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tv   [untitled]    July 11, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm IRST

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in the name of allah, the merciful, the merciful, the viewer. dear fellow citizens, hello, have a good time . welcome to the economic and market news from khabar network . yesterday, the demand for electricity consumption reached an unprecedented number of 7,514 megawatts. the provinces of tehran, khuzestan , fars, khorasan, razavi and isfahan had the highest electricity consumption, according to the industry spokesperson. this year, 8.5 million electricity subscribers reduced their electricity consumption compared to the same period last year and were eligible to receive bonuses. mr. rajabi mashhadi said that based on the
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final monitoring, out of 25 million electricity bills read, 34 subscribers were eligible to receive bonuses. the spokesperson of the electricity industry announced the allocated bonus amount of 180 billion tomans and added that the electricity bills of 900,000 subscribers, equal to 11 of the household subscribers , are completely free. the managing director of tawani also said that the subscribers should set the temperature of the cooler at 24 degrees or use the remote. while reducing electricity consumption , the farmers of kander city in khorasan-razavi province succeeded in preventing the power cut of water wells in this area and damage to production by setting up a solar power plant . this power plant has a power of 3 megawatts and was built with the investment of farmers. we myself personally. 30, i had garden land because the
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wells were turned off, he wanted to cut 15 bushels of raisins , he cut seven bushels of raisins, the power cut of the agricultural wells is the concern of the producers these days. now is the time to fertilize this pistachio. the pistachio corner causes irreparable damage to the farmer . every day between 5 and 6 hours, the electricity of deep agricultural wells and other agricultural activities is cut off , this harms the production of mr. zabanakhet, deputy minister of water affairs of the ministry of energy, says that the issued permits for deep water wells , it is 200 hours for a year, and the ministry
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of energy operates based on the water exploitation license issued by the ministry of agricultural jihad. the minister of agriculture responds in this way . i am strongly against the power cut. the ministry of energy should take measures so that production does not suffer. in the year of the production leap in the ministry of agriculture, a joint committee was formed with the ministry of energy, our colleagues. they are following up to minimize these classes now some people farmers have provided a solution to solve this problem. we established the first 3 megawatt people-oriented solar power plant in the country at the level of the city district and especially kander city. we have come with these solar panels and the electricity will not be interrupted anymore, our motorized wells will be activated, and in this way we can even prevent the damage of hundreds of thousands of people, and the support of the ministry of agricultural jihad for this. the people's plan
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, what happened here today, is the basis for the jump in production with the participation of the people, in addition to the agricultural fields , there are 2 million hectares of water wheat production lands, according to the statistics of the ministry of agriculture, water trade, 52% of them are from deep wells with exploitation license will be provided. alireza shakti of sed and sima news agency. the total credit value of petrochemical products in commodity exchanges is more than 10 thousand billion. toman arrived. according to the director of development of downstream petrochemical industries , the credit currency collection of petrochemical products in commodity exchanges increased by 40 in june this year compared to the same period last year, and its value reached about 1040 billion tomans. mr. shahmirzaei said this figure was 5800 billion tomans in the same period last year. the director of development of downstream petrochemical industry also said: in april and may 14 thousand billion this year. the petrochemical product
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was offered in the capital market. the director general of the office for improving the quality of processing and developing the aquatic market said that the export of all types of fishery products increased by 40% in the first 3 months of this year. according to mr. mokhtari, during this period, 7369 tons of all kinds of fishery products worth more than 121 million dollars have been exported. mokhtari added that this amount of export increased by more than 40% in terms of weight and more than 30% in terms of value. the general manager of the quality improvement office for processing and development of the aquatic market also said that during this period, 1353 kilograms of caviar worth. 721 thousand dollars were issued in compared to the same period last year, there was an increase of 82% in terms of weight and 41% in terms of value. in an announcement, the privatization organization
