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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 5:30am-6:01am IRST

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either we can't do this or this is very difficult, but if we organize our policy in the form of a multi-faceted complex , it will be much easier for our policy to move forward. the mechanisms that are in the shanghai group or in the brics group, the islamic republic of iran has had an effective and serious presence, for example, the mechanisms of each of these two groups, perhaps during the year that the presidency of a member country is actually a collection of maybe more than 200 meetings at the level of leaders or ministers or actually at lower levels. various issues, in fact, if you look at one point , you can give us an example, for example, the achievements that have happened during this period, now the foreign policy has made a lot of efforts to achieve it in some areas, look at how it was, for example, in the recent meeting that mr.
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last thursday, dr. mokhbar participated in the meeting of the heads of the shanghai cooperation organization at the astana restaurant, which was of great interest to other countries , especially iran, which is currently in the transition period, and the day he participated was a day before the elections. that is, hours before the second round of elections it was the presidency, a noteworthy point for me was at least that the issue was of concern to the countries present, especially the chairman of the meeting, who was from kazakhstan in the name of iran, and mr. mokhbar personally thanked him for his presence. which was approved and signed by the heads of state , one of them was the energy document, the energy cooperation between these countries, because look, for example, in the shanghai region , we have the largest energy producers, the largest energy consumers, iran and russia
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are among the largest energy producers in the world. china is one of the biggest consumers are. this energy document is actually a mechanism that can create a synergistic interaction between the supply side and the demand side. it is true that there are other groups or other players in the so-called supply of oil and gas and demand for oil and gas in the world, but these countries can have an impact in the proper due to the volume of energy exchanges they are having. there are issues related to energy in the world, now opec or non-opec or other mechanisms or other groups that exist in the so-called western world regarding energy management , so my opinion is that these mechanisms and these protocols can be very suitable grounds for actually aligning these countries in various issues. health, environment, industry, agriculture, even
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cultural and scientific issues can provide this. in fact, this weekend we have the meeting of brics presidents in st. petersburg, russia. that is, in fact, in all fields, these countries enter into a mutual interaction and this interdependence and convergence between these countries and the role that the islamic republic of iran can play in that format, will be many benefits for the islamic republic of iran and the people. mr. bagheri, in these 3 years of your activities we have seen different achievements in the field of foreign policy. look at where the sanctions lifting negotiations have reached and how much they are in line with the advanced parliament's strategic law. look at the sanctions lifting negotiations and their compatibility with the so-called strategic parliament law.
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i should say that in fact there was no friction with the strategic law of the parliament, the process that the negotiations went through, and in fact, all its provisions were taken into consideration, and this is a matter of course, that is, the law of the parliament is a framework, in any case, it is mandatory to comply with it, even in my negotiations, sometimes some demands that the other party raised when we said that this law and this are against this cannot be done, the other side had to accept it, that is, in the past 3 years, what significant measures have been taken in the negotiations to lift the sanctions? we had it, which led to the ukraine war, and this ukraine war caused a pause, perhaps the westerners thought that, for example, in the war process.
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for example, if ukraine can reach an achievement in front of, for example, their opposite party, which is russia, they themselves give a break in the negotiations, and then when something is actually achieved. they could not start the negotiation process again the end of the spring of 1401 and the summer of 1401 continued and we reached the final conclusion at the end of the summer of 1401 in the negotiations, and therefore the agreement was actually reached after the american congressional elections, which will be in the middle of november 1401 between and outside of the four countries. in addition, one should be signed, but the so-called riots that occurred in the fall of 1401 in some parts of the country actually misled the western countries, especially the europeans , and they tried to miscalculate that
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this process of finalizing the agreement they delay because they have other things in their mind but when at the end, i.e. at the end of autumn or the beginning of winter of the same year , they did not achieve any tangible achievements that they wanted, in fact they came back to the process of talks , but this time, in fact, the necessary seriousness was not observed from their side. but i would like to emphasize on this point. at the end of the speech in your presence , we had summarized the so-called talks at the end of the so-called summer of 1401, but what we are facing now is that through indirect talks. which is being done through oman, anyway, the process of negotiations in it is ongoing and that issue is actually being pursued
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, of course, because the process of negotiations is a confidential process anyway, this process may have many authors. it cannot be said again, but what i can emphasize is that the path forward in the negotiations to lift the embargo is the path forward and our effort is to remain at the same stage until the government takes office. 14th, we can provide suitable grounds for serious movement in the so-called new government, mr. doctor, we have 3 minutes , look at one issue, we are resistance anyway.
