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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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one of the topics that every year is sometimes a concern for families, not because of the importance of this national exam in
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the fate of children. and based on this sim, the connection with the same messenger that i told you about is established with the outside. to reach its questions and answers before the event exams are the phenomenon of cheating in entrance exams and others. it started and from that time, with the very good cooperation of the evaluation organization with the fata police and other areas, we have the necessary experts in relation to the issues that could affect the motivation of the candidates for entrance exam and other exams . we increased the number of answer sheets and electronic disclosure of solutions to prevent violations. let's close it, and
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i can safely say that we have closed 100 routes in fields that are highly sensitive, such as medicine, medicine, pharmaceuticals, etc. these sensitivities have reached a point where the problem the holding of the nationwide exam was considered a national issue by the resolution of the 765th session. it was a very fruitful resolution, therefore, with the help and coordination of the ministry of interior and the national security council, the evaluation organization managed to consider the national exam as a national issue, and cutting the internet as a working link in the first round of the 1402 national exam, which was held in the winter of 1401. it was used in coordination with the ministry of communications and information technology.
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vts antennas are cut off at points to limit any internet exchange. now, on the eve of the second round of the 1403 beish national entrance exam out of 980,000 people , they compete with each other in 1,714 constituencies. hossein kashanian of sed and sima news agency, well, doctor, we have seen the report because this year.
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it is that a number of people from our special culture exam are applicants for the special culture exam and are not applicants for the national exam. i should correct this . apparently, there was a perception that in the past two years, i need to thank the national security council for coming to work and approvals. we had that in these approvals for all the executive bodies of our duty. actually, our national exam has become a national exam. you have fixed the name of any device there is an entrance exam. from the police forces, fata police, security police, colleagues of our ministry of intelligence, irgc intelligence, and honorable judges, firemen, emergency services, everyone
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you can imagine, they are helping on the way to conduct the exam . one of the very special help that is being done right now is from loved ones and friends who are under the title of protection of our help test , there are friends who work in the security, the security of different devices. yes, in these two days, these are the missions. they are working and two additional layers are created in the reservoirs. yes, the first layer is someone which are a combination of police and agents who are behind the door.
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it will be controlled by the organization, by the ministers or by the agents that we want. anyway , the tanks will be activated tomorrow morning at 6:00 am in the tank with the presence of different agents and different keys, that is, the key is not in the hands of one person, but in the hands of several people. they say that the door will be opened at the speed of the meeting , the initial package will open the door of the initial package. there are secondary packages, which are also in their own specific seals, they are sent to the sub-reservoirs , they are opened again at 8:00 am in the sub-reservoirs. the answer letter is in a plastic cover, and you saw
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that doubtlab opens the plastic cover itself, so all the necessary arrangements have been made in this affected area. there are some people who usually want to play the so-called underground networks that we have access to. if you have paid attention to the news yesterday and today , if you have paid attention to the news, how many networks did fata police arrest? yes, 114 the arrest of a questionable case was not discovered, and they get a connection with, for example, a document that if my question was not a question tomorrow, they would have taken away the right to complain at all. things happen, so i want our dear volunteers
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to know that in july of this year, compared to erdi behesht , the work has become much tougher , tougher and tougher. not using it, and with the help of scientists , as we saw in the report , we made a device that monitors every radio wave or bluetooth wave that is active there, it goes to the person's head. that this wave is related to that , how many of these devices are there in all the 700 areas that i said in all the areas, i.e. one or two it is not the first generation that we made
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. we updated the first generation this year, which means we updated the equipment a bit. we have the second generation, we have the third generation, and the third generation is very efficient. it is very effective, as soon as you enter , you will not be recognized at the door, you go to your seat, this device is turned on, the relevant official and expert will come to you, and he will make you show yourself, that is, the person who has this device. well, naturally, there is a 10-year ban , we do not consider them as criminals. our youth consider these as offenders but the agents who cooperate with them behind the scenes or convince them to move in this direction, they are criminals, they are immediately introduced to the judges of the watchdog, and the judges of the murder, who are also immediately
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sent to prison for up to 5 years. for this reason, security is complete security and i told our friends to follow this trust especially this year , because we are on the verge of changing the government and it has its own sensitivities. and god willing, we will be able to present in a very worthy way the path of the students who will be selected in god willing the next government should be able to use good and decent fees. internet won't be cut this year. there was no need for it. we cut the internet in the first year . well, we didn't have this tool. now we have so many notebooks. assuming that a photo is taken, as you can see , they force a series of agents to