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denied the claim of handing over 5 companies to the executive headquarters of farman imam. according to the announcement of this organization, the transfer process of state companies subject to transfer is supposed to take place in the capital market. the privatization organization has announced that the transfer of parsian gas, jam gas, abadan oil refining and naft design and construction company is in the final stages of the over-the-counter offering. according to this report , moghan agriculture and sanat company, after handing over to the buyer due to some problems with its contract in the year 2019 was annulled in the arbitration board, it is currently in the special audit stage, which simultaneously the process of accepting this company in fara. the stock exchange has started. the share of bushehr province reached 25% of the unloading and loading of the country's ports. according to the director general of ports and maritime affairs of bushehr province, in the first 3 months of this year, this province
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accounted for 25% of the volume of unloading and loading of oil and non-oil goods in the country with about 14 million tons of unloading and loading . mr. shakibi nasib added during this period 446. the principle of unloading and loading of petroleum products in the country was also assigned to the ports of the province. director general of ports and shipping busher province also said: during the mentioned period , 27.7 percent of sea exports and 12.8 percent of sea transit of the country took place from the ports of busher province. the export of dairy products and related industries is an opportunity to be present in global markets. participant. in the 9th exhibition of shirat equipment and related industries, they say: the quality of iranian goods is high and can compete with foreign competitors. more than 22 million dollars of exports of milk and related industries last year
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were the destination of these products in various asian, european and african countries. turkey, egypt, saudi arabia, uae, germany and a series of companies european export to. we export to the surrounding countries, even russia, turkmenistan, kazakhstan, all the countries of central asia, we have good sadats, as well as iraq , afghanistan, syria. sudan, the african country of libya , let me tell you that we export to syria and lebanon, shirad and related products that are produced in 300 trade marks with competitive quality . we
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have always used the first materials. really in both in terms of quality and in terms of design, but in order to reach a trade volume of 500 million dollars in the year of holding the exhibition, and by inviting the trade delegations of the groups of economic consultants of the countries in the region , we were able to create a space for exchanging business topics , which, thank god, so far at the moment, i think that the different visiting groups have signed memorandums of understanding, of course, they are from our neighboring countries , and we came to the conclusion that we can open the representative offices of these companies in kabul, herat, mazar, jalalabad, kunduz and hassan markets. shiralat and affiliated products already in 25 countries of the world it was exported and
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is currently exported to 10-12 countries in the world. seyyed hossein kazemnia, radio and television news agency. the value of export of goods from the customs of khorasan razavi province 15. upon announcing this news, khorasan customs supervisor razavi said that in the first 3 months of this year, more than 443 million dollars worth of goods were exported from the customs of this province. according to mr. jafari: khorasan province was razavi. the countries of afghanistan, tajikistan, turkmenistan and uzbekistan have also been the main destinations of goods exported from this province. the global gold market calmed down. the world gold price remained stable today thursday and its price was almost unchanged at 2382 dollar and 43 cents are traded. in the market.
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but the global price of oil was increasing. today in the global market, the price of a barrel of north sea brent oil increased by 62 percent to 85 dollars and 89 cents. american crude oil with 51. rudbar area of ​​this city . the cultivation area of ​​these two products is 300 hectares, which is expected to produce 4 tons of glass and 6 tons of taro from each hectare. cherries and cherries are ruby-red fruits that last a few days. harvesting of this juicy and colorful product has started in the north of damghan city.
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19 people work inside the garden from 7 o'clock until 4 o'clock in the evening. each person will receive ten boxes of eight sides hits when did you start harvesting glasso? it will be a week. this is the region of rudbar qutb , where the best quality cherries and cherries are produced in this region. last year we had a cold, this year really. in relation to operations such as
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combating pests and diseases, as well as pruning trees and feeding orchards, javad agriculture held training classes and also provided relevant recipes to the harvesters of glass and cherry in saadsiri and kohestani dibaj and kalat rudbar regions. it continues until the end of july. it is expected that this year more than 1250 tons of cherries and glas from the orchards damghan city will harvest and let the market run smoothly . we have reached the end of this news section. thank you for your cooperation . have a good day. god bless you.
