exempt from the embargo, but he is still putting pressure on us, but this work was done under the title of exchange of oil and basic goods, which was an advanced work. finally, in this government, under the influence of the ministry of oil , the ministry of javad central bank took a lot of pains. this work made it possible for us
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to optimize the import of our basic goods outside the framework of sanctions exemptions. 15. 15% of which is spent in foreign currency. and that is actually the increase in the cost that was imposed on our economy due to the sanction of unofficial and trust accounts , and i hope that this will be the case in the 14th government. it was the fourteenth government finally, he should take advantage of these optimal measures and be able to develop them in order to optimize the economy and even achieve the goal of actually removing the sanctions, because when he sees it, he is actually the sanctioner of the sanctions. it is tired and it has no effect anymore, this is one of the important measures , then it will go towards lifting the embargo and finish the work in short. and money will come
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, capital will come, we have to accept a series of agreements we are talking outside the framework of sanctions and bypassing and depersonalizing sanctions. one of the points that was discussed a lot in the election debates was that all of this is necessary if we want to have investment , we have to have the growth of investment. in terms of your opinion is related and necessary to each other . this should happen or not. without this, this work has been done and it will be very good . your question was a little shocking because it is related to the topic of the program, which is monetary agreements and the creation of sanctions. it was not very related, but somehow indirectly, indirectly, maybe you can say that it was related to the conversation of your meeting yesterday, i just want you again. in fact, the approach we followed until we reached this success that god gave us was in persuading the other party to
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accept the facilities and infrastructure of our bank and the standard messaging infrastructure of our bank, which is more important than our national money, and these, i say, should be the same approach now. regarding the fatf case, i have done a lot of work. i know the details of the conditions. i want to tell you that what we have to do is to convince our opposite parties. regarding the anti-money laundering and terrorist financing measures that we are doing, unfortunately , we did not do it. rather than going towards convincing the other party that we are doing this , we have already been doing it. and therefore, we should be able to report this well, report it in that format and framework so that the other parties understand and accept that we are doing this, we fell into the domestic political climate. let's make it political, i really am
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for the past few years, maybe a decade, this issue has been discussed . i feel that the main damage to the f category is the politicization of this category. at all , this category does not take credit from anyone. in the direction of our opposite party, which is an expert team, now i wonder what approach this ftf was created with, what were the intentions behind it, well , just like the dollar and the infrastructure of the american bank money, it is all for his interests and his dominance, and now it is. we are proving our national currency by what approach we are spending in the rest of the world, we have to work with the national money of other countries in a way that is risk-free . here, it should be the same. here, we should accept all facilities. these regulations and dealings that we are doing in a systematic and procedural way with the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing , let's give this to the other parties. in many countries, i see in their reports, in their official and unofficial conversations
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, they sometimes seek to pretend that they have this. they do the work, while we don't need to pretend, we are doing it . let me give you an example, look at money laundering with scanning. it is done, that is, wherever a banknote is found , it is assumed that money laundering is going to take place, because the banknote does not leave any traces of itself, and so on. it is detectable and sharp and can be clearly traced, and we have anti-money laundering rules and they are being implemented, but we did not go to the world to prove ourselves, say, sir, we have this because the atmosphere
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has become politicized. if anyone wants to prove this, they say you have it. we act as an enemy puzzle. someone who wants to make a claim that i don't know will put forward other excuses and other conventions. there were monetary agreements, but i want to say that sanctions should be imposed and the entry of money into the country. let's go to the exchange and monetary agreements and work in this way or not , for example, the issue of f-mono thatar, because i have a discussion about tahatel swifto, for example, let's go to it, i mean, but i mean the infrastructures that we just went to look for, and other infrastructures basic and standard, and let's face it , we have never come across this article, sir , what should we do with ftf, because we are in ftf, for example, on the blacklist, it can't be done, no , hatif is not an obstacle in this work, ftf has other obstacles. i do not deny that it creates but my opinion is that we should adopt the same approach that we put aside those infrastructures and shape ourselves to the countries on the other side, in my case, we have sometimes
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encountered this situation in the past few years when countries say: i am sorry for their presence or the use of frequent methods. and we are talking about things like this. do you think that the 14th government should continue, the requirement is that the capital should be able to exchange , that is to return to swift. it can be done now only if summarize for a minute. look, our businessmen and those who are in the field and the reality of the economy have the same issues, which the government should address.
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he should solve those issues, those issues are a series of issues, the same monetary infrastructure, as he said, is a series of issues, i would like to come to your presence, facilitating access to the supply of tassail, access to tassail trade . the basic commodity is not oil compared to food, that's all, we finally have some export money, we get some income , we import some goods, so this should be optimized. it should be optimized, it means that its costs should be reduced , its speed should be increased, its dependencies should be reduced, and none of these has prevented ftf, that is, i have not met the businessman yet. now the fa has decided that, for example, our costs will increase or we will not be able to do such and such work, if the embargo has caused it and we have to make the embargo ineffective, like the measures that have been taken to reduce these costs, they can work. beckon, thank you very much to both the guests of the show, all the good viewers of the table
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may god protect you, the economy that you have always accompanied us until this moment. yeah. in this program, we want to introduce karen's oath shoes. sogand shoes of the karen model are very soft and light and suitable for long walks and sports. it is easy to wash and has high strength. the price of this shoe is only 399,000 tomans due to direct purchase from the manufacturer, and you can
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in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful viewers , it is 2:00 a.m., the assessment organization has announced that the national entrance exam will be held today thursday and tomorrow, friday. the candidates who took the exam on friday have the opportunity to apply for the admission card for the national exam 2014 results. preliminary test. it will be announced at the end of august. the definitive effect of gpa in determining the balance and ranking of the results of the national exam will remain the same. the expediency council of the islamic council at the meeting of the islamic council on wednesday


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