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take photos at the meeting with the equipment and send them. meanwhile, this year in the army, and last year, whoever took the photo was arrested a few minutes later, that is, to the second and third pages. it was pointed out that if he wants to go back from the meeting, this answer is not valid for anyone because different answer sheets. weti is in their possession and immediately, since we have the photo, the key that he wants will come, if it does not come , we also have the key because we receive it ourselves , so we did not receive a single case of network fraud in erdi behes month. the number 35 to the number 49 is five and a 9 is about 14. there are people who bring notes with themselves, i.e. in
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the traditional style, in the traditional style, now they have written a note, a formula that works for them, that the very act of bringing a note destroys their concentration, they show themselves to the factors that i become something because hey, there's no peace, it's true, anything you bring with you other than the things you are allowed to bring with you will destroy your peace. that is, if you can score 50 now, by bringing these unrelated devices , your performance will drop below ten. therefore, i recommend that your loved ones believe in themselves and their ability, relying on their own ability. different notebooks are different in order to be able to take them. there is no cheating equipment or use of equipment because i don't know
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if you showed it in one of the press conferences last year or the year before. you said that these were very small, that is, were they discovered in the following years? yes, i say that you discovered 35 of them in the orish test, but it didn't work for the individual . you expected that nothing would happen to him, and well, our friends discovered them in the first few minutes of my exam, and unfortunately they lost an opportunity of many years. you said that for those who actually commit this violation , this is not considered a crime . how can you deal with them? the law on entrance exam violations up to 5 years in prison and serious cash crimes
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the honorable judge will describe them, and in the so-called path, in the path of the respected judges, but those who volunteer are not guilty or are violators , they will be placed in the path of the evaluation organization and the council or the board of violations , which are between one. they are banned from participating in the exams for up to 10 years, they will follow their own criminal path between the so-called cash crime and up to 5 years in prison, mr. doctor, one of the truly national works, in fact, which involves all the institutions and organizations. there is a discussion of transferring these notebooks to the fields. how did you plan this so that nothing happened?
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now the questions must be transferred in physical form, in the near future we are going to, of course, in smaller tests, the questions will be transferred in electronic form, and we have prepared a hardware that the question will be placed on that hardware and the volunteer will answer to that point. when we get there, then transfer. yes, the total cost should include a part of the country's budget. gradually , we are going in that direction and we are trying to persuade private sector academic companies to come and prepare well-equipped halls that have the necessary hardware and we will unite in a long-term period of exams.
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let's provide them with many to be the organizers or performers of the test. i mean, there is a specific place for this because i thought, for example, like these bank messengers that actually transfer money , but because of the security it has, there is actually no problem. no, you see, there is a method of testing that can be done at home called "version". the home or co-edition where i conduct the exams is in iran. we decided to organize some editions of our international tests, but it creates a very heavy cost for daftal, he has to install a large number of cameras around him. the online form should be controlled by the organizers. the device it is doing with its neighboring devices is a very heavy software process that
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the cost it provides is very heavy. no, we specify a place. to the extent that we can provide the budget , the circulation will be large, but on the other hand, i will tell you next year that we are trying to make our machine available. it is installed and god willing it will be installed, all imam's booklets and our answer sheet will be smart, which means that people who sit in the exam session have their own special answer sheet , there are encrypted keywords in all its pages. that this page belongs to this person and if
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he does not protect this page, he is a fraud. any form that does not protect will be claimed anyway, so we are moving in this direction to make both our paper tests smart and to have our tests in a paperless form based on a secure electronic platform to the extent that our facilities increase and we can use the device. let's involve the private sector in implementing the others, this success will increase, god willing. doctor, how many types of tests do you hold every year ? in general, last year we conducted about 179 tests, the total number of national tests. recruitment exams, international exams, all of these are together, for example, we had 9 exams last year on march 18, and the smallest number
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of an exam was 10,000 people, the largest number. there were 100,000 people, and almost counting the 2 months that we cannot take exams , it is not possible to hold part of our exams in the month of ramadan, and we are actually involved in conducting exams for about 45 weeks, and we have several exams every week , which means it is not the case that there is only one time, this national exam is a five-time exam, because each of the exams is planned independently. to be held in two days is a question that maybe you can answer or only you more expert can answer that it is not better to eliminate this exam at all
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, i.e. to eliminate the entrance exam. now there must be a logic behind it so that it can be replaced. tell me tomorrow, what do you want and how do you want to act? we now have 15% capacity, which is the desired capacity of the society. our capacity of 150,000 people is the desired capacity of the society. there are doctors, there are dentists, there are engineers. there are fields like law and psychology. these fields are fields are desirable everyone wants to participate. it means that the 500,000 people who are enrolling in the experimental field are targeting the medical field. so. you should be able to tell these apart. therefore, we have come to interfere with educational records to the extent that we can. this year, 50% of the academic record is 50.