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in the name of god, i greet you, the viewer. in the past one or two days , we had the trend of temperature increase in many regions of the country. in the last 24 hours , the highest temperatures that happened in the country were in bushehr province. it is noted that shabankare water of popakhsh baraz and khamaresh all have a temperature above 50 degrees. among the centers and provinces , ahvaz is the hottest with a maximum temperature of 49 degrees, as well as the city. kurd is the coolest center with a minimum temperature of 10 degrees it is a registered province. we predict
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that in the next 24 hours , we will have rains in some parts of the country, in the northwest of the country, as well as in the central alborz and eastern alborz heights, in parts of mazandaran, golestan provinces, as well as parts of north khorasan, semnan. in some parts of the southern half of the country, including the highlands of kerman province, the eastern parts of fars province, and the northern and eastern parts of hormozgan province , we are also predicting that there will be showers for tomorrow in the parts that i told you, there are still conditions for rain. . in addition to these areas in the parts of the highlands in the north of tehran and al-bard provinces are suitable for lightning storms, and strong winds are still a dominant phenomenon in the eastern half of the country, in the northeast, east and southeast of the country, areas of the center of the southern slopes of alborz, as well as parts of in the south-west of the country, we predict that
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we will have an increase in the wind speed, that the strong wind in the prone areas of your service will lead to rising, and the soil can become dust , which can again lead to a decrease in air quality and reduce the visibility and horizon in these areas. for the next three days, the eastern parts of darya oman are facing. tomorrow too the caspian sea will be rough and turbulent. regarding the temperature situation, let me tell you that for the next two or three days , we have a relative decrease in temperature in the northern parts of the country, the caspian coast, the southern slopes of elbort, and the northeastern regions of the country, and the temperature will decrease a little in these areas. also, during the next 24 hours , tehran will have a clear to slightly cloudy sky. sometimes we will have an increase in the wind speed in the prone areas and the soil will rise. yesterday, the air temperature in tehran reached about 40 degrees, and we predict that in the next 24 hours , the maximum temperature will be 39 degrees and the minimum temperature will be 27 degrees.
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to have in tehran. thank you for your support until the next part of the news.
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sanj damam nawazi is one of the ashura rituals that is in the heritage list. the sound of cymbals brings to mind the clinking of swords and the sound of horse hooves and a trumpet is played like a war trumpet
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. raw materials such as animal skin and palm tree wood are made. the components of the damam are different components, although sometimes those old damams are made from the bark of red wood they used the skin of a goat or a sheep that they recorded, and left it to dry in a place, then they shaved the hair on the skin, and with a special rope that they had planned for the job, they tied this skin from the two ends of this round stick that was right. they cover themselves and make the so-called dhamam, the thing that is played on the dhamam, the wood that is played is made of a palm stick, the palm trunk is made of wood , they shave the palm branch and that wood and shape it, and on the dhamam. they beat mirroring and drumming
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is the prelude to the main mourning ceremony for imam hussain (peace be upon him). after he came down from the pulpit i used to start sang dama to gather people, and after sanj damam sine zanieh, in recent years, during muharram days, groups of sanj damam nawaz travel to different cities of the country and perform their local and special mourning ceremonies for other compatriots. i promised to connect with imam hossein
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. we came here because our children will learn to know imam hossein. where did you come from? under the tent of imam hossein , i will set imam hossein as my example. the solution to death. thank you, peace be upon you. not at all we are bad for you, stay night and day, and god's
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grace is the end of the end of the reign of mary and your visitation of
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our king. here, here, his mahram is here, next to the sadness of the hearts , his house and his family will also wear black , all the neighbors in this device, everyone has a corner. he puts on his clothes , someone pairs his shoes, someone sweeps the carpet, someone pours tea, a small support, now something very magnificent has arrived. tofan yatar hossein accepts the love and affection of his summers.
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in the houses of my city, everyone is standing on the path of hossein they kill and grow up, thank god for this success.
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i saw a mourning shawl in every street again.
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the fight against oppression is a lifeboat for the people . anyone who joins this ship will be guided . i asked god not to take this love of hasina from me as long as i am alive. this flag is always high and the name of abi abdullah will never go from the minds to the hearts. marshe kazem dehghani news agency. yazd radio and television.
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jibreel's journey, the message of karbala , what happened to morteza ali, did you have a son, or did you have a son, morteza ali ?
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does your washing machine work? yes, it works . we used to wash by hand you didn't buy it, no, unfortunately, no, unfortunately, no , why buy household appliances at all, because i have quality , discounts, discounts, discounts, discounts, amazing discounts for all hats in the specialized reference of household appliances
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in the city of household appliances. in the name of allah, the most merciful, the most merciful, greetings and good day to all of you, dear viewers. the new quorum for electricity consumption for the fourth time this year. the general manager of tovanir smart company said that the demand for electricity consumption reached an unprecedented number of 77,514 megawatts yesterday. according to mr. ahmadi, the provinces of tehran, khuzestan, fars, khorasan razavi and isfahan consumed the most electricity . the manager.


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