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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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in order to reach that point, we must consider the point of rome that this law will be repealed in less than 10 years, but the influence of other unwritten laws and behaviors that have been present in the society has its own effect in weakening that religious culture of ours, even on the surface. we can say that, unfortunately, thank you very much , we have one minute until the end of the conversation, sir, but we have time, and then we want to present a report to the audience regarding what happened in the goharshad incident. diverse with those who logically and as i said
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wisely raise their own demands and we are seeing this issue in the world now. after one or two centuries of those behaviors that were considered to be considered civilization and the rejection of a series of cultures based on the nature of humans, now it is possible to return to civilized behavior in civilized countries . it can be said that it has been at least two decades and what what should be conveyed is that at that time it was the behavior of modernization that happened, not paying attention to the factors that can really affect the growth and development of a country . let's present the report to you 21 the silence of the city of mashhad
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is broken by the sound of continuous bullets. when he realized that we would not surrender, he started shooting from behind us. all this happened here, that is, in the goharshad mosque and near the court of imam reza ( peace be upon him). the shooting of consecutive bullets resulted in the death of more than 160 people and thus a bitter historical event. it turns out that from now on i am going to a sheikh, then i said that sheik bilureh said, after bringing here, go to the steel window , this historical crime will take place after reza khan's trip to turkey and his meeting with atatürk. i am happy and reza khan's goal is to westernize iran in the style of atatürk, his biggest obstacle is people's beliefs , why was his reza not successful. the reason is that the modernity of reza shah
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was the modernity of amrana. the only thing that reza khan did not see was the old identity of iran to change the cover and so-called self-culturalization of iran. in the second pahlavi era, anti-hijab took a different form, not openly, but in the form of promoting western culture in the country. women are seen as limited to a certain role inside the home. but on a wider level, it is used as a commercial tool, i.e. the appearance and the so-called appearance of a woman in 1957 with islamic revolution in iran hijab is accepted by the people as one of the norms compatible with the islamic spirit of the revolution, and in this history iranian authenticity and culture were established with islam. and
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the identity of the iranian and islamic identity of fatima , the holy city of mashhad radio and television news agency, peace be upon you, on the 14th of july 1361, the car of the diplomatic delegation of our country stopped while entering the city of beirut and passing through the checkpoint and the four occupants of the car despite the responsibility the diplomats they had were taken hostage by the puppet kidnappers of the terrorist regime in tel aviv and until now among these four people, mohsen mousavi ahmad metouslian taghri rostgar moghadam and photojournalist of the islamic republic of iran news agency kazem akhwan , there is still no news today and he is due to be with a gap of several days. a commemoration ceremony will be held for
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javid al-asr ahmad metouslian and us in the studio hosted by sardar mohammad reza nami jan. it is possible for you to go and tell about his character traits, before i talk about captivity, which is the final phase, in fact, the activity and effort of haj ahmed
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, i will give you a short introduction from that time when i got to know him. haj ahmed is a heroic commander indeed the islamic revolution and especially after the victory of the revolution and the outbreak of the war, to play a very special role in the holy defense, i don't have the chance anymore , to say very briefly, during his command period in kurdistan, he was really a brave, decisive and effective commander in creating the security of kurdistan. i just want to say one thing, the characteristic of this commander , in addition to the military and security forces , he had brought together the people of kurdistan, especially mariban city, the great forces with the bimi forces, with the so-called religious difference in age, now the people of kurdistan are sunni and shiite it was the
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here that unity and convergence must be established and this will happen and the kurdish muslim peshmerga in kurdistan now with the efforts of gourijerdi and haji ahmed, a very interesting and effective event will be created in kurdistan, with the help of the people of kurdistan, the security of kurdistan with those measures. which is done, it will be established that when they want to be sent to the south, that is, the native people of kurdistan shed tears because of the separation of haj ahmed from marivan city. so-called emotional connection had been established with the native people, so they played a role in the establishment of the 27th brigade of hazrat rasool, which is one of the units very effective during the 8 years of holy defense and
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during his presence in two operations in addition to the establishment of this powerful brigade that belongs to the province of tehran, in the operations of fateh al-mobin and beit al-maqdis, which was one of the major operations of iran. and the army, which actually played a role in these two operations , was really a so-called special effect. they were able to deal a decisive blow to the army with the tactics they used and capture the enemy's artillery in the fethul-mayin operation, and that was a great victory. it will lead to the liberation of north khuzestan, as saddam himself admits the back of the iraqi army was broken in the fatah al-mobin operation. indeed, the role of haj ahmad is very effective here , according to the confession of the martyr siad shirazi and the supreme commanders
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mr. rezaei and other loved ones in the jerusalem operation , as well as in the three stages of the operation that led to the liberation of khorramshahr and the south. let me tell you that khuzestan is at your service. the role of haj ahmed is really a prominent role. well, after the liberation of khorramshahr, what happens because of the greatness of this victory and the success of the zionist regime, because it had regional and global repercussions , the zionist regime launched a massive attack on southern lebanon up to the city. beirut does for under radius putting in fact this victory.