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i think it has been done, i think that the preliminary results will be announced next week, dear ones , they will conduct a revision period for the exam and god willing , they will give us the results in august and we will start the grading process, a combination of academic reward and national exam. aligned year by year and next year, we will do a so-called ranking, everyone will act according to their own rank. we will have up to four valid test scores this year, which means that a person has four valid scores. last year's valid score
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, two valid scores this year, naturally, if they are in the same group, these four maximum scores are the maximum. . it is taken by year , it is not valid every year now, if this score has been restored, it will be turned off, and it will announce that it has not been restored. well, our letter is from the previous one, we will take it again and act on the basis of it. let's take the so-called education exam this year and take a portion of it from next year, no, it's not like that , each year is unique and we say 50. the main test is the combination of these two tests, and naturally, the whole test that we want to accept this year is based on
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the combination of the national test and the swab test. he will determine the major, which will be determined . we have an initial report card that will be our so-called basis. can i say that the report card was delayed for two weeks in our work, and you know the reason better. with a delay of one or two weeks in the middle or the first half of shahrur, it would have been better to see the children choose their majors based on course selection. the sum of these leads to the production of test results in half
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on the first of mehr, god willing , there is a difference of opinion between this year and the previous years. no, no. currently, there are no new resolutions. we have 3 regions, 1, 2, and 3. there are no changes or adjustments in these 2 regions. why? except for the attention of mostobe shariali, the cultural revolution that we have been implementing for two years, the council is obliged to review it, and they are still going to war.
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there is a volunteer, both of us are measuring and monitoring centers that want to serve the volunteers, that is, we have to say that this university is guaranteed by the government with this quality, we have quality assurance, we have quality measurement. we have the ranking system to promote the universities . it is important that it be promoted . naturally, because the process of accepting your students from the international mode, you must be able to have a device that can monitor and give credit. the organization
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will move in these two directions as an independent institution under the supervision of the president, but it has a heavy continuous work with the 3 main home ministries of education, the ministry of science, the ministry of health, and the responsibility of managing the implementation of all tests. it has these devices now, it will act in an assigned form or in a shared form, and the responsibility of the so-called validation will give value. it has multiplied and i needed it. i need to mention here our martyred president who is much more motivated than us. he followed this issue
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by saying that our country deserves to be the first in the region in this direction . naturally, they say that my work is good, this is my work, and they confirm this evaluation in an internal evaluation the internal one is done by the external evaluator, which is the evaluation organization of the national organization, which, anyway , i must mention the honorable president , you spent a lot of time on this path, put a lot of effort, approved the statute, followed everyone, helped, and alhamdulillah, the verdict was also announced. it was for me and one of the last sages that he issued them, may god protect you, and we have 20 seconds to tell us how many fields there are scholarships for this year. see, the scholarship has started from parsa, year after
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year, and the relevant institutions still have time. until choosing the field that has the capacity they want for the stock market they should announce it through the student affairs organization to the knowledge organization so that we can include it in the notebook . thank you very much. we are very successful . god willing, thank you dear viewers.
4:59 am
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5:00 am
in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. hello dear viewers , it is 5 am, sir.


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