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it is a phenomenon arising from the opinion and the so-called desire of the people of the region, and this is a blessed phenomenon, so-called. it is basically the birth of the islamic revolution, this is a fact, therefore, the islamic republic of iran's approach has always been to stand on the side of the people, whether in countries where we remember the crimes committed by the terrorists in syria and iraq, the islamic republic of iran on the side of the people. and he stood against the terrorists, so now , whether it is the resistance in lebanon or the resistance in palestine, who is now standing in front of a full-fledged occupier and a full-fledged aggressor of the so-called president, his resistance the important point is that the resistance in the field, especially after the al-aqsa storm operation , achieved great success. in my opinion, the same point
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is that after 9 months, the zionists, using the most advanced weapons that the westerners, especially the americans, they provided them with a tangible result, a victory. there is a success that they can stand behind and rely on, but not achieving this , in fact, in the field of political, legal and public diplomacy, the current of resistance has actually reached a significant maturity , and they thank you for your presence. arenas they can do different things, and they can do things anyway, so that the interests of the so-called people of those countries and the people of the region can be served. to supply the resistance, so you can see that now in the process of indirect negotiations that the resistance is doing with the other side, which is america and israel, through the arab countries, now the upper hand in the negotiations is also with the resistance, the reason is that, if you remember
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, the west and the americans during the so-called time period after the al-aqsa storm proposed several resolutions to the so-called security council , in which the operation to the term al-aqsa storm is terrorist, in fact, with the efforts of the islamic republic of iran and independent countries to do this.
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a year that was not good from its spring, customs can be seen from the 30% increase in the value of exports. agricultural districts reported this spring compared to last spring. with the realization of one and a half million tons of exports, our agricultural products reached 918 million dollars, which we saw a 24% growth in weight and a 30% growth in value. the most important export goods of iran in the field of agriculture this spring are pistachios, pistachios, tomatoes and apples. during this period, a total of more than 185 million dollars of pistachios. exported from our country which has increased by 20%. tomatoes and apples
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are the second and third items of export agricultural products of our country in terms of value. from the beginning of this year to the end of june, 128 million dollars of tomatoes and 14 million dollars of apples were exported from the country. these three items had a share of more than 45% of the export agricultural products of our country in the spring season. the export of these products increased in 1402. it has been recorded that in 1402, the number of exports of our agricultural products and food industry reached 5.9 billion dollars according to the customs statistics, which is a 23 percent growth compared to 141 now it can be said that he was facing. with the announcement of the ministry of agricultural jihad, help in the return of the currency obtained from the export of these products last year in this process. creating storage capacity for a large part of agricultural goods and food industry products is not an ineffective benefit
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, which means that we can import a wider range of products in this area in exchange for the exports that we currently have in the field of agriculture and food industry . with the official membership of our country in international organizations such as brics and the signing of the free trade agreement with the eurasian economic union , new markets have been opened for the supply and sale of agricultural and food products. the economy of these five countries complementary economy means the majority of the products we produce, our industrial area, our knowledge base area , our drug and medical equipment area, our clothing area , even some of our agricultural products are badly needed by this country. it is easy to reach most of the countries where russia is the leader of these countries. export these goods to the world through iran through the southern ports of iran.