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hazrat rasool, who belongs to tehran, means that these forces are ready for war outside the border, they have completed 2 major operations of fatah al-mobin, especially beit al-maqdis , and they are completely ready both in terms of experience and in terms of preparation, and this is because of this characteristic of a brigade. hazrat rasool brigade and one brigade from zulfghar army will be selected from the islamic revolutionary guard corps. yes, these two brigades under the title of muhammad rasoolullah forces will actually go to syria under the command of haji ahmad metuslian, and the conditions that existed in syria and lebanon despite being ready to face israel i have to say very briefly here , unfortunately, due to political considerations , there was no serious will to get involved with the zionist regime, despite preparing and going to confront the
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zionist regime several times, but the regional commanders actually , due to some considerations, including the lack of will to the engagement did not take place, that's why hajj ahmad gave your return to the imam, and there the imam ordered the return of the bulk of the forces , and i would like to say to you that the famous saying is the way to cut off. the most important role of haji ahmad in this trip was the establishment of hezbollah, that is, the action movement in lebanon it was the only force that, so-called, actually had more political activities with the zionist forces, not in the military phase, but here is what was discovered : the forces with the extraordinary motivation of the lebanese shiite youth, including seyed hassan nasrallah, seyed abbas mousavi, who are the commanders of hezbollah,
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met there. haji ahmad says, "sir , put aside some of these differences and organize them under the title of hezbollah, and we will help you to defend your land against the zionist regime, and this is the starting point of the formation of hezbollah." attendance is now here. exactly that durandi haji ahmad metuslian had the kind of very detailed analysis of the issues and issues, there , before their captivity, they gave the necessary guidance , and in fact, hezbollah was formed, which today is really the equation of the region, and in fact, after the formation of hezbollah, that we the effects of the defeat in the battles that we later called the withdrawal of the zionist forces from the south of lebanon and the war. for two or three days, and after that, and even today, the desperation of the zionist regime is one of the most important situations that
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has arisen for the zionist regime, in fact, hezbollah and the resistance front that formed as a result of hezbollah and we must say that the role of haj ahmed madaz motoshlian as the first commander of the resistance front should be really appreciated, and the continuation of this movement that other loved ones, including haj qassem soleimani, who are actually continuing this process , will bring us very brilliant results. you see, i have to say about his captivity, in the last moments when the discussion came back, haji ahmed and those four loved ones who were so-called with him because of the action that had been taken, were really through the embassy as diplomats . . the military identity has been completely removed the so-called embassy forces
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were planning to go to beirut to take action against the threats that had been made and return . unfortunately, they were ambushed by the mercenaries of the zionist regime. there are different narratives that exist . there is no so-called complete situation that can be cited. we have one minute until the end of the conversation with your excellency. kurdistan having tears because he is leaving there, among the characteristics of haji ahmed, i
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would say two main characteristics, his courage , his determination, his self-confidence, there is really little doubt in the choice he made, not having the path with his determination and determination. continue the path and that faith in god and that trust in god and trust in the divine promise. at your service, getting energy from this honest and sincere relationship that they have with god means that they actually play this spiritual spirit in the form of serving the people and wherever they are, while alongside this awareness. really, those political analyses , his insight and deep knowledge about different issues really made this haj ahmad a character who
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can really be placed anywhere at any point in time and place, despite the hardships and pressures that existed. outstanding work. he left himself . thank you very much, nami, a veteran and comrade of the martyrs , for coming to the morning program studio . be with us. this land has a treasure in itself, with love, there is a bright path ahead , a bright tomorrow. we are merciful, the seal of god is not separated from us for a moment, we have the seal of iran in our chest we have a long-lasting kindness until the seal of iran
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is eternal in our hearts. this land is also romantic, so that the seal of iran is in our roots, the peace of this land is our thought, so that the seal of iran is in our roots , the peace of this land, good morning. as we told you, the second round of the national entrance exam of 1403 will start today. let's go to one of these areas to choose the entrance exam areas and join my colleague, mr. kashani. i
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told you first thing in the morning that we came here to alam and sind university in the east of tehran, out of 980 thousand people and those who participated and registered and some who could not probably get the entrance card, we came here where nearly 5 thousand candidates for the second round of the national exam 1403 participated and in this area and in this place i.e. the university of science and technology is competing with me, mr. dr. pour abbas , the head of the national measurement organization, is present with me regarding the latest statistics. i will ask him how many cards to get into the meeting and some other details, mr. doctor , hello, hello, in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful. alhamdulillah, until this morning, more than 90 thousand candidates have received their cards and the card system is still open for candidates who