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paying attention to international standards and strengthening the country's logistics is the necessity of a bolder and more literate presence in the world markets. the private sector should like and know the interests of the countries and their standards and adapt yourself according to these components, even in the type of packaging now, a number of countries do not accept packaging with a series of colors, and many of our producers do not. he knows how to produce products according to their standards , so that the flow of pepper two years ago does not happen. some of our herbs, which are food or medicinal plants, have been in china for 65 days. we have to take him to shahid rajaei port, from there he will go to jebeli port, he will stay there for 15 days and 20 days, then it's time for the ship to come and from there he will go to china, ministry of jihad agriculture has taken steps to solve these problems and support exporters. discussion of supply. refrigerated containers, the issue of the supply of tractors, the issue of refrigerated wagons was one of the issues that we
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followed up on, and we conducted a series of interviews through sadad, the economic coordination of the government and the honorable first vice president, and we followed the cooperation of the ministry of poisons, according to the officials of the ministry of jihad. agriculture, the development of technological cooperation with the members of eurasia and berics also provides the field of intelligentization of the agricultural industry. zahra tizcheng of sedah news agency. sima, our area is a deprived area. after all, women don't have many working conditions and such they say from the turbulent days of their lives, we saw that both our landlord and my husband were almost an employee of a company, each of them was trapped in a way . there were many of us and my father could not pay for our lives . the years when they were stuck in the maze of life , but their priority was to be with their children.
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although, for example, my little baby is 3 months old. i can't go out to work because i don't get it. the reality is that i have to be by her side and take care of her. i don't want to go out because i really left my child at home for 5 minutes and then i go out. i get stressed. 3 i have a small child behind me. it is very difficult for 100 people to want to work outside. they have to spend all of their salary on daycare. it is very difficult to take the child, but with all the problems in their hearts. he wanted one thing, but we all like to have social activities, i said that he has a house, i am with him, i like to have an income, and i decided to take the burden off my father's shoulders and help my parents by working myself, and we are ready. i will make it myself until an idea brought everyone together, ms. khemi had a workshop, then
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we came and became members of the workshop, the idea of ​​forming a cooperative i formed a carpet cooperative. i did it in my own house , more than 10 to 15 women were coming to teach . after about four to five months, i realized that there are old weavers in the city, but their work cannot be organized. they all have pirosco skins . they provide carpets with woven carpets to the students. if you have the conditions, buy them. you can buy, if not , you can rent. little by little, the knots of their lives were untied with the knots that were tied to the yarn and weft of the carpet. i am helping my husband and i spend our lives now, so that the children can be by my side, i must not be a captive of the kindergarten and outside the house and all this. i was also thinking about selling carpets . i was invited to the international exhibition through the same cooperative and work department
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. they should sell the whole carpet to a merchant because their hands were in their pockets, it made them feel better , but it wasn't the only motivation to sit back . if something goes wrong, now the kids get sick or i want to do something myself, can i use the insurance services of my mother-in-law? who was one of the weavers, got cancer, he was able to cover all his hospital expenses from zero to 100 with insurance pay and draw a bright future, i think about my retirement, i think about my future, my work future. after many years , it is nice for them to remember the busy days of yesterday. first of all , i sold half of the gold i had woven, i bought a carpet for myself , i bought 6 backs , i bought a small household item. even now, for example, i don't want them to disappear. they are old, but still i had a passion for knitting
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until this year, for example, i used to spend two or three days knitting, it became my hobby and my time. it was time to sum up. the cooperative manager expressed his gratitude to his wife. i have a good wife who lives in the production was done by my colleague, he prepared the rug for me and made it himself. it will be held one month after the first appointment this weekend. well, inevitably, as it happened, we
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postponed the exam by two weeks and will hold the exam on the 21st and 22nd. let's take an exam where the youngest candidate was born in 1390 and the best one was born in 1322. our oldest is from 1322 there is one, there is a lady from kermanshah, and in 1327 there is another lady from kermanshah, we have one young person born in 1390. it is from kangavar and it is held in 1747 free and main area. do the twelfth graders have an allergy, what is this year? allergy? history of improvement. one of them was that this year 50% of the previous academic record is definitely taken into account. last year, 40% was records and 60 % was a special exam. this year, these percentages
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are equally divided into 50 and 50. now there is an exception for art and language, which is the percentages will be 28 and 72 according to the coordination with our loved ones in the ministry of education done, it has been decided that the results of the final exam of the 12th year of the dear ones who took the twenty-third exam in june 1403, that is, on the saturday after the last nationwide exam, will be announced. it took more than 50 years until, in addition to the two-step process , an academic record was included in the entrance exam and admission to universities was not dependent on passing the entrance exam. because it is an entrance exam, it should definitely be there , but it should be prioritized. that finally the exemptions that i say do not exist anymore with the green light of the supreme council of cultural revolution in 1400 .