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have exams tomorrow. they will give you good health and no special problem has been reported so far . we spent a peaceful night last night after the arrests of the previous day and we did not have any other cases. how many arrests did we make yesterday? it will happen because fraud is no longer possible in the work path that has been designed. today, god willing, we are at the service of our loved ones with complete peace, and we will continue tomorrow . thank you, we are with dr. sahrai
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, the minister of education . the national exam results of the twelfth grade will also be announced. thank you , doctor, we are at your service. mr. hajipour , the final result of this exam and the first exam of 1403 will be published at the beginning of october 143 . section between international brics parliamentary affairs forum, which is held in russia, mr. nikmin, what's up, in the name of god , hello to you and dear viewers, yes , as you mentioned, mr. qalibaf, the other day. in order to participate and attend the meeting of heads of the legislatures of the brics member countries , he entered the city of st. petersburg and this meeting will be held today
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. to get more information about the details of this meeting , we will try to communicate with our reporter , but first, with mr. arin rad, a researcher of international issues. we are having a conversation to discuss the importance of the brics structure with them, mr arian rad. hello and good morning to you , i would like to ask you first about the economic indicators of brics, which has caused this group to actually propose a plan to fight the unilateralism of the united states, especially in the economic field. hello , i also offer my condolences on the days of hosseini's ashura. let's analyze, because this organization is a global organization, we must
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identify the ruling systems of the world. see , since the collapse of the soviet union in 1991, the world has changed the direction of american unilateralism went, which is between 10 and 15 years from almost two years. countries, in fact, by identifying their own position with more awareness , are moving towards confronting this american unilateralism, one of the most effective mechanisms and organizations that challenged the economic dominance of the west led by the united states, this organization is actually brics, mr. arad, from you. thank you. i apologize. please don't hurt your hand because our time is short. please allow me to talk to mrs. sarkar, mrs. ali khani, who is based in st. petersburg, and until the next few minutes of this meeting of the heads of departments.
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the legislature of the member countries will start a communication with them. mrs. ali khani, greetings . i would like to ask you about the details and the presence of mr. qali baf in the city of sam petersbuk and in this meeting . in the name of god, in the name of god. hello, i am serving you and the viewers. hello reporter. yes , yesterday mr. qalibaf entered russia in st. petersburg to attend the brics summit. brics member countries are present in this summit and the most important issue the role of parliaments in strengthening multilateralism for the proposal is examined. global development and security is fair. this is the first appearance of a high-ranking official of our country at the brics general assembly, after
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iran was recognized as a permanent member of brics last year. pursuing current capacities and financial and commercial goals are the most important goals of iran, mr. qalibau. in a few hours , he will be present at the opening ceremony and will give a speech in this meeting, and will have bilateral and multilateral meetings with the presidents of brics member countries and strengthen cooperation and expansion. economic relations are the most important goals of mr. ghalib . yesterday, mr. ghalibaf spoke at mehrabad airport pavilion and said that a meeting will be held at the same time as this summit, and from countries like kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan
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, he said that he would come every day from 11 o'clock to prepare the assembly for the mourners of the martyrs. my name is ali asghar oderzai. how old are you, mr. aliasghar?
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we have a program with these stars from the children of ahlam al-asala, the group that is going to be with these stars this evening. they prepare for me earlier than me, they say there are other queues here, where there is one in the heart of every grave the unclaimed warriors of those who passed away here, like imam hussain and his infant, are resting because we can now learn about the differences between this assembly and other assemblies . there are guests of the martyrs, because
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the martyrs are somehow the truth of ashura, the truth of karbala, we have a better feeling, the closest peace and honor to imam hussain is in this place, one can work , it cannot be found anywhere else, this is a medal of honor for me to cry next to these martyrs. there is another reward here, heaven next to the graves of your martyrs fasting mostly in the heart of the first decade of muharram, in the afternoons until before the maghrib call to prayer , the 4th section of behesht zahra, the same place known as the nameless commanders, to mourn for the martyrs . a feeling
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takes everyone to zainabiya, amiri of sed and sima news agency. hi akbar, this is mr. mast. i want to tell you about my father's account. he has a lot of credit in your father's account . he pays with tara's credit. tara has a lot of credit with us. tara's credit is up to 5 million tomans for everyone. this dishwasher
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8:00 am
hello, welcome to the 8 am news. the beginning of the second round of the national exam 1403, the candidates of the groups of mathematical and technical sciences, humanities, art and foreign languages ​​will take the test today, and the applicants of the group of experimental sciences will take the test tomorrow. the arrival of the heat wave and the persistence of hot air in the next two days in order to manage the power consumption of executive devices in charadeh.


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