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it made science easier for the lower deciles of society. the two-stage entrance exam is one of the best things that can happen to some students who could not study well this year. finally, we have 2 turns and our stress is less. a competition that has a definite effect of 40% on two exclusive days. it reaches 60% from the twelfth grade, so that the competition will be more fair and the worries will be less. if i don't pass, my hope is for the exam in september. we will perform in the country, god willing. now he says that it is not possible to hold an electronic test with this volume. the point that exists in the mel livoni tests is that we need to prepare heavy hardware tools in terms of cash volume, but its safety is guaranteed with detection devices. the first
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and second generations are abundant in all areas. sensitive explained sensitive areas , according to the performance and data we checked and analyzed, we felt that some areas are more sensitive. at the beginning of the second round , the raw scores and the total score of the exam will be selected in the last week of august and the final report will be published the criteria for choosing the course, which includes two stages of 1403 and two stages of 1402, those who have participated in both stages , will be announced in the first week of the first week of september, the results of the exam. it will be announced in the first half of mehr 143. hossein kashanian, sed and broadcasting news agency.
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media and communication technologies are becoming more and more complex every day. a scientific company has succeeded in producing several scientific products in the field of hardware and software of this technology. a television network needs a lot of equipment. from the moment the camera captures the image until the moment the image is received on the televisions of the audience on the tv, and they need different facilities in terms of nodal ground connection to deliver the signal to the transmitters and send it to the final audience. in china , i can say that we have about 70-80% of these equipments, we produce them domestically, the users of the products. the software of this company is not only tv channels. one of the most important softwares we have is actually media and pms, with this software we can
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actually manage any media process. where are the media processes used in any company or organization that has volume they have a lot of media files, such as audio and video networks, studios that produce media files, or any organization that has public relations units for whom digital files are actually very useful. so that iranian products can compete with the best products in the world market. the production equipment of our group is being produced according to the needs in this industry and the images must be produced in the highest quality. our products are compared to american and japanese products and compared to the companies that have them equipment in that country. they produce, i can say now because the ranges are different, some places 30%, some places 10%, some places 20%, some places maybe higher , our products are more economical to use.
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artificial intelligence will facilitate this work, it will come and tag these files , and then the public relations officer of the organization can easily find the desired file. which actually records all the audio and video networks in the country and presents the programs at the level they are tagged in different ways, for example, if you want to get a report about an organization issue , for example, in the field of hijab and af, this keyboard
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will generate a report for all the different programs that were created on that specific date. the technical knowledge produced has customers beyond the borders of iran. in terms of export, currently 50% of our company's products are being discussed for export, and we are working on exporting to asia and europe . our next plan is actually africa. and we want this market to be there which we can expand in order to become really like companies outside iran, american companies and european companies. that we are working on now, for example, the bpms field , its global market is a 70 billion dollar market, which has a growing market, or, for example, the media market in the field of artificial intelligence, a market of approximately 20
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billion dollars. which can experience an annual growth of approximately 30% until 2030. for this reason, my suggestion is that now there are various investments in iran, if they invest in this field, knowledge- based companies, in my opinion, can have something to say at the global level. the products of the scientists can be customized according to the customer's needs. islamic afrooz news agency. it didn't matter, it didn't matter, it didn't matter, it didn't matter , it didn't matter, i didn't matter.
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let's give light to our compatriots with optimal energy consumption .
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kesan payandeh mani and jabadan of the islamic republic of iran. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, may god bless muhammad and his family mohammad and ajl farjam, hello dear viewers , it is 6:00 a.m., a very powerful heat wave has arrived in iran from today, the half-life of this heat wave is 3 days, and the severity of the anomaly is estimated in the provinces of kermanchah, ilam, larestan, khuzestan, bushehr, with the aim of saving electricity consumption. .


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